The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

They can’t face that people fail or succeed due primarily to their own life choices, and thus Paul - faced with the reality that

Sure, there are blk people who have raised themselves up from poverty and beaten the odds, but why should anyone have to fight a game rigged against them ? And why in the world would anyone think every child, or even most would be able to do this, who are in a similar situation….?


But here's the kicker.

No other group of Americans has pulled themselves up by the bootstraps the way black Americans have.

Just 147 years ago most black Americans were held in bondage. Blk ppl owned nothing, no property, no assets of any kind and most were not educated.

And just 1 and a half lifetimes since blk ppl are collectively are worth billions of dollars. Many are working or middle-class. This despite Jim Crow and other examples of racism and bigotry.

We are a very special group of people

impoverished Jews went from tenements to suburban homes in a single generation - has to claim they had “help.

Yeah because of course blk ppl had just as much access to move into the burbs back then. Right ?


And that was done, in part, by a white Jewish man called William Levitt and this white flight to suburbs was subsidized by the government, which spent billions on highway construction and low-cost loans, essentially available only to whites in those newly developing residential spaces.

Nowadays they can be more slick so they create these “Neighborhood Improvement Associations” which are basically ways to keep blacks out.

But hey you won.

This is the white world you want and many have. Right ?


You wake up and you look one way ? And what do you see ? White people !! Look another ? "Yipee !! More white people !!"

And you notice how Paul, oozing hostility for Jews

I want you to show one instance of a black person in America harming a Jewish person with impunity.

Anti-Black racism is done with IMPUNITY. Meaning no one gets punished and BTW I have no hostility towards Jewish. Jews have always had hosilty towards us


It was Dan Burros (A Jew) that blew up and killed four young black girls 16th bombing in 1963



Like help by being told “no more Jews” by the Ivy League?

All Jews did to get around that (if it even happened) was whiten their names (as many famous jews have done)

Woody Allen = Allen Konigsberg
Fred Astaire = Frederick Austerlitz
Bob Dylan = Robert Zimmerman
Jack Benny = Benjamin Kubelsky
Mel Brooks = Mel Kaminsky
George Burns = Nathan Birnbaum
David Copperfield = David Seth Kotkin
Kirk Douglas = Issur Danielovitch Demsky
Lauren Bacall = Joan Perske
Tony Curtis = Bernie Schwartz
Elliott Gould = Elliott Goldstein
Zsa Zsa Gabor = Sara Gabor
Judy Garland = Frances Gumm
Cary Grant = Larry Leach
Larry King = Larry Zeiger
Jerry Lewis = Joseph Levitch
Joan Rlvers = Joan Molinsky
Gene Wilder = Jerome Silberman

And thern give their kids these really anglo white american name Noah, Madison, Tyler, Mackenzie, Miley and Dakota

That's how the white club works. White people have had to forget the history, customs and traditions of the countries that they originate from and come to together on this ridiculous notion of whiteness.

Thats the power of white supremacy. The desire for White Normalcy from even white people who change their names to whitewash any hint of ethnicity.

Claimed Jews always had help? Help? Like being rounded up to be systematically exterminated like vermin? Like being expelled from country after country, going back 1000 years?

Yes and no one tells Jews to "get over it" No one says. “My family never killed any Jews

This is what we get.


That aside, what type of help did the Jewish children of the 30s and 40s have in this country, with poor, impoverished immigrant parents? Somehow, they managed to get beyond poverty, and to an above-average level, and without “help.
  • The Jews didn't suffer from hundreds of years of slavery - Because they were White.
  • The Jews could vote by the 1860s, not the 1960s – Because they were White.
  • The Jews qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans – Because they were White.
  • The Jews could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools – Because they were White.
Yes the Jews suffered no question. But whatever stereotypes they may have had then doesn't impact them now.

They're just another white person.

The same cannot be said for a black person.

Blacks today, and for the past two generations, have indeed had help by being jumped ahead of whites, with better grades and scores, for admission to higher Ed programs. THAT is help.

Name me a university which is lowering the bar to allow all these dumb blk ppl in ?
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And I would think at 62, at some point you were aware of and perhaps attended a segregated school.
Perhaps a De Facto segregated school, they still exist, although most of them are in the inner city, de jure segregated schools have been illegal since Ike's presidency. Even back then, most segregated schools were either in the Deep South or were for the liberal upper crust in the Northeast. You know expensive prep schools to send kids to Haaavard any Yale.
We've had 116 justices on the Supreme court. 112 of them have been white. 108 of them have been white males. The real question is, why has it taken THIS LONG to put a black woman on SCOTUS?

Well, simple solution to that. Have Uncle Thomas retire... then we'll be closer to a balance. Of course, given that he's the only justice who thought it was perfectly okay for a court to exclude black jurors from the SIXTH trial of a man because blacks on the previous five juries voted to acquit, that was something even his fellow conservative justices thought was a bit much.

