The Problem With keynesian economics

The problem with Keynes is that it all goes against common sense. To borrow money and spend it during a depression goes against all that is holy. Yet the logical austerity balanced budget method hasn't seemed to work too well. FDR was for cutting the debt and balancing the budget as he entered office and ended up with the New Deal.
How many times have we heard the typical household government analogy? Would our family spend more as their income went down, that would be crazy, but the analogy doesn't hold true because the government is not a household. Households, do not tax nor print money, or shouldn't. Still when a recession/depression hits the first thing we hear is stop spending, lower taxes, raise tariffs, buy less, reduce the debt, all those common sense solutions that haven't worked. So all we have is Keynes. Of course if we follow Keynes we should pay off the borrowed money in the prosperity period, and that is a weakness not with Keynes but our politicians.
too stupid!!! government spending to stimulate the housing market caused this depression.

Too stupid!!! There is not one shred of evidence to support the idea the rising defense spending caused the housing market boom.

On the other hand, there is every manner of evidence to support the housing market boom and bust was driven by unconstrained speculative invesment.

dear, how can one speculate with money unless liberals print to money with which to speculate????????

our great newspapers and economists on left and right agree it was liberal government that caused the current depression.

"First consider the once controversial view that the crisis was largely caused by the Fed's holding interest rates too low for too long after the 2001 recession. This view is now so widely held that the editorial pages of both the NYTimes and the Wall Street Journal agree on its validity!"...John B. Taylor

" The Federal reserve having done so much to create the problems in which the economy is now mired, having mistakenly thought that even after the housing bubble burst the problems were contained, and having underestimated the severity of the crisis, now wants to make a contribution to preventing the economy from sinking into a Japanese Style malaise....... - "Joseph Stiglitz"

You may not have heard of the Federal Reserve system but it exists to inflate and deflate the currency supply through the housing market. They inflated too much for too long. This caused what they call a housing bubble. While the bubble was inflating all the big banks and many insurance companies bought bubble mortgages thinking they were sound rather than merely purchased or made possible by newly printed funny money. When the bubble deflated they all lost money on the mortgages. It would be analogous to the government making cars and giving them to GM so everyone could have a car. If GM got them by the ton and for very little money of course they would find a way to move them . This is essentially what the Banks did with the free money. In addition to the Federal Reserve System you had Fanny and Freddie which bought and guaranteed many of the mortgages so no one had to worry about them failing. Then you had CRA, FHA, Federal Home Loan Bank Board( 3% down payment loans) and several others that were designed to get everybody in their own home.

When the states tried to move against predatory lending by national banks they were blocked by the bank's federal regulator, the office of the comptroller of the currency, That empowered money lenders say Lynn Turner.

Just as significantly you had very badly conceived accounting rules that hid the problems from everyone until it was too late. Accounting rules are supposed to do the opposite, not move billions in potential liabilities off the balance sheet onto tiny footnote on the bottom of a page as happened at Citibank, or onto on sentence at the end of a 10-Q report as happened at AIG, or as generally happened with SIVs (structured investment vehicles). Then you had gov't rules from the last crisis, the Enron Crisis, the created mark-to- market accounting rules for this crisis that many believe greatly exacerbated this crisis.

Then you had the problem with the government backed ratings agencies that simply failed to rate the mortgage backed and related securities, properly. Sorry, it had little to do with Bush, but had everything to do with inane attempts by the liberal to regulate the free market!

Warren Buffett: "There are significant limits to what regulation can accomplish. As a dramatic illustration, take two of the biggest accounting disasters in the past ten years: Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. We're talking billions and billions of dollars of misstatements at both places".

Now, these are two incredibly important institutions. I mean, they accounted for over 40% of the mortgage flow a few years back. Right now I think they're up to 70%. They're quasi-governmental in nature. So the government set up an organization called OFHEO. I'm not sure what all the letters stand for. [Note to Warren: They stand for Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight.] But if you go to OFHEO's website, you'll find that its purpose was to just watch over these two companies. OFHEO had 200 employees. Their job was simply to look at two companies and say, "Are these guys behaving like they're supposed to?" And of course what happened were two of the greatest accounting misstatements in history while these 200 people had their jobs. It's incredible. I mean, two for two!

