The Religion of Peace murders another cartoonist

But it's ok. Obama, Kerry and Hillary understand their perspective.

Jordanian writer shot dead outside court before trial over cartoon

For one thing wiki says he is an atheist, and also the US is anti Assad and Hezbollah and it says in this article
he was a backer of both, which in your article it says

Lebanon's powerful Shi'ite Hezbollah militant group mourned Hattar as a "brave and vocal voice" against the Takfiris, a derogatory term used to describe hard-line Sunni fundamentalists such as Islamic State.

Many of Jordan's conservative Muslims considered Hattar's move deeply offensive. Still, such politically motivated assassinations are rare in the U.S.-backed Arab kingdom, whose relative stability has distinguished it from war-ravaged neighbors such as Syria and Iraq.

Hattar, who was also Jordan's most vocal supporter of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, was charged with contempt of religion and sowing sectarian tensions. The country's highest official religious fatwa authority criticized Hattar for what it said was the "insult to the divine entity, Islam and religious symbols".

so yes, Israel and the Obama admin might be happy about it.
the bible approves of all those things and more
PurpleOwl is providing an excellent example for this discussion: The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The Regressive Left display their Islamophobia - they are clearly afraid of this religion - in three primary ways:

1. Equate modern-day Christianity with modern-day Islam
2. Deflect to Christianity's history ("But the Crusades, the Crusades!")
3. Go directly to insults, attacks, straw men and distortions

All this for a religion that treats women as second-class citizens, and gays far worse. More than a little hypocritical.
modern day christianity? like from when 20 years ago and no further? what denial you people must be in, you know there more christians than just white christians the LRA is chopping off heads africa in the lords name right now. But since most right wing christians are also racists you dont think non white christians count, do you?

I dont know who brought up the crusades but you? the holocaust is more recent of the savage cult known as christianity its followers capability for violence, but genocide apologists like you either dont beleive the holocaust happened or claim that the nazis weren't christian at all. (which is it btw?) not to mention colonialism slavery the KKK burned crosses not a crescent moon

your entire post was insulting, a straw man attack and a distortion of reality..... dumbass
the bible approves of all those things and more
PurpleOwl is providing an excellent example for this discussion: The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The Regressive Left display their Islamophobia - they are clearly afraid of this religion - in three primary ways:

1. Equate modern-day Christianity with modern-day Islam
2. Deflect to Christianity's history ("But the Crusades, the Crusades!")
3. Go directly to insults, attacks, straw men and distortions

All this for a religion that treats women as second-class citizens, and gays far worse. More than a little hypocritical.
modern day christianity? like from when 20 years ago and no further? what denial you people must be in, you know there more christians than just white christians the LRA is chopping off heads africa in the lords name. But since most right wing christians are also racists you dont think non white christians count, do you?

I dont know who brought up the crusades but you? the holocaust is more recent of the svage cult knwon as christianity its followrs capability for violence, but genocide apologists like you either dont beleive holocaust happened or that claim the nazis weren't christian at all. (which is it btw?) not to mention colonialism slavery the KKK burned crosses not a crescent moon

your entire post was insulting, a straw man attack and a distortion of reality..... dumbass
Excellent, you take care of example #3 for me.

Perfect response and illustration of my point, thanks.
the bible approves of all those things and more
PurpleOwl is providing an excellent example for this discussion: The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The Regressive Left display their Islamophobia - they are clearly afraid of this religion - in three primary ways:

1. Equate modern-day Christianity with modern-day Islam
2. Deflect to Christianity's history ("But the Crusades, the Crusades!")
3. Go directly to insults, attacks, straw men and distortions

All this for a religion that treats women as second-class citizens, and gays far worse. More than a little hypocritical.
modern day christianity? like from when 20 years ago and no further? what denial you people must be in, you know there more christians than just white christians the LRA is chopping off heads africa in the lords name. But since most right wing christians are also racists you dont think non white christians count, do you?

I dont know who brought up the crusades but you? the holocaust is more recent of the svage cult knwon as christianity its followrs capability for violence, but genocide apologists like you either dont beleive holocaust happened or that claim the nazis weren't christian at all. (which is it btw?) not to mention colonialism slavery the KKK burned crosses not a crescent moon

your entire post was insulting, a straw man attack and a distortion of reality..... dumbass
Excellent, you take care of example #3 for me.

