The Republican Christian is an oxymoran use of words.

By that she means they want to keep their own stuff.

View attachment 115882
Too bad illegals don't vote and legals don't care about illegals. Sure some do. Maybe 25℅

Actually, Trump got slightly more than 1 in 4 hispanic votes.

THe left's plan to turn this nation into an ONe Party State, is well on it's way.

Sorry that they are quite as terrorized as the blacks are, but hey, keep jacking up the panic mongering and race baiting, and you'll get there.

Good times.

And by that I mean,

Our way would have worked if you just bent over and took it. But you didn't so don't expect we won't be armchair qb'ing every step

Any reasonable or even unreasonable attempts at armchair qb'ing is and will be lost in the dim of the bat shit crazy tantrum the rest of the Left is busy throwing.

Such nitpicking would be, relatively Welcomed, as a sigh of partisan sanity.

Pretending to think that Ben Carson is claiming that white immigrants were transported here in slave ships is not sane.
Just remember you guys at one time thought Palin should be one heart attack away from being potus.

You don't have good judgement imo

You need to stop pretending that liberal inventions have any validity outside of lib circle jerks.
Too bad illegals don't vote and legals don't care about illegals. Sure some do. Maybe 25℅

Actually, Trump got slightly more than 1 in 4 hispanic votes.

THe left's plan to turn this nation into an ONe Party State, is well on it's way.

Sorry that they are quite as terrorized as the blacks are, but hey, keep jacking up the panic mongering and race baiting, and you'll get there.

Good times.

And by that I mean,

Our way would have worked if you just bent over and took it. But you didn't so don't expect we won't be armchair qb'ing every step

Any reasonable or even unreasonable attempts at armchair qb'ing is and will be lost in the dim of the bat shit crazy tantrum the rest of the Left is busy throwing.

Such nitpicking would be, relatively Welcomed, as a sigh of partisan sanity.

Pretending to think that Ben Carson is claiming that white immigrants were transported here in slave ships is not sane.
Just remember you guys at one time thought Palin should be one heart attack away from being potus.

You don't have good judgement imo

You need to stop pretending that liberal inventions have any validity outside of lib circle jerks.
Your way has never worked. My way would have worked if the American people were smart enough to vote every 2 years. Nothing has changed. You signed up for trump u
Actually, Trump got slightly more than 1 in 4 hispanic votes.

THe left's plan to turn this nation into an ONe Party State, is well on it's way.

Sorry that they are quite as terrorized as the blacks are, but hey, keep jacking up the panic mongering and race baiting, and you'll get there.

Good times.

And by that I mean,

Our way would have worked if you just bent over and took it. But you didn't so don't expect we won't be armchair qb'ing every step

Any reasonable or even unreasonable attempts at armchair qb'ing is and will be lost in the dim of the bat shit crazy tantrum the rest of the Left is busy throwing.

Such nitpicking would be, relatively Welcomed, as a sigh of partisan sanity.

Pretending to think that Ben Carson is claiming that white immigrants were transported here in slave ships is not sane.
Just remember you guys at one time thought Palin should be one heart attack away from being potus.

You don't have good judgement imo

You need to stop pretending that liberal inventions have any validity outside of lib circle jerks.
Your way has never worked. My way would have worked if the American people were smart enough to vote every 2 years. Nothing has changed. You signed up for trump u

You remind me of the liberals back in 1980s claiming that the Contras could never win, or that Reagan was a fool to predict the end of the Soviet Union.

Accepting defeat before you even try, is the only sure way to lose.
Our way would have worked if you just bent over and took it. But you didn't so don't expect we won't be armchair qb'ing every step

Any reasonable or even unreasonable attempts at armchair qb'ing is and will be lost in the dim of the bat shit crazy tantrum the rest of the Left is busy throwing.

Such nitpicking would be, relatively Welcomed, as a sigh of partisan sanity.