Stop passing them over, and they'll stop whining. Stop letting the police get away with murdering them.
Why would we want a political balance on SCOTUS? Its job isn't to make judgements based on political ideologies but based on the law and Constitution. Anyway, SCOTUS has been liberal leaning since FDR packed it in the thirties. He's the one that politicized SCOTUS.
They can’t face that people fail or succeed due primarily to their own life choices, and thus Paul - faced with the reality that

Sure, there are blk people who have raised themselves up from poverty and beaten the odds, but why should anyone have to fight a game rigged against them ? And why in the world would anyone think every child, or even most would be able to do this, who are in a similar situation….? Unrealistic.

But here's the kicker.

No other group of Americans has pulled themselves up by the bootstraps the way black Americans have.

Just 147 years ago most black Americans were held in bondage. Blk ppl owned nothing, no property, no assets of any kind and most were not educated.

And just 1 and a half lifetimes since blk ppl are collectively are worth billions of dollars. Many are working or middle-class. This despite Jim Crow and other examples of racism and bigotry.

We are a very special group of people

impoverished Jews went from tenements to suburban homes in a single generation - has to claim they had “help.

Yeah because of course blk ppl had just as much access to move into the burbs back then. Right ?

View attachment 633543

And that was done, in part, by a white Jewish man called William Levitt and this white flight to suburbs was subsidized by the government, which spent billions on highway construction and low-cost loans, essentially available only to whites in those newly developing residential spaces.

The blackness of the cities increased as a direct result of the institutionally racist policies of the government, and private sector discrimination, which kept black folks locked in crowded urban spaces, even as whites could come and go as they pleased.

Nowadays they can be more slick so they create these “Neighborhood Improvement Associations” which are basically ways to keep blacks out, or banks that redlined entire communities, thereby depriving them of capital investment, or the predatory lenders who set up shop in the hood, and charge black borrowers 10 or 20 times the interest that a normal bank would.

But hey you won.

This is the white world you want and many have. Right ?


You wake up and you look one way ? And what do you see ? White people !! Look another ? "Yipee !! More white people !!"

And you notice how Paul, oozing hostility for Jews

I want you to show one instance of a black person in America harming a Jewish person with impunity.

The problem with anti-Black racism is it’s done with IMPUNITY. Meaning no one gets punished.

Show ONE instance of comparative actions by Blk ppl and BTW I have no hostility towards Jewish. Jews have always had hosilty towards us

View attachment 633541

It was Dan Burros (A Jew) that blew up and killed four young black girls 6th bombing.

View attachment 633542

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Like help by being told “no more Jews” by the Ivy League?

All Jews did to get around that (if it even happened) was anglicize their names (as many famous jews have done)

Woody Allen = Allen Konigsberg
Fred Astaire = Frederick Austerlitz
Jack Benny = Benjamin Kubelsky
Mel Brooks = Mel Kaminsky
George Burns = Nathan Birnbaum
David Copperfield = David Seth Kotkin
Kirk Douglas = Issur Danielovitch Demsky

And thern give their kids these really anglo white american name Noah, Madison, Tyler, Mackenzie, Miley and Dakota

That's how the white club works. White people have had to forget the history, customs and traditions of the countries that they originate from and come to together on this ridiculous notion of whiteness.

Thats the power of white supremacy. The desire for White Normalcy from even white people who change their names to whitewash any hint of ethnicity.

Claimed Jews always had help? Help? Like being rounded up to be systematically exterminated like vermin? Like being expelled from country after country, going back 1000 years?

Yes and no one tells Jews to "get over it" No one says. “My family never killed any Jews

This is what we get.

View attachment 633532

That aside, what type of help did the Jewish children of the 30s and 40s have in this country, with poor, impoverished immigrant parents? Somehow, they managed to get beyond poverty, and to an above-average level, and without “help.
  • The Jews didn't suffer from hundreds of years of slavery - Because they were White.
  • The Jews could vote by the 1860s, not the 1960s – Because they were White.
  • The Jews qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans – Because they were White.
  • The Jews could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools – Because they were White.
Yes the Jews suffered no question. But whatever stereotypes they may have had then doesn't impact them now.

If they fill out a job application TODAY : No one cares if they are Jewish.
  • No one follows them around in the store.
  • No one assumes they are lazy.
  • No one assumes they're child-like and can’t take care of yourself.
  • No one assumes their criminals.
  • No one tells them they are so much better off in America so they should be glad their ancestors were slaves.
  • No one acts like they did them a favor or saved you from a backwardness.
  • No one displays their human reminds as primitive until the late 70s.
  • No cop is shooting unarmed Jewish men women and children and walking free
They're just another white person.

The same cannot be said for a black person. Jewish ppl are just as white supremacists as many anglo whites which is an essential part of being accepted into the white club.

Blacks today, and for the past two generations, have indeed had help by being jumped ahead of whites, with better grades and scores, for admission to higher Ed programs. THAT is help.

Name me a university which is lowering the bar to allow all these dumb blk ppl in ?

They are all doing it, and I’ve given you stats and charts before. What do you think “Affirmative Action” is all about?! It’s to let in blacks who wouldn’t have gotten if if they were white. And that means whites who scored better, and got higher grades, are kept out to make room for them.