Perfect response and illustration of my point, thanks.
you are your own example of point #3 asshole
the bible approves of all those things and more
PurpleOwl is providing an excellent example for this discussion: The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The Regressive Left display their Islamophobia - they are clearly afraid of this religion - in three primary ways:

1. Equate modern-day Christianity with modern-day Islam
2. Deflect to Christianity's history ("But the Crusades, the Crusades!")
3. Go directly to insults, attacks, straw men and distortions

All this for a religion that treats women as second-class citizens, and gays far worse. More than a little hypocritical.
modern day christianity? like from when 20 years ago and no further? what denial you people must be in, you know there more christians than just white christians the LRA is chopping off heads africa in the lords name. But since most right wing christians are also racists you dont think non white christians count, do you?

I dont know who brought up the crusades but you? the holocaust is more recent of the svage cult knwon as christianity its followrs capability for violence, but genocide apologists like you either dont beleive holocaust happened or that claim the nazis weren't christian at all. (which is it btw?) not to mention colonialism slavery the KKK burned crosses not a crescent moon

your entire post was insulting, a straw man attack and a distortion of reality..... dumbass
Excellent, you take care of example #3 for me.

Perfect response and illustration of my point, thanks.
you are your own example of point #3 asshole

Mac is right. Apparently you haven't been paying attention.
the bible approves of all those things and more
PurpleOwl is providing an excellent example for this discussion: The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The Regressive Left display their Islamophobia - they are clearly afraid of this religion - in three primary ways:

1. Equate modern-day Christianity with modern-day Islam
2. Deflect to Christianity's history ("But the Crusades, the Crusades!")
3. Go directly to insults, attacks, straw men and distortions

All this for a religion that treats women as second-class citizens, and gays far worse. More than a little hypocritical.
modern day christianity? like from when 20 years ago and no further? what denial you people must be in, you know there more christians than just white christians the LRA is chopping off heads africa in the lords name. But since most right wing christians are also racists you dont think non white christians count, do you?

I dont know who brought up the crusades but you? the holocaust is more recent of the svage cult knwon as christianity its followrs capability for violence, but genocide apologists like you either dont beleive holocaust happened or that claim the nazis weren't christian at all. (which is it btw?) not to mention colonialism slavery the KKK burned crosses not a crescent moon

your entire post was insulting, a straw man attack and a distortion of reality..... dumbass
Excellent, you take care of example #3 for me.

Perfect response and illustration of my point, thanks.
you are your own example of point #3 asshole

Mac is right. Apparently you haven't been paying attention.
paying attention to what?

View attachment 91101

back then even among christians it was not rape. Lionheart's wife was only six. Most of his female relatives were barely 12 or married to children.

You condemn muslims but not christians?

Now we frown on child marriage but It's been common for centuries, even in asia and africa today
I don't care what century you live in, a girl is a girl and a woman is a woman. If any man goes after girls, they are pedophiles, pathetic pieces of shit who can't hack it with a real live woman mature enough to see through his bullshit and hold him to a higher standard. A grown ass man has no business being with a kid no matter what the time or culture.
the bible approves of all those things and more
PurpleOwl is providing an excellent example for this discussion: The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The Regressive Left display their Islamophobia - they are clearly afraid of this religion - in three primary ways:

1. Equate modern-day Christianity with modern-day Islam
2. Deflect to Christianity's history ("But the Crusades, the Crusades!")
3. Go directly to insults, attacks, straw men and distortions

All this for a religion that treats women as second-class citizens, and gays far worse. More than a little hypocritical.
modern day christianity? like from when 20 years ago and no further? what denial you people must be in, you know there more christians than just white christians the LRA is chopping off heads africa in the lords name right now. But since most right wing christians are also racists you dont think non white christians count, do you?

I dont know who brought up the crusades but you? the holocaust is more recent of the savage cult known as christianity its followers capability for violence, but genocide apologists like you either dont beleive the holocaust happened or claim that the nazis weren't christian at all. (which is it btw?) not to mention colonialism slavery the KKK burned crosses not a crescent moon

your entire post was insulting, a straw man attack and a distortion of reality..... dumbass

You are a perfect example why some of us realize if we are hear to try and reason with people who make comments like yours above -- it is a complete waste of time.

