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The problem with Republicans

InfitiasFatalis said:
that doesnt answer my question

it just states the typical line that all and every thing not republican is wrong and all and everything republican is right. but i do respect that it is your opinion so do not think i dont and try not to spin a coment i made to some one else who stated an opinion with no reason why, to mean i wouldnt respect their opinion if they had given reasoning why.

and please id like some reasoning one could find in a text book or from a person who studies history or polotics not just the basic liberal or conservative party line thats why so many people in this country are dissalusioned with the gov and the major parties.

Get over yourself. I think Republicans have been the most critical of Bush on the issues that have substance. Instead of whining over Bush lieing about war or stealing an election, the Republicans have been arguing about over spending on programs like the Medicare entitlement or the lack of sufficient border control for illegals. Instead of focusing on imaginary wrongdoings and dragging this country down like the Democratic party has done for the last 4 years, we have been trying to keep Bush honest about things that actually affect this country.

Your obviously apathetic to the whole thing but your lack of understanding of the situation just leaves me to believe that you too are a victim of your on criticism. You believe one spin over another. If you pay attention to whats been going on, you'll realize that one party has driven its campaign on hatred and pessimism. One party has consistently shown that this country is heading to 3rd world status unless we beg of their help to save us poor bastards. One party has been completely arrogant the whole way in thinking that the unwashed masses need them to live our lives for us. The spin is in full cycle this time of year during an election. You have to truly pay attention to what you believe in.

If you stop to read more than half the posts made on this forum over the last 2 years, you'll realize that we as a group are very diverse. We agree on certain things and not on others. Most of us are conservative, some more than others. Does that mean we follow party lines off the cliff? Hell freakin no!!

Conservatives such as Hannity and Rush have been very critical of Bush over the last 4 years, but they have given him credit on the things he has done right. They have also credited Democrats when they have done the right thing such as Zell miller, Ed Koch and Joe Lieberman. Where have any Democrats praised Republicans except when they misquote John McCain?

Terrible inconsistent to say "Republicans can do no wrong in their eyes" when the opposing party is the one feeding you the information.
NightTrain said:
Well, InfitiasFatalis, since you failed to reply to my question, I thought I'd do some research myself as to where this little beaut originated from.

Google turned up one hit :


Hey, what's in a name? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

However, it appears that the original name of the article is "We’re Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore" and was posted at http://www.inthesetimes.com/site/main/article/979/

Very impressive. They even give Kerry and Democrats Eight Ways To Build a Better Body Politic. I especially enjoyed how Neoconservatives And Zionists Are Plotting A Change In Iran.

Agian i did not get this from that site and im sure thats not the only place it is published but of course they would put it there. and i repeat i do not agree with the article in full just trying to say there are belligerents on both sides....sorry to have failed you again master(now thats hyperbole) :bang3:

and the second web site you posted has advertisments for both sides of the plolitical spectrum.
Fear is the path to the conservative side of the force. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. -Master Yoda
Ok ok, which moderator hacked my shit and changed my signature.

Veeeeeery funny...

or maybe it was Ashcroft :eek:
insein said:
Get over yourself. I think Republicans have been the most critical of Bush on the issues that have substance. Instead of whining over Bush lieing about war or stealing an election, the Republicans have been arguing about over spending on programs like the Medicare entitlement or the lack of sufficient border control for illegals. Instead of focusing on imaginary wrongdoings and dragging this country down like the Democratic party has done for the last 4 years, we have been trying to keep Bush honest about things that actually affect this country.

Your obviously apathetic to the whole thing but your lack of understanding of the situation just leaves me to believe that you too are a victim of your on criticism. You believe one spin over another. If you pay attention to whats been going on, you'll realize that one party has driven its campaign on hatred and pessimism. One party has consistently shown that this country is heading to 3rd world status unless we beg of their help to save us poor bastards. One party has been completely arrogant the whole way in thinking that the unwashed masses need them to live our lives for us. The spin is in full cycle this time of year during an election. You have to truly pay attention to what you believe in.

If you stop to read more than half the posts made on this forum over the last 2 years, you'll realize that we as a group are very diverse. We agree on certain things and not on others. Most of us are conservative, some more than others. Does that mean we follow party lines off the cliff? Hell freakin no!!

