Zone1 The Problem Is Guns, And Easy Access To Guns

Last year London had the same murder rate as New York. If they don't have guns they will use knifes. If not knifes they will use rocks. That is what man does.

A few years ago the Brady Center to Stop Gun Violance put out a statement saying gun deaths among children was skyrocketing. I know knew that was bull shit so I started cheaking. The center desided to change the age one becomes an adult, 18 and change it to 26. Now that number would include most all gang and drug related shootings. How they could say skyrocketing when the number was down shows what these people will do to pass their agenda. With Dirty Joes hate of guns, at least for all but his own why does he want to ban so called Assault Rifles when they kill less people a year than hands and feet? Hand Guns kill over 6,000. The main reason for the Second Amendment was to protect us against an out of control government. We have over 2,000 government agencies for a federal government with only 35 tasks to preform according to the Constitution, 35 tasks they preform badly or not at all. Thanks to obama they are all armed, if you need a laugh that is not funny look at the government employees now armed on your dime.

When there is a federal holiday there is no traffic. That's a lot of government employees we are paying to take days off. The only thing we get back from big government is a day or two a month avoiding rush hour traffic. Unless you count all the times government agencies saved you and your love ones both time and money.

And the British police have stated they cant stop the increasing....increasing flow of illegal guns into England....the drug gangs there need more guns and they get them easily...
Sure I do. People have more money, there are more places to buy guns, more resistance to complying with common sense gun laws, and now you have a hyper aggressive group quite insistent on having no gun laws at all with political muscle to offer other but thoughts and prayers whenever there is a mass shooting.

Normal people are not committing crimes with their guns......gun ownership doesnt make normal people all of a sudden secide to shoot people.....that you think this is why we wont teust your opinions on these issues......

The individuals shootimg people cant buy, own or carry guns right now....our current gun laws say they this alreqdy.....and yet democrqt party prosecutors change gun felonies to misdimeanors and democrat judges release them with no cah bail and democrat politicians lower thw sentencing for gun charges...

You dont understand the issues, you never have
Most people go their entire lives not hearing about a single child dying from gunshot anywhere near where they live. Other people live in areas where it is depressingly common. Lots of times its "children" shooting other children in these areas, and it's usually these areas that have the strictest gun laws. You could also argue that the more affluent group actually has easier access due to having the means to buy them, but we'll leave all that out. Let's just agree, for argument's sake, that both groups have equal access to guns, and it is obvious that access does not correlate with gun deaths - any age.

This is typical liberal logic - identifying the wrong cause and crusading against it.
The problem is guns, and the easy access to guns
Hmm... that may be "a" problem, but you'd have to make the case. I

Regardless, it's certainly not THE problem. THE problem is that people are going crazy and killing schoolchildren. That's THE problem. And I doubt it will go away, or even be impacted appreciably, by regulating guns.
This is typical liberal logic - identifying the wrong cause and crusading against it.
And that often happens because of a more subtle, less highlighted problem with liberal thinking.

I don't believe the campaign to regulate guns (as a response to mass shootings) is driven by a desire to do away with the 2nd Amendment. I think it's driven by the liberal conviction that ALL of our problems can be solved via legislation. They never want to admit that there are social problems government can't solve, or problems government shouldn't solve. Problems that society needs to solve for itself, without resorting to the violence inherent in government action.
Sure I do. People have more money, there are more places to buy guns, more resistance to complying with common sense gun laws, and now you have a hyper aggressive group quite insistent on having no gun laws at all with political muscle to offer other but thoughts and prayers whenever there is a mass shooting.
Okay, so you have feelz about it. That's not hard data. Please show where laws have been changed to make it easier to get guns because NRA and reasons. That's what we're really getting at, right?

I will state this: 50 years ago it was a LOT easier to get a gun and there was no epidemic of school shootings. Can anyone factually counter that statement?
I will state this: Since guns are NOT easier to get today and we have an epidemic of school shootings, something other than guns changed. Can anyone factually counter that statement and can they provide an answer as to what changed?
I will then state the obvious: Moves to get rid of guns SHORT OF A TOTAL POLICE STATE (since we have so many guns in circulation now as well as a grand tradition of allowing for firearm ownership) will do nothing to reduce the number of school shootings for the lifetimes of all involved. Can anyone factually counter that statement? And when you say, "But we have to try. If we save even one life it's worth any inconvenience", just remember that you're gladly willing to accept the loss of tens of thousands of lives on the highways every year just for the privilege of driving fast. If no car can travel faster than 35mph, the death numbers would drop instantly. But you wouldn't do that, would you? Why not?