Pretending to think that Ben Carson is claiming that white immigrants were transported here in slave ships is not sane.
Just remember you guys at one time thought Palin should be one heart attack away from being potus.

You don't have good judgement imo

You need to stop pretending that liberal inventions have any validity outside of lib circle jerks.
Your way has never worked. My way would have worked if the American people were smart enough to vote every 2 years. Nothing has changed. You signed up for trump u

You remind me of the liberals back in 1980s claiming that the Contras could never win, or that Reagan was a fool to predict the end of the Soviet Union.

Accepting defeat before you even try, is the only sure way to lose.
No no. I'm not saying don't try your way. I'm not in a union. I'm just predicting what's going to happen. Our highest paid blue collar are going to take a pay cut so corporations will come back to America. But by taking those pay cuts blue collar who make less will make more supposedly because companies will need to compete for the workers.

I'm not buying it. Guess we will just have to wait and see. But I already see unions taking pay cuts and losing pensions. So this is why workers aren't doing as well as they were 8 years ago. Those jobs are gone.

Union worker makes $50 hr. Walmart makes $10. Trump will create $25 hr jobs. I get it.
Not true. Flat out, not true.

You can be wealthy, and be a janitor.

Janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune, left most of it to library and hospital

What you said, is factually wrong.

The reason people are poor, is because they don't do what this janitor did. They don't save and invest.

The reason Warren Buffet is a billionaire today, is because when he was TEN... he was buying stock in companies, and investing money from his paper route.

You are wrong.
Oh, and you sound like a 2007 Republican. Welcome back. Trump said he was gonna make America great again. Now we know that time was 2007 when Republicans help to blue collar was to tell them to save more.

Welcome back! I was wondering how long it would take.

We never left. And 2007 was due to Clinton. Already covered that. It was Bill Clinton's push on sub-prime loans that caused the crash.

The only thing that Bush had to do with the 2007 crash, was the minimum wage hike. Which according to you, you want. Your policy crashed the economy. Why do you keep pushing it?
Let's let liberals destroy the family unit...then whine we need facilities for kids of single mothers. That will work great!

Sent from my iPhone using

Yet Republicans revoted this nice family man in, these are your anti abortion Reps, do what we say, not what we do, we also have a Republican here who is anti abortion even though his wife admitted to having an abortion in HS. You fake holier than thou people are such hypocrites. Trump and his black bible is another oxymoran, a cheater and charlatan for all his life.

Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

the "P" entity gets dummer and dummer A man's wife had an abortion in
High School------so according to "P" -----that man can not be permitted to be anti abortion -------trump has a bible that is an "oxymoran" <<<whatevah dat is.
ppsssssst....... 20 weeks of FIVE MONTHS!!!! the standard cut off time for abortion-----

How about this POS:
Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

They had choices , yet want to take choice away.

So? What's your point? I don't know why you think that makes a point. Here's a guy that cheated on his wife, and wanted to cover it up with an abortion.

The point I'm getting from this, is that abortion is used by scum bags to hide their bad choices.

You support men cheating on their wives, and hiding it by murdering the child?

Is that your great support of abortion, so that men can hide immoral behavior, and cheat?

You just outlined why I'm against abortion. Good job. Thanks for making my case. Any questions?

The hypocrisy of pro life people is sickening. Most of you so called Christians are low life's and use abortion as a vote. You are a hypocrite , another man voting against choice. You are pro birth, not pro life. I find you Republicans are repulsive, must be where the repu came from.

So in your world, allowing men to push women to murder children, in order to hide their infidelity, and saying that's 'pro-choice' is your idea of not being a hypocrite?

And you are sick of me? I'm not the one supporting such disgusting cultural norms.

By the way, do you know the whole reason that abortion was banned, was because of exactly what you described? The Women's movement a 100 year ago, was tried of men screwing up women's lives, knocking them up, getting them pregnant, and then forcing them to get abortions, and ditching them.

Women were constantly used and abused, and men had no problem with it, because all they had to do was force them to get abortions, and magically they didn't have to take any responsibility.

