The Republican/Conservative Misery Offensive.

It's not like you even have to read the tea leaves.

Democrats just swept Virginia.

And Christie won basically BECAUSE of his association with New Jersey.

What a moron you truly are..

I am sure whoever has the rope tied to the ring in your nose would like you to believe that.

Democrats just won in Virginia and not by much (so what ?).

Christie won in New Jersey.

How many state houses do the turds in your camp own ? Answer: not near as many as we do.

Bend over and look between your legs at the'll be a much better view of what you really are.

The "so what" ignores that this is a condition that has not occurred in over several decades.

And see? I didn't need to get vulgar like you to argue this point.

You mean that you won Virginia ? Or that the GOP has more state houses than any party has had for quite some time (and is poised to gain a few more) ?

What's the matter Sallow ? Someone hands you taste of your own rudeness and all of sudden you want to get civil ?

You are one stupid bastard.
Of course it "means nothing".

Because if it did?

It would crash your world view.

Can't have that..:eusa_shifty:

Still no proof Sallow.

I could care less if you could show it. It's still screwed up.

But you can't.....and it's still screwed up.

So, go lecture someone who cares if you live or die about what a smart statistician you are not.

I can lead you water, man..

I can't make you drink.

You can read it or not.

The ACA requires that data is moved from analog to digital.

That takes people.

And the economy is still suffering from it. You pointed to the jobs numbers. Means nothing. You may be taking people on one hand and losing others at the other. Your claim was that it was adding jobs based on the jobs numbers. Are you saying that you don't want to use the "proof" any more ?
I am sure whoever has the rope tied to the ring in your nose would like you to believe that.

Democrats just won in Virginia and not by much (so what ?).

Christie won in New Jersey.

How many state houses do the turds in your camp own ? Answer: not near as many as we do.

Bend over and look between your legs at the'll be a much better view of what you really are.

The "so what" ignores that this is a condition that has not occurred in over several decades.

And see? I didn't need to get vulgar like you to argue this point.

You mean that you won Virginia ? Or that the GOP has more state houses than any party has had for quite some time (and is poised to gain a few more) ?

What's the matter Sallow ? Someone hands you taste of your own rudeness and all of sudden you want to get civil ?

You are one stupid bastard.



I seldom start a personal attack in my posts..

But I will respond to them.

If you think that is rude you can go pound sand.
Still no proof Sallow.

I could care less if you could show it. It's still screwed up.

But you can't.....and it's still screwed up.

So, go lecture someone who cares if you live or die about what a smart statistician you are not.

I can lead you water, man..

I can't make you drink.

You can read it or not.

The ACA requires that data is moved from analog to digital.

That takes people.

And the economy is still suffering from it. You pointed to the jobs numbers. Means nothing. You may be taking people on one hand and losing others at the other. Your claim was that it was adding jobs based on the jobs numbers. Are you saying that you don't want to use the "proof" any more ?

The economy is "suffering" because the folks you hold dear aren't hiring at a clip fast enough to get all the people displaced by the "new" paradigm you guys set up over the last several decades, profiting without American labor.

And Typically during rough patches the government picks up the labor slack by doing infrastructure building and hiring folks at the federal, state and local levels. Bush's actually did this when 400,000 people were hired.

Conservatives, on the other just love austerity when a Liberal is in charge. Obama's administration lost some 600,000 of those type of workers.

Add in the stimulus went to patch holes in states created by state tax cuts for the wealthy.

You folks have no plan to fix this nor do you want too.

You want people impoverished, miserable and if they are sick?

You want them to die and die quickly.
I can lead you water, man..

I can't make you drink.

You can read it or not.

The ACA requires that data is moved from analog to digital.

That takes people.

And the economy is still suffering from it. You pointed to the jobs numbers. Means nothing. You may be taking people on one hand and losing others at the other. Your claim was that it was adding jobs based on the jobs numbers. Are you saying that you don't want to use the "proof" any more ?

The economy is "suffering" because the folks you hold dear aren't hiring at a clip fast enough to get all the people displaced by the "new" paradigm you guys set up over the last several decades, profiting without American labor.

I'm sorry you can't keep up. If American labor isn't needed, then they should do something else. Like maybe start their own businesses. Oh yeah, they can't do that because the folks you hold dear have regulated small business to the point of extinction.