Conservatives such as Hannity and Rush have been very critical of Bush over the last 4 years, but they have given him credit on the things he has done right. They have also credited Democrats when they have done the right thing such as Zell miller, Ed Koch and Joe Lieberman. Where have any Democrats praised Republicans except when they misquote John McCain?

Terrible inconsistent to say "Republicans can do no wrong in their eyes" when the opposing party is the one feeding you the information.
thanks for your interpritation of what i said.
and if you havent caught on yet i know the dems are not the answer
and that not all republicans are bad ive repeatedly said this byt you insist on taking what i say and then changing what i mean. Im sure its partly because i havent been fully clear and am not a professionall pollitical writer thats why i started posting here to hear you guys opinions not to have my attempts bashed. and it feels to me that your insulting my intelligence and beliefe ive but together by listening to both sides rather than giveing me reasons to want to understand yours.
InfitiasFatalis said:
thanks for your interpritation of what i said.
and if you havent caught on yet i know the dems are not the answer
and that not all republicans are bad ive repeatedly said this byt you insist on taking what i say and then changing what i mean. Im sure its partly because i havent been fully clear and am not a professionall pollitical writer thats why i started posting here to hear you guys opinions not to have my attempts bashed. and it feels to me that your insulting my intelligence and beliefe ive but together by listening to both sides rather than giveing me reasons to want to understand yours.

If that is truly your intention, Infitias, then you should do yourself a favor and not post something like this looking for feedback. This author clearly has an agenda and I'm sure everyone else besides me knew it within 3 seconds of reading it. Finishing it was tedious because he's so full of bullshit. It's hard not to jump on something like this with both feet and you won't get anything but controversy by posting it.

If you truly want to understand where someone is coming from, the best course would be to simply start a thread with an honest question from yourself. You'll find that most people here are more than willing to share their opinions and experiences openly without being aggressive - IF it's an honest question and not something that liberals love to drag over from MoveOn.

Just a suggestion.
NightTrain said:
If that is truly your intention, Infitias, then you should do yourself a favor and not post something like this looking for feedback. This author clearly has an agenda and I'm sure everyone else besides me knew it within 3 seconds of reading it. Finishing it was tedious because he's so full of bullshit. It's hard not to jump on something like this with both feet and you won't get anything but controversy by posting it.

If you truly want to understand where someone is coming from, the best course would be to simply start a thread with an honest question from yourself. You'll find that most people here are more than willing to share their opinions and experiences openly without being aggressive - IF it's an honest question and not something that liberals love to drag over from MoveOn.

Just a suggestion.
i will take your advice to heart and thanks for the patince im new at this forum thing i now know the starting a fire to bring people to the picnic wont work.

There was quite a bit of hate-mongering in there. (Lots of adjectives too.)

This is one of those pieces where you could write a book refuting all the crap it spews - and still have enough material left over for Volume 2. In other words, a complete pantload.

I wasn't a fan of GWB in 2000 and I still am not. I commend his actions in Afghanistan and in exposing the vapid natue of the UN. The spending and loose borders would be near the top of my list as to his bad points.

Honestly, if the Dems put a man of any charachter on the ticket who would honestly stand up for the citizens of this country and was not, in essence, promising to tax us into prosperity, then I might be tempted to vote for him. But they haven't so I'll be voting for W.

Aside from defense, IMO, W is a rather mediocre president. But he does have elements of real character and will get my vote.

Even though I'm not a big fan of Bush, I have placed Bush bumper stickers on my car and my motorcycle, something I've never done before - solely for the purpose of irking people who believe even 1% of the crap in your post. I've even taken to wearing a W/2004 cap on occasion. I live in Seattle so there's a lot of them to offend.

In closing, I'll just ask one question: Why is it that Enron is always cited by Dems as being a failure of the Bush adminstration when the whole scheme was cooked up and executed under the Clinton adminstration and is being investigated and prosecuted under Bush? (I ask this because anyone who brings up Enron when attacking Bush is ignoring the facts and it's a clear symptom of irrational bias.)
InfitiasFatalis said:
This is an article recently written by a noted english professor. ive noticed that the majority of the members of this site are right wingers. Here is a chance for the moderates and dems to make a bit of a stand and for the hostile conservatives to taste some of their own unpleasant medicine.

now for the article

Garrison Keillor unloads
The latest from Garrison Keilor

substitute dog turd in here...

