Zone1 The Problem Is Guns, And Easy Access To Guns

AR 15s that can kill dozens of people in seconds. There is a reason guns are banned in civilized countries. You need to get out of your gun culture.
SINCE YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE TO WHAT YOU ARE TALKING stop making yourself look the fool. If you were behind a bathroom stall with a mad man with a rifle on the other side what would you rather have Sarah Brady preaching the evil of guns or a .357? At 350 yards if a group of men had AR-15's would you rather have a phone or an AR-10. There will always be people telling you what to believe. One must use the sense God gave him to believe other wise. You should maybe just believe what Joe tells you and not question the man with the golden brain. Take notes when he rambles.
Easy access to guns is not the problem or even a problem.

A case could tried to be made for Frivolous access to purchasing a gun....but all the federal forms and background checks and waiting periods really discount that plea. You also get popped for extra security screening at airports when you have a Concealed Carry Permit.

A more serious case could be made for how inexpensive some firearms have become....when the constitution was written firearms were very very expensive. It wasn't until the end of the first World War that the price actually dropped. But then Organized Crime really used a lot of these things with their non-stop gunfights in the streets. (With fully automatic weapons too)

But the second ammendment is carved in stone....get over it.
But the second ammendment [sic] is carved in stone....get over it.

SINCE YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE TO WHAT YOU ARE TALKING stop making yourself look the fool. If you were behind a bathroom stall with a mad man with a rifle on the other side what would you rather have Sarah Brady preaching the evil of guns or a .357? At 350 yards if a group of men had AR-15's would you rather have a phone or an AR-10. There will always be people telling you what to believe. One must use the sense God gave him to believe other wise. You should maybe just believe what Joe tells you and not question the man with the golden brain. Take notes when he rambles.
Rambling, oh the irony.
What is the cause of their almost zero mass shootings and low gun killings?
Don't know.
Tell me.
Be sure to allow for the fact Australians have legal access to firearms more than capable of effective use in mass shootings.
Prove your claim correct.
AR 15s that can kill dozens of people in seconds. There is a reason guns are banned in civilized countries. You need to get out of your gun culture.
Most mass shootings are done with handguns that can kill dozens of people in seconds. Again, what changed? Not the guns. until you deal with the underlying things that cause people to become mass killers, the death will only continue, no matter how good you feel about efforts to take guns away from people that will never shoot another person.
Once again, insane or a damn liar; trump only loves himself. He's Narcissistic and other Personality Disorders: Please read the links below:

Cluster B personality disorders​

Cluster B personality disorders are characterized by dramatic, overly emotional or unpredictable thinking or behavior. They include antisocial personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.

Antisocial personality disorder​

  • Disregard for others' needs or feelings
  • Persistent lying, stealing, using aliases, conning others
  • Recurring problems with the law
  • Repeated violation of the rights of others
  • Aggressive, often violent behavior
  • Disregard for the safety of self or others
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Consistently irresponsible
  • Lack of remorse for behavior

Histrionic personality disorder​

  • Constantly seeking attention
  • Excessively emotional, dramatic or sexually provocative to gain attention
  • Speaks dramatically with strong opinions, but few facts or details to back them up
  • Easily influenced by others
  • Shallow, rapidly changing emotions
  • Excessive concern with physical appearance
  • Thinks relationships with others are closer than they really are

Narcissistic personality disorder​

  • Belief that you're special and more important than others
  • Fantasies about power, success and attractiveness
  • Failure to recognize others' needs and feelings
  • Exaggeration of achievements or talents
  • Expectation of constant praise and admiration
  • Arrogance
  • Unreasonable expectations of favors and advantages, often taking advantage of others
  • Envy of others or belief that others envy you.
Trumpism is a character flaw; those who support trump and defend him are flawed.
7 years and it can't stop yapping about trump.
Firearms are now the number one cause of death for children in the United States, but rank no higher than fifth in 11 other large and wealthy countries, a new KFF analysis finds.

Guns – including accidental deaths, suicides, and homicides – killed 4,357 children (ages 1-19 years old) in the United States in 2020, or roughly 5.6 per 100,000 children. The U.S. is the only country among its peers that has seen a substantial increase in the rate of child firearm deaths in the last two decades (42%).

