The republican party isn't racist

And what exactly would have been the reason for racists to join the Republican party...with this as their platform...

The Republican platform in 1964 was hardly catnip for Klansmen: It spoke of the Johnson administration’s failure to help further the “just aspirations of the minority groups” and blasted the president for his refusal “to apply Republican-initiated retraining programs where most needed, particularly where they could afford new economic opportunities to Negro citizens.” Other planks in the platform included: “improvements of civil rights statutes adequate to changing needs of our times; such additional administrative or legislative actions as may be required to end the denial, for whatever unlawful reason, of the right to vote; continued opposition to discrimination based on race, creed, national origin or sex.” And Goldwater’s fellow Republicans ran on a 1964 platform demanding “full implementation and faithful execution of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and all other civil rights statutes, to assure equal rights and opportunities guaranteed by the Constitution to every citizen.” Some dog whistle.

Read more at: The Party of Civil Rights | National Review Online
I am still waiting for a clear direct answer. Your deflection is well noted!

Why did the the South turn solidly republican red after the mid 1960s?

That was clearly covered in his previous post.
You mean this:

Which is to say: The Republican rise in the South was contemporaneous with the decline of race as the most important political question and tracked the rise of middle-class voters moved mainly by economic considerations and anti-Communism.

The South had been in effect a Third World country within the United States, and that changed with the post-war economic boom. As Clay Risen put it in the New York Times: “The South transformed itself from a backward region to an engine of the national economy, giving rise to a sizable new wealthy suburban class. This class, not surprisingly, began to vote for the party that best represented its economic interests: the GOP. Working-class whites, however — and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats.

Considering the South is still known for endemic poverty rather than prosperity, I remain unconvinced that the article contains more than a modicum of credibility. Further, the father of the Civil Rights era, MLK was a Black Republican. It would be incredulous to imagine that most Southern Blacks would not follow his political lead. Yet, the preponderancy of evidence on the Internet indicates that was the case and has been since 1936, well before L. B. Johnson became president and "promised them free stuff". One factor that cannot be overlooked is the intense voter suppression and intimidation levied against Blacks by the KKK. Another is the use of tests and poll taxes to thwart any blacks with republican ambitions. Voting for Southern Blacks was severely restricted until 1965 when the Voting RIghts Act of 1965 was passed.
So how can that fact be reconciled with: "
and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats"

Something stinks here.

THe process of the Rise of the South has NOT been an "overnight" event, but it has been ongoing for quite some time and if the public perception has lagged, that is not a surprise.

The linked study went as far as to track voter identification according to socioeconomic status, and the sterotype of the poor backwoods, backwards southern racist switching to the GOP has been proven false.

What stinks is the rotting Myth of the Southern Strategy.

Let it go.
And more... so you don't have to go to the link...but I would suggest that you do...

And their strongest piece of evidence for that belief was that Republican support in the South was not among poor whites or the old elites — the two groups that tended to hold the most retrograde beliefs on race — but among the emerging southern middle class, a fact recently documented by professors Byron Shafer and Richard Johnston in The End of Southern Exceptionalism: Class, Race, and Partisan Change in the Postwar South (Harvard University Press, 2006). Which is to say: The Republican rise in the South was contemporaneous with the decline of race as the most important political question and tracked the rise of middle-class voters moved mainly by economic considerations and anti-Communism.

The South had been in effect a Third World country within the United States, and that changed with the post-war economic boom. As Clay Risen put it in the New York Times: “The South transformed itself from a backward region to an engine of the national economy, giving rise to a sizable new wealthy suburban class. This class, not surprisingly, began to vote for the party that best represented its economic interests: the GOP. Working-class whites, however — and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats. This was true until the 90s, when the nation as a whole turned rightward in Congressional voting.” The mythmakers would have you believe that it was the opposite: that your white-hooded hillbilly trailer-dwelling tornado-bait voters jumped ship because LBJ signed a civil-rights bill (passed on the strength of disproportionately Republican support in Congress). The facts suggest otherwise.

Read more at: The Party of Civil Rights | National Review Online
What a crock. The National Review is FOS for publishing that crap.
The south still is home to the poorest states in the Union. And if the majority ( working class whites and Blacks} stayed democrats after your fictious BOON era how did the South suddenly turn republican red?

I knew you wouldn't read the truth or reality, but I posted it anyway...just in case you had a moment of clarity.....

I read the right wing hash and I did not buy it. I was alive in 1964 and I remember what happened quite clearly... I am an eyewitness to history!
Congratulations, i grew up in Detroit, not around any Jews, mostly minorities. My high school was 70% black. Why do you leftist want black people stuck in failing schools? why no school choice? Do you understand the meaning of the word liberty? I don't think you do actually. For an old guy you don't know very much

I know an idiot when I see or hear from one and you fit the bill perfectly.
Trying to make a nexus between failing schools and leftists is disingenuous or just plain stupid. Every educated person knows that the creation of poor schooling and the "NEW JIM CROW" was spearheaded by Reagan's War on Drugs, which has been was carried out by BOTH white leftists and white right wingers...democrats as well as republicans!