You are in total denial. The biggest blind spot, that just shrieks to your victimhood, is that no other group claws their way up from such disadvantage as blacks. Jews have been persecuted FOR MILENNIA, the worst being their attempted extermination, and yet….here we are, ABOVE AVERAGE in terms of net income, wealth, educational attainment, and contributions on a per capita basis to society,

But you can’t have that, can you? A persecuted minority that goes from having Grandma and Aunt Ruth and her kids and husband gassed….to a college education and an upper-middle class life in ONE generation?

The only way you can explain it away is by the ”Jews got help” line, or they never really had it so bad at all. NOPE. The truth is that all they did is stay in school, not have OOW babies, and made lots of sacrifices to get an education.

You really should encourage blacks to emulate Jews (and Asians - another persecuted minority), rather than resent them for their wise choices and admirable traits that enabled them to rise from poverty to the middle class in 30 years.

(And stop with…..blacks weren’t allowed into the suburbs. Every f‘in excuse you make is about what happened GENERATIONS ago. What’s the excuse now? Blacks have been favored for college and grad school admissions for 45 years!
No, I don't think all white people are racist. I've said not all whites are racists way too many times for you to repeat that lie. If I were you, I would stop betting. You want me to pretend that things have changed so much, but in reality, the only thing that has changed is that white racism is not overt.
That’s the only thing? Really? See this merely proves you’re uninformed.

Are blacks who kill whites because they hate whites, acceptable to you?
Then perhaps you will take the Cleveland historical society's word that your city didn't fully desegregate schools until the late 1970's The Desegregation of Cleveland Public Schools - A 40-Year Struggle for Public School Equity | Cleveland Historical
If you bothered to read that, you would find that it was talking about de facto segregation. Meaning kids went to schools near where they lived. The courts solution was to put both black and white kids on busses for hours every day driving them to strange neighborhoods to attend schools where they didn't know anyone and couldn't attend after school activities like sports or band because the busses left right after school.
They can’t face that people fail or succeed due primarily to their own life choices, and thus Paul - faced with the reality that

Sure, there are blk people who have raised themselves up from poverty and beaten the odds, but why should anyone have to fight a game rigged against them ? And why in the world would anyone think every child, or even most would be able to do this, who are in a similar situation….?


But here's the kicker.

No other group of Americans has pulled themselves up by the bootstraps the way black Americans have.

Just 147 years ago most black Americans were held in bondage. Blk ppl owned nothing, no property, no assets of any kind and most were not educated.

And just 1 and a half lifetimes since blk ppl are collectively are worth billions of dollars. Many are working or middle-class. This despite Jim Crow and other examples of racism and bigotry.

We are a very special group of people

impoverished Jews went from tenements to suburban homes in a single generation - has to claim they had “help.

Yeah because of course blk ppl had just as much access to move into the burbs back then. Right ?

View attachment 633543

And that was done, in part, by a white Jewish man called William Levitt and this white flight to suburbs was subsidized by the government, which spent billions on highway construction and low-cost loans, essentially available only to whites in those newly developing residential spaces.

Nowadays they can be more slick so they create these “Neighborhood Improvement Associations” which are basically ways to keep blacks out.

But hey you won.

This is the white world you want and many have. Right ?


You wake up and you look one way ? And what do you see ? White people !! Look another ? "Yipee !! More white people !!"

And you notice how Paul, oozing hostility for Jews

I want you to show one instance of a black person in America harming a Jewish person with impunity.

Anti-Black racism is done with IMPUNITY. Meaning no one gets punished and BTW I have no hostility towards Jewish. Jews have always had hosilty towards us

View attachment 633541

It was Dan Burros (A Jew) that blew up and killed four young black girls 16th bombing in 1963

View attachment 633542

View attachment 633544

Like help by being told “no more Jews” by the Ivy League?

All Jews did to get around that (if it even happened) was whiten their names (as many famous jews have done)

Woody Allen = Allen Konigsberg
Fred Astaire = Frederick Austerlitz
Bob Dylan = Robert Zimmerman
Jack Benny = Benjamin Kubelsky
Mel Brooks = Mel Kaminsky
George Burns = Nathan Birnbaum
David Copperfield = David Seth Kotkin
Kirk Douglas = Issur Danielovitch Demsky
Lauren Bacall = Joan Perske
Tony Curtis = Bernie Schwartz
Elliott Gould = Elliott Goldstein
Zsa Zsa Gabor = Sara Gabor
Judy Garland = Frances Gumm
Cary Grant = Larry Leach
Larry King = Larry Zeiger
Jerry Lewis = Joseph Levitch
Joan Rlvers = Joan Molinsky
Gene Wilder = Jerome Silberman

And thern give their kids these really anglo white american name Noah, Madison, Tyler, Mackenzie, Miley and Dakota

That's how the white club works. White people have had to forget the history, customs and traditions of the countries that they originate from and come to together on this ridiculous notion of whiteness.

Thats the power of white supremacy. The desire for White Normalcy from even white people who change their names to whitewash any hint of ethnicity.

Claimed Jews always had help? Help? Like being rounded up to be systematically exterminated like vermin? Like being expelled from country after country, going back 1000 years?

Yes and no one tells Jews to "get over it" No one says. “My family never killed any Jews

This is what we get.

