The Republican Christian is an oxymoran use of words.

The GOP opposes abortion due to votes is all because people like you do not think women should have a choice, your type doesn't' even want classes on "how babies are made in schools". What is worst than abortions is the spread of disease, and BC pill do not stop that.

Now I do not think HS kids should engage in sex at all, but they do apparently, so are you going to stop it, education is the key, but Devos is so in to Christian schools I doubt if there is sex ed at all in her schools. Now for a woman out of school who gets pg , that is do to ignorance or cheap rubbers. Here all your concerned about is not , how to avoid a sexually transmitted diseases but , but all you care about is make sure you have that baby, even though that woman may be pregnant with a VD or worst yet since PP's are going to be shut down, this woman is HIV positive and you just want to make sure that baby is born and carried for 40 weeks, so she can have an unhealthy baby due to ignorance and lack of health care.

Then you consider it murder , but refuse to file charges against her. I guess we can go back to back street abortions, is that what you want??

Only females should be allowed to vote on this as men do not seem to think they are responsible.

Women do have choices, but why should taking a life be one of those choices? As someone who works with special ed students, I cannot help but resent the appellation "unhealthy baby" as if these children, born unhealthy, are some kind of unwanted garbage. Some of the most loving students I have ever taught are "unhealthy" and, in my opinion, also some of the most worthy of the label, 'human being'.

Most aborted babies do not rise to the level of "unhealthy"; they only rise to the level of "inconvenient".
It's her body and life isn't that precious. If the junk in your balls is precious don't have an abortion

Explain how her body has another man's dna?
The hypocrisy of pro life people is sickening. Most of you so called Christians are low life's and use abortion as a vote. You are a hypocrite , another man voting against choice. You are pro birth, not pro life. I find you Republicans are repulsive, must be where the repu came from.

View attachment 115802

You are wasting that on me, I'm in the healthcare field or was , I'm retired now. I am pro choice and pro healthcare, I do not believe life ends when born but I believe that is when it starts. I get so sick of you pro lifers, in actually you are nothing but pro birth.
The GOP opposes abortion due to votes is all because people like you do not think women should have a choice, your type doesn't' even want classes on "how babies are made in schools". What is worst than abortions is the spread of disease, and BC pill do not stop that.

Now I do not think HS kids should engage in sex at all, but they do apparently, so are you going to stop it, education is the key, but Devos is so in to Christian schools I doubt if there is sex ed at all in her schools. Now for a woman out of school who gets pg , that is do to ignorance or cheap rubbers. Here all your concerned about is not , how to avoid a sexually transmitted diseases but , but all you care about is make sure you have that baby, even though that woman may be pregnant with a VD or worst yet since PP's are going to be shut down, this woman is HIV positive and you just want to make sure that baby is born and carried for 40 weeks, so she can have an unhealthy baby due to ignorance and lack of health care.

Then you consider it murder , but refuse to file charges against her. I guess we can go back to back street abortions, is that what you want??

Only females should be allowed to vote on this as men do not seem to think they are responsible.

Women do have choices, but why should taking a life be one of those choices? As someone who works with special ed students, I cannot help but resent the appellation "unhealthy baby" as if these children, born unhealthy, are some kind of unwanted garbage. Some of the most loving students I have ever taught are "unhealthy" and, in my opinion, also some of the most worthy of the label, 'human being'.

Most aborted babies do not rise to the level of "unhealthy"; they only rise to the level of "inconvenient".

True. And what kind of sick deranged female considers her child "inconvenient"? Hillary voters of course. The league of the barren womb.
The GOP opposes abortion due to votes is all because people like you do not think women should have a choice, your type doesn't' even want classes on "how babies are made in schools". What is worst than abortions is the spread of disease, and BC pill do not stop that.

Now I do not think HS kids should engage in sex at all, but they do apparently, so are you going to stop it, education is the key, but Devos is so in to Christian schools I doubt if there is sex ed at all in her schools. Now for a woman out of school who gets pg , that is do to ignorance or cheap rubbers. Here all your concerned about is not , how to avoid a sexually transmitted diseases but , but all you care about is make sure you have that baby, even though that woman may be pregnant with a VD or worst yet since PP's are going to be shut down, this woman is HIV positive and you just want to make sure that baby is born and carried for 40 weeks, so she can have an unhealthy baby due to ignorance and lack of health care.

Then you consider it murder , but refuse to file charges against her. I guess we can go back to back street abortions, is that what you want??

Only females should be allowed to vote on this as men do not seem to think they are responsible.

