The Press agrees to be tough on the Trump administration

The purpose of a free press is to hold power accountable. Perhaps we should not have turned ours over to 6 multinational corporations.

And yet they hate capitalism and love socialists. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much ...

Oh come on, the entire planet watched the US engage in socialism for the aristocracy - first under a "conservative" administration and then a "liberal" administration - with both utilizing the same "economic advisement" team. Your entire society is based on a lie.
What conservative administration are you talking about?
I don't know of one. And any conservative on this forum would like the answer.
Bush was no conservative. quite the opposite.
And Reagan was a moderate at best.
Have the press articulated why they BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION were not doing their jobs for the past 8 years?
Press encouraged to turn up heat on Trump
These propagandists for the DNC were supposed to be just as vociferous during the Obama administration.
But, NOW, for reals!!! They'll start doing heir jobs.
Did they get paid during their 8 year vacation where they were not at all doing their jobs?
Will they still give debate questions to the DNC allow them to vet articles?
Trump is a Republican.
Trump beat their girl, Hillary.
There's no liberal bias in the media.
The corporate media's agenda is to push the dysfunctional partisanshit and the divide and conquer paradigm so that societal wealth extraction may continue unabated.
I see you bought a new tinfoil hat. Congrats!
The purpose of a free press is to hold power accountable. Perhaps we should not have turned ours over to 6 multinational corporations.

And yet they hate capitalism and love socialists. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much ...

Oh come on, the entire planet watched the US engage in socialism for the aristocracy - first under a "conservative" administration and then a "liberal" administration - with both utilizing the same "economic advisement" team. Your entire society is based on a lie.

You're an idiot

The entire planet watched the US engage in socialism for the aristocracy - first under a "conservative" administration and then a "liberal" administration - with both utilizing the same "economic advisement" team. Your entire society is based on a lie.

I don't know, I just think they are liberals. Liberals are incapable of discussing anything they disagree with or even seeing another side. They can't even accurately repeat your position back to you if it's not what they think. I just think they are run of the mill liberals
The purpose of a free press is to hold power accountable. Perhaps we should not have turned ours over to 6 multinational corporations.
They didnt with Obama, Ernest mocked them and ran over them, the took it like the gay libs they are.
What a relief!!!


For a moment I thought the press was gonna be advocates for the Trump Administration.

NOW....the press is gonna become adversaries to Trump for a change....(sarcasm intended)
The press is nailing its coffin shut. Because it is so well known that the press will lie, adjust and alter the truth to fit their agenda, it is safe to ignore them.

This might be the day marked as the rise of the alternative media and the fall of mainstream media.

That's what fake news means, it's reality america, make up your own reality.
This is what happens when those who are supposed to accurately report the news instead become propaganda vehicles for the democrat party. They gave Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity an open door through which they walked. They made possible the rise of the alternate media. They believed that they could sell their souls to the DNC and get away with it, but failed to account for the internet and easy, fast communication channels they could not control. By becoming fake news, they created fake news.

The corporate media propaganda machine pushes corporate propaganda. Outlets like MSNBC and Fox/Limbaugh are all pushing the same perceptual reality, dysfunction, anxiety and mass paranoia. They merely target different partisanshithead constituencies and foment division so that the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated and relatively unnoticed.
The press is nailing its coffin shut. Because it is so well known that the press will lie, adjust and alter the truth to fit their agenda, it is safe to ignore them.

This might be the day marked as the rise of the alternative media and the fall of mainstream media.

That's what fake news means, it's reality america, make up your own reality.
This is what happens when those who are supposed to accurately report the news instead become propaganda vehicles for the democrat party. They gave Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity an open door through which they walked. They made possible the rise of the alternate media. They believed that they could sell their souls to the DNC and get away with it, but failed to account for the internet and easy, fast communication channels they could not control. By becoming fake news, they created fake news.

The corporate media propaganda machine pushes corporate propaganda. Outlets like MSNBC and Fox/Limbaugh are all pushing the same perceptual reality, dysfunction, anxiety and mass paranoia. They merely target different partisanshithead constituencies and foment division so that the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated and relatively unnoticed.
And CBS, ABC, and NBC, along with the NYT and most of the print media are right in there along with them. The point is, they made inevitable the rise of the alternate media when they sold out to the democrats.
The press is nailing its coffin shut. Because it is so well known that the press will lie, adjust and alter the truth to fit their agenda, it is safe to ignore them.

This might be the day marked as the rise of the alternative media and the fall of mainstream media.

That's what fake news means, it's reality america, make up your own reality.
This is what happens when those who are supposed to accurately report the news instead become propaganda vehicles for the democrat party. They gave Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity an open door through which they walked. They made possible the rise of the alternate media. They believed that they could sell their souls to the DNC and get away with it, but failed to account for the internet and easy, fast communication channels they could not control. By becoming fake news, they created fake news.

The corporate media propaganda machine pushes corporate propaganda. Outlets like MSNBC and Fox/Limbaugh are all pushing the same perceptual reality, dysfunction, anxiety and mass paranoia. They merely target different partisanshithead constituencies and foment division so that the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated and relatively unnoticed.
And CBS, ABC, and NBC, along with the NYT and most of the print media are right in there along with them. The point is, they made inevitable the rise of the alternate media when they sold out to the democrats.

