The Real American soldier

The Koran doesn't say that Non Muslims should be killed for any reason. It does say that those who insist on harming Muslims and Islam should be fought. Islam is a peaceful religon but it does believe that war is justified in some cases. Any verse that implies that Jews or Christians should be killed just for their beliefs is taken out of context. If that was true Jews or Christians wouldn't have lived for centuries in the Middle East.
Originally posted by Russlan1187
The Koran doesn't say that Non Muslims should be killed for any reason. It does say that those who insist on harming Muslims and Islam should be fought. Islam is a peaceful religon but it does believe that war is justified in some cases. Any verse that implies that Jews or Christians should be killed just for their beliefs is taken out of context. If that was true Jews or Christians wouldn't have lived for centuries in the Middle East.

DK, I also refer you to the thread.

We could easilly go down this path and it doesn't make islam look good at all. I didn't want to switch the topic of the thread when asking these questions, but merely prove what this guy is about.

If my thread seems too vague, we can extrapolate further.
Originally posted by dilloduck
And the problem with America not telling the world everything is knows is???????????????????????????????????

You forgot the muslim cheerleader dress you normally wear. Are you afraid we will bash you too?
As bad as the situation in Iraq is it would get much worse if the pictures of a women being raped are released, if they exist. Most Iraqis aren't fighting the occupation right now. But they would if they thought Americans were raping women.
Originally posted by Russlan1187
As bad as the situation in Iraq is it would get much worse if the pictures of a women being raped are released, if they exist. Most Iraqis aren't fighting the occupation right now. But they would if they thought Americans were raping women.

Until you can prove islam peaceful and accepting, you are considered a terrorist by your own thread here.

I would think you know that by now.

-But then you only jump back in when you can incite us to fight amongst ourselves to cause division.

You think that cannot be seen?
He man---get a grip----your trying to prove the guys a not a muslim--the koran is evil---etc I just get tired of the religious holier than thou crap. Gets us way of point. Aren't any verses out of the Koran or the Bible out of context anyway?

you just wanna see up my skirt anyway
Here's a book written by a Jew that a Muslim has used to show that Jews lived peacefully under Muslim rule.
Here's a link to the site

Here's a link to the book
A History of the Jewish People

Originally posted by dilloduck
He man---get a grip----your trying to prove the guys a not a muslim--the koran is evil---etc I just get tired of the religious holier than thou crap. Gets us way of point. Aren't any verses out of the Koran or the Bible out of context anyway?

you just wanna see up my skirt anyway

You don't even know what context IS and I really don't care if you are tired of it or not.

Fact is fact.

You can hide your eyes and cover your ears.

As long as I am here, I am not hiding truth from anyone.

Deal with it.
I'll definitely post a message that has Koranic verses that shows what the Koran says about Jews, warfare, etc in the next couple of days. I'm not at home right now but I have these verses at home.
Hey he man---do i get a nickle if I can define context?

your just looking for a reason to ignore what this guy says by berating his religion. Thats chicken shit . A WHOLE lot of shit has been done in the name of both religions.

try something other than fundamentalism
I know the meaning of the verses but as a Muslim I think it's better to post the verses word by word. Do you know all the verses in the Bible word by word?

Originally posted by Sir Evil
What's the matter muslim, cant remember your own bullshit?
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
OCA, did you ever serve in the US military? I did and it comes down to 3 words. Professionalism, Integrity, and Honor. If anyone can serve in the military and APPROVE OR EXCUSE the shit that a handful of fuckwads have done in Abu Ghraib then they have no professionalism, integrity, or honor and need to seriously rethink their line of work.

DK, I absolutely agree. While the things that happened were terrible, what I think is worse is all the hand-wringing that is going on about it. It happened, the people that did it are being punished, and Congress is investigating it.

What the hell else do people want to happen? Really? Is there anything left to accomplish by prolonging this?
Originally posted by dilloduck
Hey he man---do i get a nickle if I can define context?

Are you a hooker?

your just looking for a reason to ignore what this guy says by berating his religion. Thats chicken shit .

No, I am looking for his belief system which defines his actions.

A WHOLE lot of shit has been done in the name of both religions.

try something other than fundamentalism

Satan always tries to get people to deny Christ.
I have to go. I must say this dicussion was undeniably entertaining if not particularly informative. I'll definitely post Koranic verses in the next couple of days. Asalam alakum. (That means may peace be upon you.)
Originally posted by Russlan1187
I have to go. I must say this dicussion was undeniably entertaining if not particularly informative. I'll definitely post Koranic verses in the next couple of days. Asalam alakum. (That means may peace be upon you.)

Amazing you can say that and point to islamic books but cannot post koranic verses to prove peaceful intent.

Good luck on your verse posting.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
Simply amazing! Peace be upon us huh? funny you didn't wanna talk piece with your initial post!
no problem Evil I can submit dont really care if he is a mulsim or
a Martian just shoots his mouth off but all blanks Mostly tired of "he-mans" bigotry and hypocrisy. Interferes with intelligent exchange

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