“Whatever regulatory changes are made, they will pale in comparison to the change already evident in today’s markets,” he said. “Those markets for an indefinite future will be far more restrained than would any currently contemplated new regulatory regime.”-Alan Greenspan

Courtesy A. Smith:FDR created Fannie.
LBJ Privatized Fannie - creating an "enron" like environment:
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Thanks, LBJ

Carter's Community Reinvestment Act - accelerated by Clinton - pushed risky loans:
Community Reinvestment Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clinton pushed Fannie into Subprime - the most critical mistake:
Andrew Cuomo and Fannie and Freddie - Page 1 - News - New York - Village Voice

Even the NY Times figured this out: Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending -

Bush and McCain attempted to reform Fannie on 17 occasions
Bush Called For Reform of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac 17 Times in 2008 Alone Only To Have Dems Ignored His Warnings :: Political News and commentaries :: Hyscience

The risky subprime loans fueled another layer of risk - derivatives

The LA Times reported on Clinton's "subprime" success in 1999:
Minorities' Home Ownership Booms Under Clinton but Still Lags Whites' - Los Angeles Times

"First consider the once controversial view that the crisis was largely caused by the Fed's holding interest rates too low for too long after the 2001 recession. This view is now so widely held that the editorial pages of both the NY Times and the Wall Street Journal agree on its validity!"...John B. Taylor( arch conservative, author of the Taylor Rule)

" The Federal reserve having done so much to create the problems in which the economy is now mired, having mistakenly thought that even after the housing bubble burst the problems were contained, and having underestimated the severity of the crisis, now wants to make a contribution to preventing the economy from sinking into a Japanese Style malaise....... - "Joseph Stiglitz"

If you still can't grasp what happened why not read "Reckless Endangerment" by NY Times person and see if you can say with a straight face that the crisis was not caused by liberal interference wit the free market.

Fannie and Freddie had purchased $4.9 trillion of the mortgages outstanding as of the end of 2007, 70% of which the GSEs had packaged and sold to investors with a guarantee of payment, and the remainder of which Fannie and Freddie kept for their own portfolios. The fraction of outstanding home mortgage debt that was either held or guaranteed by the GSEs (known as their "total book of business") rose from 6% in 1971 to 51% in 2003. Book of business relative to annual GDP went from 1.6% to 33%.

Sum of retained mortgage portfolio and mortgage backed securities outstanding for Fannie and Freddie (from OFHEO 2008 Report to Congress) divided by (1) total 1- to 4-family home mortgage debt outstanding (from Census for 1971-2003 and FRB for 2004-2007) and (2) annual nominal GDP.

The problem is summed up succinctly by Stan Liebowitz of the University of Texas at Dallas:

From the current handwringing, you’d think that the banks came up with the idea of looser underwriting standards on their own, with regulators just asleep on the job. In fact, it was the regulators who relaxed these standards--at the behest of community groups and "progressive" political forces.… For years, rising house prices hid the default problems since quick refinances were possible. But now that house prices have stopped rising, we can clearly see the damage done by relaxed loan standards.

Washington Post:

Fannie Mae aimed to benefit from subprime loans and expand the market for them -- and hoped to pass much of the risk on to others, documents show. Along with subprime loans, which were typically issued to borrowers with blemished credit, the company targeted so-called Alt-A loans, which were often made with no verification of the borrower's income.

"By entering new markets -- especially Alt-A and subprime -- and guaranteeing more of our customers' products at market prices, we met our goal of increasing market share from 22 to 25 percent," Mudd wrote in a 2006 year-end report to the Fannie Mae board dated Jan. 3, 2007.

In other internal documents, there was a common refrain: One of Fannie Mae's objectives for 2006 was to "increase our penetration into subprime."

In an interview, Fannie Mae Executive Vice President Thomas A. Lund said the company pursued the purchase of subprime loans in 2006 and 2007 at the request of lenders, who wanted Fannie Mae to take the loans off their books. He said Fannie Mae hoped to bring higher standards to the market, and he added that the loans helped the company in its struggle to meet goals the government had set for Fannie Mae's advancement of affordable housing.

they reflected the company's appetite for subprime and Alt-A mortgages. The company had a long and deep involvement in this market through a different form of investment.

Instead of buying the loans and securitizing them itself, Fannie Mae had invested in securities packaged by others from pools of these loans. Going back at least as far as 2002, Fannie Mae had taken on tens of billions of dollars of such securities, according to regulatory data.