Women themselves, pushed to ban abortions.

Now today, thanks to women... more women are abused than ever before and for the same reason. Men run around, screw whatever they like, force women to get abortions, and ditch them like a bad habit.

The only difference between then and now, is that the moral-less left, actually stands up and proudly supports their promotions of this abuse of women. You.... are sick. You are sick disgusting person.
Our way would have worked if you just bent over and took it. But you didn't so don't expect we won't be armchair qb'ing every step

Any reasonable or even unreasonable attempts at armchair qb'ing is and will be lost in the dim of the bat shit crazy tantrum the rest of the Left is busy throwing.

Such nitpicking would be, relatively Welcomed, as a sigh of partisan sanity.

Pretending to think that Ben Carson is claiming that white immigrants were transported here in slave ships is not sane.
Just remember you guys at one time thought Palin should be one heart attack away from being potus.

You don't have good judgement imo

You need to stop pretending that liberal inventions have any validity outside of lib circle jerks.
Your way has never worked. My way would have worked if the American people were smart enough to vote every 2 years. Nothing has changed. You signed up for trump u

You remind me of the liberals back in 1980s claiming that the Contras could never win, or that Reagan was a fool to predict the end of the Soviet Union.

Accepting defeat before you even try, is the only sure way to lose.

You remind me of the Republicans who provided cover for GW Bush when we realized he lied us into Iraq.

On April 27, Trump met Sergey Kislyak in Washington, D.C., before a big foreign policy speech.

Donald Trump Met Russian Ambassador During The Campaign, Despite Repeated Denials | The Huffington Post

Oh, and you sound like a 2007 Republican. Welcome back. Trump said he was gonna make America great again. Now we know that time was 2007 when Republicans help to blue collar was to tell them to save more.

Welcome back! I was wondering how long it would take.

We never left. And 2007 was due to Clinton. Already covered that. It was Bill Clinton's push on sub-prime loans that caused the crash.

The only thing that Bush had to do with the 2007 crash, was the minimum wage hike. Which according to you, you want. Your policy crashed the economy. Why do you keep pushing it?
Yet Republicans revoted this nice family man in, these are your anti abortion Reps, do what we say, not what we do, we also have a Republican here who is anti abortion even though his wife admitted to having an abortion in HS. You fake holier than thou people are such hypocrites. Trump and his black bible is another oxymoran, a cheater and charlatan for all his life.

Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

the "P" entity gets dummer and dummer A man's wife had an abortion in
High School------so according to "P" -----that man can not be permitted to be anti abortion -------trump has a bible that is an "oxymoran" <<<whatevah dat is.
ppsssssst....... 20 weeks of FIVE MONTHS!!!! the standard cut off time for abortion-----

How about this POS:
Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

They had choices , yet want to take choice away.

So? What's your point? I don't know why you think that makes a point. Here's a guy that cheated on his wife, and wanted to cover it up with an abortion.

The point I'm getting from this, is that abortion is used by scum bags to hide their bad choices.

You support men cheating on their wives, and hiding it by murdering the child?

Is that your great support of abortion, so that men can hide immoral behavior, and cheat?

You just outlined why I'm against abortion. Good job. Thanks for making my case. Any questions?

The hypocrisy of pro life people is sickening. Most of you so called Christians are low life's and use abortion as a vote. You are a hypocrite , another man voting against choice. You are pro birth, not pro life. I find you Republicans are repulsive, must be where the repu came from.

So in your world, allowing men to push women to murder children, in order to hide their infidelity, and saying that's 'pro-choice' is your idea of not being a hypocrite?

And you are sick of me? I'm not the one supporting such disgusting cultural norms.

By the way, do you know the whole reason that abortion was banned, was because of exactly what you described? The Women's movement a 100 year ago, was tried of men screwing up women's lives, knocking them up, getting them pregnant, and then forcing them to get abortions, and ditching them.

