The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty

I speak as a Muslim.

Anyone who knows a little about Islam knows about the holiness and the heavenliness of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), him who did the Night Journey.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said God revealed a book to him, the Holy Qur'an.

"Now hath come unto you an Messenger from amongst yourselves: it grieves him that ye should perish: ardently anxious is he over you: to the Believers is he most kind and merciful. But if they turn away, Say: "(Allah) sufficeth me: there is no god but He: On Him is my trust,- He the Lord of the Throne (of Glory) Supreme!"

This is not the word of a human being, not the word of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). This is the word of God Almighty. The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty. He revealed it to Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) through the intermediary of the Archangel Gabriel.

More than 2% of you Muslims in a free society produces an unacceptably high degree of toxicity.

To prevent this we seek to restrict the number of Muslims in the USA to no more than 2%.
Humans get to a truth by putting faith on a small amount of humans who are believed to be in direct contact with the truth itself. This is what human witnessing is.

Truths can be categorized as follows,

Type 1: Scientific truth

You can repeatedly and predictably verify the results by yourself. However, just like any other truths, a scientific truth is normally conveyed through human witnessing. Say, you don't observe the existence of black holes. You believe what is said by the scientists to get to such a truth. The scientists are a small amount of humans who are believed to be in direct contact with a scientific truth.

However, you can anytime verify the works of the scientists, because such a kind of truths is accessible all the times.

Type 2: Present Truth

They are the things/events happening around you or in this world. Such as daily news, the existence of Barrack Obama and so forth. Again, you don't examine them directly. You put your trust/faith to the media to get to such a kind of truths. Media is made up of a small amount of humans such as the writers and reporters.

Since the existence of such a kind of truths is in present time, they are thus accessible for your verification. You can examine the evidence by yourself.

Type 3: Historical Truth

They are the things/events happened in the past (possibly long past). Humans rely mostly on witnessing to reach such a kind of truth. For example, George Washington is believed to live between 1732 and 1799. We know this because there are humans records (possibly multiple accounts of them) saying so. Now what was Washington doing on a specific date, say, Feb 2nd of 1738? No one could possibly know because no one there wrote it down what he's doing on that day.

Mostly, history (= his story) is a result of human witnessing. The more distant history is, the less it is evidenced. Similarly, the less famous a person/an event is, the less was written down about him/it. Humans may thus find no way to reach such a truth.

History is mostly a one time event no longer accessible to today's humans. Humans will have to rely heavily and mostly on documents written by other humans to reach a truth. To put it another way, human witnessing can be the only way to reach a historical truth.

Type 4: Touchable Truth

This is the truth directly accessible to you. For example, water is wet. You can verify this by yourself at any time. You don't need to rely on others tales (witnessing) to know this. However, you may have to rely on witnessing to get to know deeper about what water is, say, at the atomic level.

Type 5: Unreachable Truth

They are truths not supposed to be reached by humans within a certain time frame. For example, humans living in stone age can hardly be aware of the existence of black holes. If somehow you are sent to the humans in stone age. Then they can reach such a truth by believing in your witnessing. If the existence of black holes concerns their lives, you can thus tell them: "I am the truth, the way and the live. Without me no one can reach the truth of black holes".

Similarly, humans living in our age may not access the existence of heaven, hell etc. even when they are real. To put it another way, even when they are real, such a truth can only be reached through human witnessing (which invites your faith to believe).

The truth of Christianity can be a mixture of Type 3 and Type 5 mentioned above. A truth requires witnessing to be reached. A witnessing invites faith to believe.

Today, we make use of multiple accounts, video and audio recordings to validate our witnessing (such as our daily news). Similarly, Bible is validated through multiple accounts. And no human witnessing can be made more valid than those direct witnesses martyred themselves for what is said and done.

Muslin is unsupported by multiple account witnessing, nor is it supported by the martyrdom of direct witnesses. It is because no humans and no gods ever understood the power of human witnessing. Only the Christian God can explicitly name His prophets and His witnesses. Only the Christian God asks for the conveying of truth through witnessing. Only the Christian God correctly makes use of human witnessing as a mean to convey a claimed truth.

Only God knows what witnessing is, no humans and no other gods can ever find out. Thus He can EXPLICITLY said,

Acts 1:8 (NIV)
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Humans hear about witnessing all the times without actually understanding what it is. And God's summary about humans is correct,

Isaiah 6:9 (NIV)
Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.

If any religion holds any truth, it is Christianity!
I don't think your summation of witnessing is completely accurate. A witness is far more likely to fall in your second category. When the spirit testifies to you that Jesus is the Christ you become a witness to that true.

it is by the Spirit all truth is known and transmitted
He who created the solar system has a son and goes about in the markets. That can not be true.
I speak as a Muslim.

Anyone who knows a little about Islam knows about the holiness and the heavenliness of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family), him who did the Night Journey.

Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) said God revealed a book to him, the Holy Qur'an.

"Now hath come unto you an Messenger from amongst yourselves: it grieves him that ye should perish: ardently anxious is he over you: to the Believers is he most kind and merciful. But if they turn away, Say: "(Allah) sufficeth me: there is no god but He: On Him is my trust,- He the Lord of the Throne (of Glory) Supreme!"