You're really out there. Are you even from the hood? or do you just quote leftist propaganda?, Conservatives favor competition, and school choice. Leftist favor big money to the teachers unions and leaving mostly minority kids stuck in failing school. Why is it that leftist see their own failure and continually blame others your ideology is a joke. Do you favor dead black babies? are you really a white supremacist?

This incidence of abortion has resulted in a tremendous loss of life. It has been estimated that since 1973 Black women have had about 16 million abortions. Michael Novak had calculated “Since the number of current living Blacks (in the U.S.) is 36 million, the missing 16 million represents an enormous loss, for without abortion, America’s Black community would now number 52 million persons. It would be 36 percent larger than it is. Abortion has swept through the Black community like a scythe, cutting down every fourth member.”

A highly significant 1993 Howard University study showed that African American women over age 50 were 4.7 times more likely to get breast cancer if they had had any abortions compared to women who had not had any abortions. | L.E.A.R.N. Northeast
Absurd. Racist democrats joining the party who freed the slaves and ended Jim Crow? I have to school you people every day now? Accept your heritage and vow to change your ways of keeping folks on your plantation.
No, it is NOT absurd, it is historical fact. Many Racist democrats, including Ronald Reagan, did indeed join the party who freed the slaves and ended Jim Crow. Accept YOUR heritage and change your way of hoodwinking low information White males and ensnaring them in your web of lies.
Storm Thurmond was the only Dixiecrat who switched parties. And he did no harm to black citizens. The rest died democrats. Also, name one piece of legislation the GOP passed that supported slavery or Jim Crow laws. All laws of this nature came from the Democrat Party.

Who said anything about the Dixie-crats? I am talking about something far larger than a few measly politicans dubbed the Dixie-crats. I am talking about a signifiant political shift occurring in the South among White people in general. Fuck the few politicians you seem to be focused on. For the former confederate states to suddenly turn Red (Republican) in the mid-sixties almost overnight, millions of southern White voters had to abandon the Democratic Party and join the Republican Party. Do you think they left their Southern conservatism behind as well? If you do, you are too far gone to reach... loco...uninformed.... dumb.... ignorant.

Nothing happens over night. You're the one who is misinformed you've been brainwashed by the leftist propaganda. Carter swept the south, and Clinton won more of the south than Bush the 1st. Learn something before you post. You cant live on liberal taking points alone:slap:

Lots of things happen overnight. Overnight is one of those words that can used in a spatial context to mean anything from a day to a period of years.

You've been outed, either you are ignorant ,or a liar. Which political party as the more proud history? can you answer the question?
What a crock. The National Review is FOS for publishing that crap.
The south still is home to the poorest states in the Union. And if the majority ( working class whites and Blacks} stayed democrats after your fictious BOON era how did the South suddenly turn republican red?

I knew you wouldn't read the truth or reality, but I posted it anyway...just in case you had a moment of clarity.....

I read the right wing hash and I did not buy it. I was alive in 1964 and I remember what happened quite clearly... I am an eyewitness to history!
Congratulations, i grew up in Detroit, not around any Jews, mostly minorities. My high school was 70% black. Why do you leftist want black people stuck in failing schools? why no school choice? Do you understand the meaning of the word liberty? I don't think you do actually. For an old guy you don't know very much

I know an idiot when I see or hear from one and you fit the bill perfectly.
Trying to make a nexus between failing schools and leftists is disingenuous or just plain stupid. Every educated person knows that the creation of poor schooling and the "NEW JIM CROW" was spearheaded by Reagan's War on Drugs, which has been was carried out by BOTH white leftists and white right wingers...democrats as well as republicans!

No….the problem is the collusion between teachers unions and politicians…the politicians raise the salaries for teachers who give dues to the unions who funnel the money to the politicians who give excessive contracts to the unions….and around and around it goes….the only ones getting screwed, the students and the tax payers.

Ahh, but poor education is the topic.. the political shenanigans that go on behind the scenes affect both good and poor schools. Capitalism corrupts everything. Republicans are usually at the center of any profiteering whether it be government or private profiteering. But poor education in urban ghettos is, IMHO, an orchestrated effort by White people in both parties to keep the status quo alive.