View attachment 633532

That aside, what type of help did the Jewish children of the 30s and 40s have in this country, with poor, impoverished immigrant parents? Somehow, they managed to get beyond poverty, and to an above-average level, and without “help.
  • The Jews didn't suffer from hundreds of years of slavery - Because they were White.
  • The Jews could vote by the 1860s, not the 1960s – Because they were White.
  • The Jews qualified for the Homestead Act, the G.I. Bill and FHA loans – Because they were White.
  • The Jews could live in nice neighbourhoods and go to nice schools – Because they were White.
Yes the Jews suffered no question. But whatever stereotypes they may have had then doesn't impact them now.

They're just another white person.

The same cannot be said for a black person.

Blacks today, and for the past two generations, have indeed had help by being jumped ahead of whites, with better grades and scores, for admission to higher Ed programs. THAT is help.

Name me a university which is lowering the bar to allow all these dumb blk ppl in ?
It’s not good to live in the past or to obsess about it. The country has changed, thanks to white people realizing how dumb racism is.
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They are all doing it

Yes. That's because black people are a special people. Where as white supremacists you need a system to prop you up

and I’ve given you stats and charts before.

Stats created by white supremacists. Right ?

What do you think “Affirmative Action” is all about?!

Racism and white supremacy is itself affirmative action.


It’s to let in blacks who wouldn’t have gotten if if they were white. And that means whites who scored better, and got higher grades, are kept out to make room for them.

Name me the university that is lowering the bar to let all these dumb blk ppl in ? Or the university that is letting in all these undeserving blacks in at the expense of whites ?

You are in total denial.

That's the funniest thing you've said so far.

, and yet….here we are, ABOVE AVERAGE in terms of net income, wealth, educational attainment, and contributions on a per capita basis to society,

And that's because they are white. Take one of, or perhaps THE most influential Jewish person alive - Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg attended two of the most expensive and prestigious schools in the USA (Harvard, Phillips Exeter Academy).

Or take Bill Gates (who isn't Jewish) Gates’s father was a successful attorney (who went to college on the white supremacist publicly-funded G.I. Bill) and his mother served on the Board of Directors for First Interstate Bank (her own father was a bank president).

The Gates family were able to afford to send their son to the top Lakeside School, in Seattle, where thanks to proceeds from a “rummage sale” put on by the wealthy parents at the school the resources existed to purchase, for the students, an early computer system.

It was this early introduction to computing (which Gates would not have obtained at any Seattle public school, or even many other private ones), that launched him on his career path.

Or take Steve Jobs (Founder Of Apple) if he wasn't put up for adoption and his father returned with him back to Syria, then it is highly unlikely he would founded one of the world’s top computer companies.

Their success was due to his parents bank account and a bit a luck.

This is not to dispute there own hard work and ability; it is simply to say that circumstances also play a huge role in where people end up.

About half the world’s 7 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day.

Buying a computer or being an inventor or business whizz to many ppl would be like you trying to buy a Bugatti Veyron. Access to knowledge and education on this planet is very limited.

The biggest blind spot, that just shrieks to your victimhood, is that no other group claws their way up from such disadvantage as blacks.

Being white is a club and in club you have duties

Duties of the White Club

  • Accept White American culture as your guide to life. Practise it and do not question it. Your aim is to speak, dress and act like a middle-class White American with a good education.
  • Speak English and speak it with one of the accepted club accents.
  • Do not seriously question or challenge white racism.
  • Do not make common cause with blacks
  • Have mostly white friends.
  • Marry a white person. Back in the 1940s breaking this rule would get you kicked out, no questions asked. Even now it is still a strike against you. Not so for white men who marry Asian women.
  • Living in better neighbourhoods with better schools and safer streets.
  • Lower unemployment.
  • Higher pay.
  • Longer life.
  • Not being seen as a threat by the police or security guards.
  • Being seen as more fully human.
  • Having whites take your ideas and experiences seriously (at least for males).
  • Listening to racist jokes (does not seem like a privilege, but it functions as one).
You forget that alongside the Irish and Italians, the Jews when they first came to America they were not seen as white at first even though they pretty much looked it.

It was only when they all said "Sure we'll hate on those n*ggers too" that they admitted.

It's the threat of losing privileges that keeps those in the club from rocking the boat, from standing up to its racism.

Jews have been persecuted FOR MILENNIA, the worst being their attempted extermination, and yet….here we are, ABOVE AVERAGE in terms of net income, wealth, educational attainment, and contributions on a per capita basis to society,

Getting ppl to acknowledge the humanity of a group of white people (however much this group may differ from most of them in terms of religion and certain cultural traditions) is a far cry from convincing them of the equal value of blks who don’t look like them, who might not speak the same language, and who are routinely viewed as taking white jobs and soaking up welfare.

Even when white people are enemies they will put all that to one side when it comes to black people. That's why in WW2, when the USA used to capture German POW's on the ships, despite USA being at war with the Germans. The German POW's were still allowed to eat in the same mess hall as the white USA Americans soldiers but the black Americans soldiers weren't.

But you can’t have that, can you? A persecuted minority that goes from having Grandma and Aunt Ruth and her kids and husband gassed….to a college education and an upper-middle class life in ONE generation?