Fannie Mae's investment in Alt-A and subprime securities issued by others would later prove costly. But in Mudd's January 2007 report, as he reviewed the company's business, they didn't even draw a mention.

From 2004 to 2006, the two purchased $434 billion in securities backed by subprime loans, creating a market for more such lending. Subprime loans are targeted toward borrowers with poor credit, and they generally carry higher interest rates than conventional loans.

WP:Today, 3 million to 4 million families are expected to lose their homes to foreclosure because they cannot afford their high-interest subprime loans. Lower-income and minority home buyers -- those who were supposed to benefit from HUD's actions -- are falling into default at a rate at least three times that of other borrowers.

WP: Fannie and Freddie finance about 40 percent of all U.S. mortgages, with $5.3 trillion in outstanding debt. Owned by private shareholders but chartered by Congress, they are exempt from state and local taxes and receive an estimated $6.5 billion-a-year federal subsidy because they can borrow money more cheaply than other investors. In return, they are expected to serve "public purposes," including helping to make home buying more affordable

Since HUD became their regulator in 1992, Fannie and Freddie each year are supposed to buy a portion of "affordable" mortgages made to underserved borrowers. Every four years, HUD reviews the goals to adapt to market changes.

In 1995, President Bill Clinton's HUD agreed to let Fannie and Freddie get affordable-housing credit for buying subprime securities that included loans to low-income borrowers. The idea was that subprime lending benefited many borrowers who did not qualify for conventional loans. HUD expected that Freddie and Fannie would impose their high lending standards on subprime lenders

But by 2004, when HUD next revised the goals, Freddie and Fannie's purchases of subprime-backed securities had risen tenfold. Foreclosure rates also were rising.

In 2003, the two (fanny/Freddie)bought $81 billion in subprime securities. In 2004, they purchased $175 billion -- 44 percent of the market. In 2005, they bought $169 billion, or 33 percent. In 2006, they cut back to $90 billion, or 20 percent. Generally, Freddie purchased more than Fannie and relied more heavily on the securities to meet goals.

"Although standards declined across the market, the largest and most powerful of the mortgage securitizers, the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs), remained more successful than other mortgage securitizers at maintaining prudent underwriting."


"investors. In states that experienced the largest housing booms and busts, at the peak of the market almost half of purchase mortgage originations were associated with investors. In part by apparently misreporting their intentions to occupy the property, investors took on more leverage, contributing to higher rates of default."


What is more to the facts is the lack of regulation, something within the pervue of the Federal Reserve.

"The prime example is the Federal Reserve’s pivotal failure to stem the flow of toxic mortgages, which it could have done by setting prudent mortgage-lending standards. The Federal Reserve was the one entity empowered to do so and it did not."

"More than 30 years of deregulation and reliance on self-regulation by financial institutions, championed by former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan and others, supported by successive administrations and Congresses, and actively pushed by the powerful financial industry at every turn, had stripped away key safeguards, which could have helped avoid catastrophe."

"We conclude dramatic failures of corporate governance and risk management at many systemically important financial institutions were a key cause of this crisis. There was a view that instincts for self-preservation inside major financial firms would shield them from fatal risk-taking without the need for a steady regulatory hand, which, the firms argued, would stifle innovation. Too many of these institutions acted recklessly, taking on too much risk, with too little capital, and with too much dependence on short-term funding."

"Compensation systems—designed in an environment of cheap money, intense competition, and light regulation—too often rewarded the quick deal, the short-term gain—without proper consideration of long-term consequences."

Regarding the GSE's

"The kings of leverage were Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two behemoth government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs). For example, by the end of 2007, Fannie’s and Freddie’s combined leverage ratio, including loans they owned and guaranteed, stood at 75 to 1"

"We conclude that these two entities contributed to the crisis, but were not a primary cause. Importantly, GSE mortgage securities essentially maintained their value throughout the crisis and did not contribute to the significant financial firm losses that were central to the financial crisis.

The GSEs participated in the expansion of subprime and other risky mortgages, but they followed rather than led Wall Street and other lenders in the rush for fool’s gold. They purchased the highest rated non-GSE mortgage-backed securities and their participation in this market added helium to the housing balloon, but their purchases never represented a majority of the market. Those purchases represented 10.5% of non-GSE subprime mortgage-backed securities in 2001, with the share rising to 40% in 2004, and falling back to 28% by 2008. "
"Although standards declined across the market, the largest and most powerful of the mortgage securitizers, the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs), remained more successful than other mortgage securitizers at maintaining prudent underwriting."