I know you need to get a partisan angle in there, but I don't. That's not what it's about, it is about stoking partisanshit. And it obviously works.
The press is nailing its coffin shut. Because it is so well known that the press will lie, adjust and alter the truth to fit their agenda, it is safe to ignore them.

This might be the day marked as the rise of the alternative media and the fall of mainstream media.

That's what fake news means, it's reality america, make up your own reality.
This is what happens when those who are supposed to accurately report the news instead become propaganda vehicles for the democrat party. They gave Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity an open door through which they walked. They made possible the rise of the alternate media. They believed that they could sell their souls to the DNC and get away with it, but failed to account for the internet and easy, fast communication channels they could not control. By becoming fake news, they created fake news.

The corporate media propaganda machine pushes corporate propaganda. Outlets like MSNBC and Fox/Limbaugh are all pushing the same perceptual reality, dysfunction, anxiety and mass paranoia. They merely target different partisanshithead constituencies and foment division so that the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated and relatively unnoticed.
And CBS, ABC, and NBC, along with the NYT and most of the print media are right in there along with them. The point is, they made inevitable the rise of the alternate media when they sold out to the democrats.

I know you need to get a partisan angle in there, but I don't. That's not what it's about, it is about stoking partisanshit. And it obviously works.
I rightly note the partisanship of the blamemainstreet media. They by and large agree with the democrat world view, so to pretend there's nothing partisan about it is ridiculous.
That's what fake news means, it's reality america, make up your own reality.
This is what happens when those who are supposed to accurately report the news instead become propaganda vehicles for the democrat party. They gave Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity an open door through which they walked. They made possible the rise of the alternate media. They believed that they could sell their souls to the DNC and get away with it, but failed to account for the internet and easy, fast communication channels they could not control. By becoming fake news, they created fake news.

The corporate media propaganda machine pushes corporate propaganda. Outlets like MSNBC and Fox/Limbaugh are all pushing the same perceptual reality, dysfunction, anxiety and mass paranoia. They merely target different partisanshithead constituencies and foment division so that the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated and relatively unnoticed.
And CBS, ABC, and NBC, along with the NYT and most of the print media are right in there along with them. The point is, they made inevitable the rise of the alternate media when they sold out to the democrats.

I know you need to get a partisan angle in there, but I don't. That's not what it's about, it is about stoking partisanshit. And it obviously works.
I rightly note the partisanship of the blamemainstreet media. They by and large agree with the democrat world view, so to pretend there's nothing partisan about it is ridiculous.

MSNBC and Fox push the same perceptual reality bub.
The press is nailing its coffin shut. Because it is so well known that the press will lie, adjust and alter the truth to fit their agenda, it is safe to ignore them.

This might be the day marked as the rise of the alternative media and the fall of mainstream media.

That's what fake news means, it's reality america, make up your own reality.
This is what happens when those who are supposed to accurately report the news instead become propaganda vehicles for the democrat party. They gave Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity an open door through which they walked. They made possible the rise of the alternate media. They believed that they could sell their souls to the DNC and get away with it, but failed to account for the internet and easy, fast communication channels they could not control. By becoming fake news, they created fake news.

The corporate media propaganda machine pushes corporate propaganda. Outlets like MSNBC and Fox/Limbaugh are all pushing the same perceptual reality, dysfunction, anxiety and mass paranoia. They merely target different partisanshithead constituencies and foment division so that the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated and relatively unnoticed.
And CBS, ABC, and NBC, along with the NYT and most of the print media are right in there along with them. The point is, they made inevitable the rise of the alternate media when they sold out to the democrats.

I know you need to get a partisan angle in there, but I don't. That's not what it's about, it is about stoking partisanshit. And it obviously works.
Fenton can you provide the 6 companies and their properties, just the big ones
This is what happens when those who are supposed to accurately report the news instead become propaganda vehicles for the democrat party. They gave Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity an open door through which they walked. They made possible the rise of the alternate media. They believed that they could sell their souls to the DNC and get away with it, but failed to account for the internet and easy, fast communication channels they could not control. By becoming fake news, they created fake news.

The corporate media propaganda machine pushes corporate propaganda. Outlets like MSNBC and Fox/Limbaugh are all pushing the same perceptual reality, dysfunction, anxiety and mass paranoia. They merely target different partisanshithead constituencies and foment division so that the societal wealth extraction can continue unabated and relatively unnoticed.
And CBS, ABC, and NBC, along with the NYT and most of the print media are right in there along with them. The point is, they made inevitable the rise of the alternate media when they sold out to the democrats.

I know you need to get a partisan angle in there, but I don't. That's not what it's about, it is about stoking partisanshit. And it obviously works.
I rightly note the partisanship of the blamemainstreet media. They by and large agree with the democrat world view, so to pretend there's nothing partisan about it is ridiculous.

MSNBC and Fox push the same perceptual reality bub.
I don't count MSNBC as a news organization and Fox isn't part of the blamemainstreet media.

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