The Psychology of Qanon

Trumpism has merged with q-anon and become our new scourge in this nation. It is a sickness.

Aa evidence of this new sickness look at this new conspiracy theory.

It is that Greta Thunberg was at the Trumpist Capitol Hill riot.

“Donald Trump-supporting QAnon conspiracy theorists have been sharing a photo alleging that Greta Thunberg attended the riots on the US Capitol.

A meme circulating online with the caption “nice try, Greta” compares the faces of one of the mob, photographed next to “QAnon shaman” Jake Angeli, with Thunberg’s.”

View attachment 450566
And they're conditioned to just believe it, out of hand.
It is out of hand. It is scary that there are just so many sick people out there. Sick people who refuse to seek help.
What is sick is that the left is trying to paint 75m Trump voters as insurrectionists, racists, and Qanon members.
What is more sick is that the China First democrats are following the money and turning DC into a "green zone" to protect themselves from the voters as Xiden trashes the US economy.
Pathetic. “China First Democrats”. You see what you want to see. Pres.Biden is confronting China and unlike disgraced Trump he is not alienating our allies at the same time.

The merger of q-anon and Trumpism is a sickness. A sickness we need to deal with.
1. "Pathetic!!" LOL!! You know Xiden alienated Canada over the Keystone XL pipeline, and the EU just gave Xiden the finger on China. Stop believing your own lies!! Xiden is a disaster already!!

2. There is no "merger" of Qanon and Trumpism moron. Just us "America First" Trump voters.
Hey idiot, the EU agreement with China ws a direct result of Trump’s policies and actions. Trump drew the EU into the arms of the Chinese. Read a fucking newspaper and break out of your Trumpist cult mentality.
I like the way you spin lies without any link proving your post. Who kept the Chinese out of our power grid, and who let them in? Who kept Huawei out, and tariffs on? Who took $billions from China to "invest"?
Trump lost Europe to the Chinese. Now Biden has to fix Trump’s fuck ups.

The Trump family has profited handsomely from its ties with China.
1. Trump had some ties made in China, so what? The Xidens got a cool $1,500,000,000 to "invest" for China.

2. Not only that $1.5b, but a cool $10m a year just for "introductions".

3. So show any links where the Trump family took cash gifts from China, you can't.
Trumpism has merged with q-anon and become our new scourge in this nation. It is a sickness.

Aa evidence of this new sickness look at this new conspiracy theory.

It is that Greta Thunberg was at the Trumpist Capitol Hill riot.

“Donald Trump-supporting QAnon conspiracy theorists have been sharing a photo alleging that Greta Thunberg attended the riots on the US Capitol.

A meme circulating online with the caption “nice try, Greta” compares the faces of one of the mob, photographed next to “QAnon shaman” Jake Angeli, with Thunberg’s.”

View attachment 450566
And they're conditioned to just believe it, out of hand.
It is out of hand. It is scary that there are just so many sick people out there. Sick people who refuse to seek help.
What is sick is that the left is trying to paint 75m Trump voters as insurrectionists, racists, and Qanon members.
What is more sick is that the China First democrats are following the money and turning DC into a "green zone" to protect themselves from the voters as Xiden trashes the US economy.
Pathetic. “China First Democrats”. You see what you want to see. Pres.Biden is confronting China and unlike disgraced Trump he is not alienating our allies at the same time.

The merger of q-anon and Trumpism is a sickness. A sickness we need to deal with.
1. "Pathetic!!" LOL!! You know Xiden alienated Canada over the Keystone XL pipeline, and the EU just gave Xiden the finger on China. Stop believing your own lies!! Xiden is a disaster already!!

2. There is no "merger" of Qanon and Trumpism moron. Just us "America First" Trump voters.
Hey idiot, the EU agreement with China ws a direct result of Trump’s policies and actions. Trump drew the EU into the arms of the Chinese. Read a fucking newspaper and break out of your Trumpist cult mentality.
I like the way you spin lies without any link proving your post. Who kept the Chinese out of our power grid, and who let them in? Who kept Huawei out, and tariffs on? Who took $billions from China to "invest"?
Trump lost Europe to the Chinese. Now Biden has to fix Trump’s fuck ups.