Was that a joke? How do you account for the $200 Billion bail out?

Fannie and Freddie were the binary financial black holes at the epicenter of the Meltdown
"Although standards declined across the market, the largest and most powerful of the mortgage securitizers, the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs), remained more successful than other mortgage securitizers at maintaining prudent underwriting."


as a liberal you lack the IQ to understand. Sure, they were more successful but they still need the $148 billion bailout they will never return whereas the the private banks did return their bailouts?

Why not read "Reckless Endangerment" to get 400 pages on exactly how Fan Fred controlled 100% of the mortgage market. THey got the
better loans because they were cheaper but they led the downward standards that themore expensive private companies had to follow and still it cost us 148 billion so far!!

who can say with a straight face that Fan/ Fred/ Fed / CRA were not a huge cause of the depression when libturd policy was to get follks into homes the Republican free market said they could not afford.

See why we are positive a liberal will slow and driven by unconscious prejudices?
The problem with that paper is that his argument doesn't really show what he thinks it shows. His argument is that it didn't have much impact because it just shifted what state and local governments did. Fair enough, but it misses the point they would have massively cut services in absence of stimulus. That creates a very different multiplier than his assumption that state and local government would have remained the same in the absence of stimulus.

Well no, his assertion is that in the absence of stimulus they would have expanded their budget deficits as usual. The same amount of spending would have occurred and services would have been retained.

Except there were in fact big cuts in state purchases. Taylor paper does not make sense because it essentially claims that states were hell-bent on cutting their services no matter what -- independent of ARRA, their fiscal position and/or general state of economy. But that is a ridiculous suggestion, why would they do that?

Actually, it make the opposite claim.
The problem with Keynes is that it all goes against common sense. To borrow money and spend it during a depression goes against all that is holy. Yet the logical austerity balanced budget method hasn't seemed to work too well. FDR was for cutting the debt and balancing the budget as he entered office and ended up with the New Deal.
How many times have we heard the typical household government analogy? Would our family spend more as their income went down, that would be crazy, but the analogy doesn't hold true because the government is not a household. Households, do not tax nor print money, or shouldn't. Still when a recession/depression hits the first thing we hear is stop spending, lower taxes, raise tariffs, buy less, reduce the debt, all those common sense solutions that haven't worked. So all we have is Keynes. Of course if we follow Keynes we should pay off the borrowed money in the prosperity period, and that is a weakness not with Keynes but our politicians.

Indeed. Sometimes the right answer is not the intuitive answer.
"Although standards declined across the market, the largest and most powerful of the mortgage securitizers, the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs), remained more successful than other mortgage securitizers at maintaining prudent underwriting."

Was that a joke? How do you account for the $200 Billion bail out?

Fannie and Freddie were the binary financial black holes at the epicenter of the Meltdown

Because even people with strong immune systems get sick during an outbreak of plague.
"Although standards declined across the market, the largest and most powerful of the mortgage securitizers, the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs), remained more successful than other mortgage securitizers at maintaining prudent underwriting."


as a liberal you lack the IQ to understand. Sure, they were more successful but they still need the $148 billion bailout they will never return whereas the the private banks did return their bailouts?

Why not read "Reckless Endangerment" to get 400 pages on exactly how Fan Fred controlled 100% of the mortgage market. THey got the
better loans because they were cheaper but they led the downward standards that themore expensive private companies had to follow and still it cost us 148 billion so far!!

who can say with a straight face that Fan/ Fred/ Fed / CRA were not a huge cause of the depression when libturd policy was to get follks into homes the Republican free market said they could not afford.

See why we are positive a liberal will slow and driven by unconscious prejudices?

That's a great argument, except that it's not true. It's really weird to claim Freddie and Fannie were driving the sub-prime market, when they basically weren't players in it.
"Although standards declined across the market, the largest and most powerful of the mortgage securitizers, the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs), remained more successful than other mortgage securitizers at maintaining prudent underwriting."


as a liberal you lack the IQ to understand. Sure, they were more successful but they still need the $148 billion bailout they will never return whereas the the private banks did return their bailouts?

