The Question of Charlottesville

Libturds exist in a world of lies, false reality and delusions.
Pete, I hate to break it to you, but despite the delusions of adequacy that the Trump cult has fed you, you're just another boring Stalinist Useful Idiot.

(Others should have broken that news to you before. It shouldn't always fall to me to stage these interventions.)

They believe "scientists" that are constantly demanding more government money to study the "global warming" crisis they invented are doing so out of a pure and noble dedication to humanity.
Flat-earthers always tell me that kind of crap too. Those flat-earthers look 'effin brilliant compared to you and the other deniers. Your endless weepy hate-rants against reality are standard conspiracy cult whining.

It truly sucks to be you. Reality always smacks you down hard, so you have to retreat into that SafeSpace where horrible liberal concepts like facts and reason can't get in. If hearing that upsets you, try goosestepping around the SafeSpace for a while. I know how much that comforts you.

You can't open your mouth without proving what I posted earlier. Your ubiquitous use of over-used stereotypical phrases like "delusions of adequacy", "Trump cult", "just another boring Stalinist Useful Idiot", "Flat-earthers", "goosestepping", and other childish insults prove my point:

You've tried in every way imaginable to defeat this President. But in every way, you've also failed miserably. Therefore the only recourse you have left are childish attacks against his supporters, hoping to create discord and disappointment among them

I can read you people like a cheap dime store kid's book.
trump was impeached. He was defeated.
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
Lol, we didn't lie.

You and the other tRumplings attempt desperately to justify and/or excuse what dUmbass dOnald said, but you fail, time and time again to defend him.

You cannot defend the indefensible.
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
Nice post, thanks. It's interesting to note that President Trump wasn't considered to be a racist by ANY Dim Dems or liberal lunatics, UNTIL THE DAY HE ANNOUNCED HE WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT in 2015. Strange how that works.....

He was considered ....

That was all covered in the other thread. At great length. My question here is, what would it change for you, if you had to admit that he was not "Racist"?

Would you suddenly support him? Would you suddenly be in favor of his policies? Would you recommend that pro-life blacks vote for him?

What would it change for you?

What a stupid question? First off it's a "what if". What if Hillary had been elected. Do you think the country would be going to hell in a handbasket or would Hillary have handled this thing like Angel Merkel did in Germany or Justin Trudeau did in Canada? It's a stupid question because Hillary wasn't elected.

You cannot separate Trump from his racism. It's imbedded in his policies. He wants to stop immigration because only poor brown people from shithole countries are coming in. He's not building a wall to keep Canadians out. Nor is he locking up non-white illegals. Trump entire immigration policy is a reaction to the racial diversification of America.
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
Nice post, thanks. It's interesting to note that President Trump wasn't considered to be a racist by ANY Dim Dems or liberal lunatics, UNTIL THE DAY HE ANNOUNCED HE WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT in 2015. Strange how that works.....
trump has been considered a racist since the Nixon DOJ busted he and his father for racism in their housing during the 1970's.

No, he has not.
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
Lol, we didn't lie.

You and the other tRumplings attempt desperately to justify and/or excuse what dUmbass dOnald said, but you fail, time and time again to defend him.

You cannot defend the indefensible.

We covered all that of that in the other thread, and many times before, and will many times again. Happily.

THIS thread, as you just read, is asking the question, what would change for you, if you were forced to admit that he was not "racist",

would you suddenly find that with that reason off the plate, that you support Trump on certain policies or actions? And if so which ones?

Answering this question, will not be considered agreeing with the given premise. It is a mental exercise to help me and I expect others to understand what is going on in the world. I do not play silly games like that.
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
Lol, we didn't lie.

You and the other tRumplings attempt desperately to justify and/or excuse what dUmbass dOnald said, but you fail, time and time again to defend him.

You cannot defend the indefensible.

We covered all that of that in the other thread, and many times before, and will many times again. Happily.

THIS thread, as you just read, is asking the question, what would change for you, if you were forced to admit that he was not "racist",

would you suddenly find that with that reason off the plate, that you support Trump on certain policies or actions? And if so which ones?

Answering this question, will not be considered agreeing with the given premise. It is a mental exercise to help me and I expect others to understand what is going on in the world. I do not play silly games like that.
You cannot force me to lie, so that will never happen.

So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
Nice post, thanks. It's interesting to note that President Trump wasn't considered to be a racist by ANY Dim Dems or liberal lunatics, UNTIL THE DAY HE ANNOUNCED HE WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT in 2015. Strange how that works.....

He was considered ....

That was all covered in the other thread. At great length. My question here is, what would it change for you, if you had to admit that he was not "Racist"?

Would you suddenly support him? Would you suddenly be in favor of his policies? Would you recommend that pro-life blacks vote for him?