White people, generally, don't really want Blacks to be educated and compete with their children for jobs. They fear the educated "Negro" unless he aligns himself with them against the masses in the black communities. Most of you dread the thought that blacks will overcome all the obstacles democrats and republicans alike have placed before them and rise to demand and take the equality they deserve.
For now the Democratic Party has taken steps toward that realization by electing Barack Obama twice. The republican's obstructionist strategy against Obama has been duly noted and still resonates deep in the hearts of not only home boys, but Blacks, Hispanics, Jews and Asians around the world.

The consequences could be felt by the GOp for decades to come.
Yet, the embers of racist fires stoked by the Democrats in Ferguson have not been fully extinguished. Observances there have given rise to knowledge that blacks have enemies in both parties!
I knew you wouldn't read the truth or reality, but I posted it anyway...just in case you had a moment of clarity.....

I read the right wing hash and I did not buy it. I was alive in 1964 and I remember what happened quite clearly... I am an eyewitness to history!
Congratulations, i grew up in Detroit, not around any Jews, mostly minorities. My high school was 70% black. Why do you leftist want black people stuck in failing schools? why no school choice? Do you understand the meaning of the word liberty? I don't think you do actually. For an old guy you don't know very much

I know an idiot when I see or hear from one and you fit the bill perfectly.
Trying to make a nexus between failing schools and leftists is disingenuous or just plain stupid. Every educated person knows that the creation of poor schooling and the "NEW JIM CROW" was spearheaded by Reagan's War on Drugs, which has been was carried out by BOTH white leftists and white right wingers...democrats as well as republicans!

No….the problem is the collusion between teachers unions and politicians…the politicians raise the salaries for teachers who give dues to the unions who funnel the money to the politicians who give excessive contracts to the unions….and around and around it goes….the only ones getting screwed, the students and the tax payers.

Ahh, but poor education is the topic.. the political shenanigans that go on behind the scenes affect both good and poor schools. Capitalism corrupts everything. Republicans are usually at the center of any profiteering whether it be government or private profiteering. But poor education in urban ghettos is, IMHO, an orchestrated effort by White people in both parties to keep the status quo alive.

White people, generally, don't really want Blacks to be educated and compete with their children for jobs. They fear the educated "Negro" unless he aligns himself with them against the masses in the black communities. Most of you dread the thought that blacks will overcome all the obstacles democrats and republicans alike have placed before them and rise to demand and take the equality they deserve.
For now the Democratic Party has taken steps toward that realization by electing Barack Obama twice. The republican's obstructionist strategy against Obama has been duly noted and still resonates deep in the hearts of not only home boys, but Blacks, Hispanics, Jews and Asians around the world.

The consequences could be felt by the GOp for decades to come.
Yet, the embers of racist fires stoked by the Democrats in Ferguson have not been fully extinguished. Observances there have given rise to knowledge that blacks have enemies in both parties!


If this was the Jim Crow SOuth, MAYBE you would have half a leg to stand on.

As it is you are way out there in la la land.

Trust me. NOthing would make whites happier than to have you blacks magically rise to White education/intelligence/socioeconomic levels and stop being such a dead weight on this country.
No, it is NOT absurd, it is historical fact. Many Racist democrats, including Ronald Reagan, did indeed join the party who freed the slaves and ended Jim Crow. Accept YOUR heritage and change your way of hoodwinking low information White males and ensnaring them in your web of lies.
Storm Thurmond was the only Dixiecrat who switched parties. And he did no harm to black citizens. The rest died democrats. Also, name one piece of legislation the GOP passed that supported slavery or Jim Crow laws. All laws of this nature came from the Democrat Party.

Who said anything about the Dixie-crats? I am talking about something far larger than a few measly politicans dubbed the Dixie-crats. I am talking about a signifiant political shift occurring in the South among White people in general. Fuck the few politicians you seem to be focused on. For the former confederate states to suddenly turn Red (Republican) in the mid-sixties almost overnight, millions of southern White voters had to abandon the Democratic Party and join the Republican Party. Do you think they left their Southern conservatism behind as well? If you do, you are too far gone to reach... loco...uninformed.... dumb.... ignorant.

Nothing happens over night. You're the one who is misinformed you've been brainwashed by the leftist propaganda. Carter swept the south, and Clinton won more of the south than Bush the 1st. Learn something before you post. You cant live on liberal taking points alone:slap:

Lots of things happen overnight. Overnight is one of those words that can used in a spatial context to mean anything from a day to a period of years.

You've been outed, either you are ignorant ,or a liar. Which political party as the more proud history? can you answer the question?

I haven't been outed. I have been sincere and honest. Read post 324.

