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The Racist Party - The Democrat Party

It takes one to know one. After all, who would know the Loony Left better
than someone who was once part of it?

Horowitz Exposes Leftists' Racism

No one is more racist than a liberal. Just ask someone who has been on both
sides of the political fence, former leftist David Horowitz.

He asserts, however, that one thing he has never changed is his opinion on

"I once occupied the other side of the political divide. My views on race,
however, have remained entirely consistent with my previous commitments and
beliefs. I opposed racial preferences in the 1960s, and I oppose them now,"
he writes in his new book, "Left Illusions."

"Then I believed that only government neutrality towards racial groups was
compatible with the survival of a multi-ethnic society that is also
democratic. I still believe that today."

The book provides acute insight into the truths behind the myths of the left
's promulgations on race. Even more compelling, Horowitz spells out how our
nation's white, Euro-American Christian heritage is largely responsible for
the wealth of opportunities blacks and other minorities are able to enjoy

"In the 1960s, the Civil Rights Act put the power of the federal government
on the side of the victims of racial prejudice and effected areas of change
in American attitudes and institutions. But instead of declaring victory,
the civil rights movement discovered 'racism' in new 'subtle' and even
'invisible' forms," writes Horowitz.

Since then, the more gains that have been made in opportunities for
minorities and race relations in America, the more "discrimination" the left
has found.

Though 74 percentage of black Americas have incomes above the poverty line,
and more than half of all blacks have fallen solidly into the economic
category of middle class since the Reagan administration, the left continues
to see nothing but doom and gloom for black Americans.

As an example, Horowitz cites the use of incendiary and racially charged
terms such as "ghetto," which only serves to heighten perceived
victimization, and the complaints of talking heads such as Chris Matthews.

Matthews whines that whites fill most of the best seats at an NBA game,even
though most of the players are black. Horowitz points out the absence of
whites in other venues. "But if he had looked at the far more expensive
front row seats for a Mike Tyson fight in a Las Vegas resort, he would have
seen Jesse Jackson, Don King, the late Tupac Shakur, the record mogul Suge
Knight, and other Armani-suited fans of a darker hue."

What accounts for the differences Horowitz doesn't hazard a guess, but he
does admit that neither could he tell you why, "If you were hiking in the
Sierras, or any national park - where the fees are nominal - a black person
would be harder to find than a Hobbit."

Failing to consider that there is often no explanation behind cultural
choices, cries of racism like that of Matthews are reminiscent, says
Horowitz, of a Groucho Marx line: "Are you going to believe me or your lying

At the same time, liberals remain oblivious to the accomplishments of
successful black leaders such as conservative talk-show host Ken Hamblin,
who grew up in a single-parent welfare home; Bush judicial nominees Miguel
Estrada and Janice Rogers Brown, both obstructed by Senate Democrats; and
former Republican vice presidential candidate Ezola Foster, who has said: "I
was not born in Africa. I have never been to Africa. I am not an
African-American. I am an American."

As Horowitz explains, "The more racism you think there is and the bigger the
obstacle you think it presents, the more liberal you are - the more
'politically correct.' In short, the more racists you can find under any
given bed, the more progressive you will be judged, and the more guilt free
you will feel. ... There is a psychological payoff. ... In discovering
racism, even where it may not exist, you are able to realize your own virtue
and its self-reward."

For liberals, more racism equals more self-love. Hurting those supposedly
served by this mentality is inconsequential for those who practice it.

The internal satisfaction of having a social conscience is crippling, writes
Horowitz, and advising people to blame others for the problems in their
lives denies them the chance to improve their lives. By not allowing blacks
and other minorities to hold themselves accountable for their own lives, we
steal from them the power to change their lives.

Throughout his section on race, Horowitz highlights examples of racism
against whites and of how yet another Marxist fantasy seeks to deny America'
s exclusive opportunities to the very groups for which liberals claim to

Included among these is the particularly destructive idea of paying
reparations for slavery, an idea against which Horowitz launched a
nationwide campus campaign. The vilification he endured for his efforts
ripped the lid off the astonishing intellectual bigotry and political
discrimination of America's universities, and unleashed an onslaught of
attacks on free speech.

