The Red Wave is Coming

What is your definition of a woman? Remember, your definition has to be a universal definition that can be used in court, in medical settings, and in any other situation where a woman has to be defined.
This kid will tell you everything you need to know.

LOL! Most American think Biden should be removed from power before Putin. That does not bode well for the Democrats in the mid term, does it?

Just a week after the US president was accused of making a gaffe calling for regime change in Russia, an exclusive poll for the Sunday Express has revealed Americans would rather see his presidency end. Asked which would be better for America, 52 per cent chose "Biden loses power in the US" over 43 per cent for "Putin loses power in Russia".
A tsunami of what?… Republicans who are no better than their Democrat colleagues?
I don't consider RINOs to be Republicans, much less conservative. They are political opportunists of the worst kind.
don't consider RINOs to be Republicans, much less conservative. They are political opportunists of the worst kind.
Agreed. However, RINOs get elected as often as Conservative Republicans. For a Red Wave to be truly useful it has to be a wave of Ideological Conservatives.
I don't consider RINOs to be Republicans, much less conservative. They are political opportunists of the worst kind.
Just as I don't consider Turd Party Types & Socially Liberal Independents Conservative they are opportunists in my view also ...
It seems like clockwork.

A party wins, and immediately convinces itself that its win is a "mandate", giving them carte blanche to shove their agenda down everyone's throat.

That pisses off half the country, and we vote their stupid asses out.

And they just don't learn.

Led Zeppelin said it best:

The Song Remans The Same…
The Democrat filth did well in 2020 because they learned how to steal elections. They learned that is not the people who vote that decide elections but the people that count the votes.

Only a stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat like you would think that massive inflation, more taxation, lower family income, higher cost of fuel, millions of Illegals, tremendous debt, stupid affirmative action Supreme Court appointee, environmental wacko policies, wokeness in government actions and a foreign policy that is the laughing stock of the world is Democrat success.

Well, from what I hear at local GOP meetings, this time is going to be a different approach.

How you say?

IF they retake the House and Senate, they are going to introduce "skinny bills" one after the other, basically one or 2 page bills, then force the Democrats to vote up or down, and the President to either veto or sign. No more hiding in 200 page bills. You know, like finish the wall, keep people in Mexico, finish the pipeline, open up Alaska, no sexual content below 7th grade in schools, etc; all separate bills of 1 or 2 pages.

In this manner, Americans can see what is going on, and nobody can hide behind what is said on page 130 of a 200 page bill. To do this the GOP has got to control the House and Senate, otherwise the Dems will bloat the bills as fast as they can to give themselves cover by putting in poison pills.

Reality is-------------->the PERCEPTION of what the Left wants, is highly unpopular with the vast majority of Americans. If the GOP can keep a narrow focus through 2024 on going against these policies, while forcing the Democrats to either go along for the good of the country,(meaning they will have just admitted their policies suck) or making them vote against it while supporting their unpopular policies publicly, they will be wiped out in 24 also, especially if they choose the latter.

Can the GOP restrain themselves and stay on a narrow vision for 18 to 24 months? I do not know, but the plan sounds logical to me, if they don't get full of themselves and start trying to go off road!
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