The problem is guns, and the easy access to guns
Come get them, liar.
What is the cause of their almost zero mass shootings and low gun killings?
What in the hell dead is dead whether it's a mass shooting or a single shot victim. People are still being murdered with guns .
AR 15s that can kill dozens of people in seconds. There is a reason guns are banned in civilized countries. You need to get out of your gun culture.

The reason they banned guns in Europe in the 1920s was to protect people from each other.....15 years later, the governments of Europe murdered 15 million of those innocent men, women and just 6 years.........

Meanwhile, in the entire 246 year history of the United States...

Gun murder...about 2,460,000....and most of those victims are criminals engaged in crime...not 15 million innocent men, women and children....

Please do some basic research before you post....
What is the cause of their almost zero mass shootings and low gun killings?

We have a country of over 350 million.........

Total number of mass public shootings in 2022?


12 people out of over 350 million....

Also, their criminals have guns....lots of fact, their criminals prefer fully automatic military rifles, and hand don't know this, because you aren't actually following crime in Europe, you are just repeating the last left wing talking point you heard on the late night, democrat party "comedy" shows.....

Read the following on Sweden.......

Barely a day goes by in this wealthy Scandinavian country without a shooting or an explosion. In the early 2000s the number of annual gun homicides in the country was in single digits and one of the lowest in Europe. Now Sweden, with a population of just over 10 million, is a country that alongside Croatia has Europe’s highest gun homicide rate. Last year there were a record 391 shootings and 63 people shot to death, alongside 90 explosions involving hand grenades and home-made explosives. Already this year there have been 71 shootings, injuring 19 people and killing 7, as well as 38 explosions.
With rising gang warfare involving guns and explosives on the streets of other seemingly peaceful northern European nations, and innocent bystanders being caught in the crossfire, it’s a part of Europe now facing an existential threat from the kind of gangland executions and creeping corruption many associate with Mexican cartels or the Italian mafia. But unlike Belgium and the Netherlands, whose massive cocaine smuggling ports have turned them into a magnet for violent international crime gangs, Sweden’s bullet-strewn crime wave has seemingly come out of nowhere.
And this proliferation of inter gang battles has been supplied by an abundant stream of guns and explosives in Sweden. Police estimate there are 3,000 illegal firearms in Stockholm alone, around three times the number thought to be in London, a city with around ten times the population.
According to police data, the most common firearm used in gang attacks is the Serbian-made Zastava handgun. Sven Granath, an intelligence analyst at the Swedish Police Authority, said more and more shootings are being carried out with black market Glocks, seen by Sweden’s new breed of hitmen as the BMW of the gun world. Guns are mainly imported from eastern Europe and the Balkans through Germany and Denmark. There is also a good supply of Kalashnikov (AK-47) assault rifles, hand grenades, powerful firecrackers and make-shift bombs made from thermos flasks packed with explosives.

‘Killing Is Simple’: Fear and Bloodshed in One of Europe’s Wealthiest Nations


This is the terrifying moment a teenager armed with an AK-47 fired 15 bullets into the home of a terrified mother and her young child in a Stockholm suburb.
In exclusive footage obtained by MailOnline, bullets are sprayed into the front door with empty cartridge cases bouncing down the stairwell, before the camera focuses on the front door riddled with holes.
A frightened mother, who lives in the block, told MailOnline: 'It was crazy. It wasn't a small gun. It was a Kalashnikov.

Sweden has seen at least 15 incidents of homes being sprayed with bullets and a similar number of bombings in the last six weeks as drug gangs, mainly from immigrant communities, battle for control of the streets.
An hour after the apartment shooting, police managed to prevent a potential murder in nearby Hammarbyhöjden.
Officers carrying out surveillance on an address linked to a man in the Dalen network are said to have begun chasing a suspicious car.
The pursuit ended with the car crashing and two boys aged 13 and 14 being arrested after automatic weapons and masks were found inside.
Local media reports that many recent attacks are linked by police to a desperate turf war between two gang leaders, nicknamed 'The Kurdish Fox' and 'The Greek'.
Gangs increasingly hire young teenagers to carry out acts of violence as they cannot be prosecuted due to the criminal age of responsibility being 15 in Sweden, compared to ten in the UK.