This is not the word of a human being, not the word of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). This is the word of God Almighty. The Qur'an is the word of God Almighty. He revealed it to Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) through the intermediary of the Archangel Gabriel.
You are 100% correct.

Welcome to the board. .... :cool:
He who created the solar system has a son and goes about in the markets. That can not be true.

God can do all things. He created all things. Why do you presume to tell Him what He can't do?

we are His children. Why can an all powerful being not walk among His children wherever they are?

Christ came to reconcile man with the Father and with his fellow man. Why are you so determined to distance yourself from Him? He loves you. He knows you by name

'I speak as a Christian. Allah is not God Almighty, Jesus Christ is. The Bible is the Word of God Almighty. The Bible is the ONLY WORD of God Almighty. As in "The One and Only"....'

And here we see the arrogance common to all religion, the conflict between and among other religions that has caused immeasurable suffering, as religion is in fact the bane of humankind.

Clayton, I assure you that the truth is not arrogance. Jesus is meek and lowly and there is no trace of arrogance in Him. Jesus Christ is the Living Word of God. Apart from Him no one can do a thing. What kind of arrogance does it take an individual to believe otherwise? Even to believe they can enter heaven by another means / doorway than Jesus Christ and His shed Blood at the cross of Calvary? That, Clayton, is arrogance.
Too many innocent people have died as a consequence of your childish squabbling over whose false religion is 'true.'

The situation in the world today borders on the fantastic.

Never before in history has one civilization allowed large numbers of those who come from an alien, and immutably hostile situation, to settle deep within that first civilization’s borders.

Never before have the members of one civilization failed to investigate, and even willfully refused to investigate, or to listen to those who warn about, the consequences for all non-Muslims of the belief-system of Islam.

In history, the phenomenon of the Barbarians at the Gates is hardly new. Those barbarians lay siege; if they win, they enter in triumph. Should they lose, the advanced civilization survives.

But never before have the gates been opened, to an entering force that has not even been identified or understood. Never before have the inhabitants of the by-now vulnerable city made efforts not to recognize, or realize, what they have done, and what they have undone.

That demographic intrusion shows no signs of diminishing. The systematic building of mosques and madrasas, paid for by Saudi Arabia, everywhere in the Western world, helps to make the conduct of Muslim life easier.

Western populations have been trained to make much of “celebrating diversity” and “promoting difference” and constructing, on a base of militant but unexamined pluralism, an edifice of legal rights and entitlements.

These rights, these entitlements, this militant pluralism are exploited by Muslims who do not believe in pluralism. Nor do they accept the individual rights of conscience and free speech, the legal equality of men and women, and of religious and racial minorities, recognized, for example, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Their current claim to support pluralism is based on the need to protect, and increase the power of, the Muslim umma, or Community, within the West, until such time as that umma no longer needs to pretend to have any interest in Western pluralism and Western values.

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More than 2% of you Muslims in a free society produces an unacceptably high degree of toxicity.

To prevent this we seek to restrict the number of Muslims in the USA to no more than 2%.
"think isrel"? I thought you said you were native American?

Liberal intellectual disconnect, I'd guess.

Only murderous hate-filled bigots have a problem reading Israeli info.
WTF? you're a nut case. :tinfoil:
More than 2% of you Muslims in a free society produces an unacceptably high degree of toxicity.

To prevent this we seek to restrict the number of Muslims in the USA to no more than 2%.
"think isrel"? I thought you said you were native American?

Liberal intellectual disconnect, I'd guess.

Only murderous hate-filled bigots have a problem reading Israeli info.
WTF? you're a nut case. :tinfoil:

Nope. Do you ever tire of being wrong?

Do you ever tire of being proven wrong?

Do you ever tire of being proven wrong in public?

Do you ever tire of being proven wrong by infidels?

Don't bother answering.

After all, who cares?

if you read the Book of Mormon you would realize that native Americans are a branch of the House of Israel
There is not one single piece of physical evidence or genetic evidence to back up the absurd claim in the Book of Mormon that American Indians are related to the Tribes of Israel. ....... :cuckoo:

sure there is. But read it for ourself and find out
if you read the Book of Mormon you would realize that native Americans are a branch of the House of Israel
There is not one single piece of physical evidence or genetic evidence to back up the absurd claim in the Book of Mormon that American Indians are related to the Tribes of Israel. ....... :cuckoo:


Show me one religion which can be scientifically proven.

They all require leaps of faith.

Your leap is someone else's chasm or abyss.

And vice versa.

This arguing over which religion is the best is never to be settled until judgement day. If that is your belief. And if not, then whatever your equivalent is. And if you aren't religious at all, then the answer is settled already.

So, let's get off our high horses and recognize we who believe are in no position to call someone else's religion false.

They all are potentially false. Or one may be true and the others not.


All I know is there is only ONE religion which has its sights set on conquering America, making it Sharia ruled and forcing the rest of us to convert, submit to captivity or die.

And that religion is Islam.

Anyone who likes their current non-Muslim, non-extremist lifestyle should support the move to restrict Muslim populations in America to no more than 2% concentrations.

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