And political parties are just names.... It is the underlying subtle political serpent ensconced in your brand of "conservatism" that bites at the heels of black progress.
I read the right wing hash and I did not buy it. I was alive in 1964 and I remember what happened quite clearly... I am an eyewitness to history!
Congratulations, i grew up in Detroit, not around any Jews, mostly minorities. My high school was 70% black. Why do you leftist want black people stuck in failing schools? why no school choice? Do you understand the meaning of the word liberty? I don't think you do actually. For an old guy you don't know very much

I know an idiot when I see or hear from one and you fit the bill perfectly.
Trying to make a nexus between failing schools and leftists is disingenuous or just plain stupid. Every educated person knows that the creation of poor schooling and the "NEW JIM CROW" was spearheaded by Reagan's War on Drugs, which has been was carried out by BOTH white leftists and white right wingers...democrats as well as republicans!

No….the problem is the collusion between teachers unions and politicians…the politicians raise the salaries for teachers who give dues to the unions who funnel the money to the politicians who give excessive contracts to the unions….and around and around it goes….the only ones getting screwed, the students and the tax payers.

Ahh, but poor education is the topic.. the political shenanigans that go on behind the scenes affect both good and poor schools. Capitalism corrupts everything. Republicans are usually at the center of any profiteering whether it be government or private profiteering. But poor education in urban ghettos is, IMHO, an orchestrated effort by White people in both parties to keep the status quo alive.

White people, generally, don't really want Blacks to be educated and compete with their children for jobs. They fear the educated "Negro" unless he aligns himself with them against the masses in the black communities. Most of you dread the thought that blacks will overcome all the obstacles democrats and republicans alike have placed before them and rise to demand and take the equality they deserve.
For now the Democratic Party has taken steps toward that realization by electing Barack Obama twice. The republican's obstructionist strategy against Obama has been duly noted and still resonates deep in the hearts of not only home boys, but Blacks, Hispanics, Jews and Asians around the world.

The consequences could be felt by the GOp for decades to come.
Yet, the embers of racist fires stoked by the Democrats in Ferguson have not been fully extinguished. Observances there have given rise to knowledge that blacks have enemies in both parties!


If this was the Jim Crow SOuth, MAYBE you would have half a leg to stand on.

As it is you are way out there in la la land.

Trust me. NOthing would make whites happier than to have you blacks magically rise to White education/intelligence/socioeconomic levels and stop being such a dead weight on this country.

Well, I don't trust you. With 46 million poor Whites being a "dead weight" on the country, your spurious appeal fades rapidly. Are you speaking for ALL Whites? Even those 46 million poor ones?

You don't seem interested in the "big" picture. You judge all Blacks by the evening news and those who you see as meeting that stereotype.
Those blacks who toe the line, work for a living and go the church every Sunday are virtually invisible to you. Well, God sees them and as evidenced by their deliverance and 1.1 Trillion dollar spending budget, BLACK PRAYERS MATTER!
Congratulations, i grew up in Detroit, not around any Jews, mostly minorities. My high school was 70% black. Why do you leftist want black people stuck in failing schools? why no school choice? Do you understand the meaning of the word liberty? I don't think you do actually. For an old guy you don't know very much

I know an idiot when I see or hear from one and you fit the bill perfectly.
Trying to make a nexus between failing schools and leftists is disingenuous or just plain stupid. Every educated person knows that the creation of poor schooling and the "NEW JIM CROW" was spearheaded by Reagan's War on Drugs, which has been was carried out by BOTH white leftists and white right wingers...democrats as well as republicans!

No….the problem is the collusion between teachers unions and politicians…the politicians raise the salaries for teachers who give dues to the unions who funnel the money to the politicians who give excessive contracts to the unions….and around and around it goes….the only ones getting screwed, the students and the tax payers.

Ahh, but poor education is the topic.. the political shenanigans that go on behind the scenes affect both good and poor schools. Capitalism corrupts everything. Republicans are usually at the center of any profiteering whether it be government or private profiteering. But poor education in urban ghettos is, IMHO, an orchestrated effort by White people in both parties to keep the status quo alive.

White people, generally, don't really want Blacks to be educated and compete with their children for jobs. They fear the educated "Negro" unless he aligns himself with them against the masses in the black communities. Most of you dread the thought that blacks will overcome all the obstacles democrats and republicans alike have placed before them and rise to demand and take the equality they deserve.
For now the Democratic Party has taken steps toward that realization by electing Barack Obama twice. The republican's obstructionist strategy against Obama has been duly noted and still resonates deep in the hearts of not only home boys, but Blacks, Hispanics, Jews and Asians around the world.

The consequences could be felt by the GOp for decades to come.
Yet, the embers of racist fires stoked by the Democrats in Ferguson have not been fully extinguished. Observances there have given rise to knowledge that blacks have enemies in both parties!


If this was the Jim Crow SOuth, MAYBE you would have half a leg to stand on.

As it is you are way out there in la la land.

Trust me. NOthing would make whites happier than to have you blacks magically rise to White education/intelligence/socioeconomic levels and stop being such a dead weight on this country.

