The Republican/Conservative Misery Offensive.

Typical far left can not see that there is a two party system in place.

Although the only two choices the far left want you to have is vote for their guy or not at all.

It's a pretty simple task, kaz.

Name a "Libertarian" that ran completely on his/her "principles" and made it into congress.

Like say, Bernie Sanders of Vermont.


strawman, you added the hurdle of got into congress. I have said that many librarians are in the Republican party, I am just disputing your view that all of them are. and pointing out that you really don't read on this board, you just post.

No strawman at all.

It's a pretty viable argument.

If "Libertarians" think their ideas are so hot, stop running as Republicans..or form their own nation.
That's another trademark of conservatism...calling everyone they don't agree with Marxist.

Maybe, but I'm a libertarian and I only call people Marxists who overwhelmingly adhere to the principles of the Communist manifesto, which includes Obama, the Democratic Party leadership and you.

It's funny how you not only use the ideas but the rhetoric from the manifesto and revel in it. But then you bristle at the word. And what we have is:

Democratic Party/Communist - same views, same rhetoric, but no, they aren't the same

Libertarian/conservative - we oppose use of the military for anything but direct defense of the US and oppose our entire presence in the middle east and we are pro-choice (usually) and against laws restricting drugs, prostitution, gambling and other morality and we are far more fiscally conservative than conservatives as we support government far smaller than they do. But they are the same.

That is why you are dull. I wouldn't care if I were called a Marxist or a conservative or whatever if it reflected accurately my view. Why does it bother you?

Words have meaning to humans.

To reptiles, insects, sociopaths, fascists, conservatives and libertarians?

Not so much. :lol:

So what is your excuse ? :lol::lol::lol:
Maybe, but I'm a libertarian and I only call people Marxists who overwhelmingly adhere to the principles of the Communist manifesto, which includes Obama, the Democratic Party leadership and you.

It's funny how you not only use the ideas but the rhetoric from the manifesto and revel in it. But then you bristle at the word. And what we have is:

Democratic Party/Communist - same views, same rhetoric, but no, they aren't the same

Libertarian/conservative - we oppose use of the military for anything but direct defense of the US and oppose our entire presence in the middle east and we are pro-choice (usually) and against laws restricting drugs, prostitution, gambling and other morality and we are far more fiscally conservative than conservatives as we support government far smaller than they do. But they are the same.

That is why you are dull. I wouldn't care if I were called a Marxist or a conservative or whatever if it reflected accurately my view. Why does it bother you?

Words have meaning to humans.

To reptiles, insects, sociopaths, fascists, conservatives and libertarians?

Not so much. :lol:

So what is your excuse ? :lol::lol::lol:

^Case in point.

Man..this stuff almost writes itself!

Ah..did you miss Boehner changing the rules too?

The GOP's little rule change they hoped you wouldn't notice - YouTube

Think we didn't see that one?

Where's YOUR integrity?

I don't like youtubes to discuss cases I am not aware of right off, I am not sure what your alluding too, spell it out with some links, I'll be glad to look at it...oh and, and integrity is something you lose when you repeatedly speak out of every side of your mouth, head , neck ...unless you have me sppting this 'rule' the title says he broke or remade, you're talking shit......oh wait...:rolleyes:

Of course not.

Look up the Hastert rule and House Rule 368.

Then get back to me when you are fully versed in how rule changes are okay for Republicans but not for Democrats.


and you can get back to me when you have me sppting it, then not sppting it....see how that works? :rolleyes:

the hastert rule as to not bringing up a bill for a vote unless he has a majority of his caucus behind it?

rule 368? let me look at it, go do something really wild and get a link....
I don't like youtubes to discuss cases I am not aware of right off, I am not sure what your alluding too, spell it out with some links, I'll be glad to look at it...oh and, and integrity is something you lose when you repeatedly speak out of every side of your mouth, head , neck ...unless you have me sppting this 'rule' the title says he broke or remade, you're talking shit......oh wait...:rolleyes:

Of course not.

Look up the Hastert rule and House Rule 368.