At least if I knew you were a hard line Muslim, or you despised Christians and their ways, some of this might make some sense. Sense in that you will lie or do whatever you can to advance your cause.
God and Gabriel are no servants of a Jihadist..............and you don't depict god or give him human features

I understand he humor and the blasphemy to some muslims

Yes, correct. And that is how some will react when you are a devout follower of a false religion. It generates anger and extremism. So the problem is not the cartoon so much as it is a dark spirit spurring on evil acts or retaliation.

Far, far and away in these modern civilized educated times, Christianity does not act that way towards its opponents or enemies. Nor does Judaism or most other mainstream religions. Why must we always give Islam a free pass on all this? And I am not buying they are 700 or 1,000 years behind the rest of us. One thousand years from now they will have just as many deranged extremists and leaders.

a pass on killing a cartoonists? not at all, but I understand the offence

Now if they are offended, don't read cartoons

back then even among christians it was not rape. Lionheart's wife was only six. Most of his female relatives were barely 12 or married to children.

You condemn muslims but not christians?

Now we frown on child marriage but It's been common for centuries, even in asia and africa today
I don't care what century you live in, a girl is a girl and a woman is a woman. If any man goes after girls, they are pedophiles, pathetic pieces of shit who can't hack it with a real live woman mature enough to see through his bullshit and hold him to a higher standard. A grown ass man has no business being with a kid no matter what the time or culture.

That is a modern concept in the west. Even among some divisions of Mormons/LDS it is still part of their practice not just to take several wives but very young wives. Most mormons have rejected it, but it's not been that many years. The bible taught of child marriages, so those who follow the bible might still believe it should be permissible. Issac was 40 and Rebecca was three (some calculate her age up to 10). Even god did not have a problem, since Mary was only 12 yrs old.

Yes, modern western civilizations have set limits on how young people can marry, but even in NY with permission from a judge girls of 14 have been married in this century.

As for Mohammed, a marriage in name till her menses began which is how they decided when a girl was ready was normal everywhere at that time regardless of religion.
I read the shooter was upset because the virgins depicted were too good looking, lacking sufficient facial moles, hair, etc.
the bible approves of all those things and more
PurpleOwl is providing an excellent example for this discussion: The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The Regressive Left display their Islamophobia - they are clearly afraid of this religion - in three primary ways:

1. Equate modern-day Christianity with modern-day Islam
2. Deflect to Christianity's history ("But the Crusades, the Crusades!")
3. Go directly to insults, attacks, straw men and distortions

aris2chat also provides an excellent example in post 73.

All this for a religion that treats women as second-class citizens, and gays far worse. More than a little hypocritical.

Christians of the west were abused by husbands till end of 20th C
Violence Against Women Act was only passed in 1994

Muslims world was more isolated at they are slower to catch up
They were well in advance on other rights of women in many countries. Liberal/conservative readings of the quran and hadith have varied back and forth and across countries. What most seem to view as islam is wahhabism, not even all sunnism.

Time to stop comparing apples and watermelons. How quickly hypocrites forget their own pass
the bible approves of all those things and more
PurpleOwl is providing an excellent example for this discussion: The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The Regressive Left display their Islamophobia - they are clearly afraid of this religion - in three primary ways:

1. Equate modern-day Christianity with modern-day Islam
2. Deflect to Christianity's history ("But the Crusades, the Crusades!")
3. Go directly to insults, attacks, straw men and distortions

aris2chat also provides an excellent example in post 73.

All this for a religion that treats women as second-class citizens, and gays far worse. More than a little hypocritical.

Christians of the west were abused by husbands till end of 20th C
Violence Against Women Act was only passed in 1994

Muslims world was more isolated at they are slower to catch up
They were well in advance on other rights of women in many countries. Liberal/conservative readings of the quran and hadith have varied back and forth and across countries. What most seem to view as islam is wahhabism, not even all sunnism.

