The Reason for Poverty Among Blacks is Not Racism

Have someone read, and explain, post #777 to you. Maybe you'll get a clue as to the source of my frustration.

Believe me, I am not alone. Blacks are their own worst enemy, but they're too fucking stupid, and stubborn, to see it. Then, of course, it's also soooo much easier to whine and blame others for our own failings.

Have a nice day.
That's racist
You're wrong and wrong-headed. There is no "white supremacy" Legally you are equal to me in every way. I think I am morally superior because I take responsibility for my decisions and actions. You think you are morally superior because you blame whites for the results of your decisions and actions. Both are OPINIONS and we are entitled to our opinions. The only blacks I show contempt for are those who refuse to take advantage of the many opportunities available to them and those like you who spend your lives accusing me of doing something I haven't done and being something I am not. I have contempt for Whites, Asians, Indians and Latinos who behave like you as well.
Yet racism exists. You cant deny it
I suspect this is BS, but if true, it is tragic how far you have fallen. Still the dregs of society as other people (of color) come into the country without money or a word of English and work, succeed and educate their children.
If it's a true story, your grandfather was a man to be reckoned with and Americans are poorer for his untimely death. Black soldiers in the segregated WWII armed forces were a step above White and Latino troops and with very rare exceptions served well and proudly and were and asset to the United States. You should be truly proud of him.
Can we all agree that slavery and racism are this country’s greatest sin? We should all agree that much has been done to eliminate racism and help blacks rise economically and socially. More can be done, but claiming blacks face enormous challenges and racism every day in this country is absurd. Almost as absurd as claiming white supremacy is a thing.
I see you're a newbie. Let me explain how blogs work: When you join a conversation late, you read all the past posts that's been discussed so you have an understanding what's being talked about and what was talked about earlier. That way you won't be asking questions that were already answered.

Because you're a newbie I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and post it again.

lol Absolutely not. I ain't got the time nor energy my dude. You buggin' tbh.

SO basically he is saying that those names are not black but "poor black". This actually proves our point. Wtf is a poor black name vs a non poor black name. No, he is using that as a proxy for feelings about blacks in general. In other words, being black denotes inferiority and low class in his mind, not the name. So when he shows that study that shows people associate black names with inferiority, it proves the point even further. There is no "ghettoization" of black names. In those studies he cited, the "black" names are actually just white names, hence, employer thinks they're white, hence less discrimination. The names African Americans carried before the 80s were just white names. You're simply not going to convince me that there is a totally distinct set of African America names that denote high class compared to specifically African American names that denote low class. A perception of high class just means that black person has an ambiguous white name. Oh, and we still see these biases when the names are of Asian descent. That really does bunk this argument because Asians are unequivocally more successful than any other group in America.
You mean other people who are not "people of African descent"? White racists are the dregs of society, even lower than what you consider black people yet still you haven't figured this out.

It doesn't surprise me that you're not able to make the connection but hey that's to be expected, including you not believing the things I've relayed about by grandfather. In fact it wasn't until I was enrolled in college and attending a history of aviation class that I first heard the term "Tuskegee Airman". Our instructor was telling the class about this group of African American pilot who fought heroically during WWII when it suddenly dawned on me that my grandfather Captain John Daniels was one of these men. And just like you, one of my classmates argued with the instructor about how there was no such thing as a "black pilot" during WWII. I even backed up my instructor by indicating that my grandfather had been one of these men but to no avail. I know the depictions of them by HBO and Steven Spielberg's Red Tails showed one of the bomber pilots they saved as wanting to shake the hand of the pilot who saved his life but was in disbelief and refused to once he discovered the pilot was black. Do you think this is BS as well?

Is it because it creates cognitive dissonance that you can't accept what I'm telling you even though it is documented history?

And why would you think that we, his descendants, who have his blood running through our veins, would be any less successful in our endeavors?
It's funny you didn't know about the Tuskegee Airmen. Admittedly I've been interested in WWII History since I was a child, but I knew about them by my early teens. Red Tails was a joke of a movie, but segregation and hostility towards black servicemen was a fact. It's hard to believe that your family wasn't proud of your grandfather and didn't actively remember him. My family is proud of my great, great grandfather who came over from Ireland, deserted the Confederate army when he figured out what the war was about and fought for the Union. He's held up as an example of always following your principals regardless of risk. We would never forget him or fail to teach our new generations about his sacrifices.
So you think that out of all of the people in this country who are working on this problem, your solution of finish school and not having babies they can't afford is ALL that it takes for people to rise out of poverty? And in your mind, this is a "black people's" problem right?