Then get back to me when you are fully versed in how rule changes are okay for Republicans but not for Democrats.


and you can get back to me when you have me sppting it, then not sppting it....see how that works? :rolleyes:

the hastert rule as to not bringing up a bill for a vote unless he has a majority of his caucus behind it?

rule 368? let me look at it, go do something really wild and get a link....

[ame=]The GOP's little rule change they hoped you wouldn't notice - YouTube[/ame]

Both squashes minority dissent.

So your beef with what happened in the Senate is what, exactly?

Because the minority party can still object to stuff. The filibuster isn't dead.
Well it's become quite clear that Republican/Conservatives took the information gleaned by their multiple losses and are using it to keep up a "Misery Offensive". Basically that's the only thing that worked in 2010. That's when Conservatives convinced most of the nation their lives were going to be SO MISERABLE as a result of Democratic policies that they had better elect bat shit crazy tea party candidates to thwart the effort. This produced the Sequester, 42 attempts to repeal the ACA, a government shutdown that cost the economy 24 billion dollars, 55 actual bills being passed through congress (A record low), a slowing of hiring, cutting of vital services to the needy nation wide and 11 million people with legal statuses in limbo. They did all that, and turn around blame Democrats. Well that didn't work in Virginia or New York which both went Democrat. The only Republican winning big was Christie and that may well be because he showed he could work with Democrats to solve problems.

This should have been an indication that making life miserable for people and then blaming your opponents is not good governance and doesn't win elections. There are several bills in the house that if passed would make life better for people. Raising the minimum wage, the immigration reform act and the farm bill. What do Conservatives want to do?

Keep on making people miserable.

Let's see how that works come 2014.


maybe true Sallow....out here we have had the Democratic version of what you are talking how are Democrats any better than Republicans at Governing?....where i sit they both suck....

I was just in California.

My mom moved to San Francisco. I couldn't believe how pretty that city is..

And lots of happy folks sitting in parks, waiting in LINES to get into restaurants and driving around is new cars.

No one seemed miserable.

The only people who are miserable are the Right, who have been hoping for terrorist attacks on American soil and economic destruction, neither of which has happened.

The Raw Story | Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush

Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush
Josh Catone
Published: Sunday June 3, 2007

In his first interview as the chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party, Dennis Milligan told a reporter that America needs to be attacked by terrorists so that people will appreciate the work that President Bush has done to protect the country.

"At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001]," Milligan said to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

October 31, 2008
RUSH:* Joe the Plumber.* Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

March 27, 2013
RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others
maybe true Sallow....out here we have had the Democratic version of what you are talking how are Democrats any better than Republicans at Governing?....where i sit they both suck....

I was just in California.

My mom moved to San Francisco. I couldn't believe how pretty that city is..

And lots of happy folks sitting in parks, waiting in LINES to get into restaurants and driving around is new cars.

No one seemed miserable.

The only people who are miserable are the Right, who have been hoping for terrorist attacks on American soil and economic destruction, neither of which has happened.

The Raw Story | Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush

Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush
Josh Catone
Published: Sunday June 3, 2007

In his first interview as the chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party, Dennis Milligan told a reporter that America needs to be attacked by terrorists so that people will appreciate the work that President Bush has done to protect the country.

"At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001]," Milligan said to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

October 31, 2008
RUSH:* Joe the Plumber.* Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

March 27, 2013
RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others


Conservatives do not have the best interests of the people at heart.

What they want to do is preserve an order in which they rule.

That's basically the way any country started by conservatives ideas winds up.
Another entire thread of the far left arguing just argue no matter wrong or detached from reality they are.

With your level of ignorance, how is it that you feel so well qualified to ascertain that the left is arguing just to argue? And how would you ever know who is wrong or detached from reality?

From what I can tell, you are a nitwit. And no one takes a nitwit seriously. Except for the nit wit themselves.

Carry on with your pronouncements.
Another entire thread of the far left arguing just argue no matter wrong or detached from reality they are.

You have anything to add? Or this a broken record thing.

Cause basically? You aren't really disputing anything.
this is what happens when a party (Repubs) puts their need for relevance (not losing more elections) above the needs of this great nation.
this is what happens when a party (Repubs) puts their need for relevance (not losing more elections) above the needs of this great nation.

Hmmm, which party rammed the terrible legislation known as ACA up our collective asses on a 100% partisan vote?