And Typically during rough patches the government picks up the labor slack by doing infrastructure building and hiring folks at the federal, state and local levels. Bush's actually did this when 400,000 people were hired.

Never said G.W.B was smart. I would have much preferred to pay for even more instead of the worthless TSA.

Conservatives, on the other just love austerity when a Liberal is in charge. Obama's administration lost some 600,000 of those type of workers.

Please provide some back up for your dronings.

Add in the stimulus went to patch holes in states created by state tax cuts for the wealthy.

And stimulated nothing. Five years later and we are still in sad shape. :clap:

You folks have no plan to fix this nor do you want too.

Fix what ? The failed stimulus.

You want people impoverished, miserable and if they are sick?

Please post where I ever said that. Or are you referring the fact that I don't are to see people on the dole ? I'll not bother to ask your pardon on that one. All the policies of the left promote an unholy alliance between big business and government (GM) and have all but wiped out small business creation for a while. So, please spare me the Karl Marx lectures. Fix your own house before you climb up on your soapbox.

You want them to die and die quickly.

In your particular case, that might be true. I don't feel, at all, miserable. I have challenges because of this economy and I am working through them. You seem to be bitter.

I can see why you posted the OP title. Did you have to look up how to blame others for your ills or did that just come naturally ?
I'm sorry you can't keep up. If American labor isn't needed, then they should do something else. Like maybe start their own businesses. Oh yeah, they can't do that because the folks you hold dear have regulated small business to the point of extinction.

That's the thing.

You folks are so willing to sell out Americans to keep a very few very rich.

It's not that American Labor isn't need. It's always needed. American Labor, barnone, is the best most educated and hard working in the world.

What you folks have done is something that has had a terrible impact on this country. You've outsourced our tech. And that's not only very bad, it's stupid.

The other nonsense is "starting your business". That the big dark secret of the Mortgage crunch, a lot of people did just that. They took out loans against their houses to start businesses. And here's something you probably didn't know...about 50% of businesses fail. And if your businesses fails with your home on the line, you are in really bad shape.

Here's the other shoe. Most businesses depend on labor of some sort. No labor?

No business.

And I don't really need to bother with the other nonsense in the post.

I'm one of those "Limousine Liberals" you folks are always complaining about.

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I'm sorry you can't keep up. If American labor isn't needed, then they should do something else. Like maybe start their own businesses. Oh yeah, they can't do that because the folks you hold dear have regulated small business to the point of extinction.

That's the thing.

You folks are so willing to sell out Americans to keep a very few very rich.

It's not that American Labor isn't need. It's always needed. American Labor, barnone, is the best most educated and hard working in the world.

What you folks have done is something that has had a terrible impact on this country. You've outsourced our tech. And that's not only very bad, it's stupid.

The other nonsense is "starting your business". That the big dark secret of the Mortgage crunch, a lot of people did just that. They took out loans against their houses to start businesses. And here's something you probably didn't know...about 50% of businesses fail. And if your businesses fails with your home on the line, you are in really bad shape.

Here's the other shoe. Most businesses depend on labor of some sort. No labor?

No business.

And I don't really need to bother with the other nonsense in the post.

I'm one of those "Limousine Liberals" you folks are always complaining about.


That's quite a circular argument. If there is so much labor available, then small businesses should have no problem. Housing prices should still be going down if that many people are defaulting. And if 50% fail, then 50% succeed. Hmmmmm.....

You don't bother with anything that screws with your reality.

I look forward to 2014.

I assume that means you live in a limousine.
I'm sorry you can't keep up. If American labor isn't needed, then they should do something else. Like maybe start their own businesses. Oh yeah, they can't do that because the folks you hold dear have regulated small business to the point of extinction.

That's the thing.

You folks are so willing to sell out Americans to keep a very few very rich.

It's not that American Labor isn't need. It's always needed. American Labor, barnone, is the best most educated and hard working in the world.

What you folks have done is something that has had a terrible impact on this country. You've outsourced our tech. And that's not only very bad, it's stupid.

The other nonsense is "starting your business". That the big dark secret of the Mortgage crunch, a lot of people did just that. They took out loans against their houses to start businesses. And here's something you probably didn't know...about 50% of businesses fail. And if your businesses fails with your home on the line, you are in really bad shape.