What would it change for you?

What a stupid question? First off it's a "what if". ....

You cannot separate Trump from his racism. It's imbedded in his policies. He wants to stop immigration because only poor brown people from shithole countries are coming in.....

Sure you can. Ask yourself the question, would you still oppose his policy on immigration if the "brown" reason was removed from the equation.

It is easy if you try. It takes just a little imagination and some introspection. I assume that most of you have a fairly deep and clear understanding of your ideological and/or partisan reasons for opposing the President on his policies. And that was not sarcasm. The few of you that don't, they might not be able to think it though, but most of you should be able to, if you are wiling to give it a shot.

Surely it doesn't bother you to imagine a world with a republican but non racist president, if only for a few moments? I mean, if you can't do it, because of an emotional reaction to that, prevents it, that would be very interesting information, and I would love to talk about it.
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
So created TWO threads just to race bait?

I see...
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
Lol, we didn't lie.

You and the other tRumplings attempt desperately to justify and/or excuse what dUmbass dOnald said, but you fail, time and time again to defend him.

You cannot defend the indefensible.

We covered all that of that in the other thread, and many times before, and will many times again. Happily.

THIS thread, as you just read, is asking the question, what would change for you, if you were forced to admit that he was not "racist",

would you suddenly find that with that reason off the plate, that you support Trump on certain policies or actions? And if so which ones?

Answering this question, will not be considered agreeing with the given premise. It is a mental exercise to help me and I expect others to understand what is going on in the world. I do not play silly games like that.
You cannot force me to lie, so that will never happen.


The op is a hypothetical. If you are not going to address it, then don't enter the thread, you moron.
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
So created TWO threads just to race bait?

I see...

WHy do you feel a need to try to derail this thread?
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
Nice post, thanks. It's interesting to note that President Trump wasn't considered to be a racist by ANY Dim Dems or liberal lunatics, UNTIL THE DAY HE ANNOUNCED HE WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT in 2015. Strange how that works.....

He was considered ....

That was all covered in the other thread. At great length. My question here is, what would it change for you, if you had to admit that he was not "Racist"?

Would you suddenly support him? Would you suddenly be in favor of his policies? Would you recommend that pro-life blacks vote for him?

What would it change for you?

What a stupid question? First off it's a "what if". ....

You cannot separate Trump from his racism. It's imbedded in his policies. He wants to stop immigration because only poor brown people from shithole countries are coming in.....

Sure you can. Ask yourself the question, would you still oppose his policy on immigration if the "brown" reason was removed from the equation.

It is easy if you try. It takes just a little imagination and some introspection. I assume that most of you have a fairly deep and clear understanding of your ideological and/or partisan reasons for opposing the President on his policies. And that was not sarcasm. The few of you that don't, they might not be able to think it though, but most of you should be able to, if you are wiling to give it a shot.

Surely it doesn't bother you to imagine a world with a republican but non racist president, if only for a few moments? I mean, if you can't do it, because of an emotional reaction to that, prevents it, that would be very interesting information, and I would love to talk about it.
You can't just remove facts you find inconvenient.
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
Nice post, thanks. It's interesting to note that President Trump wasn't considered to be a racist by ANY Dim Dems or liberal lunatics, UNTIL THE DAY HE ANNOUNCED HE WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT in 2015. Strange how that works.....

He was considered ....

That was all covered in the other thread. At great length. My question here is, what would it change for you, if you had to admit that he was not "Racist"?

Would you suddenly support him? Would you suddenly be in favor of his policies? Would you recommend that pro-life blacks vote for him?

What would it change for you?

What a stupid question? First off it's a "what if". ....

You cannot separate Trump from his racism. It's imbedded in his policies. He wants to stop immigration because only poor brown people from shithole countries are coming in.....

Sure you can. Ask yourself the question, would you still oppose his policy on immigration if the "brown" reason was removed from the equation.

It is easy if you try. It takes just a little imagination and some introspection. I assume that most of you have a fairly deep and clear understanding of your ideological and/or partisan reasons for opposing the President on his policies. And that was not sarcasm. The few of you that don't, they might not be able to think it though, but most of you should be able to, if you are wiling to give it a shot.

Surely it doesn't bother you to imagine a world with a republican but non racist president, if only for a few moments? I mean, if you can't do it, because of an emotional reaction to that, prevents it, that would be very interesting information, and I would love to talk about it.
You can't just remove facts you find inconvenient.

Sure you can. Easily.

Every time you buy a lottery ticket and talk about what you will do it you win. You are removing the "fact" of limited money from your life and considering the implications.

For one example.

The only reason you CAN'T do it, would be if you were very strongly emotionally invested in the fact that you were considering the implications of.