No. That's called the system of white supremacy. I think one of the problem is that many whites like you think the world is just. There are “imperfections”, But by and large society is just.

From what I can tell, this seems to be one of the main differences in how whites and blacks think about America and why they often talk past each other

Most whites seem to take it for granted, assume it, while most blacks do not.

But people like you take this country as being just as a given and reason backwards from it: if America is just, then so are the police and the courts, the schools and the press.

And if America is just then racism can no longer a big issue and the troubles that blacks still have must be all their own fault. That's pretty much how you think.


You really should encourage blacks to emulate Jews (and Asians - another persecuted minority), rather than resent them for their wise choices and admirable traits that enabled them to rise from poverty to the middle class in 30 years.

Well let's talk about Asians. I think I've said enough on Jews.

So here we go with that "Miracle of the Han River" lie. The lie that says Asians just built themselves up and all these companies just spouted up becuase they're just so smart

You miss out the fact after the 1950's the USA started outsourcing their jobs as blk ppl started fighting for civil rights and wanting economic empowerment.

The US government and American companies started shifting their investments overseas. So after Nam and the Korean conflict you start seeing huge investment in Asia. They went looking for small companies that were established and loaded them up with cash.

That's when the Samsungs and the Sonys and the Ninetndos started popping up and getting more muscle on the global scene

Black ppl in the US have built private communities, banks but we were shut out by law, by decree, by bombing, by goverrment force and violence. Asians have never been through any of that in the US.

You've never had a China Town that was blown up like the black wall street. So Asians were allowed to be at the front of the queue as a buffer class between black and white people

Let the white supremacist sabotage Canal Street in New York. See how they get on after that ?

Black people are the only people who practice meritocracy. We don't have people in places with muscle who can who can creak open a door for us.

We are obligated to practice meritocracy because there is no mechanism that allow us to cheat the system. Where as everybody else is caught in cheating scandals, tutoring scandals, payoff scandals, degree scandals.

If we get it. We earn it

What’s the excuse now? Blacks have been favored for college and grad school admissions for 45 years

So name the university that's letting in all these dumb blacks ?
They are all doing it

Yes. That's because black people are a special people. Where as white people you need a system to prop you up

and I’ve given you stats and charts before.

Stats created by white people. Right ?

What do you think “Affirmative Action” is all about?!

Racism and white supremacy is itself affirmative action.

View attachment 633567

It’s to let in blacks who wouldn’t have gotten if if they were white. And that means whites who scored better, and got higher grades, are kept out to make room for them.

Name me the university that is lowering the bar to let all these dumb blk ppl in ? Or the university that is letting in all these undeserving blacks in at the expense of whites ?

You are in total denial.

That's the funniest thing you've said so far.

, and yet….here we are, ABOVE AVERAGE in terms of net income, wealth, educational attainment, and contributions on a per capita basis to society,

And that's because they are white. Take one of, or perhaps THE most influential Jewish person alive - Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg attended two of the most expensive and prestigious schools in the USA (Harvard, Phillips Exeter Academy).

Or take Bill Gates (who isn't Jewish) Gates’s father was a successful attorney (who went to college on the white supremacist publicly-funded G.I. Bill) and his mother served on the Board of Directors for First Interstate Bank (her own father was a bank president).

The Gates family were able to afford to send their son to the top Lakeside School, in Seattle, where thanks to proceeds from a “rummage sale” put on by the wealthy parents at the school the resources existed to purchase, for the students, an early computer system.

It was this early introduction to computing (which Gates would not have obtained at any Seattle public school, or even many other private ones), that launched him on his career path.

Or take Steve Jobs (Founder Of Apple) if he wasn't put up for adoption and his father returned with him back to Syria, then it is highly unlikely he would founded one of the world’s top computer companies.

Their success was due to his parents bank account and a bit a luck.

This is not to dispute there own hard work and ability; it is simply to say that circumstances also play a huge role in where people end up.

About half the world’s 7 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day.

Buying a computer or being an inventor or business whizz to many ppl would be like you trying to buy a Bugatti Veyron. Access to knowledge and education on this planet is very limited.

The biggest blind spot, that just shrieks to your victimhood, is that no other group claws their way up from such disadvantage as blacks.

Being white is a club and in club you have duties

Duties of the White Club

  • Accept White American culture as your guide to life. Practise it and do not question it. Your aim is to speak, dress and act like a middle-class White American with a good education.
  • Speak English and speak it with one of the accepted club accents.
  • Do not seriously question or challenge white racism.
  • Do not make common cause with blacks
  • Have mostly white friends.
  • Marry a white person. Back in the 1940s breaking this rule would get you kicked out, no questions asked. Even now it is still a strike against you. Not so for white men who marry Asian women.
  • Living in better neighbourhoods with better schools and safer streets.
  • Lower unemployment.
  • Higher pay.
  • Longer life.
  • Not being seen as a threat by the police or security guards.
  • Being seen as more fully human.
  • Having whites take your ideas and experiences seriously (at least for males).
  • Listening to racist jokes (does not seem like a privilege, but it functions as one).
You forget that alongside the Irish and Italians, the Jews when they first came to America they were not seen as white at first even though they pretty much looked it.