Women were constantly used and abused, and men had no problem with it, because all they had to do was force them to get abortions, and magically they didn't have to take any responsibility.

Women themselves, pushed to ban abortions.

Now today, thanks to women... more women are abused than ever before and for the same reason. Men run around, screw whatever they like, force women to get abortions, and ditch them like a bad habit.

The only difference between then and now, is that the moral-less left, actually stands up and proudly supports their promotions of this abuse of women. You.... are sick. You are sick disgusting person.

Andy how right you are. Abortion and no-fault divorce have destroyed so many women. And both were pushed by men. Both advantageous to men. NARAL board was male as well as Planned Parenthood when these decisions were made. Male Supreme Court justices and male legislators pushed it through over the objections of women with families.
Abandoned women litter the landscape now with Democrats screaming "what are you going to do about them". Fatherless children grow up to do the same. Women who have had abortions are scarred and some resort to a frenzied campaign to legitimize their heinous act by normalizing it.
And the people who did it...the rich ones who dont celebrate Christmas...they used it to create a class of women and families who lacked men but relied on government for food, housing, clothing and, now they tell us, health care. White women of middle age or less are dying at a rate greater than the height of the AIDS epidemic (another gift of the liberals) mostly from suicide and substance abuse. ‘We don't know why it came to this’: An American health crisis plaguing white women

And they can't figure out why? I can.
Our way would have worked if you just bent over and took it. But you didn't so don't expect we won't be armchair qb'ing every step

Any reasonable or even unreasonable attempts at armchair qb'ing is and will be lost in the dim of the bat shit crazy tantrum the rest of the Left is busy throwing.

Such nitpicking would be, relatively Welcomed, as a sigh of partisan sanity.

Pretending to think that Ben Carson is claiming that white immigrants were transported here in slave ships is not sane.
Just remember you guys at one time thought Palin should be one heart attack away from being potus.

You don't have good judgement imo

You need to stop pretending that liberal inventions have any validity outside of lib circle jerks.
Your way has never worked. My way would have worked if the American people were smart enough to vote every 2 years. Nothing has changed. You signed up for trump u

You remind me of the liberals back in 1980s claiming that the Contras could never win, or that Reagan was a fool to predict the end of the Soviet Union.

Accepting defeat before you even try, is the only sure way to lose.

Remember Ted Kennedy and Senate Democrats writing a letter to Communist Russia at the time apologizing for the United States? Remember Hollywood feting Ortega and even accompanying him to an eye doctor appointment? Communists could do no wrong and reagan was the bad guy,
Any reasonable or even unreasonable attempts at armchair qb'ing is and will be lost in the dim of the bat shit crazy tantrum the rest of the Left is busy throwing.

Such nitpicking would be, relatively Welcomed, as a sigh of partisan sanity.

Pretending to think that Ben Carson is claiming that white immigrants were transported here in slave ships is not sane.
Just remember you guys at one time thought Palin should be one heart attack away from being potus.

You don't have good judgement imo

You need to stop pretending that liberal inventions have any validity outside of lib circle jerks.
Your way has never worked. My way would have worked if the American people were smart enough to vote every 2 years. Nothing has changed. You signed up for trump u

You remind me of the liberals back in 1980s claiming that the Contras could never win, or that Reagan was a fool to predict the end of the Soviet Union.

Accepting defeat before you even try, is the only sure way to lose.

You remind me of the Republicans who provided cover for GW Bush when we realized he lied us into Iraq.

On April 27, Trump met Sergey Kislyak in Washington, D.C., before a big foreign policy speech.

Donald Trump Met Russian Ambassador During The Campaign, Despite Repeated Denials | The Huffington Post

Here is how Hillary Clinton et al provided cover for George Bush re: the Iraq Resolution (formally the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002)

As to Public Law No: 107-243, authorizing military action against Iraq how do you vote Senator Clinton and friends?