Why not read "Reckless Endangerment" to get 400 pages on exactly how Fan Fred controlled 100% of the mortgage market. THey got the
better loans because they were cheaper but they led the downward standards that themore expensive private companies had to follow and still it cost us 148 billion so far!!

who can say with a straight face that Fan/ Fred/ Fed / CRA were not a huge cause of the depression when libturd policy was to get follks into homes the Republican free market said they could not afford.

See why we are positive a liberal will slow and driven by unconscious prejudices?

"remained more successful" doesn't say that the two largest publicly traded mortgage securitizing companies CAUSED the free market housing bubble.

But who are you going to believe? How about multiple pear reviewed research papers and a 663 page comprehensive investigative report with the ability to subpoena testimony.

I suspect you haven't read "Reckless Endangerment", or at least failed to actually comprehend it.

After all, you keep claiming this Econ 101 knowledge with you actually don't have.

The problem is that is was the free market that got people into houses they could not afford. That's the problem your having, you skipped the whole "market imperfections" section of Econ 101 and haven't taken Econ 201.
"Although standards declined across the market, the largest and most powerful of the mortgage securitizers, the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs), remained more successful than other mortgage securitizers at maintaining prudent underwriting."


as a liberal you lack the IQ to understand. Sure, they were more successful but they still need the $148 billion bailout they will never return whereas the the private banks did return their bailouts?

Why not read "Reckless Endangerment" to get 400 pages on exactly how Fan Fred controlled 100% of the mortgage market. THey got the
better loans because they were cheaper but they led the downward standards that themore expensive private companies had to follow and still it cost us 148 billion so far!!

who can say with a straight face that Fan/ Fred/ Fed / CRA were not a huge cause of the depression when libturd policy was to get follks into homes the Republican free market said they could not afford.

See why we are positive a liberal will slow and driven by unconscious prejudices?

That's a great argument, except that it's not true. It's really weird to claim Freddie and Fannie were driving the sub-prime market, when they basically weren't players in it.

"When the bubble burst, hundreds of billions of dollars in losses in mortgages and mortgage-related securities shook markets as well as financial institutions that had significant exposures to those mortgages and had borrowed heavily against them. This happened not just in the United States but around the world. The losses were magnified by derivatives such as synthetic securities."

What is even more interesting is how Fanne Mae and Freddie Mac managed to drive housing bubbles and non-prime lending in other countries.
Why not read "Reckless Endangerment" to get 400 pages on exactly how Fan Fred controlled 100% of the mortgage market.

Re Reckless Endangerment;

This from Forbes Magazine

"The book will appeal to extremes. The hard right will love Reckless given their belief – despite basic evidence – that the recessionary rush to housing was caused by Fannie, Freddie, and Democrats in thrall to both. The hard left will be cheered by Reckless owing to their equally dim view that Wall Street, deregulation and greed drove the housing boom. Both sides will finish the book bursting with facts and quotes that will merely confirm views already held deeply. As for those still searching for answers to explain what just happened, they still won’t know."

Book Review: Reckless Endangerment by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner - Forbes

From NYT.

“The failure to hold central figures accountable for their actions sets a dangerous precedent,” the authors say. “A system where perpetrators of such a crime are allowed to slip quietly from the scene is just plain wrong.” True up to a point — but Morgenson and Rosner don’t show that any actual crimes were committed. Their major characters surely exhibited outsize ambition and greed, but these qualities are not exactly rare in modern capitalism. Curiously absent from their book are some other prominent people who have been suspected of perpetrating fraud, like Richard S. Fuld Jr., who ran Lehman Brothers into the ground, and Joseph J. Cassano, the former head of the financial products unit at A.I.G. "
Progressives cannot admit the failure of the Stimulus.

After WWII Paul Samuelson predicted the country would fall into another Depression because of the lack of government spending. He was as wrong as Krugman but being a Progressive economist means never having to say, "I was wrong in the trillion column --again"

Yep, everybody was surprised the US didn't plunge back into Depression after WWII. And, not that I want to sound like I agree with Krugman, he did say from the very beginning that the stimulus was nowhere near large enough (if you read his blog he constantly links back to it). And if you read John Taylor's paper you'll see that the "stimulus" didn't actually stimulate anything. It wasn't used for government purchases (as is the Keynesian prescription). It was offset by states balancing their budgets and saving more.

So, to be clear, I am not a Keynesian. I just don't agree with your analysis.

