The Question of Charlottesville

So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.
It's what liberal Democrats do.
Anyone who paid attention to Trump for the last 40 years knows that he is an opportunist who will use the issue of race to achieve his desired end. Which is ALWAYS to improve his personal standing.

The problem is not that he is a racist or a White supremacist. He doesn’t have the ability to even contemplate such matters in any meaningful way.

The problem is that racists and whiite supremacists know that he IS NOT SOMONE WHO WILL STAND IN THEIR WAY so long as they offer him their support. He will toss them a bone every now and then by whining about monuments or inventing a birther conspiracy. And these depraved and insecure shitbags will eat it up.
That has been explained to the OP dozens of times. But he won’t accept it.

Ya feel me Correll?
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
Nice post, thanks. It's interesting to note that President Trump wasn't considered to be a racist by ANY Dim Dems or liberal lunatics, UNTIL THE DAY HE ANNOUNCED HE WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT in 2015. Strange how that works.....

He was considered a racist by EVERYONE long before then, they were just too polite to say it to his face, or to call him out in the press. Trump has been considered a racists since the Trump Corporation was charged by the Department of Justice with criminal racials discrimination in housing - twice. They were charged a second time, when they failed to abide by the Settlement Agreement with respect to the first charge, which shows that even when caught red handed, Trump continued the behaviour. The entire birther campaign was considered to be completely racist, and he started that nonsense in 2011. Trump racism in announcing his candidacy was so blatant and offensive, many people thought he was doing it as a carricature or a joke.

Trump has a whole prepackaged line of bullshit that he's been honing since the 1980's about how he's the least racist person ever, that he used with well practiced precision whenever the question comes up, which is often.
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
Nice post, thanks. It's interesting to note that President Trump wasn't considered to be a racist by ANY Dim Dems or liberal lunatics, UNTIL THE DAY HE ANNOUNCED HE WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT in 2015. Strange how that works.....

He was considered ....

That was all covered in the other thread. At great length. My question here is, what would it change for you, if you had to admit that he was not "Racist"?

Would you suddenly support him? Would you suddenly be in favor of his policies? Would you recommend that pro-life blacks vote for him?

What would it change for you?
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
Nice post, thanks. It's interesting to note that President Trump wasn't considered to be a racist by ANY Dim Dems or liberal lunatics, UNTIL THE DAY HE ANNOUNCED HE WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT in 2015. Strange how that works.....

He was considered ....

That was all covered in the other thread. At great length. My question here is, what would it change for you, if you had to admit that he was not "Racist"?

Would you suddenly support him? Would you suddenly be in favor of his policies? Would you recommend that pro-life blacks vote for him?

What would it change for you?

Did you literally see a light bulb floating above your dopey noggin when this question popped into your brain?

It is a dumb question. Trump doesn’t have “policies”. He’s completely uninterested in policy. His only agenda is personal gratification.

Supporting an incompetent and insecure man like him as a leader is something that only idiots would consider.
Charlottesville is/was nothing more than Trump doing what he always does: Saying stupid things, without thinking, to placate his base.

This story is just a drop in the hurricane for Trump. Not that big a deal, by itself, in context.

We covered that in the last thread. This thread is asking, what would change for you, if you had to admit that he was not "Racist"?

Would you suddenly support any of his policies? Or actions? And if so, which one(s)?
The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?
That's the same question your thread raises in my mind. WHY would you try to deny objective reality?

Don’t Let the Loud Bigots Distract You. America’s Real Problem With Race Cuts Far Deeper

We covered all of that in that last thread, until it was locked.

THIS thread is asking, what would it change for you, if you had to admit that he was not "racist"?

Would you suddenly support some of his policies? Actions? And if so, which ones?
Charlottesville is/was nothing more than Trump doing what he always does: Saying stupid things, without thinking, to placate his base.

This story is just a drop in the hurricane for Trump. Not that big a deal, by itself, in context.

We covered that in the last thread. This thread is asking, what would change for you, if you had to admit that he was not "Racist"?

Would you suddenly support any of his policies? Or actions? And if so, which one(s)?
I don't think of Trump as a racist, nor have I ever claimed that he was.

Charlottesville is/was nothing more than Trump doing what he always does: Saying stupid things, without thinking, to placate his base.

This story is just a drop in the hurricane for Trump. Not that big a deal, by itself, in context.

We covered that in the last thread. This thread is asking, what would change for you, if you had to admit that he was not "Racist"?