Teenager machineguns family home near Stockholm as gun crime spirals



As once-peaceful Sweden is grappling with a major crime wave that includes murder, gun violence and bombings, at a level unwitnessed by its peers and neighbors, the country's police chief Anders Thornberg admitted that "this is a society we don't want".​

In 2022, fatal shootings in Sweden hit a record high of 61 - six times more than Denmark, Finland and Norway combined. As the country struggles to contain the soaring crime rate, in neighboring countries, a recently coined term "Swedish conditions" has become an insult in political debate.
Nevertheless, he cautiously admitted that "there are those who claim" that immigration could have a hand in the game.

"There are those who say that it may have been because of poor integration and [the fact] that we have to deal with these vulnerable areas," Thornberg told Swedish media, alluding to a massive list of blighted and crime-stricken urban zones scattered across the country.

Outside Sweden, such areas where violence runs riot are known as "no-go zones" and even "ghettos", but the country's authorities stick to the more euphemistic "exclusion zones" or "parallel societies". The list currently features 61 entries, clouded with crime, unemployment and lawlessness.

Sweden's Top Cop Has 'No Explanation' Why Country Is Overrun with Crime - Other Media news - Tasnim News Agency | Tasnim News Agency


"Our kids are actually dying - and it's weekly. Mother after mother, after mother is burying their kids," the heartbreaking words I heard from Maritha, a mother whose son Marley was shot dead on the streets of Stockholm.

Maritha spends her time campaigning to end gun crime, whilst her son's killer is yet to face justice.

When I travelled to Stockholm for my On Assignment report, Maritha would be the first person to tell me the primary factor driving Sweden's rising gun crime murders was segregation, but she would not be last.

The headlines about serious youth violence and gang crime bring to mind cities such as London, New York and Sao Paulo.

But, few would think of or know that Stockholm, Sweden, has become one of the worst places in Europe for Gun violence.



A suspected bomb blast which tore through an apartment block, injuring 20 people in the Swedish city of Gothenburg in the early hours of Tuesday has reignited the country's debate over rampant gang violence.

Police say that an explosive device was 'probably' placed at the scene, with sources revealing that an officer who recently testified at a major gang trial lived in the building.

Prime Minister Stefan Lofven refused to 'speculate' but it's hard to blame Swedes for rushing to conclusions: more than 200 explosions and 360 shootings reverberated through their cities in 2020.


Police chiefs blame the violence on 'criminal clans that have a completely different culture' and a 'generous welfare system and trusting society can be exploited by the criminal networks.'

The country last year suffered its highest level of murder and manslaughter for at least 18 years, with 124 people killed in violent attacks. Eighty per cent were linked to gangs and 39 per cent involved guns.

Gun crime is also rampant, which BRA attributes to increased gangs, drug trafficking, and low confidence in the police.
In 2020, Sweden recorded more than 360 gun-involved incident, with 47 deaths and 117 people wounded.
After a long period of decline, gun violence steadily increased from the mid-2000s and continues to do so.
Shooting deaths more than doubled between 2011 and 2019 and now account for 40 per cent of violent deaths.
'The increase in gun homicide in Sweden is closely linked to criminal milieux in socially disadvantaged areas,' the report said.
Eighty per cent of shootings were linked to gangs, a significantly higher proportion than in other European countries.

As 'bomb blast' injures 20, how Sweden is being plagued by explosions


Sweden has gone from having one of the lowest rates of gun violence in Europe to having one of the highest, a report said on Wednesday, describing what one researcher called a "social contagion" of killings.​

The report said eight out of 10 shootings took place in a "criminal environment", with gang conflicts mentioned as one of the potential reasons for the trend. The drugs trade and low confidence towards the police in some parts of society were also cited as potential factors.