The Trump family has profited handsomely from its ties with China.
1. Trump had some ties made in China, so what? The Xidens got a cool $1,500,000,000 to "invest" for China.

2. Not only that $1.5b, but a cool $10m a year just for "introductions".

3. So show any links where the Trump family took cash gifts from China, you can't.
What nonsense. 1.5 billion. Get a life.

The Trump Administration in the end proved very helpful to the Growth of Chinese power. You can deny it all you want, but it is the truth.
Do you have something that proves the Congress people you are describing actually follow the Q conspiracy theory?
Margarine Taylor Greene has been a prolific Facebook user. It’s been all over her feed for the last few years.

Ok, I am keeping an open mind here Colfax, can you link me to something concrete?

While Greene is certainly taking pleasure in tweeking liberals in the press, and there is some pretty out there stuff in her past, they seem to be centered around the stuff she says about 'Deep State' theories, and I'm not saying she hasn't but I can find nothing about her supporting 'Satan worshiping, child sex abuser' stuff that I believe most rational people roll their eyes at...

So, while I would have rather seen John Cowan win that district, she won...That in no way should define the entirety of the Republican party, just as I am sure you would say that Rep Hank Johnson, the Congressman that said in a congressional hearing that he was concerned that the island of Guam would "tip over, and capsize" should we send more troops to the island....
Do you have something that proves the Congress people you are describing actually follow the Q conspiracy theory?
Margarine Taylor Greene has been a prolific Facebook user. It’s been all over her feed for the last few years.

Ok, I am keeping an open mind here Colfax, can you link me to something concrete?

While Greene is certainly taking pleasure in tweeking liberals in the press, and there is some pretty out there stuff in her past, they seem to be centered around the stuff she says about 'Deep State' theories, and I'm not saying she hasn't but I can find nothing about her supporting 'Satan worshiping, child sex abuser' stuff that I believe most rational people roll their eyes at...

So, while I would have rather seen John Cowan win that district, she won...That in no way should define the entirety of the Republican party, just as I am sure you would say that Rep Hank Johnson, the Congressman that said in a congressional hearing that he was concerned that the island of Guam would "tip over, and capsize" should we send more troops to the island....
I don’t think she’s “twerking liberals in the press” given her posts were not aimed at the press and not of any note by the press. They were published in the online QAnon world and little noticed by anyone until she got elected.

If you want more crazy, here’s 30 minutes of it. Sorry for the length, but it seems you prefer to go straight to the source material which is a very good way to go.

No one cares about QAnon would sound more accurate if you hadn’t elected QAnon believers to Congress. A couple of them, actually.
Who is that, shit for brains?
It’s always fun educating you.
Trumpism has merged with q-anon and become our new scourge in this nation. It is a sickness.

Aa evidence of this new sickness look at this new conspiracy theory.

It is that Greta Thunberg was at the Trumpist Capitol Hill riot.

“Donald Trump-supporting QAnon conspiracy theorists have been sharing a photo alleging that Greta Thunberg attended the riots on the US Capitol.

A meme circulating online with the caption “nice try, Greta” compares the faces of one of the mob, photographed next to “QAnon shaman” Jake Angeli, with Thunberg’s.”

View attachment 450566
And they're conditioned to just believe it, out of hand.
It is out of hand. It is scary that there are just so many sick people out there. Sick people who refuse to seek help.
What is sick is that the left is trying to paint 75m Trump voters as insurrectionists, racists, and Qanon members.
What is more sick is that the China First democrats are following the money and turning DC into a "green zone" to protect themselves from the voters as Xiden trashes the US economy.
Pathetic. “China First Democrats”. You see what you want to see. Pres.Biden is confronting China and unlike disgraced Trump he is not alienating our allies at the same time.

The merger of q-anon and Trumpism is a sickness. A sickness we need to deal with.
1. "Pathetic!!" LOL!! You know Xiden alienated Canada over the Keystone XL pipeline, and the EU just gave Xiden the finger on China. Stop believing your own lies!! Xiden is a disaster already!!

