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The Racist Party - The Democrat Party

No, it says the exact opposite.

YOUR Party was founded AFTER MY party. It is, therefore, not the grand old party....

but go ahead and call it that.

The fact that Jefferson's Party - MY party - was called, at the beginning, the democratic republican party, does not mean it is the same as YOUR party, which, from the very beginning was the REPUBLICAN PARTY and which was founded in 1854 in the town of Ripon Wisconsin.
he cant, trust me. My guess is he read the article wrong and didnt focus on the correct facts which i stated. Im sure everyone can read in plain english in the article that "the republican party (not related to the present day republican party)" speaks loud and clear in plain "grand old" english that they are two different partys. He is 100 percent guaranteed wrong on this one. And the sad part is, that article he introduced is the proof. hahah
no...that indicates that my party had a different name...but it still was MY party. YOUR party was indeed founded in 1854 in Ripon Wisconsin.

If I have adopt an old dog named Fido at the pound and rename him Spot.... and you have a new puppy that you name Fido.... it doesn't mean YOUR dog is older than mine.
no...that indicates that my party had a different name...but it still was MY party. YOUR party was indeed founded in 1854 in Ripon Wisconsin.

If I have adopt an old dog named Fido at the pound and rename him Spot.... and you have a new puppy that you name Fido.... it doesn't mean YOUR dog is older than mine.
What part of "founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison as the Republican party in 1792" do you fail to understand?

Looking at the issue empirically, The GOP is well known to revere the ideals of Jefferson and Madison, while the Democrat Party, with the help of liberals, is always trying to “progress”. Face it, you’d re-write the Constitution to look like the old USSR if you could.
What part of "founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison as the Republican party in 1792" do you fail to understand?

Looking at the issue empirically, The GOP is well known to revere the ideals of Jefferson and Madison, while the Democrat Party, with the help of liberals, is always trying to “progress”. Face it, you’d re-write the Constitution to look like the old USSR if you could.

You cannot possibly be that obtuse. The party that jefferson founded was named the democratic republicans and its name simplified over time. Here....let's look at the two party's websites and see what they have to say:


The Republican Party - GOP History

The Republican Party was born in the early 1850's by anti-slavery activists and individuals who believed that government should grant western lands to settlers free of charge. The first informal meeting of the party took place in Ripon, Wisconsin, a small town northwest of Milwaukee. The first official Republican meeting took place on July 6th, 1854 in Jackson, Michigan. The name "Republican" was chosen because it alluded to equality and reminded individuals of Thomas Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party. At the Jackson convention, the new party adopted a platform and nominated candidates for office in Michigan.

In 1856, the Republicans became a national party when John C. Fremont was nominated for President under the slogan: "Free soil, free labor, free speech, free men, Fremont." Even though they were considered a "third party" because the Democrats and Whigs represented the two-party system at the time, Fremont received 33% of the vote."

and from the other side of the aisle:


Thomas Jefferson founded the Democratic Party in 1792 as a congressional caucus to fight for the Bill of Rights and against the elitist Federalist Party. In 1798, the "party of the common man" was officially named the Democratic-Republican Party and in 1800 elected Jefferson as the first Democratic President of the United States. Jefferson served two distinguished terms and was followed by James Madison in 1808. Madison strengthened America's armed forces — helping reaffirm American independence by defeating the British in the War of 1812. James Monroe was elected president in 1816 and led the nation through a time commonly known as "The Era of Good Feeling" in which Democratic-Republicans served with little opposition.

The election of John Quincy Adams in 1824 was highly contested and led to a four-way split among Democratic-Republicans. A result of the split was the emergence of Andrew Jackson as a national leader. The war hero, generally considered — along with Jefferson — one of the founding fathers of the Democratic Party, organized his supporters to a degree unprecedented in American history. The Jacksonian Democrats created the national convention process, the party platform, and reunified the Democratic Party with Jackson's victories in 1828 and 1832. The Party held its first National Convention in 1832 and nominated President Jackson for his second term. In 1844, the National Convention simplified the Party's name to the Democratic Party."

so...do you go around "acting" like a total obnoxious prick just for the fun of it, or perhaps, is it not an affectation at all, but a reflection of your true self? If I had to venture a guess, it would be the latter.

That's the cleaned up version. The real version is not quite politically correct:

The Radical Republicans were the leading political force during the time of Lincoln through the Reconstruction period. With strong belief in the 1783 Constitutional language that all men are created equal [reverece toward the Jefferson-Madison ideals], they campaigned to enhance freedom through free market economics. During this time, the northern states were majority Republican and had established a vibrant free market society. The majority Democrats in the south maintained a European model of an upper class minority supported by cheap labor of black slavery and poor whites.

In 1862 the Radical Republicans literally went to war against slavery with support of the moderate President Lincoln. After the Civil War and slavery was finally abolished, the southern Democrats kept the lower classes in line by limiting civil rights. The strong Republican majority in congress overrode a veto from Democrat President Andrew Johnson for the first time in US history and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1868. The racist Johnson then refused to enforce it.