The increase in gun homicide in Sweden is closely linked to criminal milieux in socially disadvantaged areas,” the report said, noting that shooting deaths had more than doubled between 2011 and 2019 and now accounted for 40% of violent deaths.
The report said more than eight out of 10 shootings were linked to organised crime, a significantly higher proportion than in other countries, and cited gang wars, the drugs trade and low confidence towards the police as potential factors.
The report said a decline in other forms of deadly violence, including knife crime, had masked the rise in fatal shootings.
Of 22 European countries analysed in the report, data from 2014-2017 put the country in second place, behind Croatia and ahead of Latvia. In 2018 it topped the ranking, although data from some countries was not complete that year.
Last year the country of 10.3 million people recorded more than 360 incidents involving guns, including 47 deaths and 117 people injured.
Sweden is the only European country where fatal shootings have risen significantly since 2000, leaping from one of the lowest rates of gun violence on the continent to one of the highest in less than a decade, a report has found.
The report, by the Swedish national council for crime prevention (BRA), said the Scandinavian country had overtaken Italy and eastern European countries primarily because of the violent activities of organised criminal gangs.
Swedenâs gun violence rate has soared due to gangs, report says

Swedish capital sees 79% spike in shootings as govt laments ‘high levels’ of violence in the Scandinavian country
Sweden recorded a surge in gun-related violence last year, according to new figures released by the government amid accusations that authorities have turned a blind eye to rising crime in the country.
Interior Minister Mikael Damberg disclosed on Monday that 47 people were killed and 117 injured in 366 shooting incidents in 2020, marking a 10 percent increase in gun violence when compared to statistics from 2019.

Damberg noted that in nearly half of the shootings registered last year, someone was injured or killed. “We will neither accept nor get used to such high levels of violence,” he said.

The situation in Malmo, a city with a large migrant population that has struggled with gang violence, has improved, while crime is surging in Stockholm, the interior minister pointed out.

According to Damberg, the Swedish capital saw a staggering 79 percent increase in shootings in 2020.
Most of the violent incidents occurred in 60 suburbs across the country identified by police as “vulnerable” areas. Damberg said that while 5.4 percent of Sweden’s population live in such neighborhoods, they account for more than half of the nation’s fatal shootings.

In the report on Tuesday, the Swedish Television, citing statistics from the Swedish Police Authority, revealed that by November, there had been as many shootings in 2020 as during the whole of 2019.
Between January 1 and December 15, there were 349 confirmed shootings in Sweden, with 111 people wounded and 44 dead as a result, Xinhua news agency quoted the report as saying.
The death toll is close to the highest number on record so far -- 45 gun-related fatalities in 2018.
Most of the shootings, or 146, occurred in the capital Stockholm, where 23 deaths and 48 injuries were reported.
According to the police, most incidents were related to organised crime and conflicts between gang members.
Criminologist Joakim Sturup told Swedish Television that a major reason behind the worrying statistics is that automatic weapons are becoming more commonly used by gang members.

Sweden witnesses spike in shooting incidents

Shootings on the Rise in Sweden Despite Crackdown on Gang Violence, COVID-19 Epidemic

The number of shootings is increasing in Sweden, despite a national effort to curtail gang violence amid the ongoing coronavirus epidemic, SVT reported.​

The police also noted that the raging coronavirus epidemic, contrary to some people's expectations, has not had a major impact on crime. This is likely due to the fact that Sweden, unlike most European nations, has consistently avoided lockdowns. Even the flow of drugs has not been disturbed to any great extent, the police said. However, there is still a risk that reduced access to drugs may increase violence.

Crime gangs in Sweden: What's behind the rise in the use of explosives?

The frequent use of explosives is a relatively recent phenomenon, and criminologists told The Local that the blasts can be seen as part of an overall rise in violence and growing recklessness in these criminal networks.

Amir Rostami, a police superintendent turned sociologist with a focus on criminal gangs, told The Local that so-called 'street gangs' are showing an increased tendency towards violence, and that this violence was becoming more severe when it took place.

"If previously they maybe fired one shot or shot someone in the legs, today it's more about AK47s, using more bullets, hand grenades and explosions that we didn't see before. I'd say that's the biggest shift we see – they're more reckless, they don't seem to care about the consequences," Rostami said.