Well, I don't trust you. With 46 million poor Whites being a "dead weight" on the country, your spurious appeal fades rapidly. Are you speaking for ALL Whites? Even those 46 million poor ones?

You don't seem interested in the "big" picture. You judge all Blacks by the evening news and those who you see as meeting that stereotype.
Those blacks who toe the line, work for a living and go the church every Sunday are virtually invisible to you. Well, God sees them and as evidenced by their deliverance and 1.1 Trillion dollar spending budget, BLACK PRAYERS MATTER!

Those blacks who "toe the line, work for a living and go the church every Sunday" are NOT invisible to me.

But if that magic wand was waved, they would not be affected.

And yes, in this, I can speak confidently for ALL whites.

(the ones or twos you might find who match your view are so rare as to be insignificant)
And what exactly would have been the reason for racists to join the Republican party...with this as their platform...

The Republican platform in 1964 was hardly catnip for Klansmen: It spoke of the Johnson administration’s failure to help further the “just aspirations of the minority groups” and blasted the president for his refusal “to apply Republican-initiated retraining programs where most needed, particularly where they could afford new economic opportunities to Negro citizens.” Other planks in the platform included: “improvements of civil rights statutes adequate to changing needs of our times; such additional administrative or legislative actions as may be required to end the denial, for whatever unlawful reason, of the right to vote; continued opposition to discrimination based on race, creed, national origin or sex.” And Goldwater’s fellow Republicans ran on a 1964 platform demanding “full implementation and faithful execution of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and all other civil rights statutes, to assure equal rights and opportunities guaranteed by the Constitution to every citizen.” Some dog whistle.

Read more at: The Party of Civil Rights | National Review Online
I am still waiting for a clear direct answer. Your deflection is well noted!

Why did the the South turn solidly republican red after the mid 1960s?

That was clearly covered in his previous post.
You mean this:

Which is to say: The Republican rise in the South was contemporaneous with the decline of race as the most important political question and tracked the rise of middle-class voters moved mainly by economic considerations and anti-Communism.

The South had been in effect a Third World country within the United States, and that changed with the post-war economic boom. As Clay Risen put it in the New York Times: “The South transformed itself from a backward region to an engine of the national economy, giving rise to a sizable new wealthy suburban class. This class, not surprisingly, began to vote for the party that best represented its economic interests: the GOP. Working-class whites, however — and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats.

Considering the South is still known for endemic poverty rather than prosperity, I remain unconvinced that the article contains more than a modicum of credibility. Further, the father of the Civil Rights era, MLK was a Black Republican. It would be incredulous to imagine that most Southern Blacks would not follow his political lead. Yet, the preponderancy of evidence on the Internet indicates that was the case and has been since 1936, well before L. B. Johnson became president and "promised them free stuff". One factor that cannot be overlooked is the intense voter suppression and intimidation levied against Blacks by the KKK. Another is the use of tests and poll taxes to thwart any blacks with republican ambitions. Voting for Southern Blacks was severely restricted until 1965 when the Voting RIghts Act of 1965 was passed.
So how can that fact be reconciled with: "
and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats"

Something stinks here.

THe process of the Rise of the South has NOT been an "overnight" event, but it has been ongoing for quite some time and if the public perception has lagged, that is not a surprise.

The linked study went as far as to track voter identification according to socioeconomic status, and the sterotype of the poor backwoods, backwards southern racist switching to the GOP has been proven false.

What stinks is the rotting Myth of the Southern Strategy.

Let it go.

I guess reading comprehension is just another of your obvious shortcomings. The Voting Right's Act is the axis upon which my premise turns. Black voter suppression was a harsh reality before that and a while after it was passed. Don't deflect by brining the Southern Strategy into this at this point. My point is that the claim that Blacks remained loyal to the democratic party or left the republican party after 1936 herby challenged. How can that be if they were not even allowed to participate in the voting process at all? Northern Blacks being the exception who may have voted democratic because of job opportunities , safety, or social issues afforded by living in the north?
And what exactly would have been the reason for racists to join the Republican party...with this as their platform...

The Republican platform in 1964 was hardly catnip for Klansmen: It spoke of the Johnson administration’s failure to help further the “just aspirations of the minority groups” and blasted the president for his refusal “to apply Republican-initiated retraining programs where most needed, particularly where they could afford new economic opportunities to Negro citizens.” Other planks in the platform included: “improvements of civil rights statutes adequate to changing needs of our times; such additional administrative or legislative actions as may be required to end the denial, for whatever unlawful reason, of the right to vote; continued opposition to discrimination based on race, creed, national origin or sex.” And Goldwater’s fellow Republicans ran on a 1964 platform demanding “full implementation and faithful execution of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and all other civil rights statutes, to assure equal rights and opportunities guaranteed by the Constitution to every citizen.” Some dog whistle.