"The left's war against "whiteness" and against America's democratic culture
... is integrally connected to the Cold War that America fought against the
Marxist empire after World War II. It is in many respects the Cold War come
home. ... The agendas of contemporary leftists are merely updated versions
of the ideas and agendas of the Marxist left that once supported the
communist empire. Their goal remains the destruction of America's national
identity and, in particular, of the moral, political, and economic
institution that form its social foundation. The identical strategy is alive
and well today in the left's self-righteous imputation of sexism, racism,
and homophobia to anyone who dissents from its party line."
Thought Crimes

An example of this strategy is the promotion of hate crimes legislation,
which Horowitz is against. "It's a communist idea. ... It's just abhorrent
to our entire democratic system to punish thought as a crime. Under
consistent hate crime legislation we'd have to put the entire Democratic
Party in the House and the Senate in jail. James Carville would get a life
sentence," he tells NewsMax.

By inciting blacks and other minorities to hate the very elements
responsible for creating the country where they have more opportunity than
anywhere else to succeed, America-hating leftists are able to marshal
destruction of American culture, as begun by white European males. As
Horowitz points out, no one is more responsible for the plethora of
opportunity that exists in America like nowhere else.

"It should be obvious to anyone with even a modest historical understanding
that ... America and England are the nations that led the world in
abolishing slavery and in establishing the principles of ethnic and racial
inclusion. ... The creation of America by Protestant Christians ... was
historically essential to the development of institutions that today afford
greater privileges and protections to all minorities than any society
extant. White European-American culture is a culture that the citizens of
this nation can take enormous pride in, precisely because its principles -
revolutionary in their conception and unique in their provenance - provide
for the inclusion of cultures that are non-white and non-Christian (and
which are not so tolerant in their lands of origin). ... That is why America
's democratic and pluralistic framework remains an inspiring beacon to
people of all colors all over the world, from Tienanmen Square to Haiti and
Havana, who have not yet won their freedom, but who aspire to do so. We are
a nation besieged by peoples "of color" trying to immigrate to our shores to
take advantage of the unparalleled opportunities and rights our society
offers them."

The dying of white Americans for Thomas Jefferson's proclamation that all
men are created equal accomplished "what no black African" was able to do,
he writes: free the ancestors of today's black Americans.

The old man was critically ill. Feeling that death was near, he called his lawyer. "I want to become a Democrat. Get me a change of registration form." "You can do it", the lawyer said, "But why? You'll be dead soon, why do you want to become a Democrat?" "That's my business! Get me the form!"

Four days later, the old man got his registration changed. His lawyer was at his bedside making sure his bill would be paid. Suddenly the old man was racked with fits of coughing, and it was clear that this would be the end. Still curious, the lawyer leaned over and said, "Please, before it's too late, tell me why you wanted to become a Democrat so badly before you died?" In a faint whisper, as he breathed his last, the old man said: "One less Democrat".

lol! So good I stole it!
silly me...here I thought this was a political discussion forum.

It's the friday morning joke off... like the early rounds of american idol for terribly unfunny redneck comedians.
silly me...here I thought this was a political discussion forum.

It's the friday morning joke off... like the early rounds of american idol for terribly unfunny redneck comedians.

Liberal Democrats are a joke and racists
Fiction by Russell T. Johnson
Once upon a time there was a guy who sincerely believed that he was a liberal. He ate liberal food, read liberal magazines, dressed in liberal clothes, had the kind of profession that liberals have. He watched liberal television and tuned in the liberal radio station to download his daily opinions. He was so liberal that he had a New York accent even though he was from Texas. No kidding. He took pains to avoid the words that liberals dare not speak and was openly disdainful of those insensitive enough to say "black" instead of "african-american."
He was also super compassionate. He just oozed sympathy and sensitivity understanding and inclusion. Everywhere he went he left a trail of glistening compassion.
Then one day this guy showed his true colors. He was a talking liberal and a practicing racist.
One day Mr. Compassion signed up for a class so that he can earn his motorcycle license. Also in this class was a late-middle-aged black guy. This black guy had an offer of a higher paying job at some distance from his house. He couldn't affford a car and he couldn't afford the extra two hours' daily bus commute. He had arranged to buy a used motorcycle if he passed this course.
Being not so very young and not so very fit, the black guy's strength toward the end of the day began to flag. Mr. Compassion noticed him panting and struggling to horse his bike around the course. Using his best, most unctious touchy-feely social scientist voice, he took the black guy aside and assured him that it wasn't worth the exertion, everything's okay, tomorrow is another day.
The black guy was minutes from victory, and Mr. Compassion talked him out of it with sweet sweet words. Rather than giving strength to the black guy, Mr. Compassion sucked it out of him like a vampire.
This black guy had tried to better himself economically through his own efforts, and Captain Liberal had held him down by pretending to be his friend. This was economic race warfare and the black guy had been beat with a helping hand.
Because he didn't get his motorcycle license, he couldn't take the better paying job. The course isn't offered again for several weeks, and the old black guy isn't likely to get any younger or any stronger, and that better job isn't going to be waiting for him. Even if it is, he has to come up with the cost of taking the course again, and the reason he's taking the course is because he's short of time and money.
The really insidious aspect of this kind of racism is that the black guy thinks this is his best friend in the whole white world.
I wonder if Mr. Compassion even considers the harm he has done. Is his disguise so perfect that he fools even himself? Is this something he does deliberately, or is it just worked into his program?
When you strip away the motives, the black guy lost his shot at a better job. Mr. Compassion can walk away from the consequences of his toxic benevolence. The old black guy can't.
so now your inability to write your own ideas has devolved from cutting and pasting all the way down to cutting and pasting FICTION?