Hillary Clinton: "Aye"
Joe Biden: "aye"
Dianne Feinstein: "Aye"
John Kerry: "aye"
Joseph Liebermanstein: "aye"
Harry Reid: "Aye"
Chuck Shumer: "Aye"
Dick Gepherdt: "aye"
Anthony Weinerstein "aye"
Henry Waxman "aye"

And the list goes on. Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia
Any reasonable or even unreasonable attempts at armchair qb'ing is and will be lost in the dim of the bat shit crazy tantrum the rest of the Left is busy throwing.

Such nitpicking would be, relatively Welcomed, as a sigh of partisan sanity.

Pretending to think that Ben Carson is claiming that white immigrants were transported here in slave ships is not sane.
Just remember you guys at one time thought Palin should be one heart attack away from being potus.

You don't have good judgement imo

You need to stop pretending that liberal inventions have any validity outside of lib circle jerks.
Your way has never worked. My way would have worked if the American people were smart enough to vote every 2 years. Nothing has changed. You signed up for trump u

You remind me of the liberals back in 1980s claiming that the Contras could never win, or that Reagan was a fool to predict the end of the Soviet Union.

Accepting defeat before you even try, is the only sure way to lose.

You remind me of the Republicans who provided cover for GW Bush when we realized he lied us into Iraq.

On April 27, Trump met Sergey Kislyak in Washington, D.C., before a big foreign policy speech.

Donald Trump Met Russian Ambassador During The Campaign, Despite Repeated Denials | The Huffington Post

Watch for the media lying to you about the results of Trump's policies.
Not true. Flat out, not true.

You can be wealthy, and be a janitor.

Janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune, left most of it to library and hospital

What you said, is factually wrong.

The reason people are poor, is because they don't do what this janitor did. They don't save and invest.

The reason Warren Buffet is a billionaire today, is because when he was TEN... he was buying stock in companies, and investing money from his paper route.

You are wrong.
Oh, and you sound like a 2007 Republican. Welcome back. Trump said he was gonna make America great again. Now we know that time was 2007 when Republicans help to blue collar was to tell them to save more.

Welcome back! I was wondering how long it would take.

We never left. And 2007 was due to Clinton. Already covered that. It was Bill Clinton's push on sub-prime loans that caused the crash.

The only thing that Bush had to do with the 2007 crash, was the minimum wage hike. Which according to you, you want. Your policy crashed the economy. Why do you keep pushing it?
Let's let liberals destroy the family unit...then whine we need facilities for kids of single mothers. That will work great!

Sent from my iPhone using

Yet Republicans revoted this nice family man in, these are your anti abortion Reps, do what we say, not what we do, we also have a Republican here who is anti abortion even though his wife admitted to having an abortion in HS. You fake holier than thou people are such hypocrites. Trump and his black bible is another oxymoran, a cheater and charlatan for all his life.

Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

the "P" entity gets dummer and dummer A man's wife had an abortion in
High School------so according to "P" -----that man can not be permitted to be anti abortion -------trump has a bible that is an "oxymoran" <<<whatevah dat is.
ppsssssst....... 20 weeks of FIVE MONTHS!!!! the standard cut off time for abortion-----

How about this POS:
Congressman Scott DesJarlais, the pro-life, all-family values Tennessee Republican who cheated on his wife and then pressured his mistress to have an abortion, voted this week in favor of a federal 2o-week abortion ban. DesJarlais’ spokesperson said the congressman has “always supported pro-life values”—except, of course, when they might negatively impact his life.

They had choices , yet want to take choice away.

So? What's your point? I don't know why you think that makes a point. Here's a guy that cheated on his wife, and wanted to cover it up with an abortion.

The point I'm getting from this, is that abortion is used by scum bags to hide their bad choices.

You support men cheating on their wives, and hiding it by murdering the child?

Is that your great support of abortion, so that men can hide immoral behavior, and cheat?

You just outlined why I'm against abortion. Good job. Thanks for making my case. Any questions?