It was only when they all said "Sure we'll hate on those n*ggers too" that they admitted.

It's the threat of losing privileges that keeps those in the club from rocking the boat, from standing up to its racism.

Jews have been persecuted FOR MILENNIA, the worst being their attempted extermination, and yet….here we are, ABOVE AVERAGE in terms of net income, wealth, educational attainment, and contributions on a per capita basis to society,

Getting ppl to acknowledge the humanity of a group of white people (however much this group may differ from most of them in terms of religion and certain cultural traditions) is a far cry from convincing them of the equal value of blks who don’t look like them, who might not speak the same language, and who are routinely viewed as taking white jobs and soaking up welfare.

Even when white people are enemies they will put all that to one side when it comes to black people. That's why in WW2, when the USA used to capture German POW's on the ships, despite USA being at war with the Germans. The German POW's were still allowed to eat in the same mess hall as the white USA Americans soldiers but the black Americans soldiers weren't.

But you can’t have that, can you? A persecuted minority that goes from having Grandma and Aunt Ruth and her kids and husband gassed….to a college education and an upper-middle class life in ONE generation?

No. That's called the system of white supremacy. I think one of the problem is that many whites like you think the world is just. There are “imperfections”, But by and large society is just.

From what I can tell, this seems to be one of the main differences in how whites and blacks think about America and why they often talk past each other

Most whites seem to take it for granted, assume it, while most blacks do not.

But people like you take this country as being just as a given and reason backwards from it: if America is just, then so are the police and the courts, the schools and the press.

And if America is just then racism can no longer a big issue and the troubles that blacks still have must be all their own fault. That's pretty much how you think.


You really should encourage blacks to emulate Jews (and Asians - another persecuted minority), rather than resent them for their wise choices and admirable traits that enabled them to rise from poverty to the middle class in 30 years.

Well let's talk about Asians. I think I've said enough on Jews.

So here we go with that "Miracle of the Han River" lie. The lie that says Asians just built themselves up and all these companies just spouted up becuase they're just so smart

You miss out the fact after the 1950's the USA started outsourcing their jobs as blk ppl started fighting for civil rights and wanting economic empowerment.

The US government and American companies started shifting their investments overseas. So after Nam and the Korean conflict you start seeing huge investment in Asia. They went looking for small companies that were established and loaded them up with cash.

That's when the Samsungs and the Sonys and the Ninetndos started popping up and getting more muscle on the global scene

Black ppl in the US have built private communities, banks but we were shut out by law, by decree, by bombing, by goverrment force and violence. Asians have never been through any of that in the US.

You've never had a China Town that was blown up like the black wall street. So Asians were allowed to be at the front of the queue as a buffer class between black and white people

Let the white supremacist sabotage Canal Street in New York. See how they get on after that ?

View attachment 633607.
Black people are the only people who practice meritocracy. We don't have people in places with muscle who can who can creak open a door for us.

We are obligated to practice meritocracy because there is no mechanism that allow us to cheat the system. Where as everybody else is caught in cheating scandals, tutoring scandals, payoff scandals, degree scandals.

If we get it. We earn it

What’s the excuse now? Blacks have been favored for college and grad school admissions for 45 years

So name the university that's letting in all these dumb blacks ?
You expect someone to read all your lengthy diatribes. All I need to know about you was in your first paragraph - how blacks are a special people and whites need help to “prop them up.”

You are the poster boy for a “black supremacist.” Go sell it to to the brainwashed, self-loathing white liberals.
They are all doing it

Yes. That's because black people are a special people. Where as white supremacists you need a system to prop you up

and I’ve given you stats and charts before.

Stats created by white supremacists. Right ?

What do you think “Affirmative Action” is all about?!

Racism and white supremacy is itself affirmative action.

View attachment 633567

It’s to let in blacks who wouldn’t have gotten if if they were white. And that means whites who scored better, and got higher grades, are kept out to make room for them.

Name me the university that is lowering the bar to let all these dumb blk ppl in ? Or the university that is letting in all these undeserving blacks in at the expense of whites ?

You are in total denial.

That's the funniest thing you've said so far.

, and yet….here we are, ABOVE AVERAGE in terms of net income, wealth, educational attainment, and contributions on a per capita basis to society,

And that's because they are white. Take one of, or perhaps THE most influential Jewish person alive - Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg attended two of the most expensive and prestigious schools in the USA (Harvard, Phillips Exeter Academy).

Or take Bill Gates (who isn't Jewish) Gates’s father was a successful attorney (who went to college on the white supremacist publicly-funded G.I. Bill) and his mother served on the Board of Directors for First Interstate Bank (her own father was a bank president).

The Gates family were able to afford to send their son to the top Lakeside School, in Seattle, where thanks to proceeds from a “rummage sale” put on by the wealthy parents at the school the resources existed to purchase, for the students, an early computer system.

It was this early introduction to computing (which Gates would not have obtained at any Seattle public school, or even many other private ones), that launched him on his career path.