Fatal shootings linked to criminal gangs have increased from around four per year in the early 1990s to over 40 in 2018. And while the blasts that have taken place in Sweden have caused no fatalities so far this year, they could be seen as a sign that the gangs are unafraid of causing damage and potentially harming people.
No, Sweden, hand grenade attacks aren’t an ‘image’ problem

In 2018 there were 162 bombings reported to police, and 93 reported in the first five months of this year, 30 more than during the same period in 2018. The level of attacks is “extreme in a country that is not at war,” Crime Commissioner Gunnar Appelgren told SVT last year.
The use of hand grenades is a purely Swedish phenomenon too, with no other country in Europe reporting their use on such a level, a police manager told Swedish Radio in 2016, a year after attacks first spiked.

The grenades used almost exclusively originate in the former Yugoslavia, and are sold in Sweden for around $100 per piece. But while only three hand grenades were thrown in Kosovo between 2013 and 2014, more than 20 have been used in Sweden every year since 2015.

More broadly, homicide has risen in Sweden, with more than 300 shootings reported last year, causing 45 deaths. Though homicide rates had been in decline since 2002, they again began trending upwards in 2015, as did rapes and sexual assaults, which more than tripled in the last four years.

Of course, 2015 was also the year in which Sweden flung open its doors to more than 160,000 asylum seekers, more per capita than any other European country.

Dagens Nyheter pointed out that 90 percent of shooting perpetrators in Sweden are either first or second generation immigrants.

Only days after the murder of Karolin Hakim, another young woman fell victim to the gang wars. Eighteen-year-old Ndella Jack was killed as someone fired an automatic weapon into her flat in western Stockholm, probably aiming for her husband, a well-known figure in Stockholm’s gang scene. Less than a week after the murder, associates of Ms Jack’s husband were lured to a middle-class suburb of Stockholm, where they had been promised information about her killer. Shots were fired, missing the targets and hitting instead a taxi driver and a resident in a nearby building. One victim, also a university student, lost his sight in an eye after it was hit by a bullet

Holding Sweden hostage: firearm-related violence

Statistics from the NBHW shows that the number of individuals in Sweden injured by a firearm has greatly increased since 2009. Between 2012 and 2017, the number of individuals that were injured by a firearm increased by 50% [13]. Figure 3 outlines the number of individuals being treated at Swedish hospitals for firearm-related injuries.
International reports [1, 2], the Swedish police [12,19], and Swedish scholars [3–6,20,21] agree that the main cause for the increase in the rate of firearm-related violence is the presence of many gangs and criminal networks in Sweden.

Although gangs and criminal networks have always existed in Sweden, street gangs flourished in the late 1990s and are today considered to be one of the main security problems in the country [22–24]. Swedish gangs and foremost criminal networks have not only continued to increase, butthey have also become bolder and more violent as can be seen in their use of firearms and explosive devices as their modus operandi [3,6].

Another very important source of the increase of firearm-related violence in Sweden is the easy access to illegal firearms. Although Sweden was, for decades, shielded from firearm-related violence, mostly because of its restrictive gun laws, the easy access to illegal firearms, in addition to the many gangs and criminal networks in the country, is the main reason for the disturbing increase in the country’s rate of firearm-related violence. According to police reports, there has been a high inflow of illegal weapons into Sweden from the western Balkans [12].

Honour, debts, and prestige are serving as the pretext for an increasing number of deadly shootings that challenge the ideals of equality and social harmony on which modern Sweden was built.

Murder rose 11 percent in 2016 when compared to 2015's numbers.

Men specifically are killed by gunfire at an increased rate too - up 28 percent in that same time period.

Leading up to 2016, more than a quarter million refugees applied for asylum in Sweden, most fleeing war zones in Muslim-majority countries.​


Recent reports state that firearm-related violence is increasing in Sweden. In order to understand the trend of firearm-related violence in Sweden with regard to rate, modus operandi (MO) and homicide typology, and for which injuries and causes of death firearm-related violence is responsible, a systematic literature review was conducted. After a thorough search in different databases, a total of 25 studies published in Swedish and English peer-review journals were identified and thus analyzed. The results show that even though knives/sharp weapons continue to be the most common MO in a violent crime in Sweden, firearm-related violence is significantly increasing in the country and foremost when discussing gang-related crimes. Moreover, firearm-related homicides and attempted homicides are increasing in the country. The studies also show that a firearm is much more lethal than a knife/sharp weapon, and that the head, thorax and the abdomen are the most lethal and serious anatomical locations in which to be hit. It is principally the three largest cities of Sweden which are affected by the many shootings in recent years. The police have severe difficulties in solving firearm-related crimes such as homicide and attempted homicide, which is why the confidence and trust for the Swedish judicial system may be decreasing among the citizens. Several reforms have taken place in Sweden in the last few years, but their effect on firearm-related violence remains to be studied.