The hypocrisy of pro life people is sickening. Most of you so called Christians are low life's and use abortion as a vote. You are a hypocrite , another man voting against choice. You are pro birth, not pro life. I find you Republicans are repulsive, must be where the repu came from.
I hope you don't mind if I see that the other way around. We are telling people what they don't want to hear, that it is wrong to end a human life. People like you are telling them what they do want to hear, that it is moral to end a human life.
Not true. Flat out, not true.

You can be wealthy, and be a janitor.

Janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune, left most of it to library and hospital

What you said, is factually wrong.

The reason people are poor, is because they don't do what this janitor did. They don't save and invest.

The reason Warren Buffet is a billionaire today, is because when he was TEN... he was buying stock in companies, and investing money from his paper route.

You are wrong.
Oh, and you sound like a 2007 Republican. Welcome back. Trump said he was gonna make America great again. Now we know that time was 2007 when Republicans help to blue collar was to tell them to save more.

Welcome back! I was wondering how long it would take.

We never left. And 2007 was due to Clinton. Already covered that. It was Bill Clinton's push on sub-prime loans that caused the crash.

The only thing that Bush had to do with the 2007 crash, was the minimum wage hike. Which according to you, you want. Your policy crashed the economy. Why do you keep pushing it?

That did not mean banks could give everyone a ARM and finance 125% of a home value with nothing down. It also didn't mean relators could inflate the costs of homes to help get themselves rich. Not only low income lost their shirt, I blame the relators and Bush for not watching what was happening. Trump is right back at it, sub prime mortgages are coming back, and repealing of Frank Dodd. Like all Republicans they lead us into a recession so the corps and the elites can get more of the middle income money.

Relators have no effect on price. The market determines the price. Where do you get that strange idea? When I bought my Condo, they had it listed at $75K I think, somewhere around there. I offered $60k. You think I cared what the Realtor said?

Initially they said no, but after a month, with no one offering anything close to $75, they accepted my $60k offer. Realtors have no control over the price. The buyers and sellers do.

Second, why are blaming bush for not seeing something that was government policy? Obama literally sued banks to FORCE THEM to make bad loans. Bill Clinton's administration, literally forced banks to make bad loans. Specifically make loans that the buyer did not qualify for. That was the official position of the US government. And by the way, they knew, and admitted that default rates would be higher for these loans. They said this! Openly!

You are saying "well bush should have noticed".... noticed what? That banks were doing as the government ordered them to do?

Increasing home ownership rates was the direct official policy of the US government, and through Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac, intended to achieve this policy through lowering of the standards.

And here's the other problem... the Bubble started years before Bush was in office. Even if he alone did realize the problem... there was nothing he could do to stop it. I don't know what magic wand you think government has, to stop a price bubble. There is no such wand. Once a bubble starts, it goes until it pops. There is no other outcome.

All your accusations are crazy. Which is why we have Frank Dodd, now go back and reread the OP and know who you are. Clinton did not force banks to give ARM's and to finance 125% of their home value. Yes the realtors were involved. Many made a killing.

Now go back and reread the OP and repent of yourself.
People who only see what they want to see will reap what they sow. It is only a matter of time.
And you thought you were Christians!! You can pretend all you want, but we know the truth.

And the truth will set you free.

You are now free to move to Antarctica where the birds down there will still have higher I.Q.'s than you.

No more subsidies for congressmen's HI and no more child care credits. No more bail out for banks or companies, no tax credits, no more tax exempt organizations like Churches or non profit charities, cost us taxpayers money, how is that. Quit all foreign aid, Israel included.[/QUOTE]

Please run for president on that platform. You can push your ideas and get elected.

Go ahead.

Or are you just full of s**t ?
The hypocrisy of pro life people is sickening. Most of you so called Christians are low life's and use abortion as a vote. You are a hypocrite , another man voting against choice. You are pro birth, not pro life. I find you Republicans are repulsive, must be where the repu came from.