Why not cut and paste the text of My Pet Goat so we can all see what so captivated our "fearless" leader that he couldn't stop reading it while America was under attack.

FICTION! :rofl:
so now your inability to write your own ideas has devolved from cutting and pasting all the way down to cutting and pasting FICTION?

Why not cut and paste the text of My Pet Goat so we can all see what so captivated our "fearless" leader that he couldn't stop reading it while America was under attack.

FICTION! :rofl:

It shows the liberal mind at work. The last thing slibs want is for people to stand on their own feet. Libs want people stuck in an endless cycle of dependency. Like the local drug dealer, libs want you to depend on them for your next fix (a government check)
it's a piece of fiction written by someone else.... you cut and paste other people's words because you do not have the brains or ability to string enough of them together yourself to form a coherent thought. Doesn't that get embarrassing after a while?
it's a piece of fiction written by someone else.... you cut and paste other people's words because you do not have the brains or ability to string enough of them together yourself to form a coherent thought. Doesn't that get embarrassing after a while?

I answered how libs view the masses they suck them into a cycle of dependency and you keep changving the subject

Liberal debate tactic #1. Avoid factual arguments, they're usually against you anyway.
if you think cutting and pasting the fictional works of others is DEBATING, you are really too dumb to talk with.
if you think cutting and pasting the fictional works of others is DEBATING, you are really too dumb to talk with.

I posted ONE fictional piece, you ignore the point on how libs view blacks. You are also very good at ignoreing FACTS

Of course that is what libs do best
all you ever do is post other people's words. and you posted FICTION, for crissakes! Speak for yourself. If I wanted to read someone ELSE's words, I go somewhere else to look for them.
all you ever do is post other people's words. and you posted FICTION, for crissakes! Speak for yourself. If I wanted to read someone ELSE's words, I go somewhere else to look for them.

You are a great example of a debating liberal
I tell you what: I am just going to stop this silly exercise.:eusa_wall:

I would love to actually debate ideas with you....but you seem content to cut and paste and post silly graphics ....I am not sure whether that is because you really are incapable of expressing yourself or not...and I don't really care. If you want to engage in a debate as to the wisdom of the war in Iraq and what impact it is having on the regional dynamic and our influence in that region, you can let me know. If all I can expect is more of the same from you, I think I'll just take my discussions to other members of this and other boards and leave you to your immature unintelligent play.
I tell you what: I am just going to stop this silly exercise.:eusa_wall:

I would love to actually debate ideas with you....but you seem content to cut and paste and post silly graphics ....I am not sure whether that is because you really are incapable of expressing yourself or not...and I don't really care. If you want to engage in a debate as to the wisdom of the war in Iraq and what impact it is having on the regional dynamic and our influence in that region, you can let me know. If all I can expect is more of the same from you, I think I'll just take my discussions to other members of this and other boards and leave you to your immature unintelligent play.

a lib debate with ideas? Now that would be a great change of pace

When will you try it?
Sure. You'll just play "Lucy and the football" like you did with me about the Saddam-Bin Laden connection.

No sane person would bother with you.

He is good for a few snickers, an occasional chuckle, and a rare belly laugh

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