Women do have choices, but why should taking a life be one of those choices? As someone who works with special ed students, I cannot help but resent the appellation "unhealthy baby" as if these children, born unhealthy, are some kind of unwanted garbage. Some of the most loving students I have ever taught are "unhealthy" and, in my opinion, also some of the most worthy of the label, 'human being'.

Most aborted babies do not rise to the level of "unhealthy"; they only rise to the level of "inconvenient".
It's her body and life isn't that precious. If the junk in your balls is precious don't have an abortion

Explain how her body has another man's dna?

Penelope did get the historical Jesus just about right>>>>5. They’re Christians: I thought I’d save the best for last. The fact that many of these people call themselves Christians to begin with is comical. Jesus Christ, whether you believe he was real or not, symbolizes love, acceptance, tolerance, hope, generosity and compassion – which is pretty much the antithesis to what the Republican party represents. Forgive me if I have trouble envisioning Jesus Christ as someone who’d be a gun-loving, anti-immigrant, poor hating advocate for unregulated capitalism and greed, who felt it was acceptable to judge and discriminate against homosexuals. You know, your typical conservative.

^^^^^^^ all true Jesus was a Pharisee of the school of HILLEL-----just what
Democrats USED TO BE-------before the whole damn donkey party
got pixilated
Jesus was an anti-establishment Jewish hippy (just like many modern Jewish hippies).

Whereas Jesus was completely respectful to the Romans, particularly their tax collectors and also Pontius Pilate, he was very anti Sanhedrin.

That plus his immense following in Galilee and Judaea is what got him crucified. The Sanhedrin was afraid they were going to lose their jobs.

Jesus loved the poor, was a communist centuries before the Communist Manifesto was written, was itinerant and homeless, practiced medicine without a license, was a wine maker, and loved making speeches at big rallies.

He did however also have a streak of violence in that he chased the temple money changers out two years in a row, overturning their tables and making them scramble for their gold.

So this is what we now call a complex personality.
Have you ever read the KJV Holy Bible or are you going by the teachings of godless men who want to use religion to justify their own ruthless ambitions?
Tell that to the blue collar losers you lied to in order to win their votes.

I told them in a year trumps promises would disappear and this 2007 tough love advice would be all you have.

You wouldn't give them this advice before the election but 50 days after the assholes are back.

Don't tell me I'm a successful person. Tell the people who are doing worse in 4 years than they were under Obama.

And by the way u2 idiots. Trump needs those losers spending not saving money. I'm taking your advice. I'm saving. So good luck with your goal of 3℅ growth. U make no sense

Trump- exceeds all expectations. You are incapable of learning which is fine by me. I look forward to a future of watching celebutards cry and rant, seeing shock and despair on the faces of media elites and you poor saps on the internet pretending you arent losing.
So go ahead and enjoy "Hamilton" and grin over SNL...while you get your ass kicked by Americans.
The GOP opposes abortion due to votes is all because people like you do not think women should have a choice, your type doesn't' even want classes on "how babies are made in schools". What is worst than abortions is the spread of disease, and BC pill do not stop that.

Now I do not think HS kids should engage in sex at all, but they do apparently, so are you going to stop it, education is the key, but Devos is so in to Christian schools I doubt if there is sex ed at all in her schools. Now for a woman out of school who gets pg , that is do to ignorance or cheap rubbers. Here all your concerned about is not , how to avoid a sexually transmitted diseases but , but all you care about is make sure you have that baby, even though that woman may be pregnant with a VD or worst yet since PP's are going to be shut down, this woman is HIV positive and you just want to make sure that baby is born and carried for 40 weeks, so she can have an unhealthy baby due to ignorance and lack of health care.

Then you consider it murder , but refuse to file charges against her. I guess we can go back to back street abortions, is that what you want??

Only females should be allowed to vote on this as men do not seem to think they are responsible.

Women do have choices, but why should taking a life be one of those choices? As someone who works with special ed students, I cannot help but resent the appellation "unhealthy baby" as if these children, born unhealthy, are some kind of unwanted garbage. Some of the most loving students I have ever taught are "unhealthy" and, in my opinion, also some of the most worthy of the label, 'human being'.

Most aborted babies do not rise to the level of "unhealthy"; they only rise to the level of "inconvenient".

True. And what kind of sick deranged female considers her child "inconvenient"? Hillary voters of course. The league of the barren womb.