Can you say "PLAGIARIZE"? :link:
If any of you have ever bothered to listen to Keillor's radio show - "A Prarie Home Companion" you will find he takes pot shots at politicians of all parties.
Keillor had a celebrated rivalry with fellow Minnesotan Jesse "The Body/Mind" Ventura. He also regularly takes shots at Democrats including Al Gore, John Kerry and Bill Clinton. "Companion" is a show of mixed sketches (few of which deal with politics), music (country, folk, blues, jazz and gospel) and guests including everyone from Al Franken to Studs Terkel to Roy Blount Jr., to even Bob Dole.

As for this article, Keillor is, as he usually his, right on target.

acludem said:
If any of you have ever bothered to listen to Keillor's radio show - "A Prarie Home Companion" you will find he takes pot shots at politicians of all parties.
Keillor had a celebrated rivalry with fellow Minnesotan Jesse "The Body/Mind" Ventura. He also regularly takes shots at Democrats including Al Gore, John Kerry and Bill Clinton. "Companion" is a show of mixed sketches (few of which deal with politics), music (country, folk, blues, jazz and gospel) and guests including everyone from Al Franken to Studs Terkel to Roy Blount Jr., to even Bob Dole.

As for this article, Keillor is, as he usually his, right on target.


I'm not surprised you think so, acludem. It is several hundred words of hateful, biased, unfounded spew - more worthy of Michael Moore than someone who is supposedly educated. Keillor should be ashamed.
acludem said:
If any of you have ever bothered to listen to Keillor's radio show - "A Prarie Home Companion" you will find he takes pot shots at politicians of all parties.
Keillor had a celebrated rivalry with fellow Minnesotan Jesse "The Body/Mind" Ventura. He also regularly takes shots at Democrats including Al Gore, John Kerry and Bill Clinton. "Companion" is a show of mixed sketches (few of which deal with politics), music (country, folk, blues, jazz and gospel) and guests including everyone from Al Franken to Studs Terkel to Roy Blount Jr., to even Bob Dole.

As for this article, Keillor is, as he usually his, right on target.


I made the mistake of attending a taping of that awful tripe that you refer to (a prairie home full of bullshit) . The storytelling was weak , the lack of musical talent was incredibly bad , and the audience was full of the psuedointellectual asses that we now see pushing John Forbes Kerry on this country . I find it amazing that there are people that actually scheduled their time around that show . Now , in order to respond , I was forced to read the load of garbage that this nobody felt compelled to write as some sort of mental masturbation . He could write this crap knowing full well that he wasn't going to lose any fans , there aren't any conservatives that would waste their valuable time listening to his pathetic attempts at satire . If this guy had any type of creative thought in his feeble little mind I might be insulted by his diatribe but instead I will just let it go as the rantings of an intellectual inferior that has a very hard time putting two sentences together .I am forced to come to a conclusion about the type of person that would quote such a fool or the idiot that would read it and agree with him . . . . it isn't a favorable one. :puke:
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sitarro said:
I made the mistake of attending a taping of that awful tripe that you refer to (a prairie home full of bullshit) . The storytelling was weak , the lack of musical talent was incredibly bad , and the audience was full of the psuedointellectual asses that we now see pushing John Forbes Kerry on this country . I find it amazing that there are people that actually scheduled their time around that show . Now , in order to respond , I was forced to read the load of garbage that this nobody felt compelled to write as some sort of mental masturbation . He could write this crap knowing full well that he wasn't going to lose any fans , there aren't any conservatives that would waste their valuable time listening to his pathetic attempts at satire . If this guy had any type of creative thought in his feeble little mind I might be insulted by his diatribe but instead I will just let it go as the rantings of an intellectual inferior that has a very hard time putting two sentences together. I am forced to come to a conclusion about the type of person that would quote such a fool, or the idiot that would read it and agree with him . . . . it isn't a favorable one. :puke:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :bow2: :beer: :thewave:
socialist/communist.. And we are supposed to respect his insane rantings? Liberalism is DEAD!! Face it.
phadras said:
socialist/communist.. And we are supposed to respect his insane rantings? Liberalism is DEAD!! Face it.

finish my sentence in the body of the post. Sooooo annoying.

Liberalism is dead...? Explain

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