Here's the other shoe. Most businesses depend on labor of some sort. No labor?

No business.

And I don't really need to bother with the other nonsense in the post.

I'm one of those "Limousine Liberals" you folks are always complaining about.


That's quite a circular argument. If there is so much labor available, then small businesses should have no problem. Housing prices should still be going down if that many people are defaulting. And if 50% fail, then 50% succeed. Hmmmmm.....

You don't bother with anything that screws with your reality.

I look forward to 2014.

I assume that means you live in a limousine.

Holy crap?


Small businesses not only need labor, they need customers.

If large firms are letting people go because they are offshoring you have, not only a glut in the labor pool, but you have a good amount of people practicing what you folks think is a good thing. Austerity.

And when 70% of your consumer based economy DEPENDS on consumers?

I'm sure you can figure out what happens next. :doubt:
That's the thing.

You folks are so willing to sell out Americans to keep a very few very rich.

It's not that American Labor isn't need. It's always needed. American Labor, barnone, is the best most educated and hard working in the world.

What you folks have done is something that has had a terrible impact on this country. You've outsourced our tech. And that's not only very bad, it's stupid.

The other nonsense is "starting your business". That the big dark secret of the Mortgage crunch, a lot of people did just that. They took out loans against their houses to start businesses. And here's something you probably didn't know...about 50% of businesses fail. And if your businesses fails with your home on the line, you are in really bad shape.

Here's the other shoe. Most businesses depend on labor of some sort. No labor?

No business.

And I don't really need to bother with the other nonsense in the post.

I'm one of those "Limousine Liberals" you folks are always complaining about.


That's quite a circular argument. If there is so much labor available, then small businesses should have no problem. Housing prices should still be going down if that many people are defaulting. And if 50% fail, then 50% succeed. Hmmmmm.....

You don't bother with anything that screws with your reality.

I look forward to 2014.

I assume that means you live in a limousine.

Holy crap?


Small businesses not only need labor, they need customers.

If large firms are letting people go because they are offshoring you have, not only a glut in the labor pool, but you have a good amount of people practicing what you folks think is a good thing. Austerity.

And when 70% of your consumer based economy DEPENDS on consumers?

I'm sure you can figure out what happens next. :doubt:

Still spinning in circles.

I actually keep waiting for prices to drop.

Of course when our affirmative action failure for a president bails out a company that shouldd have gone under......
That's quite a circular argument. If there is so much labor available, then small businesses should have no problem. Housing prices should still be going down if that many people are defaulting. And if 50% fail, then 50% succeed. Hmmmmm.....

You don't bother with anything that screws with your reality.

I look forward to 2014.

I assume that means you live in a limousine.

Holy crap?


Small businesses not only need labor, they need customers.

If large firms are letting people go because they are offshoring you have, not only a glut in the labor pool, but you have a good amount of people practicing what you folks think is a good thing. Austerity.

And when 70% of your consumer based economy DEPENDS on consumers?

I'm sure you can figure out what happens next. :doubt:

Still spinning in circles.

I actually keep waiting for prices to drop.

Of course when our affirmative action failure for a president bails out a company that shouldd have gone under......

I'm not spinning in circles at all.

These are very basic economic concepts that a person with some degree of cognition should be able to understand.
Holy crap?


Small businesses not only need labor, they need customers.

If large firms are letting people go because they are offshoring you have, not only a glut in the labor pool, but you have a good amount of people practicing what you folks think is a good thing. Austerity.

And when 70% of your consumer based economy DEPENDS on consumers?

I'm sure you can figure out what happens next. :doubt:

Still spinning in circles.

I actually keep waiting for prices to drop.

Of course when our affirmative action failure for a president bails out a company that shouldd have gone under......

I'm not spinning in circles at all.

These are very basic economic concepts that a person with some degree of cognition should be able to understand.

And the fact that you keep talking in circles only shows you don't understand them.

Why don't you go back to your original post and then explain the Obama comment that if the GOP gets are on your own. Seems that with the largest number of state houses in our possession (in over a decade for either party) people must be pretty miserable.

Terry "Mr. Ingegrity" McCauliff won because VA is going more blue. Why ? Think about it.
Still spinning in circles.

