The real reason Dr. Seuss was cancelled

Seriously. Just stop. What's amazing to me is we didn't see this as wrong even then.

Seriously? Are the illustrations not in keeping with all of the other illustrations he has ever done? Caricatures are not in and of themselves offensive without context. I grew up as a kid in a racially diverse neighborhood where ethnic stereotypes were frequently used. It was never what was said but how it was said and how it was intended to be taken which determined if it was familiar affection from a place of love or fighting words.

So, no. It's not amazing to me that we didn't see this as wrong even then. In fact, the fact that you see it as wrong now and not then says more about how you have been conditioned to find insults in everything even the things that were never intended to be insults.
If you don't find that illustration offensive, there is something wrong with you. Seuss was not a racist. But he was locked in his time. The owners of his copyrights elected to remove the offensive images in order to protect the demand for the vast majority of his work.
Seriously. Just stop. What's amazing to me is we didn't see this as wrong even then.

Seriously? Are the illustrations not in keeping with all of the other illustrations he has ever done? Caricatures are not in and of themselves offensive without context. I grew up as a kid in a racially diverse neighborhood where ethnic stereotypes were frequently used. It was never what was said but how it was said and how it was intended to be taken which determined if it was familiar affection from a place of love or fighting words.

So, no. It's not amazing to me that we didn't see this as wrong even then. In fact, the fact that you see it as wrong now and not then says more about how you have been conditioned to find insults in everything even the things that were never intended to be insults.
If you don't find that illustration offensive, there is something wrong with you. Seuss was not a racist. But he was locked in his time. The owners of his copyrights elected to remove the offensive images in order to protect the demand for the vast majority of his work.
I already explained why I don't take it offensive. The illustrations are no different than any other of his illustrations, Caricatures are not in and of themselves offensive without context and there was no intent to be offensive.

There is nothing wrong with me. You have been conditioned to over react and find offense where none was intended.

It's probably not so much that you find them offensive as it is that your "herd" expects you to find them offensive so you suspend all reason and logic and can't think for yourself.
In fact, if Taz or Bulldog ever agreed with me I'd have to rethink my position.
Hopefully, but not likely, unfortunately.
Thank God for that.
The invisible magician god who poofed everything into being from nothing at all? That monkey?
No. The Creator of existence who transcends matter and energy.
Ya, that guy. The one you have no proof for.
Existence is your proof, dummy.
If you don't find that illustration offensive, there is something wrong with you.

If you're such a worthless, pathetic crybaby that you are offended by that illustration, then it is •YOU• with whom there is something very wrong.
Whine away, bitch
Let me get this straight... you found the caricature illustrations in Dr. Seuss' book to be offensive and believe they should no longer be published but believe calling someone a bitch in a public forum is OK and acceptable?
In fact, if Taz or Bulldog ever agreed with me I'd have to rethink my position.
Hopefully, but not likely, unfortunately.
Thank God for that.
The invisible magician god who poofed everything into being from nothing at all? That monkey?
No. The Creator of existence who transcends matter and energy.
Ya, that guy. The one you have no proof for.
Existence is your proof, dummy.
Existence is proof of an invisible being? :blowpop:

That makes no logical sense.
Orange cultists still crying about their books? The ones at the reading level they can handle?
Traditional families with all of the things that make it tough to do thrown out so the fringe could have the great times. And the taxes going up higher and higher as a percentage of income and wealth. Therefore putting more and more people into working poor and poor. And needing government help to subsidize their earnings.
In fact, if Taz or Bulldog ever agreed with me I'd have to rethink my position.
Hopefully, but not likely, unfortunately.
Thank God for that.
The invisible magician god who poofed everything into being from nothing at all? That monkey?
No. The Creator of existence who transcends matter and energy.
Ya, that guy. The one you have no proof for.
Existence is your proof, dummy.
Existence is proof of an invisible being? :blowpop:

That makes no logical sense.
You say invisible being, I say Creator, outside of space and time and beyond energy and matter.

Existence was created. But this isn't the thread. Create a thread in the Bull Ring and make your argument. I'd be happy to debate you there.
In fact, if Taz or Bulldog ever agreed with me I'd have to rethink my position.
Hopefully, but not likely, unfortunately.
Thank God for that.
The invisible magician god who poofed everything into being from nothing at all? That monkey?
No. The Creator of existence who transcends matter and energy.
Ya, that guy. The one you have no proof for.
Existence is your proof, dummy.
Existence is proof of an invisible being? :blowpop:

That makes no logical sense.
You say invisible being, I say Creator, outside of space and time and beyond energy and matter.

Existence was created. But this isn't the thread. Create a thread in the Bull Ring and make your argument. I'd be happy to debate you there.
You still can't scientifically tie our existence to an invisible being. So it's a guess. Everyone has their opinion and maybe one day when we can see the BB, we'll see if any of us were even close, lol.
In fact, if Taz or Bulldog ever agreed with me I'd have to rethink my position.
Hopefully, but not likely, unfortunately.
Thank God for that.
The invisible magician god who poofed everything into being from nothing at all? That monkey?
No. The Creator of existence who transcends matter and energy.
Ya, that guy. The one you have no proof for.
Existence is your proof, dummy.
Existence is proof of an invisible being? :blowpop:

That makes no logical sense.
You say invisible being, I say Creator, outside of space and time and beyond energy and matter.

Existence was created. But this isn't the thread. Create a thread in the Bull Ring and make your argument. I'd be happy to debate you there.
You still can't scientifically tie our existence to an invisible being. So it's a guess. Everyone has their opinion and maybe one day when we can see the BB, we'll see if any of us were even close, lol.
Make a thread in the Bull ring and state your case.
View attachment 468192

Pretty much says it all.
There is a reason you won't be able to tell anyone what book that quote comes from....and there will also be a reason why you can't tell anyone if that book was "banned"

"A post shared on Facebook claims that author Theodore Seuss Geisel once said, “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

Fact Check:
The saying doesn’t appear in any of Geisel’s writing.

It must be real pathetic for you Trumpers to continue to be duped over and over again
In fact, if Taz or Bulldog ever agreed with me I'd have to rethink my position.
Hopefully, but not likely, unfortunately.
Thank God for that.
The invisible magician god who poofed everything into being from nothing at all? That monkey?
No. The Creator of existence who transcends matter and energy.
Ya, that guy. The one you have no proof for.
Existence is your proof, dummy.
Existence is proof of an invisible being? :blowpop:

That makes no logical sense.
You say invisible being, I say Creator, outside of space and time and beyond energy and matter.

Existence was created. But this isn't the thread. Create a thread in the Bull Ring and make your argument. I'd be happy to debate you there.
You still can't scientifically tie our existence to an invisible being. So it's a guess. Everyone has their opinion and maybe one day when we can see the BB, we'll see if any of us were even close, lol.
Make a thread in the Bull ring and state your case.
Have all your cut&paste ready to go? :biggrin:

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