Time to stop comparing apples and watermelons. How quickly hypocrites forget their own pass
Stupid strawman.
Where does it say to beat your wife in the Bible? It does not.
Islam clearly teaches how to do it and when to do it.
the bible approves of all those things and more
PurpleOwl is providing an excellent example for this discussion: The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The Regressive Left display their Islamophobia - they are clearly afraid of this religion - in three primary ways:

1. Equate modern-day Christianity with modern-day Islam
2. Deflect to Christianity's history ("But the Crusades, the Crusades!")
3. Go directly to insults, attacks, straw men and distortions

aris2chat also provides an excellent example in post 73.

All this for a religion that treats women as second-class citizens, and gays far worse. More than a little hypocritical.

Christians of the west were abused by husbands till end of 20th C
Violence Against Women Act was only passed in 1994

Muslims world was more isolated at they are slower to catch up
They were well in advance on other rights of women in many countries. Liberal/conservative readings of the quran and hadith have varied back and forth and across countries. What most seem to view as islam is wahhabism, not even all sunnism.

Time to stop comparing apples and watermelons. How quickly hypocrites forget their own pass
Stupid strawman.
Where does it say to beat your wife in the Bible? It does not.
Islam clearly teaches how to do it and when to do it.
Equating Islam and Christianity is one of their primary strategies.

They've very, very tolerant of Islam - the religion that treats women as second class citizens and gays worse - while attacking Christians daily, painting them with the broadest possible brush.

It's blatant and fascinating.

back then even among christians it was not rape. Lionheart's wife was only six. Most of his female relatives were barely 12 or married to children.

You condemn muslims but not christians?

Now we frown on child marriage but It's been common for centuries, even in asia and africa today
I don't care what century you live in, a girl is a girl and a woman is a woman. If any man goes after girls, they are pedophiles, pathetic pieces of shit who can't hack it with a real live woman mature enough to see through his bullshit and hold him to a higher standard. A grown ass man has no business being with a kid no matter what the time or culture.

That is a modern concept in the west. Even among some divisions of Mormons/LDS it is still part of their practice not just to take several wives but very young wives. Most mormons have rejected it, but it's not been that many years. The bible taught of child marriages, so those who follow the bible might still believe it should be permissible. Issac was 40 and Rebecca was three (some calculate her age up to 10). Even god did not have a problem, since Mary was only 12 yrs old.

Yes, modern western civilizations have set limits on how young people can marry, but even in NY with permission from a judge girls of 14 have been married in this century.

As for Mohammed, a marriage in name till her menses began which is how they decided when a girl was ready was normal everywhere at that time regardless of religion.
It's clear that
A) you don't have a daughter
B) you are not a feminist
C) you are a feminist but sycophancy for Islam takes priority
D) a combination of A and B or A and C.

Because otherwise you would have a serious problem with what you just said. Pedophilia is the great Undiscovered Country for you all on the Left, all other forms of perversion conquered. You also missed the ENTIRE point of my post that I don't give a triple flying FUCK about precedent, history, or culture. Any man who recoils from the challenges of mental peer relationships with full grown women in favor of the safer and easier world of little girls who are easier to manipulate is a PIECE OF SHIT pedophile and should be strung up by his balls.

By the way, Mary wasn't 12, though she seems to get younger with every telling of the story by pedophilia advocates, and she was a dedicated temple virgin and her spouse never touched her. She lived her entire life in virginity. So no, she doesn't belong in your treasured roster of historic pedophile exploits.

back then even among christians it was not rape. Lionheart's wife was only six. Most of his female relatives were barely 12 or married to children.

You condemn muslims but not christians?

Now we frown on child marriage but It's been common for centuries, even in asia and africa today
I don't care what century you live in, a girl is a girl and a woman is a woman. If any man goes after girls, they are pedophiles, pathetic pieces of shit who can't hack it with a real live woman mature enough to see through his bullshit and hold him to a higher standard. A grown ass man has no business being with a kid no matter what the time or culture.

That is a modern concept in the west. Even among some divisions of Mormons/LDS it is still part of their practice not just to take several wives but very young wives. Most mormons have rejected it, but it's not been that many years. The bible taught of child marriages, so those who follow the bible might still believe it should be permissible. Issac was 40 and Rebecca was three (some calculate her age up to 10). Even god did not have a problem, since Mary was only 12 yrs old.

Yes, modern western civilizations have set limits on how young people can marry, but even in NY with permission from a judge girls of 14 have been married in this century.