2. There is no "merger" of Qanon and Trumpism moron. Just us "America First" Trump voters.
Hey idiot, the EU agreement with China ws a direct result of Trump’s policies and actions. Trump drew the EU into the arms of the Chinese. Read a fucking newspaper and break out of your Trumpist cult mentality.
I like the way you spin lies without any link proving your post. Who kept the Chinese out of our power grid, and who let them in? Who kept Huawei out, and tariffs on? Who took $billions from China to "invest"?
Trump lost Europe to the Chinese. Now Biden has to fix Trump’s fuck ups.

The Trump family has profited handsomely from its ties with China.
1. Trump had some ties made in China, so what? The Xidens got a cool $1,500,000,000 to "invest" for China.

2. Not only that $1.5b, but a cool $10m a year just for "introductions".

3. So show any links where the Trump family took cash gifts from China, you can't.
What nonsense. 1.5 billion. Get a life.

The Trump Administration in the end proved very helpful to the Growth of Chinese power. You can deny it all you want, but it is the truth.
Since when are facts "nonsense?"
No one cares about QAnon would sound more accurate if you hadn’t elected QAnon believers to Congress. A couple of them, actually.
Who is that, shit for brains?
It’s always fun educating you.
When are you going to start?

Your Fuhrer is a child molester, so how is that some fringe theory?
Trumpism has merged with q-anon and become our new scourge in this nation. It is a sickness.

Aa evidence of this new sickness look at this new conspiracy theory.

It is that Greta Thunberg was at the Trumpist Capitol Hill riot.

“Donald Trump-supporting QAnon conspiracy theorists have been sharing a photo alleging that Greta Thunberg attended the riots on the US Capitol.

A meme circulating online with the caption “nice try, Greta” compares the faces of one of the mob, photographed next to “QAnon shaman” Jake Angeli, with Thunberg’s.”

View attachment 450566
And they're conditioned to just believe it, out of hand.

You guys are so funny. There aren’t many people that believe Thunberg was in the riots. Somebody post the nonsense and out of millions of people some are going to be curiious and even believe it. You folks turn it around to say that most or all Trump supporters believe it and try to equate it to us believing the election was rigged, as if they are on an equal plane. It is people like you that are being completely duped and misled.

Many of you believed and STILL believe in the Russian collusion hoax. Do all of you still believe in the Trump peeing on some woman story that made its way around? That is pretty nutjob crazy stuff there so are we too assume you are all brainwashed?
Assume whatever you'd like. You're welcome.
Do you have something that proves the Congress people you are describing actually follow the Q conspiracy theory?
Margarine Taylor Greene has been a prolific Facebook user. It’s been all over her feed for the last few years.

Ok, I am keeping an open mind here Colfax, can you link me to something concrete?

While Greene is certainly taking pleasure in tweeking liberals in the press, and there is some pretty out there stuff in her past, they seem to be centered around the stuff she says about 'Deep State' theories, and I'm not saying she hasn't but I can find nothing about her supporting 'Satan worshiping, child sex abuser' stuff that I believe most rational people roll their eyes at...

So, while I would have rather seen John Cowan win that district, she won...That in no way should define the entirety of the Republican party, just as I am sure you would say that Rep Hank Johnson, the Congressman that said in a congressional hearing that he was concerned that the island of Guam would "tip over, and capsize" should we send more troops to the island....
I don’t think she’s “twerking liberals in the press” given her posts were not aimed at the press and not of any note by the press. They were published in the online QAnon world and little noticed by anyone until she got elected.

If you want more crazy, here’s 30 minutes of it. Sorry for the length, but it seems you prefer to go straight to the source material which is a very good way to go.

Ok, I've already said I am not a fan. So, what are you trying to say? Hopefully not like some of your ilk in here say that we all support what she does?
Trumpism has merged with q-anon and become our new scourge in this nation. It is a sickness.

Aa evidence of this new sickness look at this new conspiracy theory.

It is that Greta Thunberg was at the Trumpist Capitol Hill riot.

“Donald Trump-supporting QAnon conspiracy theorists have been sharing a photo alleging that Greta Thunberg attended the riots on the US Capitol.

