The Republican Christian is an oxymoran use of words.

Many conservatives love an authoritarian leader to tell them what to do. Many of them wish abortion was illegal because they have gotten them themselves. So they want big brother to take that away from them. I feel the same way about cigarettes. I wish they were illegal then I couldn't get them so easily.

That is not my experience with conservatives. Conservatives want the Federal government to take care of the country's business--and stay out of everyone personal business. The problem with the government interfering with personal business is that it takes people away from other people and establishes a bureaucracy in their place. Let people take care of people. Let the government take care of the entity we call Nation or USA.

Conservatives are greedy.
Yes well you do not get to carry a fetus. If you want to lord it over women get a wife, a real sucker of one. By the way I'm married.

I find it funny that people think Gov should interfere in a womans reproductive health but not offer her the means to get health insurance or even care about the state of her health , you are a true male chauvinist pig. Most men are, why you ask, because they are insecure in their manliness.

I've got a wife. A decent one...she loves children and despises Hillary. And she did all the fetus carrying in this relationship which worked out fine. She didnt and doesnt need you, or the government, for "reproductive health" or insurance. She isn't bothered in the least that government officials don't "care about the state of her health".
And, miracle of miracles, even without the government offering her "the means to get health insurance" she has never gone one day without it. As I previously said..strong families are fine without socialists...which is why socialists attack the family.

not all people are so lucky------you and she are both lucky-----not ENTIRELY
as a function of ONLY YOUR OWN EFFORTS.
In fact, I thought I’d list 5 of the biggest lies these conservative “Christians” often tell about themselves.

1. They support freedom: This one has always confounded me a bit. You can’t say you want a nation built on both freedom and religion – that doesn’t make any sense. Being that religion by its very nature is predicated upon rules and control, you can’t logically claim to be the “party for freedom and liberty” while also trying to base large portions of your political ideology on religious principles that literally millions of people don’t share.

2. They’re pro-life: For some reason these people have equated opposing abortion to being “pro-life.” Here’s my rule: When you’re constantly pushing for more war, while supporting the death penalty and often vilifying the poor and needy, you lose all right to call yourselves “pro-life.”

3. They care about the poor and income inequality: This one might be my favorite. Republicans are constantly trying to gut programs that help the most needy among us, while simultaneously painting them as “lazy moochers,” while also opposing raising the minimum wage – yet they’re unapologetic about their support for massive tax breaks for the richest among us. They’re literally trying to convince us that the “solution” to income inequality is more of the same policies that caused it to begin with. And what are those polices? The ones that make the rich even richer at the expense of everyone else.

4. They respect religious freedom: This is one of the biggest lies there is. Sure, they want Christians (or at least their brand of Christianity) to have unlimited ability to say and do whatever they want. But that’s where their love for “religious freedom” stops. When it comes to any other religions, or those who choose to follow no religion, that’s when many of these people typically lose it. While these so-called “religious freedom” advocates want the ability for a Christian-owned business to be able to deny service to homosexuals, could you imagine if some businesses began denying service to Christians? Many of these same “religious freedom” folks would absolutely lose their minds.

5. They’re Christians: I thought I’d save the best for last. The fact that many of these people call themselves Christians to begin with is comical. Jesus Christ, whether you believe he was real or not, symbolizes love, acceptance, tolerance, hope, generosity and compassion – which is pretty much the antithesis to what the Republican party represents. Forgive me if I have trouble envisioning Jesus Christ as someone who’d be a gun-loving, anti-immigrant, poor hating advocate for unregulated capitalism and greed, who felt it was acceptable to judge and discriminate against homosexuals. You know, your typical conservative.

The 5 Biggest Lies Conservative "Christians" Tell About Themselves

And you thought you were Christians!! You can pretend all you want, but we know the truth.

Is that your opinion as a Muslim and a member of Hamas?
In fact, I thought I’d list 5 of the biggest lies these conservative “Christians” often tell about themselves.