Sweden’s violent reality is undoing a peaceful self-image

Gang-related gun murders, now mainly a phenomenon among men with immigrant backgrounds in the country’s parallel societies, increased from 4 per year in the early 1990s to around 40 last year. Because of this, Sweden has gone from being a low-crime country to having homicide rates significantly above the Western European average. Social unrest, with car torchings, attacks on first responders and even riots, is a recurring phenomenon.

Shootings in the country have become so common that they don’t make top headlines anymore, unless they are spectacular or lead to fatalities.

News of attacks are quickly replaced with headlines about sports events and celebrities, as readers have become desensitized to the violence.

A generation ago, bombings against the police and riots were extremely rare events. Today, reading about such incidents is considered part of daily life.

IT WAS supposed to be a sneaky afternoon cigarette break.

Then a gunman in black appeared and shot 15-year-old Robin Sinisalo in the head.

His older brother Alejandro was shot four times. Robin died immediately on the doorstep of his home in north-west Stockholm. Alejandro was left in a wheelchair for life. Two years later, the boys’ mother, Carolina, says the police still have no leads.

Robin’s fate is increasingly common in Sweden. In 2011 only 17 people were killed by firearms. In 2017 the country had over 300 shootings, leaving 41 people dead and over 100 injured.

The violence mostly stems from street gangs running small-time drug operations in big cities such as Stockholm, the capital, Malmö and Gothenburg.

Gang members have even used hand grenades to attack police stations.

Between 2010 and 2015, people were killed by illegal firearms at the same rate as in southern Italy. Though Sweden is still a relatively peaceful place, this is worrying.

Acquiring a legal gun requires strict screening, but Kalashnikovs from the Yugoslav wars are readily available on the black market. To sweeten the deal, smugglers often throw in hand grenades (there were 43 grenade incidents in Sweden last year). The victims and perpetrators of gang violence are nearly always young men.

But shootings with illegal guns have been rising since the mid-2000s. Most gang members are indeed first- or second-generation immigrants—72% of them, according to one report, but they tend not to be new arrivals.


Sweden grenades increasing...

Hand Grenades and Gang Violence Rattle Sweden’s Middle Class

Weapons from a faraway, long-ago war are flowing into immigrant neighborhoods here, puncturing Swedes’ sense of confidence and security.

The country’s murder rate remains low, by American standards, and violent crime is stable or dropping in many places. But gang-related assaults and shootings are becoming more frequent, and the number of neighborhoods categorized by the police as “marred by crime, social unrest and insecurity” is rising. Crime and immigration are certain to be key issues in September’s general election, alongside the traditional debates over education and health care.

Continue reading the main story

Part of the reason is that Sweden’s gang violence, long contained within low-income suburbs, has begun to spill out. In large cities, hospitals report armed confrontations in emergency rooms, and school administrators say threats and weapons have become commonplace. Last week two men from Uppsala, both in their 20s, were arrested on charges of throwing grenades at the home of a bank employee who investigates fraud cases.

An earlier jolt came with the death of Mr. Zuniga, who on Jan. 7 picked up the grenade, which the police believe had been thrown by members of a local gang targeting a rival gang or police officers.


Affixed to the wall in Mr. Appelgren’s office in Stockholm’s Police Headquarters is a chart showing the increase in the use of hand grenades. Until 2014 there were about a handful every year. In 2015, that number leapt: 45 grenades were seized by the police, and 10 others were detonated. The next year, 55 were seized and 35 detonated. A modest decrease occurred in 2017, when 39 were seized and 21 were detonated.

