The question libertarians just can’t answer

As a heart attack!

You have proven my point , in your follow up question thanks,we are not nor are those in DC.

We're not smart enough to do things for ourselves, so we need to let other ... people (you do know government is comprised of people, right?) ... do things for us. Because that is the smart thing to do and we want to be smart. They'd never do anything to abuse that power and clearly looking at government there is no reason to believe they are.

If that's smart, I'll pass on being smart....

OMG, you did that your SELF! Government would have done it for you! Better! What were you thinking!!!! Ooops....

Why has the gov.local on up grown so much over the years?

We move daily away from liberty in so many ways,dependence on others is just one.
That's notwithstanding your general -and completely nonsensical- attitude that we need to be lorded over because of our lack of honesty objectivity and maturity, yet you seem to exempt those doing the lording from the same lack of honesty objectivity and maturity.

Make sense of that.
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Markets are the construct of human action. That is, voluntary exchange of goods and services. Markets are not the construct of any other authority. All authoritarians do, is attempt to control human action by dictating rules through the use of force for compliance.

A free market means just that. People are allowed to enter into exchange with one another without interference or coercion from a thrid party.

Your giant post full of strawmen shows you dont understand this and believe that not only are thrid party interference and coercion good, but necessary.

A VERY, VERY immature view. The theory of a free market can work very well without a 3rd party or rules (what you call authority) under ideal (Utopian) circumstances. How? Where everyone is an equal 'stakeholder'. What does that mean? It means that your stakes serve as the 'authority'.

In voluntary exchange, that is exactly how it works. My ability to enter into exchange or not enter is the authority and the only authority needed. This also translates further regarding who and in what way competition can come to a market. The State makes sure in several sectors that competition is squashed by serving special favors. You obviously dont understand economics at all.

An example... a small community with a self sustaining local economy. Every member of that community is a stakeholder. They all contribute something to the economy and they all rely on others for what they don't produce. So, the blacksmith will not pollute the river, even though it would increase his profits to dump waste in the river instead of properly disposing of it. WHY? Because HE drinks from that river and he doesn't want to be ostracized and blackballed by other 'stakeholders' who he relies on for milk, meat, dry goods etc.

This has nothing to do with regulation. If anything, you just advocated for free markets by saying that the network of producers and consumers is balanced by human nature. And where it isn't one of the two, supply or demand, will make the proper correction. No one person has the omniscience to make that call for everyone. It's absolutely the most IMMATURE and ridiculous claim ever.

What is the malfeasance created by absenteeism?

Irrelevant, Cork.

Joe outsider builds a factory on that river. He doesn't drink from that river and he doesn't relies on 'stakeholders for milk, meat, dry goods etc.

He lives in another state, or another country. He is not a full stakeholder.

And Joe is also committing an act of aggression against the people around him for polluting their waters. In which case they have the right to take action against Joe. Be it direct defense or through marketing his fraudulent practice. Ultimately Joe would be run out of business in todays world of information.

You have no idea about what you speak, Cork. I suggest a lot more reading and a lot less typing and gum flapping from you on this subjkect.

Seriously, when someone believes 'supply and demand' is all that's needed to regulate the market, immature needs to be replaced with different words, like stupid, idiotic, moronic, etc.

HOW do you address product safety, how do you protect the food supply? Have manufacturers cross their hearts and hope to die?
A VERY, VERY immature view. The theory of a free market can work very well without a 3rd party or rules (what you call authority) under ideal (Utopian) circumstances. How? Where everyone is an equal 'stakeholder'. What does that mean? It means that your stakes serve as the 'authority'.

In voluntary exchange, that is exactly how it works. My ability to enter into exchange or not enter is the authority and the only authority needed. This also translates further regarding who and in what way competition can come to a market. The State makes sure in several sectors that competition is squashed by serving special favors. You obviously dont understand economics at all.

An example... a small community with a self sustaining local economy. Every member of that community is a stakeholder. They all contribute something to the economy and they all rely on others for what they don't produce. So, the blacksmith will not pollute the river, even though it would increase his profits to dump waste in the river instead of properly disposing of it. WHY? Because HE drinks from that river and he doesn't want to be ostracized and blackballed by other 'stakeholders' who he relies on for milk, meat, dry goods etc.