IF that what you are telling me? That you can't consider this scenario because you are heavily EMOTIONALLY invested in the idea of Trump being "Racist"?

THAT would be an interesting admission.

Is that what you are saying?
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
Nice post, thanks. It's interesting to note that President Trump wasn't considered to be a racist by ANY Dim Dems or liberal lunatics, UNTIL THE DAY HE ANNOUNCED HE WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT in 2015. Strange how that works.....

He was considered ....

That was all covered in the other thread. At great length. My question here is, what would it change for you, if you had to admit that he was not "Racist"?

Would you suddenly support him? Would you suddenly be in favor of his policies? Would you recommend that pro-life blacks vote for him?

What would it change for you?

What a stupid question? First off it's a "what if". ....

You cannot separate Trump from his racism. It's imbedded in his policies. He wants to stop immigration because only poor brown people from shithole countries are coming in.....

Sure you can. Ask yourself the question, would you still oppose his policy on immigration if the "brown" reason was removed from the equation.

It is easy if you try. It takes just a little imagination and some introspection. I assume that most of you have a fairly deep and clear understanding of your ideological and/or partisan reasons for opposing the President on his policies. And that was not sarcasm. The few of you that don't, they might not be able to think it though, but most of you should be able to, if you are wiling to give it a shot.

Surely it doesn't bother you to imagine a world with a republican but non racist president, if only for a few moments? I mean, if you can't do it, because of an emotional reaction to that, prevents it, that would be very interesting information, and I would love to talk about it.
You can't just remove facts you find inconvenient.

Sure you can. Easily.

Every time you buy a lottery ticket and talk about what you will do it you win. You are removing the "fact" of limited money from your life and considering the implications.

For one example.

The only reason you CAN'T do it, would be if you were very strongly emotionally invested in the fact that you were considering the implications of.

IF that what you are telling me? That you can't consider this scenario because you are heavily EMOTIONALLY invested in the idea of Trump being "Racist"?

THAT would be an interesting admission.

Is that what you are saying?
No, but it sounds like you have a very active fantasy life.
So, recently I started a thread about the Lesson of Charlottesville, making the point that liberals universally lie about what the President said in his speech, in order to hold on to this illusion of Trump/republican/American racism.

The QUESTION this raises in my mind, is WHY?

Why do they feel the need to do this?

So, to explore that, my question to you all, but especially you liberals out there,

is what policy, (hence this thread) or government actions or political position do you hold, that you would have to change your position on if you were to admit that Trump/republicans/America, is not "racist"?

I mean, are you only against say, "low taxes for the Rich" because of "racism", and if you gave up "racism" you would have to reverse your position and suddenly be FOR them?
Nice post, thanks. It's interesting to note that President Trump wasn't considered to be a racist by ANY Dim Dems or liberal lunatics, UNTIL THE DAY HE ANNOUNCED HE WAS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT in 2015. Strange how that works.....

He was considered ....

That was all covered in the other thread. At great length. My question here is, what would it change for you, if you had to admit that he was not "Racist"?

Would you suddenly support him? Would you suddenly be in favor of his policies? Would you recommend that pro-life blacks vote for him?

What would it change for you?

What a stupid question? First off it's a "what if". ....

You cannot separate Trump from his racism. It's imbedded in his policies. He wants to stop immigration because only poor brown people from shithole countries are coming in.....

Sure you can. Ask yourself the question, would you still oppose his policy on immigration if the "brown" reason was removed from the equation.

It is easy if you try. It takes just a little imagination and some introspection. I assume that most of you have a fairly deep and clear understanding of your ideological and/or partisan reasons for opposing the President on his policies. And that was not sarcasm. The few of you that don't, they might not be able to think it though, but most of you should be able to, if you are wiling to give it a shot.

Surely it doesn't bother you to imagine a world with a republican but non racist president, if only for a few moments? I mean, if you can't do it, because of an emotional reaction to that, prevents it, that would be very interesting information, and I would love to talk about it.
You can't just remove facts you find inconvenient.

Sure you can. Easily.

Every time you buy a lottery ticket and talk about what you will do it you win. You are removing the "fact" of limited money from your life and considering the implications.

For one example.

The only reason you CAN'T do it, would be if you were very strongly emotionally invested in the fact that you were considering the implications of.

IF that what you are telling me? That you can't consider this scenario because you are heavily EMOTIONALLY invested in the idea of Trump being "Racist"?

THAT would be an interesting admission.

Is that what you are saying?
No, but it sounds like you have a very active fantasy life.

If you can't participate, then don't clutter the thread with off topic shit.
WHy do you feel a need to try to derail this thread?
It's what liberals do on all threads like this. First they claim the other side is racist. Then when they are faced with facts like heritage and states' rights, they lose it and start derailing the thread.

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