Zone1 The Problem Is Guns, And Easy Access To Guns

Why don't you move into the 21st century. Civilized countries don't have a deadly gun culture.
50 years ago in that same "deadly gun culture" you could purchase a gun from a catalog and have it shipped to your house through the mail. No one used them to shoot random school children. Today, you have to go through a background check, wait for a while, in some places you have to present an acceptable reason, all before you can obtain a firearm. People are using them to shoot random school children.

I'll pose it to you, advising that I've posed this question multiple times and never received a solid answer, just more anti-gun rhetoric:

What changed between the time you could easily obtain a gun with no questions asked but live in safety, and the time it was becoming increasingly difficult to obtain a gun and your safety was threatened? Hint, it wasn't the guns.
You're 8th grade education reveals itself yet again. :auiqs.jpg: Now get on your tricycle and patrol sector 7 over by the Orange Julius.
How about not deleting portions of a post and showing your ignorence blart
And it's called an M-16 good luck trying to buy one. 16,000- 25,000 plus class3 licences
Guns have been part of our culture since our founding as a nation
And only recently have we had this problem with mass shootings. The guns didn't change, something else did, and until we deal with that, the killings won't stop.
Jerome is a generic, fictitious character with a black sounding name. Could you not guess that from the context in which I was talking about empowering racists to deny him a weapon?
You guys are so obsessed with race, you've made up a name to refer to all people of the same skin color?

Just out of curiosity...what is the generic, fictitious character with a "white sounding" name you use to talk about white people?
You guys are so obsessed with race, you've made up a name to refer to all people of the same skin color?

Just out of curiosity...what is the generic, fictitious character with a "white sounding" name you use to talk about white people?
It seems race is all you got. You still believe the word racist has this magical power to silence anyone you use it against lol
You guys are so obsessed with race, you've made up a name to refer to all people of the same skin color?
Oh, my bad. I forgot that you insist on a very particular way of referring to a person of color when describing a scenario in which he (in this case the person is an urban male, in other cases the person could be female, in which case we would use a name that conjures an image of an urban female of dark complexion) is about to experience a racial incident. Tell us, what is your preferred way of describing such a person so we can avoid using it? Admit it, you knew exactly who I was referring to in that scenario. It wasn't derogatory in any way, so there can be no objection to it.
Just out of curiosity...what is the generic, fictitious character with a "white sounding" name you use to talk about white people?
Mike, of course. Sometimes we use Bubba. Why, did you miss the meeting? Check your memo next time to keep up, because sometimes we change it and you don't want to look like you're not keeping up.
Oh, my bad. I forgot that you insist on a very particular way of referring to a person of color when describing a scenario in which he (in this case the person is an urban male, in other cases the person could be female, in which case we would use a name that conjures an image of an urban female of dark complexion) is about to experience a racial incident. Tell us, what is your preferred way of describing such a person so we can avoid using it? Admit it, you knew exactly who I was referring to in that scenario. It wasn't derogatory in any way, so there can be no objection to it.
We're going to need a roadmap to follow that crazy train of logic.
Mike, of course. Sometimes we use Bubba. Why, did you miss the meeting? Check your memo next time to keep up, because sometimes we change it and you don't want to look like you're not keeping up.
Okay, what about asian folks? Any generic names for them?
And only recently have we had this problem with mass shootings. The guns didn't change, something else did, and until we deal with that, the killings won't stop.
Today's society is morally bankrupt.
No, this is your opportunity to pick one. make sure you're at the next meeting, though, to defend it.
Here's an call people by their name.... In Conservistan the idea has two major problems preventing adoption... First it's polite so that is a non-starter with conservatives. Clearly...the party of hate (the GOP) will never go for anything that isn't discriminatory or nice. Secondly it requires a bit of effort. Something else conservatives don't do.
Once again, insane or a damn liar; trump only loves himself. He's Narcissistic and other Personality Disorders: Please read the links below:

Cluster B personality disorders​

Cluster B personality disorders are characterized by dramatic, overly emotional or unpredictable thinking or behavior. They include antisocial personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.

Antisocial personality disorder​

  • Disregard for others' needs or feelings
  • Persistent lying, stealing, using aliases, conning others
  • Recurring problems with the law
  • Repeated violation of the rights of others
  • Aggressive, often violent behavior
  • Disregard for the safety of self or others
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Consistently irresponsible
  • Lack of remorse for behavior

Histrionic personality disorder​

  • Constantly seeking attention
  • Excessively emotional, dramatic or sexually provocative to gain attention
  • Speaks dramatically with strong opinions, but few facts or details to back them up
  • Easily influenced by others
  • Shallow, rapidly changing emotions
  • Excessive concern with physical appearance
  • Thinks relationships with others are closer than they really are

Narcissistic personality disorder​

  • Belief that you're special and more important than others
  • Fantasies about power, success and attractiveness
  • Failure to recognize others' needs and feelings
  • Exaggeration of achievements or talents
  • Expectation of constant praise and admiration
  • Arrogance
  • Unreasonable expectations of favors and advantages, often taking advantage of others
  • Envy of others or belief that others envy you.
Trumpism is a character flaw; those who support trump and defend him are flawed. just described biden, the clintons and the obamas........
Firearms are now the number one cause of death for children in the United States, but rank no higher than fifth in 11 other large and wealthy countries, a new KFF analysis finds.

Guns – including accidental deaths, suicides, and homicides – killed 4,357 children (ages 1-19 years old) in the United States in 2020, or roughly 5.6 per 100,000 children. The U.S. is the only country among its peers that has seen a substantial increase in the rate of child firearm deaths in the last two decades (42%).

The problem is guns, and the easy access to guns
I disagree, the problem is not the guns. The problem is the perpetrator and not having the laws
we have in place enforced.
Here's an call people by their name.... In Conservistan the idea has two major problems preventing adoption... First it's polite so that is a non-starter with conservatives. Clearly...the party of hate (the GOP) will never go for anything that isn't discriminatory or nice. Secondly it requires a bit of effort. Something else conservatives don't do.
Here's a clue. We're not talking about a particular person, we're talking about a member of a minority group about to encounter a racist who will use his/her authority to deny the minority member a firearm. And all you can focus on is the fact that I used a fictitious name to refer to a fictitious character. Seriously, that's what has you worked up, not the fact that you wanting someone to "ask some questions" would lead to a member of a minority facing racism that ends up getting them killed. That doesn't bother you, apparently, but it does that I used a name that in your mind conjured an image of an urban black man. Tell us, how would you avoid such a situation when you want someone to "ask some questions", by which you mean have the authority to stop a purchase?

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