This has nothing to do with regulation. If anything, you just advocated for free markets by saying that the network of producers and consumers is balanced by human nature. And where it isn't one of the two, supply or demand, will make the proper correction. No one person has the omniscience to make that call for everyone. It's absolutely the most IMMATURE and ridiculous claim ever.

What is the malfeasance created by absenteeism?

Irrelevant, Cork.

Joe outsider builds a factory on that river. He doesn't drink from that river and he doesn't relies on 'stakeholders for milk, meat, dry goods etc.

He lives in another state, or another country. He is not a full stakeholder.

And Joe is also committing an act of aggression against the people around him for polluting their waters. In which case they have the right to take action against Joe. Be it direct defense or through marketing his fraudulent practice. Ultimately Joe would be run out of business in todays world of information.

You have no idea about what you speak, Cork. I suggest a lot more reading and a lot less typing and gum flapping from you on this subjkect.

Seriously, when someone believes 'supply and demand' is all that's needed to regulate the market, immature needs to be replaced with different words, like stupid, idiotic, moronic, etc.

HOW do you address product safety, how do you protect the food supply? Have manufacturers cross their hearts and hope to die?

No, they face the ultimate and only true regulation; FAILURE. That means people wont buy your products and then what? If you commit fraud there is suppose to be, and the only true purpose of, a government there to protect rights.

This isn't rocket science, and your continued belittlement in the face of your obvious and almost comical ignorance isn't helping your case any.
The people who we elected to office were put there as per the laws stipulated in the Constitution and they must adhere to those laws while in office

Actually, they exempt themselves from laws while they are in office and those laws are far more often then not Unconstitutional, most frequently by the 10th Amendment. Not sure what you're even thinking here.

Those who have a literal affection for the government are not going to be talked out of it, no matter how often the government abuses its power. I remember when my daughters had crushes in junior high, complete tunnel vision.

We're not smart enough to do things for ourselves, so we need to let other ... people (you do know government is comprised of people, right?) ... do things for us. Because that is the smart thing to do and we want to be smart. They'd never do anything to abuse that power and clearly looking at government there is no reason to believe they are.

If that's smart, I'll pass on being smart....

OMG, you did that your SELF! Government would have done it for you! Better! What were you thinking!!!! Ooops....

Why has the gov.local on up grown so much over the years?

We move daily away from liberty in so many ways,dependence on others is just one.
That's notwithstanding your general -and completely nonsensical- attitude that we need to be lorded over because of our lack of honesty objectivity and maturity, yet you seem to exempt those doing the lording from the same lack of honesty objectivity and maturity.

Make sense of that.

You must have me confused with someone else,when it comes to Gov.I am a minimalist.

I just stated why we have big gov and not small gov
The people who we elected to office were put there as per the laws stipulated in the Constitution and they must adhere to those laws while in office

Actually, they exempt themselves from laws while they are in office and those laws are far more often then not Unconstitutional, most frequently by the 10th Amendment. Not sure what you're even thinking here.

What I am that we don't need self righteous assholes to tell us that we have a Constitution. We know it. We use it. We live by it.

People who throw their hands up and whine about dependence on government and how we have lost our way........are WRONG. We have a large, complex society. It requires a large, complex government..........maintaining a wide-ranging and complex set of laws.

This bullshit that Reagan started.....while he was growing government.....that the government cannot do things but an EXCUSE that nutters have used to explain the fact that NUTTER politicians, elected for their ability to convince scared religious people that they will oppose progressives, don't get shit done.

Libertarians.....a small group of people who ultimately vote Republican. As evidenced by the Pauls.
Why has the gov.local on up grown so much over the years?

We move daily away from liberty in so many ways,dependence on others is just one.
That's notwithstanding your general -and completely nonsensical- attitude that we need to be lorded over because of our lack of honesty objectivity and maturity, yet you seem to exempt those doing the lording from the same lack of honesty objectivity and maturity.

Make sense of that.

You must have me confused with someone else,when it comes to Gov.I am a minimalist.

I just stated why we have big gov and not small gov
You also stated that we, as Americans, lack lack the honesty objectivity and maturity need for a libertarian society.