Mr. Appelgren has watched the trend apprehensively, calling it an arms race among gangs.

“I think we’re going to see, if we don’t stop it, more drive-by shootings with Kalashnikovs and hand grenades,” he said. “They throw rocks and bottles at our cars, and they trick us in an ambush. When will it happen that they ambush us with Kalashnikovs? It’s coming.”

Sweden has in recent years seen a sharp increase in the number of shootings per capita, with research suggesting that the Scandinavian country is statistically on par with southern Italy and parts of Ireland.
In 2016, some 250 shootings (random, fatal and non-fatal) were registered by police in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. In 2014, that number came to 200, indicating that Sweden is experiencing a drastic rise in such incidents.
“We don’t really know why yet, but what we can see is that the increase comes as we also see a rise in gang-related crimes and a growing number of criminal networks,” Manne Gerell, a criminologist at Malmö University, told The Local, after Swedish public radio first wrote about new research he is involved in.
One study which is yet to be published suggests that Sweden experienced four to five times as many fatal shootings per capita as Norway and Germany in 2008-2014, two otherwise similar countries. Previous figures have shown that deadly violence in general is going down in Sweden, but gun violence has gone up.
Gerell also singled out Malmö, Sweden’s third-largest city, as the one place where shootings are becoming particularly common.
“Malmö stands out,” he said, noting that the southern city is somewhat more exposed to social problems and poverty in comparison to both the capital and Gothenburg.
“Malmö is also what we describe an ‘early adopter’ when it comes to crime. It was the first of the three cities where hand grenade crimes became more commonplace and it was also the place for the establishment of Sweden’s first biker-gangs. We don’t know whether this is to do with its proximity to the European continent or not, but it could explain why the trends seem to start there.”

New research says Sweden sees more deadly shootings per capita than its closest European neighbors, and the low number of gun crimes solved by police here may be part of the reason why.
Sweden experiences four to five times more fatal shootings per capita than Norway and Germany, according to the ongoing research from Malmö University, Karolinska Hospital and Stockholm University.
The areas with the most shootings are Sweden's major cities: Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. The victims as well as the perpetrators also tend to be younger than those in other the countries.
What is the cause of their almost zero mass shootings and low gun killings?

Britain and France.......

Police struggle to stop flood of firearms into UK

Police and border officials are struggling to stop a rising supply of illegal firearms being smuggled into Britain, a senior police chief has warned.

Chief constable Andy Cooke, the national police lead for serious and organised crime, said law enforcement had seen an increased supply of guns over the past year, and feared that it would continue in 2019

The Guardian has learned that the situation is so serious that the National Crime Agency has taken the rare step of using its legal powers to direct every single police force to step up the fight against illegal guns.

The NCA has used tasking powers to direct greater intelligence about firearms to be gathered by all 43 forces in England and Wales.

Another senior law enforcement official said that “new and clean” weapons were now being used in the majority of shootings, as opposed to guns once being so difficult to obtain that they would be “rented out” to be used in multiple crimes.

Cooke, the Merseyside chief constable, told the Guardian: “We in law enforcement expect the rise in new firearms to continue. We are doing all we can. We are not in a position to stop it anytime soon.
“Law enforcement is more joined up now than before, but the scale of the problem is such that despite a number of excellent firearms seizures, I expect the rise in supply to be a continuing issue.”

The increasing supply of guns belies problems with UK border security and innovations by organised crime gangs. Smugglers have increasingly found new ways and innovative routes to get guns past border defences.

Cooke said that the dynamics of the streets of British cities had changed and that criminals were more willing to use guns: “If they bring them in people will buy them. It’s a kudos thing for organised criminals.”

Simon Brough, head of firearms at the NCA, said: “The majority of guns being used are new, clean firearms ... which indicates a relatively fluid supply.”

He said shotguns were 40% of the total, with an increase in burglaries to try and steal them.
Handguns are the next biggest category, most often smuggled in from overseas, with ferry ports such as Dover being a popular entry point into the UK for organised crime groups:

“We’re doing a lot to fight back against it,” Brough said, adding that compared to other European countries, the availability in the UK was relatively lower.