Would you suddenly support any of his policies? Or actions? And if so, which one(s)?
I don't think of Trump as a racist, nor have I ever claimed that he was.


That’s got to be the 20th time that you’ve told him this. It is obvious that he doesn’t want to believe that you don’t think Trump is a racist.

He is convinced that you do not fully support Trump as a result of your belief that he is a racist.
Charlottesville is/was nothing more than Trump doing what he always does: Saying stupid things, without thinking, to placate his base.

This story is just a drop in the hurricane for Trump. Not that big a deal, by itself, in context.

We covered that in the last thread. This thread is asking, what would change for you, if you had to admit that he was not "Racist"?

Would you suddenly support any of his policies? Or actions? And if so, which one(s)?
I don't think of Trump as a racist, nor have I ever claimed that he was.


So, your answer, to the question is that it would change nothing for you, correct?

(christ, why is it always like pulling teeth to get you libs to answer a simple freaking question?)
Charlottesville is/was nothing more than Trump doing what he always does: Saying stupid things, without thinking, to placate his base.

This story is just a drop in the hurricane for Trump. Not that big a deal, by itself, in context.

We covered that in the last thread. This thread is asking, what would change for you, if you had to admit that he was not "Racist"?

Would you suddenly support any of his policies? Or actions? And if so, which one(s)?
I don't think of Trump as a racist, nor have I ever claimed that he was.


So, your answer, to the question is that it would change nothing for you, correct?

(christ, why is it always like pulling teeth to get you libs to answer a simple freaking question?)
No, your question is dishonest. It assumes I think he's a racist.

I don't, as I have pointed out, more than once.

Now you're flailing, and I'm enjoying it.
Charlottesville is/was nothing more than Trump doing what he always does: Saying stupid things, without thinking, to placate his base.

This story is just a drop in the hurricane for Trump. Not that big a deal, by itself, in context.

We covered that in the last thread. This thread is asking, what would change for you, if you had to admit that he was not "Racist"?

Would you suddenly support any of his policies? Or actions? And if so, which one(s)?
I don't think of Trump as a racist, nor have I ever claimed that he was.


So, your answer, to the question is that it would change nothing for you, correct?

(christ, why is it always like pulling teeth to get you libs to answer a simple freaking question?)
No, your question is dishonest. It assumes I think he's a racist.

I don't, as I have pointed out, more than once.

Now you're flailing, and I'm enjoying it.

So, the thing any reasonable person would have done, would have been to say something like,

"It would not change anything for me, because I don't believe that TRump is racist."

Thus, you could make your point, and answer the question, and move the discussion forward.

Speaking of which, back to pulling teeth.

So you agreed that it would change nothing for you?
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
The same reason they lie about Trump calling Covid19 a hoax...lies is all they got.
Charlottesville is/was nothing more than Trump doing what he always does: Saying stupid things, without thinking, to placate his base.

This story is just a drop in the hurricane for Trump. Not that big a deal, by itself, in context.

We covered that in the last thread. This thread is asking, what would change for you, if you had to admit that he was not "Racist"?

Would you suddenly support any of his policies? Or actions? And if so, which one(s)?
I don't think of Trump as a racist, nor have I ever claimed that he was.


So, your answer, to the question is that it would change nothing for you, correct?

(christ, why is it always like pulling teeth to get you libs to answer a simple freaking question?)
No, your question is dishonest. It assumes I think he's a racist.

I don't, as I have pointed out, more than once.

Now you're flailing, and I'm enjoying it.

So, the thing any reasonable person would have done, would have been to say something like,

"It would not change anything for me, because I don't believe that TRump is racist."

Thus, you could make your point, and answer the question, and move the discussion forward.

Speaking of which, back to pulling teeth.

So you agreed that it would change nothing for you?
Trump's opinions on race change nothing for me.

Now, if you have any honest questions, I'll consider answering them.
  • Thanks
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If the marxist Dim shitstains can't lie, they really have nothing to say. "We're going to take all your shit and give you back what we think you deserve" is not a message that resonates except with the incorrigibly lazy which is only about half their cult. The message must be disguised or "nuanced", as they like to say. Every one of them feels like they're "lying for your own good".

They have a parasitic disease. That's why everything they touch dies.
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
Nice post, thanks. It's interesting to note that President Trump wasn't considered to be a racist by ANY Dim Dems or liberal lunatics, UNTIL THE DAY HE ANNOUNCED HE WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT in 2015. Strange how that works.....
trump has been considered a racist since the Nixon DOJ busted he and his father for racism in their housing during the 1970's.

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