Well, speak for yourself and let other people stand or fall on their own merits.
I do love it when liberals start defining LIbertarianism. It's almost as much fun as watching atheists define God.

We are a constitutional republic, boys and girls. If we follow the Constitution, we will be fine no matter which party is in power. It's designed to keep the overly ambitious in their places.
I suspect there are as many versions of LIBERTARIANISM as there are self proclaiming libertarians.

In that respect Libertarianism is much like that social philosophy, too, has as many variations of meaning as it has adherents.

If someone could DEFINE LIBERTARIANISM once and for all, then we could discuss this philosophical approach to society rationally.

MOST people are libertarians in the sense that they LIKE liberty and hate oppression.

Sadly there is no overarching canon of beliefs that defines LIBERTARIANISM.

There does not appear to be any single defining characteristic of libertarianism to help us define it like there is for socialism, or facism, or republicanism, or democracy.

So what IS libertarianism? Nobody really knows..or perhaps everybody is the world's leading authority of what the word means TO THEM.

BAsically if you query a self proclaiMing libertarian, they seem to definte libertarianism as


I am reading "Libertarianism, " by Boaz, a basic text, and he would not agree with the above.

Libertarianism seems to me to be pure and simple, and much more than now as government used to be conceived and dedicated in this country at the beginning, and until early years of the lifetimes of many here.

Libertarianism simply means the right of every adult individual human to do exactly as they like, up to the point where what he likes to do harms others or prevents another from doing as he likes. Government, then, is instituted purely to protect that right: or everything would go to the strong and violent. So government has police powers and defensive military powers to protect the citizenry from attack by the violent and the criminally selfish. Otherwise there is no function for government. You are on your own, and you are free.

So is everyone else free: so libertarianism cannot be as above simply "the stuff I personally approve of," because lots of stuff I don't approve of would go on --- Mormon polygamy, homosexual "marriage," smoking, dope-taking, illegitimacy. But that would not be my business, and I would feel more relaxed about other people doing stuff I don't like: "it takes all kinds to make a world." And "it's a free country," would be our mottos.
I do love it when liberals start defining LIbertarianism. It's almost as much fun as watching atheists define God.
Better yet, it isn't nearly as amusing as watching "conservatives" define Americans. Or is that as libertarians defining Americans?

Whatever, they both equally hate differing views.
Libertarians.....a small group of people who ultimately vote Republican. As evidenced by the Pauls.

Republicans want to end most of our rights and Democrats want to end all of them. So in a sense they are "better." If less bad means better. But your statement is still wrong. I did not vote for Republicans since 1988 until Obama delivered on his Marxist pledges in the last election, and even in that I got resistance from most libertarians. There's a point that less bad is worth voting for. Obama is that point.
I do love it when liberals start defining LIbertarianism. It's almost as much fun as watching atheists define God.
Better yet, it isn't nearly as amusing as watching "conservatives" define Americans. Or is that as libertarians defining Americans?

Whatever, they both equally hate differing views.

Name any two Democrats who disagree on any issue.
I do love it when liberals start defining LIbertarianism. It's almost as much fun as watching atheists define God.
Better yet, it isn't nearly as amusing as watching "conservatives" define Americans. Or is that as libertarians defining Americans?

Whatever, they both equally hate differing views.

Name any two Democrats who disagree on any issue.

Clinton and Obama. Do you have a point?
Libertarians.....a small group of people who ultimately vote Republican. As evidenced by the Pauls.

Republicans want to end most of our rights and Democrats want to end all of them. So in a sense they are "better." If less bad means better. But your statement is still wrong. I did not vote for Republicans since 1988 until Obama delivered on his Marxist pledges in the last election, and even in that I got resistance from most libertarians. There's a point that less bad is worth voting for. Obama is that point.

Obama has been a center right POTUS.......and has handled your fragile sensibilities with kid gloves so as not to cause you to get the vapors. No sudden movements. No bitch slapping of worthless GOP politicos. Wouldn't want you to think of him as uppity.

The dude has been moderate to a fault. He continues to be moderate......even faced with the bullshit DISLOYAL OPPOSITION that you and those you support have provided.

Your reasoning is bullshit.

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