The repub nightmare scenario may happen as trump hedges on supporting repub nominee in 2024

DeSantis is hiring all of Trump's dirty tricksters. They are abandoning Trump.

But I think DeSantis will still get stomped. He does not have the quick-thinking mind of his competitors.

Well, the repubs created him, now they need to deal with him. It is and always has been about him. He cares little for the country or the party. It is about trump. Get the popcorn ready!

I will make this pledge right now, if Trump runs 3rd party he will have my vote!
DeSantis is hiring all of Trump's dirty tricksters. They are abandoning Trump.

But I think DeSantis will still get stomped. He does not have the quick-thinking mind of his competitors.

He is trying to hard now.

He is pushing for a permanent sale tax removal from all gas appliances. And then people whine about the Dems pandering to their base

Well, the repubs created him, now they need to deal with him. It is and always has been about him. He cares little for the country or the party. It is about trump. Get the popcorn ready!
Not a nightmare for me.

I will NEVER support another McCain, Dole or Romney.

If Republicans want to win they'll have to contend with that.

You want a Rino, defect to the Democrats and collectively pull them to the Right. That's win/win for me.
If you read my fucking post I said "if Trump loses the nomination and runs 3rd party" the GOP will slam him like the dems do.

If he gets the nomination, then no.
So...if he wins the nomination, you will still support the fat, orange, insurrectionist? You must be a tortured person.
Trump knows how to get the attention of the media. He just has to tweet outrageous statements every seven days and they will all come a'runnin to ask him to asplain hisself.

The rest of the clown car will spend all their time responding to Trump's missives.

Trump knows the tard herd isn't the least bit interested in white papers. They have been deliberately dumbed down by the right wing propagandists to the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.

This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. That I can tell you.
Not a nightmare for me.

I will NEVER support another McCain, Dole or Romney.

If Republicans want to win they'll have to contend with that.

You want a Rino, defect to the Democrats and collectively pull them to the Right. That's win/win for me.

I, as well, voted for Romney and McCain when the GOP nominated them.

Never fucking again. Might as well have someone like Biden- who is at least open about the hatred he has for me.

This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. That I can tell you.
"What do you have to Lose?"

Trump is the product of decades of the GOP's illiberal, anti-democratic, authoritarian, nativist policies of racism, bigotry, and hate.

Trump is a product of decades of Republicans running, and sometimes winning elections, but ignoring their promises once they get in. Guys like Romney and the Bushes who failed and did nothing for the common man.

Trump changed the paradigm. Any Republican who runs is going to have to show actual accomplishments, and give no quarter to the libs, if they want the support of the base.
Trump is a product of decades of Republicans running, and sometimes winning elections, but ignoring their promises once they get in. Guys like Romney and the Bushes who failed and did nothing for the common man.

Trump changed the paradigm. Any Republican who runs is going to have to show actual accomplishments, and give no quarter to the libs, if they want the support of the base.

They don't care if they lose.
That paradigm desperately needs changed.
The Bushes and Cheneys and Romneys I'm sure would prefer to win.

But their top priority is getting rid of the Little Trumpsters, even if it means losing.

I don't know.
If they win they have to Govern.
If they lose, the Democrats pass legislation that they essentially approve of anyway.
They can simply complain in public and hang out with the democrats in private.

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