Which party controlling the senate has not allowed a single budget bill to come to the floor for vote or discussion for 5 years?

which party does the president belong to that added 7 trilllion to the debt in 5 years will will have added more than all presidents combined by the time he leaves office?

which party allowed an economy that has more people in poverty and on food stamps than ever before?

which party caused employers to cut hours of employees to 29 in order to stay in business after ACA passed?

your partisan lies are noted, and refuted.
this is what happens when a party (Repubs) puts their need for relevance (not losing more elections) above the needs of this great nation.

Hmmm, which party rammed the terrible legislation known as ACA up our collective asses on a 100% partisan vote?

Which party controlling the senate has not allowed a single budget bill to come to the floor for vote or discussion for 5 years?

which party does the president belong to that added 7 trilllion to the debt in 5 years will will have added more than all presidents combined by the time he leaves office?

which party allowed an economy that has more people in poverty and on food stamps than ever before?

which party caused employers to cut hours of employees to 29 in order to stay in business after ACA passed?

your partisan lies are noted, and refuted.

And these are multiple lies.

But it begs the question.

Why were you so happy with the fact that what was in place before was killing 45,000 Americans a year.

Do you hate America that much, that you get joy out of her people dying because of lack of healthcare?

Seems so.

One of your heroines killed several Americans personally by withdrawing the funding on procedures they needed to live.

Her name is Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.

Why do you support this?

Do you really hate America and Americans that much? :evil:
this is what happens when a party (Repubs) puts their need for relevance (not losing more elections) above the needs of this great nation.

Hmmm, which party rammed the terrible legislation known as ACA up our collective asses on a 100% partisan vote?

Which party controlling the senate has not allowed a single budget bill to come to the floor for vote or discussion for 5 years?

which party does the president belong to that added 7 trilllion to the debt in 5 years will will have added more than all presidents combined by the time he leaves office?

which party allowed an economy that has more people in poverty and on food stamps than ever before?

which party caused employers to cut hours of employees to 29 in order to stay in business after ACA passed?

your partisan lies are noted, and refuted.

And these are multiple lies.

But it begs the question.

Why were you so happy with the fact that what was in place before was killing 45,000 Americans a year.

Do you hate America that much, that you get joy out of her people dying because of lack of healthcare?

Seems so.

One of your heroines killed several Americans personally by withdrawing the funding on procedures they needed to live.

Her name is Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.

Why do you support this?

Do you really hate America and Americans that much? :evil:

He's one of the most partisan posters on this board that I know. AKA- a kool aid drinker :alcoholic:
Nice attempt to distract. But it wont work. Obamacare is not going away in 2014.- it will only get worse. It's a slow motion train wreck. All the republicans have to do is sit back and watch it implode.

2014 will be a landslide for the GOP.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Distract from what?

You guys said the ACA was "costing" jobs.

You see the November jobs report?

November jobs report: Unemployment falls to 7% - Dec. 6, 2013

There's been steady GROWTH since Obama took office.

So are you lying?

Are you so f**king stupid that you don't know how to relate statistics like this ?

No wonder you morons can't get ahead.

Let me explain it to you. Obamacare might not be the only thing affecting jobs. Got it.

this is what happens when a party (Repubs) puts their need for relevance (not losing more elections) above the needs of this great nation.

Hmmm, which party rammed the terrible legislation known as ACA up our collective asses on a 100% partisan vote?

Which party controlling the senate has not allowed a single budget bill to come to the floor for vote or discussion for 5 years?

which party does the president belong to that added 7 trilllion to the debt in 5 years will will have added more than all presidents combined by the time he leaves office?

which party allowed an economy that has more people in poverty and on food stamps than ever before?

which party caused employers to cut hours of employees to 29 in order to stay in business after ACA passed?

your partisan lies are noted, and refuted.

And these are multiple lies.

But it begs the question.

Why were you so happy with the fact that what was in place before was killing 45,000 Americans a year.

Do you hate America that much, that you get joy out of her people dying because of lack of healthcare?

Seems so.

One of your heroines killed several Americans personally by withdrawing the funding on procedures they needed to live.

Her name is Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.

Why do you support this?