The fully automatic military rifle is the weapon of choice for French and Swedish criminals....


Paris attacks highlight France's gun control problems

The arsenal of weapons deployed by the eight attackers who terrorised Paris on Friday night underlined France’s gun control problems and raised the spectre of further attacks.

The country has extremely strict weapons laws, but Europe’s open borders and growing trade in illegal weapons means assault rifles are relatively easy to come by on the black market.


A police investigation is underway after two people were shot dead, and a third burnt alive on Saturday evening in the southern French city of Marseille. It's the fourth death linked to gun violence this week, a phenomenon which the Mayor Benoît Payan says is out of control.

"In Marseille, you can buy a Kalachnikov as easy as buying a pain au chocolat," he said.

"This has to stop, and the Interior Minister, who is aware of the problem, must make it a key objective."
"If people are being killed by Kalachnikov rifles, it's because they are too easily sold throughout the city."

Three dead in Marseille shootout: 'guns are too easy to buy' says mayor

Reports of 'heavy gunfire' on the streets of French city of Nimes | Daily Mail Online

Machine-gun shots have been heard on the streets of a French city this evening as it was claimed a 'shootout' took place between rival gangs.

Repeated 'heavy gunfire' bursts were let off in the city of Nimes in southern France after armed men were seen in the area.

Social media videos showed several people running through the street as shots rang out at around 8.30pm.

Initial reports suggested the shooting could have been linked to gangs operating in the area.

Residents in a suburb of Pissevin district in the city claimed gang members shot at a building occupied by a rival group.

Reports of gunfire in the district have been on the rise in recent months, according to local media

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What is the cause of their almost zero mass shootings and low gun killings?

What you fail to understand is Europe was set back for about 50 years with the destruction caused by World War 2...........while the United States continued forward, they had to clear the rubble and social destruction caused by the war.........our social welfare state began destroying the family in the mid 1960s.....when our violent crime rates started to sky rocket.......meanwhile, their social welfare states didn't destroy their families until fairly recently, and now they are experiencing more and more gang crime, and particular, among the 3rd world immigrant communities that now control their drug trades....

More from France...

Shooting at a business meeting in France kills three | CNN
Three people were killed and one injured in western France on Wednesday after a man open fire during a business meeting, national police told CNN.
Police said the motive is unclear but there is a professional link between the shooter -- who is also injured -- and the company in Saint-Varent, France, where the incident took place. The town is about 366 kilometers (277 miles) southwest of Paris.
"The events happened today in a quarry in Saint-Varent, in the office buildings for a material extraction company," a spokeswoman for the national police said.

"An employee whose status is currently unknown burst into the company's administrative offices and entered a room where a business meeting was taking place."

France sends police reinforcements to Dijon to tackle Chechen violence

Chechens reportedly had traveled to Dijon from all over France and even from neighboring Belgium and Germany.

Their actions have focused on the low-income district of Gresilles which has a large community of people originally from North Africa.

On Monday evening, dozens of hooded men carrying arms and crowbars gathered in Gresilles, shooting in the air, destroying video surveillance cameras and setting fire to bins and vehicles, police told Agence France-Presse (AFP).
More guns are not a solution. Lets argue this: No one can legally have in his/her custody outside of his/her home of residence and/or in some cases, their business'.

Anyone who violates this Federal Law and is convicted serves 50 years in Prison.
Change that to no one can use a gun in a crime without serving a fifty year sentence and I will agree with you. Criminals are the problem, not armed, law-abiding citizens.
Change that to no one can use a gun in a crime without serving a fifty year sentence and I will agree with you. Criminals are the problem, not armed, law-abiding citizens.

To him, normal people are the criminals, and criminals are the helpless victims........he has something I call "Reality Dyslexia."

The Problem Is Guns, And Easy Access To Guns​

The problem is VIOLENCE, and people raised to have no morality or value on human life anymore shoved into the rat race which is now the jumbled progressive lifestyle democrats thrust upon city dwellers.

Take away the legal guns and these people will simply resort to stolen, black market guns, knives, cars, bats, or something else.

If taking away weapons resolved anger, violence andf hatred, then prisons would be the happiest places on the planet.

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