I voted for Hillary and I'm anti abortion but pro choice, do you understand what that means. What kind of sick deranged man think he can tell a woman what to do? You?
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Which is why there are so many spontaneous abortions.
The GOP opposes abortion due to votes is all because people like you do not think women should have a choice, your type doesn't' even want classes on "how babies are made in schools". What is worst than abortions is the spread of disease, and BC pill do not stop that.

Now I do not think HS kids should engage in sex at all, but they do apparently, so are you going to stop it, education is the key, but Devos is so in to Christian schools I doubt if there is sex ed at all in her schools. Now for a woman out of school who gets pg , that is do to ignorance or cheap rubbers. Here all your concerned about is not , how to avoid a sexually transmitted diseases but , but all you care about is make sure you have that baby, even though that woman may be pregnant with a VD or worst yet since PP's are going to be shut down, this woman is HIV positive and you just want to make sure that baby is born and carried for 40 weeks, so she can have an unhealthy baby due to ignorance and lack of health care.

Then you consider it murder , but refuse to file charges against her. I guess we can go back to back street abortions, is that what you want??

Only females should be allowed to vote on this as men do not seem to think they are responsible.

Women do have choices, but why should taking a life be one of those choices? As someone who works with special ed students, I cannot help but resent the appellation "unhealthy baby" as if these children, born unhealthy, are some kind of unwanted garbage. Some of the most loving students I have ever taught are "unhealthy" and, in my opinion, also some of the most worthy of the label, 'human being'.

Most aborted babies do not rise to the level of "unhealthy"; they only rise to the level of "inconvenient".

True. And what kind of sick deranged female considers her child "inconvenient"? Hillary voters of course. The league of the barren womb.

I voted for Hillary and I'm anti abortion but pro choice, do you understand what that means. What kind of sick deranged man think he can tell a woman what to do? You?

You are pro abortion and too cowardly to admit it.
Penelope did get the historical Jesus just about right>>>>5. They’re Christians: I thought I’d save the best for last. The fact that many of these people call themselves Christians to begin with is comical. Jesus Christ, whether you believe he was real or not, symbolizes love, acceptance, tolerance, hope, generosity and compassion – which is pretty much the antithesis to what the Republican party represents. Forgive me if I have trouble envisioning Jesus Christ as someone who’d be a gun-loving, anti-immigrant, poor hating advocate for unregulated capitalism and greed, who felt it was acceptable to judge and discriminate against homosexuals. You know, your typical conservative.

^^^^^^^ all true Jesus was a Pharisee of the school of HILLEL-----just what
Democrats USED TO BE-------before the whole damn donkey party
got pixilated
Jesus was an anti-establishment Jewish hippy (just like many modern Jewish hippies).

Whereas Jesus was completely respectful to the Romans, particularly their tax collectors and also Pontius Pilate, he was very anti Sanhedrin.

That plus his immense following in Galilee and Judaea is what got him crucified. The Sanhedrin was afraid they were going to lose their jobs.

Jesus loved the poor, was a communist centuries before the Communist Manifesto was written, was itinerant and homeless, practiced medicine without a license, was a wine maker, and loved making speeches at big rallies.

He did however also have a streak of violence in that he chased the temple money changers out two years in a row, overturning their tables and making them scramble for their gold.

So this is what we now call a complex personality.
Have you ever read the KJV Holy Bible or are you going by the teachings of godless men who want to use religion to justify their own ruthless ambitions?

He read Dan Brown and thought he was a theologian.
The hypocrisy of pro life people is sickening. Most of you so called Christians are low life's and use abortion as a vote. You are a hypocrite , another man voting against choice. You are pro birth, not pro life. I find you Republicans are repulsive, must be where the repu came from.

View attachment 115802

You are wasting that on me, I'm in the healthcare field or was , I'm retired now. I am pro choice and pro healthcare, I do not believe life ends when born but I believe that is when it starts. I get so sick of you pro lifers, in actually you are nothing but pro birth.

Im not pro birth, though that would only be an insult in the mind of a demonic old divorced cat lady. Nor am I pro life. I am anti abortion.
The hypocrisy of pro life people is sickening. Most of you so called Christians are low life's and use abortion as a vote. You are a hypocrite , another man voting against choice. You are pro birth, not pro life. I find you Republicans are repulsive, must be where the repu came from.

View attachment 115802

You are wasting that on me, I'm in the healthcare field or was , I'm retired now. I am pro choice and pro healthcare, I do not believe life ends when born but I believe that is when it starts. I get so sick of you pro lifers, in actually you are nothing but pro birth.

Im not pro birth, though that would only be an insult in the mind of a demonic old divorced cat lady. Nor am I pro life. I am anti abortion.