1. They support freedom: This one has always confounded me a bit. You can’t say you want a nation built on both freedom and religion – that doesn’t make any sense. Being that religion by its very nature is predicated upon rules and control, you can’t logically claim to be the “party for freedom and liberty” while also trying to base large portions of your political ideology on religious principles that literally millions of people don’t share.

2. They’re pro-life: For some reason these people have equated opposing abortion to being “pro-life.” Here’s my rule: When you’re constantly pushing for more war, while supporting the death penalty and often vilifying the poor and needy, you lose all right to call yourselves “pro-life.”

3. They care about the poor and income inequality: This one might be my favorite. Republicans are constantly trying to gut programs that help the most needy among us, while simultaneously painting them as “lazy moochers,” while also opposing raising the minimum wage – yet they’re unapologetic about their support for massive tax breaks for the richest among us. They’re literally trying to convince us that the “solution” to income inequality is more of the same policies that caused it to begin with. And what are those polices? The ones that make the rich even richer at the expense of everyone else.

4. They respect religious freedom: This is one of the biggest lies there is. Sure, they want Christians (or at least their brand of Christianity) to have unlimited ability to say and do whatever they want. But that’s where their love for “religious freedom” stops. When it comes to any other religions, or those who choose to follow no religion, that’s when many of these people typically lose it. While these so-called “religious freedom” advocates want the ability for a Christian-owned business to be able to deny service to homosexuals, could you imagine if some businesses began denying service to Christians? Many of these same “religious freedom” folks would absolutely lose their minds.

5. They’re Christians: I thought I’d save the best for last. The fact that many of these people call themselves Christians to begin with is comical. Jesus Christ, whether you believe he was real or not, symbolizes love, acceptance, tolerance, hope, generosity and compassion – which is pretty much the antithesis to what the Republican party represents. Forgive me if I have trouble envisioning Jesus Christ as someone who’d be a gun-loving, anti-immigrant, poor hating advocate for unregulated capitalism and greed, who felt it was acceptable to judge and discriminate against homosexuals. You know, your typical conservative.

The 5 Biggest Lies Conservative "Christians" Tell About Themselves

And you thought you were Christians!! You can pretend all you want, but we know the truth.

Is that your opinion as a Muslim and a member of Hamas?

In fact, I thought I’d list 5 of the biggest lies these conservative “Christians” often tell about themselves.

1. They support freedom: This one has always confounded me a bit. You can’t say you want a nation built on both freedom and religion – that doesn’t make any sense. Being that religion by its very nature is predicated upon rules and control, you can’t logically claim to be the “party for freedom and liberty” while also trying to base large portions of your political ideology on religious principles that literally millions of people don’t share.

2. They’re pro-life: For some reason these people have equated opposing abortion to being “pro-life.” Here’s my rule: When you’re constantly pushing for more war, while supporting the death penalty and often vilifying the poor and needy, you lose all right to call yourselves “pro-life.”

3. They care about the poor and income inequality: This one might be my favorite. Republicans are constantly trying to gut programs that help the most needy among us, while simultaneously painting them as “lazy moochers,” while also opposing raising the minimum wage – yet they’re unapologetic about their support for massive tax breaks for the richest among us. They’re literally trying to convince us that the “solution” to income inequality is more of the same policies that caused it to begin with. And what are those polices? The ones that make the rich even richer at the expense of everyone else.

4. They respect religious freedom: This is one of the biggest lies there is. Sure, they want Christians (or at least their brand of Christianity) to have unlimited ability to say and do whatever they want. But that’s where their love for “religious freedom” stops. When it comes to any other religions, or those who choose to follow no religion, that’s when many of these people typically lose it. While these so-called “religious freedom” advocates want the ability for a Christian-owned business to be able to deny service to homosexuals, could you imagine if some businesses began denying service to Christians? Many of these same “religious freedom” folks would absolutely lose their minds.