View attachment 115802

You are wasting that on me, I'm in the healthcare field or was , I'm retired now. I am pro choice and pro healthcare, I do not believe life ends when born but I believe that is when it starts. I get so sick of you pro lifers, in actually you are nothing but pro birth.
Abortion is not health care, it is the intentional ending of human life.
Yes well you do not get to carry a fetus. If you want to lord it over women get a wife, a real sucker of one. By the way I'm married.

I find it funny that people think Gov should interfere in a womans reproductive health but not offer her the means to get health insurance or even care about the state of her health , you are a true male chauvinist pig. Most men are, why you ask, because they are insecure in their manliness.

I've got a wife. A decent one...she loves children and despises Hillary. And she did all the fetus carrying in this relationship which worked out fine. She didnt and doesnt need you, or the government, for "reproductive health" or insurance. She isn't bothered in the least that government officials don't "care about the state of her health".
And, miracle of miracles, even without the government offering her "the means to get health insurance" she has never gone one day without it. As I previously said..strong families are fine without socialists...which is why socialists attack the family.

If your a strong family why do you need the government to stop abortions, you are not strong at all, you are losers that try and push your values on others, but I think its more about the almighty buck. You are Republican Christians , let her know that, read the OP to her.
If the people had pushed their will on Hitler, maybe 6 million Jews would not have been murdered. Our death count is 50 million and counting.
What a fool you must be. You don't even realize we are on the same team and want the same thing. If you are successful I win. But you won't be and that doesn't seem to bother white losers. As long as they think this is their America and they have their guns, who cares if they are losers.

Trump hasn't done shit yet and yet here you are already saying he exceeded all expectations. You have lowered the bar for the idiot. Funny how high you raised it for Obama.

You don't realize what the GOP are doing. They're going to hurt working America in order to help out of work America. If only Ford and Boeing would stop asking for such high pay, companies would start coming back. And that will help walmart workers. Brilliant! You guys are truly brilliant. You don't even know it yet but I've already figured it out.

We are not on the same team. Get that through your head first.
Sure we are. I'm an american who wants to make money and save for retirement. What makes you special?
You are a socialist who has his hand on my wallet.
Many conservatives love an authoritarian leader to tell them what to do. Many of them wish abortion was illegal because they have gotten them themselves. So they want big brother to take that away from them. I feel the same way about cigarettes. I wish they were illegal then I couldn't get them so easily.

That is not my experience with conservatives. Conservatives want the Federal government to take care of the country's business--and stay out of everyone personal business. The problem with the government interfering with personal business is that it takes people away from other people and establishes a bureaucracy in their place. Let people take care of people. Let the government take care of the entity we call Nation or USA.

Conservatives are greedy.
Really? I find them to be the most generous people on the planet.
Actually, Trump got slightly more than 1 in 4 hispanic votes.

THe left's plan to turn this nation into an ONe Party State, is well on it's way.

Sorry that they are quite as terrorized as the blacks are, but hey, keep jacking up the panic mongering and race baiting, and you'll get there.

Good times.

And by that I mean,

Our way would have worked if you just bent over and took it. But you didn't so don't expect we won't be armchair qb'ing every step

Any reasonable or even unreasonable attempts at armchair qb'ing is and will be lost in the dim of the bat shit crazy tantrum the rest of the Left is busy throwing.

Such nitpicking would be, relatively Welcomed, as a sigh of partisan sanity.

Pretending to think that Ben Carson is claiming that white immigrants were transported here in slave ships is not sane.
Just remember you guys at one time thought Palin should be one heart attack away from being potus.

You don't have good judgement imo

You need to stop pretending that liberal inventions have any validity outside of lib circle jerks.
Your way has never worked. My way would have worked if the American people were smart enough to vote every 2 years. Nothing has changed. You signed up for trump u
I see. So your way is for the government to solve our problems instead of the people? I find people who think like that to be failures at solving their own problems. Otherwise, they wouldn't put their faith in government to do for them what they can and should do for themselves.

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