As for Mohammed, a marriage in name till her menses began which is how they decided when a girl was ready was normal everywhere at that time regardless of religion.
It's clear that
A) you don't have a daughter
B) you are not a feminist
C) you are a feminist but sycophancy for Islam takes priority
D) a combination of A and B or A and C.

Because otherwise you would have a serious problem with what you just said. Pedophilia is the great Undiscovered Country for you all on the Left, all other forms of perversion conquered. You also missed the ENTIRE point of my post that I don't give a triple flying FUCK about precedent, history, or culture. Any man who recoils from the challenges of mental peer relationships with full grown women in favor of the safer and easier world of little girls who are easier to manipulate is a PIECE OF SHIT pedophile and should be strung up by his balls.

By the way, Mary wasn't 12, though she seems to get younger with every telling of the story by pedophilia advocates, and she was a dedicated temple virgin and her spouse never touched her. She lived her entire life in virginity. So no, she doesn't belong in your treasured roster of historic pedophile exploits.

Aris is about the last person you should accuse of not being a feminist.

back then even among christians it was not rape. Lionheart's wife was only six. Most of his female relatives were barely 12 or married to children.

You condemn muslims but not christians?

Now we frown on child marriage but It's been common for centuries, even in asia and africa today
I don't care what century you live in, a girl is a girl and a woman is a woman. If any man goes after girls, they are pedophiles, pathetic pieces of shit who can't hack it with a real live woman mature enough to see through his bullshit and hold him to a higher standard. A grown ass man has no business being with a kid no matter what the time or culture.

That is a modern concept in the west. Even among some divisions of Mormons/LDS it is still part of their practice not just to take several wives but very young wives. Most mormons have rejected it, but it's not been that many years. The bible taught of child marriages, so those who follow the bible might still believe it should be permissible. Issac was 40 and Rebecca was three (some calculate her age up to 10). Even god did not have a problem, since Mary was only 12 yrs old.

Yes, modern western civilizations have set limits on how young people can marry, but even in NY with permission from a judge girls of 14 have been married in this century.

As for Mohammed, a marriage in name till her menses began which is how they decided when a girl was ready was normal everywhere at that time regardless of religion.
It's clear that
A) you don't have a daughter
B) you are not a feminist
C) you are a feminist but sycophancy for Islam takes priority
D) a combination of A and B or A and C.

Because otherwise you would have a serious problem with what you just said. Pedophilia is the great Undiscovered Country for you all on the Left, all other forms of perversion conquered. You also missed the ENTIRE point of my post that I don't give a triple flying FUCK about precedent, history, or culture. Any man who recoils from the challenges of mental peer relationships with full grown women in favor of the safer and easier world of little girls who are easier to manipulate is a PIECE OF SHIT pedophile and should be strung up by his balls.

By the way, Mary wasn't 12, though she seems to get younger with every telling of the story by pedophilia advocates, and she was a dedicated temple virgin and her spouse never touched her. She lived her entire life in virginity. So no, she doesn't belong in your treasured roster of historic pedophile exploits.

Aris is about the last person you should accuse of not being a feminist.
the bible approves of all those things and more
PurpleOwl is providing an excellent example for this discussion: The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?

The Regressive Left display their Islamophobia - they are clearly afraid of this religion - in three primary ways:

1. Equate modern-day Christianity with modern-day Islam
2. Deflect to Christianity's history ("But the Crusades, the Crusades!")
3. Go directly to insults, attacks, straw men and distortions

aris2chat also provides an excellent example in post 73.

All this for a religion that treats women as second-class citizens, and gays far worse. More than a little hypocritical.

Christians of the west were abused by husbands till end of 20th C
Violence Against Women Act was only passed in 1994

Muslims world was more isolated at they are slower to catch up
They were well in advance on other rights of women in many countries. Liberal/conservative readings of the quran and hadith have varied back and forth and across countries. What most seem to view as islam is wahhabism, not even all sunnism.

Time to stop comparing apples and watermelons. How quickly hypocrites forget their own pass
Stupid strawman.
Where does it say to beat your wife in the Bible? It does not.
Islam clearly teaches how to do it and when to do it.

Top Women Abusing Verses from Bible

What book are you reading?

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