Or take Steve Jobs (Founder Of Apple) if he wasn't put up for adoption and his father returned with him back to Syria, then it is highly unlikely he would founded one of the world’s top computer companies.

Their success was due to his parents bank account and a bit a luck.

This is not to dispute there own hard work and ability; it is simply to say that circumstances also play a huge role in where people end up.

About half the world’s 7 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day.

Buying a computer or being an inventor or business whizz to many ppl would be like you trying to buy a Bugatti Veyron. Access to knowledge and education on this planet is very limited.

The biggest blind spot, that just shrieks to your victimhood, is that no other group claws their way up from such disadvantage as blacks.

Being white is a club and in club you have duties

Duties of the White Club

  • Accept White American culture as your guide to life. Practise it and do not question it. Your aim is to speak, dress and act like a middle-class White American with a good education.
  • Speak English and speak it with one of the accepted club accents.
  • Do not seriously question or challenge white racism.
  • Do not make common cause with blacks
  • Have mostly white friends.
  • Marry a white person. Back in the 1940s breaking this rule would get you kicked out, no questions asked. Even now it is still a strike against you. Not so for white men who marry Asian women.
  • Living in better neighbourhoods with better schools and safer streets.
  • Lower unemployment.
  • Higher pay.
  • Longer life.
  • Not being seen as a threat by the police or security guards.
  • Being seen as more fully human.
  • Having whites take your ideas and experiences seriously (at least for males).
  • Listening to racist jokes (does not seem like a privilege, but it functions as one).
You forget that alongside the Irish and Italians, the Jews when they first came to America they were not seen as white at first even though they pretty much looked it.

It was only when they all said "Sure we'll hate on those n*ggers too" that they admitted.

It's the threat of losing privileges that keeps those in the club from rocking the boat, from standing up to its racism.

Jews have been persecuted FOR MILENNIA, the worst being their attempted extermination, and yet….here we are, ABOVE AVERAGE in terms of net income, wealth, educational attainment, and contributions on a per capita basis to society,

Getting ppl to acknowledge the humanity of a group of white people (however much this group may differ from most of them in terms of religion and certain cultural traditions) is a far cry from convincing them of the equal value of blks who don’t look like them, who might not speak the same language, and who are routinely viewed as taking white jobs and soaking up welfare.

Even when white people are enemies they will put all that to one side when it comes to black people. That's why in WW2, when the USA used to capture German POW's on the ships, despite USA being at war with the Germans. The German POW's were still allowed to eat in the same mess hall as the white USA Americans soldiers but the black Americans soldiers weren't.

But you can’t have that, can you? A persecuted minority that goes from having Grandma and Aunt Ruth and her kids and husband gassed….to a college education and an upper-middle class life in ONE generation?

No. That's called the system of white supremacy. I think one of the problem is that many whites like you think the world is just. There are “imperfections”, But by and large society is just.

From what I can tell, this seems to be one of the main differences in how whites and blacks think about America and why they often talk past each other

Most whites seem to take it for granted, assume it, while most blacks do not.

But people like you take this country as being just as a given and reason backwards from it: if America is just, then so are the police and the courts, the schools and the press.

And if America is just then racism can no longer a big issue and the troubles that blacks still have must be all their own fault. That's pretty much how you think.


You really should encourage blacks to emulate Jews (and Asians - another persecuted minority), rather than resent them for their wise choices and admirable traits that enabled them to rise from poverty to the middle class in 30 years.

Well let's talk about Asians. I think I've said enough on Jews.

So here we go with that "Miracle of the Han River" lie. The lie that says Asians just built themselves up and all these companies just spouted up becuase they're just so smart

You miss out the fact after the 1950's the USA started outsourcing their jobs as blk ppl started fighting for civil rights and wanting economic empowerment.

The US government and American companies started shifting their investments overseas. So after Nam and the Korean conflict you start seeing huge investment in Asia. They went looking for small companies that were established and loaded them up with cash.

That's when the Samsungs and the Sonys and the Ninetndos started popping up and getting more muscle on the global scene

Black ppl in the US have built private communities, banks but we were shut out by law, by decree, by bombing, by goverrment force and violence. Asians have never been through any of that in the US.

You've never had a China Town that was blown up like the black wall street. So Asians were allowed to be at the front of the queue as a buffer class between black and white people

Let the white supremacist sabotage Canal Street in New York. See how they get on after that ?

View attachment 633607.
Black people are the only people who practice meritocracy. We don't have people in places with muscle who can who can creak open a door for us.

We are obligated to practice meritocracy because there is no mechanism that allow us to cheat the system. Where as everybody else is caught in cheating scandals, tutoring scandals, payoff scandals, degree scandals.

If we get it. We earn it

What’s the excuse now? Blacks have been favored for college and grad school admissions for 45 years

So name the university that's letting in all these dumb blacks ?
Those duties and privileges you mention are unknown to me, and last I checked I’ve been white all my life.
There ain't no link in your reply.

I see you're a newbie. Let me explain how blogs work: When you join a conversation late, you read all the past posts that's been discussed so you have an understanding what's being talked about and what was talked about earlier. That way you won't be asking questions that were already answered.

Because you're a newbie I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and post it again.