I actually keep waiting for prices to drop.

Of course when our affirmative action failure for a president bails out a company that shouldd have gone under......

I'm not spinning in circles at all.

These are very basic economic concepts that a person with some degree of cognition should be able to understand.

And the fact that you keep talking in circles only shows you don't understand them.

Why don't you go back to your original post and then explain the Obama comment that if the GOP gets are on your own. Seems that with the largest number of state houses in our possession (in over a decade for either party) people must be pretty miserable.

Terry "Mr. Ingegrity" McCauliff won because VA is going more blue. Why ? Think about it.

The poorest states ARE red states.

And why did VA go blue?

The equation is very simple. You folks cut government spending and Virginia depends on that. They have an economy largely centered on the military.
I'm not spinning in circles at all.

These are very basic economic concepts that a person with some degree of cognition should be able to understand.

And the fact that you keep talking in circles only shows you don't understand them.

Why don't you go back to your original post and then explain the Obama comment that if the GOP gets are on your own. Seems that with the largest number of state houses in our possession (in over a decade for either party) people must be pretty miserable.

Terry "Mr. Ingegrity" McCauliff won because VA is going more blue. Why ? Think about it.

The poorest states ARE red states.

And why did VA go blue?

The equation is very simple. You folks cut government spending and Virginia depends on that. They have an economy largely centered on the military.

Many of those red states used to be blue states. They are better off now than they were then.

Right; VA went blue because it, more and more, sucks on the government tit.
And the fact that you keep talking in circles only shows you don't understand them.

Why don't you go back to your original post and then explain the Obama comment that if the GOP gets are on your own. Seems that with the largest number of state houses in our possession (in over a decade for either party) people must be pretty miserable.

Terry "Mr. Ingegrity" McCauliff won because VA is going more blue. Why ? Think about it.

The poorest states ARE red states.

And why did VA go blue?

The equation is very simple. You folks cut government spending and Virginia depends on that. They have an economy largely centered on the military.

Many of those red states used to be blue states. They are better off now than they were then.

Right; VA went blue because it, more and more, sucks on the government tit.

Blue in what way? They voted Democrat?

You guys look silly when you bring that up. Yeah...George Wallace was a Democrat but he was hardly liberal.

The poorest states ARE red states.

And why did VA go blue?

The equation is very simple. You folks cut government spending and Virginia depends on that. They have an economy largely centered on the military.

Many of those red states used to be blue states. They are better off now than they were then.

Right; VA went blue because it, more and more, sucks on the government tit.

Blue in what way? They voted Democrat?

You guys look silly when you bring that up. Yeah...George Wallace was a Democrat but he was hardly liberal.


You own it, moron.

You want to keep bringing it up. I'll keep doing the same.
Many of those red states used to be blue states. They are better off now than they were then.

Right; VA went blue because it, more and more, sucks on the government tit.

Blue in what way? They voted Democrat?

You guys look silly when you bring that up. Yeah...George Wallace was a Democrat but he was hardly liberal.


You own it, moron.

You want to keep bringing it up. I'll keep doing the same.

Bring what up? Up until the civil rights act the south was populated by Southern Conservative Democrats. They believed in "State's Rights", "Small Government", Nullifying the Presidency, the "War of Northern Aggression", the Bible, guns, they were against race mixing, and believed in Jim Crowe laws.

After the Civil Rights Act? They moved to the Republican Party.

That's why you folks wave the "Stars and Bars" while whistling Dixie.

Blue in what way? They voted Democrat?

You guys look silly when you bring that up. Yeah...George Wallace was a Democrat but he was hardly liberal.


You own it, moron.

You want to keep bringing it up. I'll keep doing the same.

Bring what up? Up until the civil rights act the south was populated by Southern Conservative Democrats. They believed in "State's Rights", "Small Government", Nullifying the Presidency, the "War of Northern Aggression", the Bible, guns, they were against race mixing, and believed in Jim Crowe laws.

After the Civil Rights Act? They moved to the Republican Party.

That's why you folks wave the "Stars and Bars" while whistling Dixie.


As Southern democrats, they worked with the democratic party to make sure that a large part of their population stayed in poverty. They kept the democrats in business.

In other words, they were blue states.

Own it.

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