Yes well you do not get to carry a fetus. If you want to lord it over women get a wife, a real sucker of one. By the way I'm married.

I find it funny that people think Gov should interfere in a womans reproductive health but not offer her the means to get health insurance or even care about the state of her health , you are a true male chauvinist pig. Most men are, why you ask, because they are insecure in their manliness.
Tell that to the blue collar losers you lied to in order to win their votes.

I told them in a year trumps promises would disappear and this 2007 tough love advice would be all you have.

You wouldn't give them this advice before the election but 50 days after the assholes are back.

Don't tell me I'm a successful person. Tell the people who are doing worse in 4 years than they were under Obama.

And by the way u2 idiots. Trump needs those losers spending not saving money. I'm taking your advice. I'm saving. So good luck with your goal of 3℅ growth. U make no sense

Trump- exceeds all expectations. You are incapable of learning which is fine by me. I look forward to a future of watching celebutards cry and rant, seeing shock and despair on the faces of media elites and you poor saps on the internet pretending you arent losing.
So go ahead and enjoy "Hamilton" and grin over SNL...while you get your ass kicked by Americans.
What a fool you must be. You don't even realize we are on the same team and want the same thing. If you are successful I win. But you won't be and that doesn't seem to bother white losers. As long as they think this is their America and they have their guns, who cares if they are losers.

Trump hasn't done shit yet and yet here you are already saying he exceeded all expectations. You have lowered the bar for the idiot. Funny how high you raised it for Obama.

You don't realize what the GOP are doing. They're going to hurt working America in order to help out of work America. If only Ford and Boeing would stop asking for such high pay, companies would start coming back. And that will help walmart workers. Brilliant! You guys are truly brilliant. You don't even know it yet but I've already figured it out.
Yes well you do not get to carry a fetus. If you want to lord it over women get a wife, a real sucker of one. By the way I'm married.

I find it funny that people think Gov should interfere in a womans reproductive health but not offer her the means to get health insurance or even care about the state of her health , you are a true male chauvinist pig. Most men are, why you ask, because they are insecure in their manliness.

I've got a wife. A decent one...she loves children and despises Hillary. And she did all the fetus carrying in this relationship which worked out fine. She didnt and doesnt need you, or the government, for "reproductive health" or insurance. She isn't bothered in the least that government officials don't "care about the state of her health".
And, miracle of miracles, even without the government offering her "the means to get health insurance" she has never gone one day without it. As I previously said..strong families are fine without socialists...which is why socialists attack the family.
What a fool you must be. You don't even realize we are on the same team and want the same thing. If you are successful I win. But you won't be and that doesn't seem to bother white losers. As long as they think this is their America and they have their guns, who cares if they are losers.

Trump hasn't done shit yet and yet here you are already saying he exceeded all expectations. You have lowered the bar for the idiot. Funny how high you raised it for Obama.

You don't realize what the GOP are doing. They're going to hurt working America in order to help out of work America. If only Ford and Boeing would stop asking for such high pay, companies would start coming back. And that will help walmart workers. Brilliant! You guys are truly brilliant. You don't even know it yet but I've already figured it out.

We are not on the same team. Get that through your head first.
Yes well you do not get to carry a fetus. If you want to lord it over women get a wife, a real sucker of one. By the way I'm married.

I find it funny that people think Gov should interfere in a womans reproductive health but not offer her the means to get health insurance or even care about the state of her health , you are a true male chauvinist pig. Most men are, why you ask, because they are insecure in their manliness.

I've got a wife. A decent one...she loves children and despises Hillary. And she did all the fetus carrying in this relationship which worked out fine. She didnt and doesnt need you, or the government, for "reproductive health" or insurance. She isn't bothered in the least that government officials don't "care about the state of her health".
And, miracle of miracles, even without the government offering her "the means to get health insurance" she has never gone one day without it. As I previously said..strong families are fine without socialists...which is why socialists attack the family.

If your a strong family why do you need the government to stop abortions, you are not strong at all, you are losers that try and push your values on others, but I think its more about the almighty buck. You are Republican Christians , let her know that, read the OP to her.
Yes well you do not get to carry a fetus. If you want to lord it over women get a wife, a real sucker of one. By the way I'm married.

I find it funny that people think Gov should interfere in a womans reproductive health but not offer her the means to get health insurance or even care about the state of her health , you are a true male chauvinist pig. Most men are, why you ask, because they are insecure in their manliness.