I will conclude with this: Demanding that law-abiding citizens be prevented from owning AR-15's to stop school shootings is nothing more than a fig leaf to make people feel better, like they are doing something constructive because they care about the children. In the process, they are completely missing the root of the problem and addressing only the symptom. "If we can stop the bleeding from this cancerous tumor for a while with a bandage, the patient will heal quickly and everything will be okay". The problem is not guns, it is the lack of mental and emotional stability, and the lack of respect for others in our young people, especially boys and young men. Note that the shooters are not 65-year-old grandmas living in the country with her husband of 40 years. until we address that problem, we will continue to have children's bodies splattered all over our TV screens, no matter what we do with guns.

Sick of seeing stories about yet another killer gone mad and dead schoolchildren? Agitate for better mental health treatments. Agitate for bringing back institutions that shaped boys into civilized men, things like fathers being present in the home ALL the time, Boy Scouts that actually taught boys how to treat elders and women with respect, even military style training that taught the value of teamwork, and again, respect for authority. IOW, all the things that we've seen driven out of society as "toxic". Getting rid of AR-15's won't do anything. Thus ends today's rant.
Isn't it funny that the ones who want to take our guns are the ones who understand the least about them.

Let's just see how Illinois turns out the next couple years, being the first state to ban assault rifles along with the fact that 90% of the sheriffs will not enforce it.

And let's see what happens with that new mayor in Chicago who is more woke than Lightfoot was.
Normal people are not committing crimes with their guns......gun ownership doesnt make normal people all of a sudden secide to shoot people.....that you think this is why we wont teust your opinions on these issues......

The individuals shootimg people cant buy, own or carry guns right now....our current gun laws say they this alreqdy.....and yet democrqt party prosecutors change gun felonies to misdimeanors and democrat judges release them with no cah bail and democrat politicians lower thw sentencing for gun charges...

You dont understand the issues, you never have
Wow could you imagine if any of that were true?

1,600 round purchase. No questions asked.
Firearms are now the number one cause of death for children in the United States, but rank no higher than fifth in 11 other large and wealthy countries, a new KFF analysis finds.

Guns – including accidental deaths, suicides, and homicides – killed 4,357 children (ages 1-19 years old) in the United States in 2020, or roughly 5.6 per 100,000 children. The U.S. is the only country among its peers that has seen a substantial increase in the rate of child firearm deaths in the last two decades (42%).

The problem is guns, and the easy access to guns
Total bullshit. Stop lying coward. Come take my guns. Please.
Wow could you imagine if any of that were true?

1,600 round purchase. No questions asked.
I've got 10 times that much. I bet that thought makes you piss you pants. Cowardly bitch.
The problem is the nihilism that has infected our schools and our young people.... when you teach kids we only have 10 years to live before the earth is destroyed by carbon and there is no God or afterlife this is what takes the place of hope and faith.....
We have always had guns but we also had faith in Gods message along with those guns....
Wow could you imagine if any of that were true?

1,600 round purchase. No questions asked.

You had 12 individuals who committed mass public shootings in 2022...out of over 350 million people......


Why on earth would there be any reason to bother 10s of millions of normal people who do not use any bullet to hurt anyone? When the local police, the local school and the family all knew about the shooter long before they went on the attack?

You are looking at the wrong you always do......the school could have pressed charges against that attacker.

This is what his parents, the school and the police should have reacted to...not millions of normal people who own guns...

He had also previously posted violent threats online.[126]

Ramos' social media acquaintances said he openly abused and killed animals such as cats and would livestream the abuse on Yubo.[128] Other social media acquaintances said that he would also livestream himself on Yubo threatening to kidnap and rape girls who used the app, as well as threatening to commit a school shooting.[126] Ramos' account was reported to Yubo, but no action was taken.[126][129]

On May 14, Ramos sent a private Instagram message reading, "10 more days". A person responded, "Are you going to shoot up a school or something?"

You don't care about the school shooting, you simply see it as a way to push gun control against normal gun owners..........millions and millions of them with lots and lots of bullets who will never use them for murder.....while ignoring the few individuals who either need help or need to be stopped.....
Firearms are now the number one cause of death for children in the United States, but rank no higher than fifth in 11 other large and wealthy countries, a new KFF analysis finds.

Guns – including accidental deaths, suicides, and homicides – killed 4,357 children (ages 1-19 years old) in the United States in 2020, or roughly 5.6 per 100,000 children. The U.S. is the only country among its peers that has seen a substantial increase in the rate of child firearm deaths in the last two decades (42%).