A meme circulating online with the caption “nice try, Greta” compares the faces of one of the mob, photographed next to “QAnon shaman” Jake Angeli, with Thunberg’s.”

View attachment 450566
And they're conditioned to just believe it, out of hand.
It is out of hand. It is scary that there are just so many sick people out there. Sick people who refuse to seek help.

Yeah, evidently 70+ million who voted for Biden. I agree with you.
I see you have the q-anon sickness. 70 million who voted for Biden? Try 80 plus million. You are part of the problem. A refusal to acknowledge the truth. Still clinging to lies. Seek help immediately.
Won't happen.
Do you have something that proves the Congress people you are describing actually follow the Q conspiracy theory?
Margarine Taylor Greene has been a prolific Facebook user. It’s been all over her feed for the last few years.

Ok, I am keeping an open mind here Colfax, can you link me to something concrete?

While Greene is certainly taking pleasure in tweeking liberals in the press, and there is some pretty out there stuff in her past, they seem to be centered around the stuff she says about 'Deep State' theories, and I'm not saying she hasn't but I can find nothing about her supporting 'Satan worshiping, child sex abuser' stuff that I believe most rational people roll their eyes at...

So, while I would have rather seen John Cowan win that district, she won...That in no way should define the entirety of the Republican party, just as I am sure you would say that Rep Hank Johnson, the Congressman that said in a congressional hearing that he was concerned that the island of Guam would "tip over, and capsize" should we send more troops to the island....
I don’t think she’s “twerking liberals in the press” given her posts were not aimed at the press and not of any note by the press. They were published in the online QAnon world and little noticed by anyone until she got elected.

If you want more crazy, here’s 30 minutes of it. Sorry for the length, but it seems you prefer to go straight to the source material which is a very good way to go.

Ok, I've already said I am not a fan. So, what are you trying to say? Hopefully not like some of your ilk in here say that we all support what she does?

Nope. But saying that QAnon is an insignificant tiny minority of the Republican Party is not accurate. The QAnon groups on social media span hundreds of thousands and cumulatively probably has millions of supporters.

Although not all Republicans are this crazy, there is a serious problem in the Republican Party that enables this nonsense.
Trumpism has merged with q-anon and become our new scourge in this nation. It is a sickness.

Aa evidence of this new sickness look at this new conspiracy theory.

It is that Greta Thunberg was at the Trumpist Capitol Hill riot.

“Donald Trump-supporting QAnon conspiracy theorists have been sharing a photo alleging that Greta Thunberg attended the riots on the US Capitol.

A meme circulating online with the caption “nice try, Greta” compares the faces of one of the mob, photographed next to “QAnon shaman” Jake Angeli, with Thunberg’s.”

View attachment 450566
And they're conditioned to just believe it, out of hand.
It is out of hand. It is scary that there are just so many sick people out there. Sick people who refuse to seek help.

Yeah, evidently 70+ million who voted for Biden. I agree with you.
I see you have the q-anon sickness. 70 million who voted for Biden? Try 80 plus million. You are part of the problem. A refusal to acknowledge the truth. Still clinging to lies. Seek help immediately.

Russia, Russia, Russia...I know you wingnuts still believe in that hoax, right?
Deflection ...LOL.. is that all you have. 34 indictments and myriad convictions as a result of the Mueller Report and investigation.

How many indictments or convictions were a result of the Trumpist election fraud hoax?

Yeah..let’s see how tethered you are to reality.

The indictments and convictions were ancillary to the Russian hoax. Once again, you have bend duped. CNN spouts the nonsense and leaves out the part WHAT they were idicted or convicted of.

There weren’t any indictments or convictions because there wasn’t an investigation, unlike the Russian hoax, where the intelligence agencies had to LIE to get an investigation started, Republicans didn’t have the inside track. Thanks to Obama, the intelligence agencies were compromised at the top. They weren’t ever going to look into any of the fraud, not matter how much evidence was presented.
How many indictments and convictions have there been in the Trumpist/q-anon election fraud hoax?
You have the patience of a saint.
Trumpism has merged with q-anon and become our new scourge in this nation. It is a sickness.