Do you really hate America and Americans that much? :evil:

Please prove that this was ever happening. Show us the data.

But don't appeal to that lazy assed sorry study from Harvard. There were even professors from that same school that admitted that the conclusions that were drawn in that study were bullshyt. They have no way of knowing. They didn't track people and don't know who in the control group may have had access to insurance.

What's better is that since that study has come out there would have been over 500,000 die. I've asked for the should have a hundred thousand, at least.

Have not produced ten (really have not produced any).

Put up or show yourself to be guilty of continuing to spread lies all in your search for help from others.
Well it's become quite clear that Republican/Conservatives took the information gleaned by their multiple losses and are using it to keep up a "Misery Offensive". Basically that's the only thing that worked in 2010. That's when Conservatives convinced most of the nation their lives were going to be SO MISERABLE as a result of Democratic policies that they had better elect bat shit crazy tea party candidates to thwart the effort. This produced the Sequester, 42 attempts to repeal the ACA, a government shutdown that cost the economy 24 billion dollars, 55 actual bills being passed through congress (A record low), a slowing of hiring, cutting of vital services to the needy nation wide and 11 million people with legal statuses in limbo. They did all that, and turn around blame Democrats. Well that didn't work in Virginia or New York which both went Democrat. The only Republican winning big was Christie and that may well be because he showed he could work with Democrats to solve problems.

This should have been an indication that making life miserable for people and then blaming your opponents is not good governance and doesn't win elections. There are several bills in the house that if passed would make life better for people. Raising the minimum wage, the immigration reform act and the farm bill. What do Conservatives want to do?

Keep on making people miserable.

Let's see how that works come 2014.


Looks like somebody's mother isn't giving them a big Christmas present.

So he has to whine about it.

I noticed the real issue of the millons who just lost their health insurance wasn't mentioned.

Wonder why not ? Probably because Sallow is to busy sucking on RDeans Obama blow up doll.
Distract from what?

You guys said the ACA was "costing" jobs.

You see the November jobs report?

November jobs report: Unemployment falls to 7% - Dec. 6, 2013

There's been steady GROWTH since Obama took office.

So are you lying?

I don't blame (or credit) the President for the economy - regardless of who is in the Oval office.

I do blame him for being a LIAR.

Do you enjoy being lied to?

Of course you do.

You said the ACA was costing jobs.

That has a direct economic impact.

Okay..well prove that out.

More tard logic.

There's no running.

The ACA is becoming more and more popular. More people are enrolling.

Come November 2014? It's going to be a hit.

Not according to any known data that exists. In fact, it is exactly the opposite. But, hey, if it makes you happy, keep telling yourself that. :)

What data?

It's not any data that you folks are interpreting correctly.

Many folks that say they don't like the ACA will also say they wanted single payer.

Additionally when asked if they want it repealed? They will say no.

And among that hate it..basically hate it, because of who passed it.

When the question is phrased differently, would you rather have the ACA or do you think lifetime caps are a good thing? Or do you want insurance companies to be able to kick people out of their plans for having pre-existing conditions?

They respond favorably to the ACA.

Seriously..I hope the people running, read "data" the same way you folks do in 2014.

Should be a fun night!

The Associated Press' latest poll shows nearly half of all insured Americans reporting that Obamacare has already impacted their 2014 coverage. Within this group, nearly seven in ten point to rising premiums, and nearly eight in ten place blame squarely on the new law.

Reports: Obamacare Sticker Shock to Slam Families, Small Businesses - Guy Benson

It's going to be a great night.
Nice attempt to distract. But it wont work. Obamacare is not going away in 2014.- it will only get worse. It's a slow motion train wreck. All the republicans have to do is sit back and watch it implode.

2014 will be a landslide for the GOP.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Distract from what?

You guys said the ACA was "costing" jobs.

You see the November jobs report?

November jobs report: Unemployment falls to 7% - Dec. 6, 2013

There's been steady GROWTH since Obama took office.

So are you lying?

Are you so f**king stupid that you don't know how to relate statistics like this ?

No wonder you morons can't get ahead.

Let me explain it to you. Obamacare might not be the only thing affecting jobs. Got it.


Wait, what?

Do tell.

What mystical soothsaying are you gleaning from this?

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