5. They’re Christians: I thought I’d save the best for last. The fact that many of these people call themselves Christians to begin with is comical. Jesus Christ, whether you believe he was real or not, symbolizes love, acceptance, tolerance, hope, generosity and compassion – which is pretty much the antithesis to what the Republican party represents. Forgive me if I have trouble envisioning Jesus Christ as someone who’d be a gun-loving, anti-immigrant, poor hating advocate for unregulated capitalism and greed, who felt it was acceptable to judge and discriminate against homosexuals. You know, your typical conservative.

The 5 Biggest Lies Conservative "Christians" Tell About Themselves

And you thought you were Christians!! You can pretend all you want, but we know the truth.

Is that your opinion as a Muslim and a member of Hamas?

Really is that all you have?
Many conservatives love an authoritarian leader to tell them what to do. Many of them wish abortion was illegal because they have gotten them themselves. So they want big brother to take that away from them. I feel the same way about cigarettes. I wish they were illegal then I couldn't get them so easily.

That is not my experience with conservatives. Conservatives want the Federal government to take care of the country's business--and stay out of everyone personal business. The problem with the government interfering with personal business is that it takes people away from other people and establishes a bureaucracy in their place. Let people take care of people. Let the government take care of the entity we call Nation or USA.

Conservatives are greedy.

By that she means they want to keep their own stuff.

Many conservatives love an authoritarian leader to tell them what to do. Many of them wish abortion was illegal because they have gotten them themselves. So they want big brother to take that away from them. I feel the same way about cigarettes. I wish they were illegal then I couldn't get them so easily.

That is not my experience with conservatives. Conservatives want the Federal government to take care of the country's business--and stay out of everyone personal business. The problem with the government interfering with personal business is that it takes people away from other people and establishes a bureaucracy in their place. Let people take care of people. Let the government take care of the entity we call Nation or USA.

Conservatives are greedy.

By that she means they want to keep their own stuff.

View attachment 115882
Too bad illegals don't vote and legals don't care about illegals. Sure some do. Maybe 25℅
Many conservatives love an authoritarian leader to tell them what to do. Many of them wish abortion was illegal because they have gotten them themselves. So they want big brother to take that away from them. I feel the same way about cigarettes. I wish they were illegal then I couldn't get them so easily.

That is not my experience with conservatives. Conservatives want the Federal government to take care of the country's business--and stay out of everyone personal business. The problem with the government interfering with personal business is that it takes people away from other people and establishes a bureaucracy in their place. Let people take care of people. Let the government take care of the entity we call Nation or USA.

Conservatives are greedy.

By that she means they want to keep their own stuff.

View attachment 115882
Too bad illegals don't vote and legals don't care about illegals. Sure some do. Maybe 25℅

Actually, Trump got slightly more than 1 in 4 hispanic votes.

THe left's plan to turn this nation into an ONe Party State, is well on it's way.

Sorry that they are quite as terrorized as the blacks are, but hey, keep jacking up the panic mongering and race baiting, and you'll get there.

Good times.

And by that I mean,

Many conservatives love an authoritarian leader to tell them what to do. Many of them wish abortion was illegal because they have gotten them themselves. So they want big brother to take that away from them. I feel the same way about cigarettes. I wish they were illegal then I couldn't get them so easily.

That is not my experience with conservatives. Conservatives want the Federal government to take care of the country's business--and stay out of everyone personal business. The problem with the government interfering with personal business is that it takes people away from other people and establishes a bureaucracy in their place. Let people take care of people. Let the government take care of the entity we call Nation or USA.

Conservatives are greedy.

By that she means they want to keep their own stuff.

View attachment 115882
Too bad illegals don't vote and legals don't care about illegals. Sure some do. Maybe 25℅

Actually, Trump got slightly more than 1 in 4 hispanic votes.

THe left's plan to turn this nation into an ONe Party State, is well on it's way.

Sorry that they are quite as terrorized as the blacks are, but hey, keep jacking up the panic mongering and race baiting, and you'll get there.

Good times.