Read more at: The Party of Civil Rights | National Review Online
I am still waiting for a clear direct answer. Your deflection is well noted!

Why did the the South turn solidly republican red after the mid 1960s?

That was clearly covered in his previous post.
You mean this:

Which is to say: The Republican rise in the South was contemporaneous with the decline of race as the most important political question and tracked the rise of middle-class voters moved mainly by economic considerations and anti-Communism.

The South had been in effect a Third World country within the United States, and that changed with the post-war economic boom. As Clay Risen put it in the New York Times: “The South transformed itself from a backward region to an engine of the national economy, giving rise to a sizable new wealthy suburban class. This class, not surprisingly, began to vote for the party that best represented its economic interests: the GOP. Working-class whites, however — and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats.

Considering the South is still known for endemic poverty rather than prosperity, I remain unconvinced that the article contains more than a modicum of credibility. Further, the father of the Civil Rights era, MLK was a Black Republican. It would be incredulous to imagine that most Southern Blacks would not follow his political lead. Yet, the preponderancy of evidence on the Internet indicates that was the case and has been since 1936, well before L. B. Johnson became president and "promised them free stuff". One factor that cannot be overlooked is the intense voter suppression and intimidation levied against Blacks by the KKK. Another is the use of tests and poll taxes to thwart any blacks with republican ambitions. Voting for Southern Blacks was severely restricted until 1965 when the Voting RIghts Act of 1965 was passed.
So how can that fact be reconciled with: "
and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats"

Something stinks here.

THe process of the Rise of the South has NOT been an "overnight" event, but it has been ongoing for quite some time and if the public perception has lagged, that is not a surprise.

The linked study went as far as to track voter identification according to socioeconomic status, and the sterotype of the poor backwoods, backwards southern racist switching to the GOP has been proven false.

What stinks is the rotting Myth of the Southern Strategy.

Let it go.

I guess reading comprehension is just another of your obvious shortcomings. The Voting Right's Act is the axis upon which my premise turns. Black voter suppression was a harsh reality before that and a while after it was passed. Don't deflect by brining the Southern Strategy into this at this point. My point is that the claim that Blacks remained loyal to the democratic party or left the republican party after 1936 herby challenged. How can that be if they were not even allowed to participate in the voting process at all? Northern Blacks being the exception who may have voted democratic because of job opportunities , safety, or social issues afforded by living in the north?

I'm not sure of your point. Voter suppression in the South did not change the fact that blacks were identifying as one or the other party, it just minimized the impact such support had by reducing the numbers of blacks able to vote.
I am still waiting for a clear direct answer. Your deflection is well noted!

Why did the the South turn solidly republican red after the mid 1960s?

That was clearly covered in his previous post.
You mean this:

Which is to say: The Republican rise in the South was contemporaneous with the decline of race as the most important political question and tracked the rise of middle-class voters moved mainly by economic considerations and anti-Communism.

The South had been in effect a Third World country within the United States, and that changed with the post-war economic boom. As Clay Risen put it in the New York Times: “The South transformed itself from a backward region to an engine of the national economy, giving rise to a sizable new wealthy suburban class. This class, not surprisingly, began to vote for the party that best represented its economic interests: the GOP. Working-class whites, however — and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats.

Considering the South is still known for endemic poverty rather than prosperity, I remain unconvinced that the article contains more than a modicum of credibility. Further, the father of the Civil Rights era, MLK was a Black Republican. It would be incredulous to imagine that most Southern Blacks would not follow his political lead. Yet, the preponderancy of evidence on the Internet indicates that was the case and has been since 1936, well before L. B. Johnson became president and "promised them free stuff". One factor that cannot be overlooked is the intense voter suppression and intimidation levied against Blacks by the KKK. Another is the use of tests and poll taxes to thwart any blacks with republican ambitions. Voting for Southern Blacks was severely restricted until 1965 when the Voting RIghts Act of 1965 was passed.
So how can that fact be reconciled with: "
and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats"

Something stinks here.

THe process of the Rise of the South has NOT been an "overnight" event, but it has been ongoing for quite some time and if the public perception has lagged, that is not a surprise.

The linked study went as far as to track voter identification according to socioeconomic status, and the sterotype of the poor backwoods, backwards southern racist switching to the GOP has been proven false.

What stinks is the rotting Myth of the Southern Strategy.

Let it go.

I guess reading comprehension is just another of your obvious shortcomings. The Voting Right's Act is the axis upon which my premise turns. Black voter suppression was a harsh reality before that and a while after it was passed. Don't deflect by brining the Southern Strategy into this at this point. My point is that the claim that Blacks remained loyal to the democratic party or left the republican party after 1936 herby challenged. How can that be if they were not even allowed to participate in the voting process at all? Northern Blacks being the exception who may have voted democratic because of job opportunities , safety, or social issues afforded by living in the north?

