Zone1 The Problem Is Guns, And Easy Access To Guns

Again, it’s pointless.

Even if a large majority of Americans demand restricting access to assault weapons, and overwhelmingly elect candidates to office reflecting that demand, the conservative courts will strike down any such firearm regulatory measures – ultimately the Supreme Court; it’s a manifestation of the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
You are having trouble with comprehending rule of law. A Republic.
Again, it’s pointless.

Even if a large majority of Americans demand restricting access to assault weapons, and overwhelmingly elect candidates to office reflecting that demand, the conservative courts will strike down any such firearm regulatory measures – ultimately the Supreme Court; it’s a manifestation of the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
Wow. I made a general statement of encouragement. I'm talking about fighting back using our numerical advantage.. legally. Pick any issue, not just guns. But just for example, you suggest assault weapons. Fine. If the billionaires insist upon having scads of deranged weekend warriors wandering around in public exposing their gross penis extensions, we should return the favor by ensuring they get the same luxury treatment where they live until they get the hint. No ammo required. Just make it look like the army is following them around, escorting them wherever they go while live streaming so MSNBC and FOX can easily select entertaining clips to show on their "Breaking News"..

I also think the people are thoroughly disgusted with our SC lately. May easily switch to being far more progressive soon.. Defeatism is not an option. We're the majority. We rule. Time we started acting like it.
Previously on Ideal America..

Modern America!..
When you advocate that NO ONE needs a firearm to protect themselves, you are advocating such.
Correct, no one needs a firearm to protect themselves. Anyone wanting/choosing/owning/needing a firearm for the belief of self defence is not a suitable character to own a firearm.
Wow. I made a general statement of encouragement. I'm talking about fighting back using our numerical advantage.. legally. Pick any issue, not just guns. But just for example, you suggest assault weapons. Fine. If the billionaires insist upon having scads of deranged weekend warriors wandering around in public exposing their gross penis extensions, we should return the favor by ensuring they get the same luxury treatment where they live until they get the hint. No ammo required. Just make it look like the army is following them around, escorting them wherever they go while live streaming so MSNBC and FOX can easily select entertaining clips to show on their "Breaking News"..

I also think the people are thoroughly disgusted with our SC lately. May easily switch to being far more progressive soon.. Defeatism is not an option. We're the majority. We rule. Time we started acting like it.
Your queer faggot response is noted
Again, it’s pointless.

Even if a large majority of Americans demand restricting access to assault weapons, and overwhelmingly elect candidates to office reflecting that demand, the conservative courts will strike down any such firearm regulatory measures – ultimately the Supreme Court; it’s a manifestation of the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
US Constitution, working as intended.
Correct, no one needs a firearm to protect themselves. Anyone wanting/choosing/owning/needing a firearm for the belief of self defence is not a suitable character to own a firearm.
America kicked your countries ass over the same view you have pound sand bitch
You posted: Guns have been part of our culture since our founding. Bleeding was part of Medicine during our founding. Thus, there are better forms of medicine then Bleeding the ill.

And before guns existed in the world, the strong raped, robbed, beat, tortured, enslaved the weak.......guns changed all of that, allowing the weak, and the outnumbered to fight off the strong.......and ended up civilizing the world for women, the old, the infirm..........

Guns in the hands of good people make the world better....without guns, evil people destroy good people...
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You don't arm the other child with a stick.

And when a criminal is using a gun for rape, robbery and murder, we blame the criminal, and take the gun away...then, the democrat party releases the criminal from prison and jail on no cash bail or reduced sentences....and they use illegal guns again...

The problem isn't guns in the hands of normal people...the problem is the democrat party who gains power and control by destroying the police, and releasing violent criminals......
And when a criminal is using a gun for rape, robbery and murder, we blame the criminal, and take the gun away...then, the democrat party releases the criminal from prison and jail on no cash bail or reduced sentences....and they use illegal guns again...

The problem isn't guns in the hands of normal people...the problem is the democrat party who gains power and control by destroying the police, and releasing violent criminals......

Deterrence. I don't give a damn who you are, your race, religion(if any), ethnicity, gender/sexual preference, age, financial status, or any other way to divide people, if you use a gun in the commission of a crime whether you shoot somebody or not, you gotta serve a minimum sentence. No more of this bullshit woke crap where people are released early from prison or are not imprisoned in the 1st place, if you don't enforce deterrence then gun violence is not reduced and no new gun control laws are going to change that.
America kicked your countries ass over the same view you have pound sand bitch
America didn't, the colonies were getting their asses beaten, the French came to their rescue, you clueless Froggy Yank. You're so fucking retarded on your own history. Are you a transgender Democrat?

There's a statue of one of the colonies savours in Paris. M14 disagrees cos he's a fucking dateless retard too.
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In other words, you've just admitted that the problem is idiot tards like you without the intelligence, maturity and discipline to hold a firearm and be TRUSTED with it, just as you cannot be trusted with our elections, running our government or educating our children.
Criminals will get weapons no matter what laws
are put in place. Which will leave most people defenseless because there won't be any police to call..... they'll be at home protecting their own families.
Correct, no one needs a firearm to protect themselves. Anyone wanting/choosing/owning/needing a firearm for the belief of self defence is not a suitable character to own a firearm.
That is from my post #258 responding to "C_Clayton_Jones" reply to this statement I had made;
"So you are saying that women; my girlfriend or wife, daughter, sister, mother should not be armed and able to protect and defend themselves from thugs whom want to assault, rape, beat-up, and/or murder them."

Would seem you also agree that women, and others, should not be allowed to defend themselves.
Please apply this to yourself. If ever you are injured via a crime/assault, don't expect any of we fellow citizens to provide for the costs of your medical treatment nor the prosecution of your assailant. Should you be killed by a criminal assault, so much the better, your departure will be no great loss to humanity.
No, now tell me what plan would you give to do about gun violence?
It will take several generations to plan and do something of gun violence. It's people like you and other voters who have the idea that no solution exists and that is their strength.

The strength was written centuries ago in the Preamble to the Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
It will take several generations to plan and do something of gun violence. It's people like you and other voters who have the idea that no solution exists and that is their strength.

The strength was written centuries ago in the Preamble to the Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
There is a solution gun owners have tried to give it. Get rid of gun free zones.

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