Aa evidence of this new sickness look at this new conspiracy theory.

It is that Greta Thunberg was at the Trumpist Capitol Hill riot.

“Donald Trump-supporting QAnon conspiracy theorists have been sharing a photo alleging that Greta Thunberg attended the riots on the US Capitol.

A meme circulating online with the caption “nice try, Greta” compares the faces of one of the mob, photographed next to “QAnon shaman” Jake Angeli, with Thunberg’s.”

View attachment 450566
And they're conditioned to just believe it, out of hand.

You guys are so funny. There aren’t many people that believe Thunberg was in the riots. Somebody post the nonsense and out of millions of people some are going to be curiious and even believe it. You folks turn it around to say that most or all Trump supporters believe it and try to equate it to us believing the election was rigged, as if they are on an equal plane. It is people like you that are being completely duped and misled.

Many of you believed and STILL believe in the Russian collusion hoax. Do all of you still believe in the Trump peeing on some woman story that made its way around? That is pretty nutjob crazy stuff there so are we too assume you are all brainwashed?
Assume whatever you'd like. You're welcome.

Ah Mac, so you are online....Care to address my post to you yet?

Do you have something that proves the Congress people you are describing actually follow the Q conspiracy theory?
Margarine Taylor Greene has been a prolific Facebook user. It’s been all over her feed for the last few years.

Ok, I am keeping an open mind here Colfax, can you link me to something concrete?

While Greene is certainly taking pleasure in tweeking liberals in the press, and there is some pretty out there stuff in her past, they seem to be centered around the stuff she says about 'Deep State' theories, and I'm not saying she hasn't but I can find nothing about her supporting 'Satan worshiping, child sex abuser' stuff that I believe most rational people roll their eyes at...

So, while I would have rather seen John Cowan win that district, she won...That in no way should define the entirety of the Republican party, just as I am sure you would say that Rep Hank Johnson, the Congressman that said in a congressional hearing that he was concerned that the island of Guam would "tip over, and capsize" should we send more troops to the island....
I don’t think she’s “twerking liberals in the press” given her posts were not aimed at the press and not of any note by the press. They were published in the online QAnon world and little noticed by anyone until she got elected.

If you want more crazy, here’s 30 minutes of it. Sorry for the length, but it seems you prefer to go straight to the source material which is a very good way to go.

Ok, I've already said I am not a fan. So, what are you trying to say? Hopefully not like some of your ilk in here say that we all support what she does?

Nope. But saying that QAnon is an insignificant tiny minority of the Republican Party is not accurate. The QAnon groups on social media span hundreds of thousands and cumulatively probably has millions of supporters.

Although not all Republicans are this crazy, there is a serious problem in the Republican Party that enables this nonsense.

QAnon isn't part of the Republican party, NAZI. I've never seen anything by any QAnon supporter.
Do you have something that proves the Congress people you are describing actually follow the Q conspiracy theory?
Margarine Taylor Greene has been a prolific Facebook user. It’s been all over her feed for the last few years.

Ok, I am keeping an open mind here Colfax, can you link me to something concrete?

While Greene is certainly taking pleasure in tweeking liberals in the press, and there is some pretty out there stuff in her past, they seem to be centered around the stuff she says about 'Deep State' theories, and I'm not saying she hasn't but I can find nothing about her supporting 'Satan worshiping, child sex abuser' stuff that I believe most rational people roll their eyes at...

So, while I would have rather seen John Cowan win that district, she won...That in no way should define the entirety of the Republican party, just as I am sure you would say that Rep Hank Johnson, the Congressman that said in a congressional hearing that he was concerned that the island of Guam would "tip over, and capsize" should we send more troops to the island....
I don’t think she’s “twerking liberals in the press” given her posts were not aimed at the press and not of any note by the press. They were published in the online QAnon world and little noticed by anyone until she got elected.

If you want more crazy, here’s 30 minutes of it. Sorry for the length, but it seems you prefer to go straight to the source material which is a very good way to go.

Ok, I've already said I am not a fan. So, what are you trying to say? Hopefully not like some of your ilk in here say that we all support what she does?