And by that I mean,

Our way would have worked if you just bent over and took it. But you didn't so don't expect we won't be armchair qb'ing every step
That is not my experience with conservatives. Conservatives want the Federal government to take care of the country's business--and stay out of everyone personal business. The problem with the government interfering with personal business is that it takes people away from other people and establishes a bureaucracy in their place. Let people take care of people. Let the government take care of the entity we call Nation or USA.

Conservatives are greedy.

By that she means they want to keep their own stuff.

View attachment 115882
Too bad illegals don't vote and legals don't care about illegals. Sure some do. Maybe 25℅

Actually, Trump got slightly more than 1 in 4 hispanic votes.

THe left's plan to turn this nation into an ONe Party State, is well on it's way.

Sorry that they are quite as terrorized as the blacks are, but hey, keep jacking up the panic mongering and race baiting, and you'll get there.

Good times.

And by that I mean,

Our way would have worked if you just bent over and took it. But you didn't so don't expect we won't be armchair qb'ing every step

Any reasonable or even unreasonable attempts at armchair qb'ing is and will be lost in the dim of the bat shit crazy tantrum the rest of the Left is busy throwing.

Such nitpicking would be, relatively Welcomed, as a sigh of partisan sanity.

Pretending to think that Ben Carson is claiming that white immigrants were transported here in slave ships is not sane.
Conservatives are greedy.

By that she means they want to keep their own stuff.

View attachment 115882
Too bad illegals don't vote and legals don't care about illegals. Sure some do. Maybe 25℅

Actually, Trump got slightly more than 1 in 4 hispanic votes.

THe left's plan to turn this nation into an ONe Party State, is well on it's way.

Sorry that they are quite as terrorized as the blacks are, but hey, keep jacking up the panic mongering and race baiting, and you'll get there.

Good times.

And by that I mean,

Our way would have worked if you just bent over and took it. But you didn't so don't expect we won't be armchair qb'ing every step

Any reasonable or even unreasonable attempts at armchair qb'ing is and will be lost in the dim of the bat shit crazy tantrum the rest of the Left is busy throwing.

Such nitpicking would be, relatively Welcomed, as a sigh of partisan sanity.

Pretending to think that Ben Carson is claiming that white immigrants were transported here in slave ships is not sane.
Your side would be having a field day if biden was potus and saying stupid shit like trump and carson.
Conservatives are greedy.

By that she means they want to keep their own stuff.

View attachment 115882
Too bad illegals don't vote and legals don't care about illegals. Sure some do. Maybe 25℅

Actually, Trump got slightly more than 1 in 4 hispanic votes.

THe left's plan to turn this nation into an ONe Party State, is well on it's way.

Sorry that they are quite as terrorized as the blacks are, but hey, keep jacking up the panic mongering and race baiting, and you'll get there.

Good times.

And by that I mean,

Our way would have worked if you just bent over and took it. But you didn't so don't expect we won't be armchair qb'ing every step

Any reasonable or even unreasonable attempts at armchair qb'ing is and will be lost in the dim of the bat shit crazy tantrum the rest of the Left is busy throwing.

Such nitpicking would be, relatively Welcomed, as a sigh of partisan sanity.

Pretending to think that Ben Carson is claiming that white immigrants were transported here in slave ships is not sane.
Just remember you guys at one time thought Palin should be one heart attack away from being potus.

You don't have good judgement imo
By that she means they want to keep their own stuff.

View attachment 115882
Too bad illegals don't vote and legals don't care about illegals. Sure some do. Maybe 25℅

Actually, Trump got slightly more than 1 in 4 hispanic votes.

THe left's plan to turn this nation into an ONe Party State, is well on it's way.

Sorry that they are quite as terrorized as the blacks are, but hey, keep jacking up the panic mongering and race baiting, and you'll get there.

Good times.

And by that I mean,

Our way would have worked if you just bent over and took it. But you didn't so don't expect we won't be armchair qb'ing every step

Any reasonable or even unreasonable attempts at armchair qb'ing is and will be lost in the dim of the bat shit crazy tantrum the rest of the Left is busy throwing.