You're mistaken and it's been explained to you more than once and politely too I might add yet you respond with nothing but insults and derision.

Why are the people of Appalachia living in generational poverty? Why aren't you lecturing them?
Perhaps because the dirt poor residents of Appalachia don't blame anyone else for their poverty.
Can we all agree that slavery and racism are this country’s greatest sin? We should all agree that much has been done to eliminate racism and help blacks rise economically and socially. More can be done, but claiming blacks face enormous challenges and racism every day in this country is absurd. Almost as absurd as claiming white supremacy is a thing.
Where's the scientific evidence of this claim? The gains have been superficial. Study I saw said that discrimination in jobs is as it was in the 60's. That segregation is almost as high today as it was in the 60s. What has changed markedly that you can put your finger on with actual empiricism? Racism is no different other than that it is illegal(in the market) and people are much better at hiding it. I mean, you and your family and friends use the N word all the time, but just not in public. People just go back to their own racial enclaves at the end of the work day-we have no meaningful interaction with people of different races.
Perhaps because the dirt poor residents of Appalachia don't blame anyone else for their poverty.
They blame the Mexicans and outsourcing of manufacturing jobs, and begged Trump to save them in 2016. The advent of Trump was due in part to white victimhood.
You expect someone to read all your lengthy diatribes. All I need to know about you was in your first paragraph - how blacks are a special people and whites need help to “prop them up.”

You are the poster boy for a “black supremacist.” Go sell it to to the brainwashed, self-loathing white liberals.
We are a special people because we achieve in spite of the system.








We achieve in spite of the system
Where's the scientific evidence of this claim? The gains have been superficial. Study I saw said that discrimination in jobs is as it was in the 60's. That segregation is almost as high today as it was in the 60s. What has changed markedly that you can put your finger on with actual empiricism? Racism is no different other than that it is illegal(in the market) and people are much better at hiding it. I mean, you and your family and friends use the N word all the time, but just not in public. People just go back to their own racial enclaves at the end of the work day-we have no meaningful interaction with people of different races.
The evidence is overwhelming.
Legally, people in Central America have legitimate claims under our current refugee laws.

The people on the St. Louis didn't. This was 1939. No concentration camps, yet. German Jews were free to leave, which is why 75% of German and Austrian Jews survived the war because they had the good sense to immigrate out LEGALLY before the war started.

Polish Jews, however, got the brunt of it... comprising half the Jews killed in the Holocaust.
No, they don't. People from Mexico or Canada have legitimate claims under our current laws and international law because we are the nearest safe nation for asylum. Asylum seekers from Guatemala can legally go to Mexico or Honduras. Those from Honduras can go to Guatemala, Nicaragua or El Salvador. Those from El Salvador can go to Guatemala, Honduras or Nicaragua. Those from Nicaragua can go to Honduras or Costa Rica. International law doesn't allow asylum seekers to pick any country they want to immigrate to, it has to be the nearest safe one.
Wow... so many things wrong with that statement.

The Nazis were only in power for 12 years. Anti-Jewish sentiment can be traced back a lot further than that... they were blamed for instigating the revolutions that lost the war for Germany. Was it fair, not really.

He also got us into the war in Europe to save the Jews... when Most Americans wanted to stay out of it.
Again you are wrong. FDR got us into the European War to save the UK. FDR was an antisemite like you, but he was an Anglophile and personal friend of Winston Churchill.
If TyroneKwa never applied himself, got booted out of school, joined a gang, did the crimes, etc etc etc, the it is certainly TyroneKwa's fault. However, when it comes to blacks as a group, it is naive to think that racism/Jim Crow didn't contribute to blacks still being disproportionately poor. I am currently the owner of income-producing inherited properties that have been in my family for generations with those lovely Jim Crow restrictions in the deeds.
Speaking as a rental property owner and manager, it likely saved those properties for you.
It's so personal with you. You cant debate the facts

Meanwhile, the housing market is structured to disproportionately exclude Black and brown households, as zoning codes and building practices incentivize the construction of very large homes at the expense of smaller, more affordable homes. “Because people of color are far more likely than white people to be first-time rather than repeat homebuyers,” Perry testified, “a mass of housing inventory weighted against attainable starter homes disproportionately favors households with higher concentrations of generational wealth to pay bigger down payments
I was wondering why the 3 Black Towns I work in within the Town of Hempstead are exploding with mansions that have Black families owning them.

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