I've got a wife. A decent one...she loves children and despises Hillary. And she did all the fetus carrying in this relationship which worked out fine. She didnt and doesnt need you, or the government, for "reproductive health" or insurance. She isn't bothered in the least that government officials don't "care about the state of her health".
And, miracle of miracles, even without the government offering her "the means to get health insurance" she has never gone one day without it. As I previously said..strong families are fine without socialists...which is why socialists attack the family.

If your a strong family why do you need the government to stop abortions, you are not strong at all, you are losers that try and push your values on others, but I think its more about the almighty buck. You are Republican Christians , let her know that, read the OP to her.

Wow you are rambling now. Sort of stream of conscious. Can I address these ravings without raving myself. I'll try.
Strong as my family is infanticide belongs to the realm of the state. Not my family council. We will however continue to try to push our values. It is what any election i about.
We make no money from abortion. Even for you that was a crazy accusation.
I dont have to let her know she is a Republican Christian. She knows what she is.
And no I wont be reading anything to her. She is literate.
Yes well you do not get to carry a fetus. If you want to lord it over women get a wife, a real sucker of one. By the way I'm married.

I find it funny that people think Gov should interfere in a womans reproductive health but not offer her the means to get health insurance or even care about the state of her health , you are a true male chauvinist pig. Most men are, why you ask, because they are insecure in their manliness.

I've got a wife. A decent one...she loves children and despises Hillary. And she did all the fetus carrying in this relationship which worked out fine. She didnt and doesnt need you, or the government, for "reproductive health" or insurance. She isn't bothered in the least that government officials don't "care about the state of her health".
And, miracle of miracles, even without the government offering her "the means to get health insurance" she has never gone one day without it. As I previously said..strong families are fine without socialists...which is why socialists attack the family.

Just because your wife has never been in a position to where she needs an abortion or Obamacare, does not mean abortion or Obamacare should be outlawed. We are all sooooo glad for you and your wife. Bravo asshole. And we are so glad she has never needed welfare or foodstamps. Does that mean we should eliminate those things? Fucking assholes.

Typical guy who's never lost his job/healthcare doesn't think we need healthcare reform.

Strong families? You mean families who's parents make enough to be able to afford healthcare?
Yes well you do not get to carry a fetus. If you want to lord it over women get a wife, a real sucker of one. By the way I'm married.

I find it funny that people think Gov should interfere in a womans reproductive health but not offer her the means to get health insurance or even care about the state of her health , you are a true male chauvinist pig. Most men are, why you ask, because they are insecure in their manliness.

I've got a wife. A decent one...she loves children and despises Hillary. And she did all the fetus carrying in this relationship which worked out fine. She didnt and doesnt need you, or the government, for "reproductive health" or insurance. She isn't bothered in the least that government officials don't "care about the state of her health".
And, miracle of miracles, even without the government offering her "the means to get health insurance" she has never gone one day without it. As I previously said..strong families are fine without socialists...which is why socialists attack the family.

If your a strong family why do you need the government to stop abortions, you are not strong at all, you are losers that try and push your values on others, but I think its more about the almighty buck. You are Republican Christians , let her know that, read the OP to her.

Many conservatives love an authoritarian leader to tell them what to do. Many of them wish abortion was illegal because they have gotten them themselves. So they want big brother to take that away from them. I feel the same way about cigarettes. I wish they were illegal then I couldn't get them so easily.
What a fool you must be. You don't even realize we are on the same team and want the same thing. If you are successful I win. But you won't be and that doesn't seem to bother white losers. As long as they think this is their America and they have their guns, who cares if they are losers.

Trump hasn't done shit yet and yet here you are already saying he exceeded all expectations. You have lowered the bar for the idiot. Funny how high you raised it for Obama.

You don't realize what the GOP are doing. They're going to hurt working America in order to help out of work America. If only Ford and Boeing would stop asking for such high pay, companies would start coming back. And that will help walmart workers. Brilliant! You guys are truly brilliant. You don't even know it yet but I've already figured it out.

We are not on the same team. Get that through your head first.
Sure we are. I'm an american who wants to make money and save for retirement. What makes you special?
Many conservatives love an authoritarian leader to tell them what to do. Many of them wish abortion was illegal because they have gotten them themselves. So they want big brother to take that away from them. I feel the same way about cigarettes. I wish they were illegal then I couldn't get them so easily.

That is not my experience with conservatives. Conservatives want the Federal government to take care of the country's business--and stay out of everyone personal business. The problem with the government interfering with personal business is that it takes people away from other people and establishes a bureaucracy in their place. Let people take care of people. Let the government take care of the entity we call Nation or USA.

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