I'm not sure of your point. Voter suppression in the South did not change the fact that blacks were identifying as one or the other party, it just minimized the impact such support had by reducing the numbers of blacks able to vote.

By jove, I think you've got it. That is what I 've been saying all along. The few Backs who were voting during the Jim Crow era ( all 12 of them) are now PROOF of solid Black support for the Democratic Party in those days,
BTW what good is it to identify with a political entity you can't vote for?
I am not sure of YOUR point!

So far neither of us have uncovered the dynamics of the alleged general Black transition from Reconstruction era republicans to FDR era democrats.
I know an idiot when I see or hear from one and you fit the bill perfectly.
Trying to make a nexus between failing schools and leftists is disingenuous or just plain stupid. Every educated person knows that the creation of poor schooling and the "NEW JIM CROW" was spearheaded by Reagan's War on Drugs, which has been was carried out by BOTH white leftists and white right wingers...democrats as well as republicans!

No….the problem is the collusion between teachers unions and politicians…the politicians raise the salaries for teachers who give dues to the unions who funnel the money to the politicians who give excessive contracts to the unions….and around and around it goes….the only ones getting screwed, the students and the tax payers.

Ahh, but poor education is the topic.. the political shenanigans that go on behind the scenes affect both good and poor schools. Capitalism corrupts everything. Republicans are usually at the center of any profiteering whether it be government or private profiteering. But poor education in urban ghettos is, IMHO, an orchestrated effort by White people in both parties to keep the status quo alive.

White people, generally, don't really want Blacks to be educated and compete with their children for jobs. They fear the educated "Negro" unless he aligns himself with them against the masses in the black communities. Most of you dread the thought that blacks will overcome all the obstacles democrats and republicans alike have placed before them and rise to demand and take the equality they deserve.
For now the Democratic Party has taken steps toward that realization by electing Barack Obama twice. The republican's obstructionist strategy against Obama has been duly noted and still resonates deep in the hearts of not only home boys, but Blacks, Hispanics, Jews and Asians around the world.

The consequences could be felt by the GOp for decades to come.
Yet, the embers of racist fires stoked by the Democrats in Ferguson have not been fully extinguished. Observances there have given rise to knowledge that blacks have enemies in both parties!


If this was the Jim Crow SOuth, MAYBE you would have half a leg to stand on.

As it is you are way out there in la la land.

Trust me. NOthing would make whites happier than to have you blacks magically rise to White education/intelligence/socioeconomic levels and stop being such a dead weight on this country.

Well, I don't trust you. With 46 million poor Whites being a "dead weight" on the country, your spurious appeal fades rapidly. Are you speaking for ALL Whites? Even those 46 million poor ones?

You don't seem interested in the "big" picture. You judge all Blacks by the evening news and those who you see as meeting that stereotype.
Those blacks who toe the line, work for a living and go the church every Sunday are virtually invisible to you. Well, God sees them and as evidenced by their deliverance and 1.1 Trillion dollar spending budget, BLACK PRAYERS MATTER!

Those blacks who "toe the line, work for a living and go the church every Sunday" are NOT invisible to me.

But if that magic wand was waved, they would not be affected.

And yes, in this, I can speak confidently for ALL whites.

(the ones or twos you might find who match your view are so rare as to be insignificant)

And just where does that 1.1 trillion annual spending by Blacks in white owned businesses come from? Welfare? :lol: If that were true, the millions of poor whites on welfare ought to be spending a lot more, eh?
It is hard to find that information...White people just hate to air their own dirty laundry... It makes the Blacks look too good!
No….the problem is the collusion between teachers unions and politicians…the politicians raise the salaries for teachers who give dues to the unions who funnel the money to the politicians who give excessive contracts to the unions….and around and around it goes….the only ones getting screwed, the students and the tax payers.

Ahh, but poor education is the topic.. the political shenanigans that go on behind the scenes affect both good and poor schools. Capitalism corrupts everything. Republicans are usually at the center of any profiteering whether it be government or private profiteering. But poor education in urban ghettos is, IMHO, an orchestrated effort by White people in both parties to keep the status quo alive.

White people, generally, don't really want Blacks to be educated and compete with their children for jobs. They fear the educated "Negro" unless he aligns himself with them against the masses in the black communities. Most of you dread the thought that blacks will overcome all the obstacles democrats and republicans alike have placed before them and rise to demand and take the equality they deserve.
For now the Democratic Party has taken steps toward that realization by electing Barack Obama twice. The republican's obstructionist strategy against Obama has been duly noted and still resonates deep in the hearts of not only home boys, but Blacks, Hispanics, Jews and Asians around the world.