Nope. But saying that QAnon is an insignificant tiny minority of the Republican Party is not accurate. The QAnon groups on social media span hundreds of thousands and cumulatively probably has millions of supporters.

Although not all Republicans are this crazy, there is a serious problem in the Republican Party that enables this nonsense.

QAnon isn't part of the Republican party, NAZI. I've never seen anything by any QAnon supporter.

The hell isn’t. QAnon revolves entirely around Trump.
Do you have something that proves the Congress people you are describing actually follow the Q conspiracy theory?
Margarine Taylor Greene has been a prolific Facebook user. It’s been all over her feed for the last few years.

Ok, I am keeping an open mind here Colfax, can you link me to something concrete?

While Greene is certainly taking pleasure in tweeking liberals in the press, and there is some pretty out there stuff in her past, they seem to be centered around the stuff she says about 'Deep State' theories, and I'm not saying she hasn't but I can find nothing about her supporting 'Satan worshiping, child sex abuser' stuff that I believe most rational people roll their eyes at...

So, while I would have rather seen John Cowan win that district, she won...That in no way should define the entirety of the Republican party, just as I am sure you would say that Rep Hank Johnson, the Congressman that said in a congressional hearing that he was concerned that the island of Guam would "tip over, and capsize" should we send more troops to the island....
I don’t think she’s “twerking liberals in the press” given her posts were not aimed at the press and not of any note by the press. They were published in the online QAnon world and little noticed by anyone until she got elected.

If you want more crazy, here’s 30 minutes of it. Sorry for the length, but it seems you prefer to go straight to the source material which is a very good way to go.

Ok, I've already said I am not a fan. So, what are you trying to say? Hopefully not like some of your ilk in here say that we all support what she does?

Nope. But saying that QAnon is an insignificant tiny minority of the Republican Party is not accurate. The QAnon groups on social media span hundreds of thousands and cumulatively probably has millions of supporters.

Although not all Republicans are this crazy, there is a serious problem in the Republican Party that enables this nonsense.

As far as I can tell you showed me one, Greene, and in my search I found one that may or may not be, Bobert...So, even if I give the benefit of the doubt, that's two out of over 200 Republican congresspeople....

Would you say that 2 out of 200 is a serious problem as you say?
Do you have something that proves the Congress people you are describing actually follow the Q conspiracy theory?
Margarine Taylor Greene has been a prolific Facebook user. It’s been all over her feed for the last few years.

Ok, I am keeping an open mind here Colfax, can you link me to something concrete?

While Greene is certainly taking pleasure in tweeking liberals in the press, and there is some pretty out there stuff in her past, they seem to be centered around the stuff she says about 'Deep State' theories, and I'm not saying she hasn't but I can find nothing about her supporting 'Satan worshiping, child sex abuser' stuff that I believe most rational people roll their eyes at...

So, while I would have rather seen John Cowan win that district, she won...That in no way should define the entirety of the Republican party, just as I am sure you would say that Rep Hank Johnson, the Congressman that said in a congressional hearing that he was concerned that the island of Guam would "tip over, and capsize" should we send more troops to the island....
I don’t think she’s “twerking liberals in the press” given her posts were not aimed at the press and not of any note by the press. They were published in the online QAnon world and little noticed by anyone until she got elected.

If you want more crazy, here’s 30 minutes of it. Sorry for the length, but it seems you prefer to go straight to the source material which is a very good way to go.

Ok, I've already said I am not a fan. So, what are you trying to say? Hopefully not like some of your ilk in here say that we all support what she does?

Nope. But saying that QAnon is an insignificant tiny minority of the Republican Party is not accurate. The QAnon groups on social media span hundreds of thousands and cumulatively probably has millions of supporters.

Although not all Republicans are this crazy, there is a serious problem in the Republican Party that enables this nonsense.

QAnon isn't part of the Republican party, NAZI. I've never seen anything by any QAnon supporter.

The hell isn’t. QAnon revolves entirely around Trump.

"Revolves" around Trump? Is that supposed to mean something? Trump doesn't know who they are.

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