People were shocked when the nation didn't jump back in to a depression after the war because they put too much stock in the structural theories that were in vogue pre-war (and are coming back in to vogue today). That's they were wrong is a pretty positive sign. It means we engage in counter-cyclical spending to smooth demand without the need for an ever-rising debt.

And Taylor is a partisan hack. His own theory suggests interest rates should be negative right now, but he spends his days moaning that current rates are going to set off a wave of hyperinflation.

People were shocked there wasn't a depression after the war?

What the frack do you base that on?
And Taylor is a partisan hack. His own theory suggests interest rates should be negative right now, but he spends his days moaning that current rates are going to set off a wave of hyperinflation.

Oh I'm well aware that Taylor thinks some crazy shit, but this paper is sound. Here's the link if you want to check it out for yourself.

The problem with that paper is that his argument doesn't really show what he thinks it shows. His argument is that it didn't have much impact because it just shifted what state and local governments did. Fair enough, but it misses the point they would have massively cut services in absence of stimulus. That creates a very different multiplier than his assumption that state and local government would have remained the same in the absence of stimulus.

The purpose of a Keynesian stimulus is to create new spending, not to continue old spending. The purpose of the Obama stimulus was to continue old spending until the economy inevitably recovered so he could take credit for it.

Thanks for admitting that, under Keynes theories, the stimulus was a failure. Thanks for also proving that, under Obama's theory, it was more than a failure.
Except that state and local governments largely don't have the ability to find their budgets via borrowing. Hence why even more liberal states have been slashing budgets all over the place.

Funny thing, they are still slashing budgets even though revenue is up. Under your explanation they should be increasing spending.
The problem with that paper is that his argument doesn't really show what he thinks it shows. His argument is that it didn't have much impact because it just shifted what state and local governments did. Fair enough, but it misses the point they would have massively cut services in absence of stimulus. That creates a very different multiplier than his assumption that state and local government would have remained the same in the absence of stimulus.

Well no, his assertion is that in the absence of stimulus they would have expanded their budget deficits as usual. The same amount of spending would have occurred and services would have been retained.

Except there were in fact big cuts in state purchases. Taylor paper does not make sense because it essentially claims that states were hell-bent on cutting their services no matter what -- independent of ARRA, their fiscal position and/or general state of economy. But that is a ridiculous suggestion, why would they do that?

Because they figured out that they were spending too much?
"Although standards declined across the market, the largest and most powerful of the mortgage securitizers, the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs), remained more successful than other mortgage securitizers at maintaining prudent underwriting."

Was that a joke? How do you account for the $200 Billion bail out?

Fannie and Freddie were the binary financial black holes at the epicenter of the Meltdown

Because even people with strong immune systems get sick during an outbreak of plague.

Not all of them.
Re Reckless Endangerment;

This from Forbes Magazine

"The authors would of course have us believe that an unholy alliance of government and Wall Street was the driver of the boom, but the problem with this facile assertion is that skyrocketing home prices in the decade just passed were hardly unique to the United States. Housing boomed in Australia, Spain, and Ireland to name but three non-U.S. countries, plus it roared upward in Canada and England despite the fact that England abolished its mortgage deduction in the ‘80s (on page 3 the authors explained our deduction as a major driver of the boom), and in Canada it’s incredibly difficult to secure a loan to purchase a home."

Book Review: Reckless Endangerment by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner - Forbes


This, from Forbes, is a new idea for me..

"Specifically, the authors left out President George W. Bush, and his Treasury Department that reversed the Reagan/Clinton strong-dollar policies in favor of extreme dollar weakness.

As history has regularly shown, from post-WWI Germany, to England and the U.S. in the ‘70s (despite skyrocketing rates of interest), to the decade just completed, when money loses value commodity-like assets including housing tend to rise, particularly in nominal terms. Housing is not gold-like in the sense that gold priced in all currencies tends to rise when currencies decline in value, but the historical correlation between commodity spikes and nominal housing health is very real, and was there during the Bush years for all to see.

Much as housing exploded during the devaluationist presidencies of Nixon and Carter, so did it boom during the Bush years when the dollar declined in value. And the reason the housing boom was global in nature has to do with the sad reality that when we devalue in the United States, it’s always and everywhere a worldwide event. Though the Euro, Aussie and Canadian dollars and the British Pound all rose against the greenback during Bush’s presidency, those increases masked the fact that the aforementioned currencies were in rapid decline against the most credible measure of value we have in the world: gold"

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