Republicans passed the Civil Rights act of 1875, which was struck down by the Democrat majority Supreme Court in 1883. Republicans tried again in 1957, watering down a Civil Rights Act to overcome stiff Democrat opposition. 1960 brought a third Republican Civil Rights Act, pushed through after nearly a week long Democrat filibuster.

President John Kennedy became the first Democratic President to embrace the conservative ideals of the Radical Republicans. Democratic President Lyndon Johnson, who himself grew up impoverished in the South, pushed his party further, and supported the Republican sponsored 1964 Civil Rights Act. This Act was essentially a re-writing of the 1875 legislation, and was passed against chief opponents Albert Gore Sr. and a 14 hour filibuster by former Klansman Robert Byrd, still a Democrat senator to this day. Johnson was instrumental in strengthening the Act in 1968.

And as usual, the Damnocrats attempt to re-write history to suit their current agenda. They abandoned the Democrat-Republican ideals enforce slavery.

No dice.
lol. My God.

People! Neither the Democratic party NOR the Republican party are going to save our country from HELL!

No.....we, WE as a people have to pull together and quit arguing about such nonsense! It gets us no-where!

Where will our country be in 4-5 years? DO you really know the answer to that?

Forget about the Democrat vs Republican bullshit folks. We've got alot of work to do.
That's the cleaned up version. The real version is not quite politically correct:

And as usual, the Damnocrats attempt to re-write history to suit their current agenda. They abandoned the Democrat-Republican ideals enforce slavery.

No dice.
the 'radical republicans' followed the Lincoln period. They repudiated Johnson. MM is correct, the GOP of today, is more modern and relevant than †he democrats.
That's the cleaned up version. The real version is not quite politically correct:

And as usual, the Damnocrats attempt to re-write history to suit their current agenda. They abandoned the Democrat-Republican ideals enforce slavery.

No dice.

I din't rewrite shit...I copied it verbatim from the GOP website..... you got your ass handed to you by your own party. just suck it up and deal with defeat.
the 'radical republicans' followed the Lincoln period. ....

The “Republican” name was resurrected after the Kansas-Nebraska Act in Ripon, WI by Alvan Bovay on February 28, 1854. Opponents of slavery had chosen the name to contrast themselves with the aristocrats who lorded over slaves and poor whites in the South. Thomas Jefferson and his followers were also known as “Republicans”. Before settling on the “Whig” party, opponents of Andrew Jackson had called themselves the “National-Republicans”.

The most prominent Radical Republican (radically against slavery) was NY Senator William Seward; he had opposed Kansas-Nebraska. Lincoln at first considered the Radicals too abolitionist.

As Lincoln had pointed out throughout his career, the Framers had been ashamed of slavery and had expected that if confined to a region would die out. Lincoln embodied the Republican’s dedication to achieving Jefferson’s ideals through Alexander Hamilton’s free market system: “All honor to Jefferson”, he would say. Democrats, unnerved that the Republicans had taken heart to Jefferson, whom they claimed as their founder, accused them of being “Black Republicans”.

Lincoln was elected President in 1860.

[paraphrased from Michael Zak, “Back to Basics for the Republican Party”]
Not much new here.

nope...you lost. My party is older than your party...yet your party calls itself the grand old party and nobody bitches...so when we call ourselves the democratic party...you should just shut your piehole.
nope...you lost. My party is older than your party...yet your party calls itself the grand old party and nobody bitches...so when we call ourselves the democratic party...you should just shut your piehole.
Unnerved that the Republicans had taken heart to Jefferson, whom they claimed as their founder, Democrats accused them of being “Black Republicans”.

give it up. you lost. your own party's website hangs you out to dry...

you're pathetic.

and you are really fucking brave to call a retired navy commander a treasonous traitor from behind the safety of cyberspace.

You are still wrong Maineman, they are the Democrat Party, no matter how old or full of shit they are.
The old man was critically ill. Feeling that death was near, he called his lawyer. "I want to become a Democrat. Get me a change of registration form." "You can do it", the lawyer said, "But why? You'll be dead soon, why do you want to become a Democrat?" "That's my business! Get me the form!"

Four days later, the old man got his registration changed. His lawyer was at his bedside making sure his bill would be paid. Suddenly the old man was racked with fits of coughing, and it was clear that this would be the end. Still curious, the lawyer leaned over and said, "Please, before it's too late, tell me why you wanted to become a Democrat so badly before you died?" In a faint whisper, as he breathed his last, the old man said: "One less Democrat".
Are you kidding me? Democrats would not alienate the one group of americans that actually support them. Race is not even an issue this is the 21st century, quit thinking that everyone cares what skin color anybody is. If there IS racism going on its in the old south, the confederate south. Blacks are just wondering why it took FEMA and this federal government so long to come to the aid of the black familys of New Orleans after Katrina? The president should have approved billions in aid imediately.

What an extraordinarily stupid post......the confederate south, you are illiterate and a bigot.

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