It most certainly does if you grew up in a home with white generational wealth made during years blacks were discriminated against

Like donnie trump

Do you even read the stupid fucking bullshit you write? You should be ASHAMED to show the world what a fucking crybaby you are.

Life is tough. And it's often unfair - at least it seems that way. But most people find the courage and strength to deal with it. And often, to rise above those problems.

Relatively few whites have inherited wealth. Most create good lives on their own, through plain old hard work and self motivation.

Now there has never been a guarantee that any given person will be successful or make a fortune.

The idea that blacks would all be wealthy if only white hadn't held them back is fucking LAUGHABLE. Blacks have had every advantage for as long as I can remember. And STILL they manage to totally fuck up nearly everything they touch. That is THEIR fault, and theirs alone.

Blacks have had Affirmative Action giving them loads of advantages for a long, long time. It's easy for Blacks to get Financial Aide to pay them to go to college. They get Section 8, and Food Stamps, and preferences in hiring. Standards have been lowered across the board - in education, business, etc., - simply to make it possible for Blacks to get into colleges and jobs for which, honestly, they would not otherwise qualify.

Yet, even with all of the above advantages, blacks STILL SPEND THEIR LIVES WHINING AND COMPLAINING.

Tell us this: WHEN, if ever, will the time come for Blacks to simply quit the whining, get off their lazy asses, and take personal responsibility for their own bad choices.

When you hear people bring these things into the conversation, it's usually because people are sick and tired of listening to a bunch of stinking crybabies who refuse to earn their own way. Try to remember one thing: the TRUTH is not racist.

When people attack Lisa558 for stating obvious facts, it's beyond ridiculous. It just emphasizes how far some folks will go to avoid facing reality.
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Do you even read the stupid fucking bullshit you write? You should be ASHAMED to show the world what a fucking crybaby you are.

Life is tough. And it's often unfair - at least it seems that way. But most people find the courage and strength to deal with it. And often, to rise above those problems.

Relatively few whites have inherited wealth. Most create good lives on their own, through plain old hard work and self motivation.

Now there is NO guarantee that any given person will be successful or make a fortune.

The idea that blacks would all be wealthy if only white hadn't held them back is fucking LAUGHABLE. Blacks have had every advantage for as long as I can remember. And STILL they manage to totally fuck up nearly everything they touch. That is THEIR fault, and theirs alone.

Blacks have Affirmative Action giving the loads of advantages. It's easy for Blacks to get Financial Aide to pay them to go to college. They get Section 8, and Food Stamps, and preferences in hiring. Standards have been lowered across the board - in education, business, etc., - simply to make it possible for Blacks to get into colleges and jobs for which, honestly, they are not qualified.

Yet, even with all of the above advantages, blacks STILL SPEND THEIR LIVES WHINING AND COMPLAINING.

Tell us this: WHEN, if ever, will the time come for Blacks to simply quit the whining, get off their lazy asses, and take personal responsibility for their own bad choices.

When you hear people bring these things into the conversation, it's usually because people are sick and tired of listening to a bunch of stinking crybabies who refuse to earn their own way. Try to remember one thing: the TRUTH is not racist.

When people attack Lisa558 for stating obvious facts, it's beyond ridiculous. It just emphasizes how far some folks will go to avoid facing reality.
You seem upset.

White generational wealth exists
You seem upset.

White generational wealth exists
Have someone read, and explain, post #777 to you. Maybe you'll get a clue as to the source of my frustration.

Believe me, I am not alone. Blacks are their own worst enemy, but they're too fucking stupid, and stubborn, to see it. Then, of course, it's also soooo much easier to whine and blame others for our own failings.

Have a nice day.
As I said in my OP, the reasons for poverty among blacks is the same as it is for whites. And the reason I’m focusing on blacks is because racism is being blamed for THEIR poverty, and obviously not for whites.

White supremacy is just as much psychologically as it is material. You focus on the material things

But it's really psychologically is the glue that keeps this system going.

Whites like you can run around and say blks undeserving of benefits like health care, job opportunities, and blacks are getting all these free stuff and AA and undeservedly getting into uni. You can get and ego boost and happy when you see cops kill and mistreat black people. You get and ego boost and are happy when you see blacks in jail.

So even if a white person is poor. It's that old Lyndon Johnson quote

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It’s mind-boggling that you could think whites are victims but I guess you have to see the world like that to keep this system going.

But sure there are lots of poor white people and very rich black people

But that doesn’t diminish truth of white privilege. The same way Stevie Wonder being a millionaire doesn't change the fact that on balance it's an advantage to have your sight.

It's really only the agreement of showing contempt towards blacks. That's pretty much the only thing whites and non blacks agree on.
You're wrong and wrong-headed. There is no "white supremacy" Legally you are equal to me in every way. I think I am morally superior because I take responsibility for my decisions and actions. You think you are morally superior because you blame whites for the results of your decisions and actions. Both are OPINIONS and we are entitled to our opinions. The only blacks I show contempt for are those who refuse to take advantage of the many opportunities available to them and those like you who spend your lives accusing me of doing something I haven't done and being something I am not. I have contempt for Whites, Asians, Indians and Latinos who behave like you as well.

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