Such nitpicking would be, relatively Welcomed, as a sigh of partisan sanity.

Pretending to think that Ben Carson is claiming that white immigrants were transported here in slave ships is not sane.
Just remember you guys at one time thought Palin should be one heart attack away from being potus.

You don't have good judgement imo
Accountants would argue that we do.
Too bad illegals don't vote and legals don't care about illegals. Sure some do. Maybe 25℅

Actually, Trump got slightly more than 1 in 4 hispanic votes.

THe left's plan to turn this nation into an ONe Party State, is well on it's way.

Sorry that they are quite as terrorized as the blacks are, but hey, keep jacking up the panic mongering and race baiting, and you'll get there.

Good times.

And by that I mean,

Our way would have worked if you just bent over and took it. But you didn't so don't expect we won't be armchair qb'ing every step

Any reasonable or even unreasonable attempts at armchair qb'ing is and will be lost in the dim of the bat shit crazy tantrum the rest of the Left is busy throwing.

Such nitpicking would be, relatively Welcomed, as a sigh of partisan sanity.

Pretending to think that Ben Carson is claiming that white immigrants were transported here in slave ships is not sane.
Just remember you guys at one time thought Palin should be one heart attack away from being potus.

You don't have good judgement imo
Accountants would argue that we do.
2 out of 10
Actually, Trump got slightly more than 1 in 4 hispanic votes.

THe left's plan to turn this nation into an ONe Party State, is well on it's way.

Sorry that they are quite as terrorized as the blacks are, but hey, keep jacking up the panic mongering and race baiting, and you'll get there.

Good times.

And by that I mean,

Our way would have worked if you just bent over and took it. But you didn't so don't expect we won't be armchair qb'ing every step

Any reasonable or even unreasonable attempts at armchair qb'ing is and will be lost in the dim of the bat shit crazy tantrum the rest of the Left is busy throwing.

Such nitpicking would be, relatively Welcomed, as a sigh of partisan sanity.

Pretending to think that Ben Carson is claiming that white immigrants were transported here in slave ships is not sane.
Just remember you guys at one time thought Palin should be one heart attack away from being potus.

You don't have good judgement imo
Accountants would argue that we do.
2 out of 10
They have a saying... if you are not a Democrat when you are young, then you have no heart. If you are not a Republican when you are old, then you are not smart.
By that she means they want to keep their own stuff.

View attachment 115882
Too bad illegals don't vote and legals don't care about illegals. Sure some do. Maybe 25℅

Actually, Trump got slightly more than 1 in 4 hispanic votes.

THe left's plan to turn this nation into an ONe Party State, is well on it's way.

Sorry that they are quite as terrorized as the blacks are, but hey, keep jacking up the panic mongering and race baiting, and you'll get there.

Good times.

And by that I mean,

Our way would have worked if you just bent over and took it. But you didn't so don't expect we won't be armchair qb'ing every step

Any reasonable or even unreasonable attempts at armchair qb'ing is and will be lost in the dim of the bat shit crazy tantrum the rest of the Left is busy throwing.

Such nitpicking would be, relatively Welcomed, as a sigh of partisan sanity.

Pretending to think that Ben Carson is claiming that white immigrants were transported here in slave ships is not sane.
Your side would be having a field day if biden was potus and saying stupid shit like trump and carson.

I think you would be hard pressed to find any example of me,

1. Attacking Obama on a misrepresentation of something he said.

2. Attacking Obama on a misstatement he made.

3. Attacking Obama on a unimportant reference he made that I spin into a mountain.

I have always been about their finding out what they really mean and what their real results will be.

The single greatest thing I hated about Obama, was nothing like this nothing, but his Race Baiting, both directly and in allowing his partisans to smear all normal partisan opposition to him as racist.


This outrage over discussing slaves as immigrants? Is nothing. It means NOTHING about Carson or Trump or their policies or America.

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