The problem is guns, and the easy access to guns
The problem with guns, they can kill. The problem with cars, they can kill. The problem with aeroplanes, they can kill. Etc..

But societies need guns, cars, aeroplanes etc.. So to reduce injuries and deaths, often guns, cars, aeroplanes etc.. come along with regulations and safety legalities. But take America and guns......and that's why guns are the no. 1 killer for children.
Americans have always had fairly easy access to firearms. Historically, gun control laws have been based in racism. Despite the prevalence of guns in our society, these frequent school shootings have been a more recent phenomenon. Why is that? What in society has changed?

If you can answer that question then you have identified the real problem
God has given us over to a 'reprobate mind', so we have 'broken all restraint', and 'blood (shed) touches blood (shed).
The problem with guns, they can kill. The problem with cars, they can kill. The problem with aeroplanes, they can kill. Etc..

But societies need guns, cars, aeroplanes etc.. So to reduce injuries and deaths, often guns, cars, aeroplanes etc.. come along with regulations and safety legalities. But take America and guns......and that's why guns are the no. 1 killer for children.

.and that's why guns are the no. 1 killer for children.

That is a lie........that you posted it means that you don't know it is a lie, or know it is a lie and posted it anyway....

The National Gang Center (NGC), a function of the federal government, tells us that in recent years, between 35 and 41% of street gang members are under age 18. They also note that street gang recruitment begins at age 14, when the social effects of puberty take control (as well as early onset testosterone poisoning).

Ponder that: criminology separates teens from traditional children due to changing behaviors and capacities for risk. For guns, those demarcations should be enforced as well.

The CDC table above showed that for ages 0–14, guns were not a major risk.

Hence, the inaccurate claim that “guns are the leading cause of death for children” includes teens, which means it has to include teenage street gang members.

Given what the NGC says about entry into street gangs (age 14), the percentages of gang members that are teens (minimum 35%), and that American street gangs are stupendously violent, you would expect to see gun homicides rise steeply in the teen years.

And it does. Factor in that street gangs are largely metropolitan and that gun play between black street gangs is the worst of gang violence, and the rest of this chart makes even more sense.

Guns Not Leading Cause of Child Deaths | Gun Facts


First of all, the number of firearm deaths for school-age children drops quite a bit when you do not include 18-year-olds.
Removing 18-year-olds would drop the gun death number to 28,559 — just slightly fewer than the total for the military and police.

In fact, 17- and 18-year-olds make up almost 56 percent of the gun deaths of school-age children. The numbers also drop significantly — 60 percent — if suicides are removed.
We are also wary when a single change in the data set — from age 18 to 17 — reduces the number enough that the statistic is no longer correct.

Biden’s startling statistic on school-age gun deaths


We have all the safety and criminal regulations that we need....

What you refuse to understand is the democrat party, here in the States, refuses to keep violent gun criminals locked up.

These individuals, not normal gun owners, are doing 95% of all the gun murder....

Democrat party prosecutors are plea bargaining down gun charges from felonies to matter how many the criminal has.

Democrat party judges are releasing violent criminals captured by police with no cash matter how many previous felonies for violent crime they have.

Democrat party politicians are downgrading sentencing laws to allow more gun crimes to be dropped against repeat gun offenders...

Until you understand that.......that this is the problem....not guns or normal gun really don't know much about this topic.....and post from ignorance.
The problem with guns, they can kill. The problem with cars, they can kill. The problem with aeroplanes, they can kill. Etc..

But societies need guns, cars, aeroplanes etc.. So to reduce injuries and deaths, often guns, cars, aeroplanes etc.. come along with regulations and safety legalities. But take America and guns......and that's why guns are the no. 1 killer for children.

Here......last year the CDC has record so far...73.6 million children in the U.S. in 2020

Unintentional gun deaths by gun ages <1 to 14..........from the Centers for Disease Control...



Intentional gun murder ages <1-14.....


Intentional gun murder ages 15-19.....

(keeping in mind these are majority criminals, involved in gangs, drugs and other crime.....and when do you consider an 17,18, 19 year old a child?)


Unintentional motor vehicle deaths of children 2020.......

ages ....... <1-14



2,638 you understand why what you posted is wrong?
Nope, the problem is you, and all just like you, the problem is fascist democrats, and you will soon learn exactly that later today, or this week when it becomes known who the killer is and just what motivated them to murder little boys and girls, the problem is you!
You too are either insane or a damn liar.

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