The consequences could be felt by the GOp for decades to come.
Yet, the embers of racist fires stoked by the Democrats in Ferguson have not been fully extinguished. Observances there have given rise to knowledge that blacks have enemies in both parties!


If this was the Jim Crow SOuth, MAYBE you would have half a leg to stand on.

As it is you are way out there in la la land.

Trust me. NOthing would make whites happier than to have you blacks magically rise to White education/intelligence/socioeconomic levels and stop being such a dead weight on this country.

Well, I don't trust you. With 46 million poor Whites being a "dead weight" on the country, your spurious appeal fades rapidly. Are you speaking for ALL Whites? Even those 46 million poor ones?

You don't seem interested in the "big" picture. You judge all Blacks by the evening news and those who you see as meeting that stereotype.
Those blacks who toe the line, work for a living and go the church every Sunday are virtually invisible to you. Well, God sees them and as evidenced by their deliverance and 1.1 Trillion dollar spending budget, BLACK PRAYERS MATTER!

Those blacks who "toe the line, work for a living and go the church every Sunday" are NOT invisible to me.

But if that magic wand was waved, they would not be affected.

And yes, in this, I can speak confidently for ALL whites.

(the ones or twos you might find who match your view are so rare as to be insignificant)

And just where does that 1.1 trillion annual spending by Blacks in white owned businesses come from? Welfare? :lol: If that were true, the millions of poor whites on welfare ought to be spending a lot more, eh?
It is hard to find that information...White people just hate to air their own dirty laundry... It makes the Blacks look too good!

Why do you support dead black babies? Why do you support killing Black American babies, then bringing in foreigners to do the jobs they use to do? African Americans should be the largest minority in the country, they helped build it. Why do you support the leftist genocide? When i worked in construction, all the brick layers were black guys. Now they're all Mexicans. Black unemployment as been slow to improved under your half white president, who has sold out to rich, liberal, white people... Must make you proud....

Since the government started tracking unemployment data by race, the unemployment rate for black Americans has never been lower than that of white Americans. In fact, it has never been less than 66 percent higher -- i.e. it's never been close. In the newest jobs report, blacks are the only demographic group besides teenagers with an unemployment rate over 10 percent

The group that’s seen the slowest unemployment recovery under Obama? Black Americans.
Ahh, but poor education is the topic.. the political shenanigans that go on behind the scenes affect both good and poor schools. Capitalism corrupts everything. Republicans are usually at the center of any profiteering whether it be government or private profiteering. But poor education in urban ghettos is, IMHO, an orchestrated effort by White people in both parties to keep the status quo alive.

White people, generally, don't really want Blacks to be educated and compete with their children for jobs. They fear the educated "Negro" unless he aligns himself with them against the masses in the black communities. Most of you dread the thought that blacks will overcome all the obstacles democrats and republicans alike have placed before them and rise to demand and take the equality they deserve.
For now the Democratic Party has taken steps toward that realization by electing Barack Obama twice. The republican's obstructionist strategy against Obama has been duly noted and still resonates deep in the hearts of not only home boys, but Blacks, Hispanics, Jews and Asians around the world.

The consequences could be felt by the GOp for decades to come.
Yet, the embers of racist fires stoked by the Democrats in Ferguson have not been fully extinguished. Observances there have given rise to knowledge that blacks have enemies in both parties!


If this was the Jim Crow SOuth, MAYBE you would have half a leg to stand on.

As it is you are way out there in la la land.

Trust me. NOthing would make whites happier than to have you blacks magically rise to White education/intelligence/socioeconomic levels and stop being such a dead weight on this country.

Well, I don't trust you. With 46 million poor Whites being a "dead weight" on the country, your spurious appeal fades rapidly. Are you speaking for ALL Whites? Even those 46 million poor ones?

You don't seem interested in the "big" picture. You judge all Blacks by the evening news and those who you see as meeting that stereotype.
Those blacks who toe the line, work for a living and go the church every Sunday are virtually invisible to you. Well, God sees them and as evidenced by their deliverance and 1.1 Trillion dollar spending budget, BLACK PRAYERS MATTER!

Those blacks who "toe the line, work for a living and go the church every Sunday" are NOT invisible to me.

But if that magic wand was waved, they would not be affected.

And yes, in this, I can speak confidently for ALL whites.

(the ones or twos you might find who match your view are so rare as to be insignificant)

And just where does that 1.1 trillion annual spending by Blacks in white owned businesses come from? Welfare? :lol: If that were true, the millions of poor whites on welfare ought to be spending a lot more, eh?
It is hard to find that information...White people just hate to air their own dirty laundry... It makes the Blacks look too good!

Why do you support dead black babies? Why do you support killing Black American babies, then bringing in foreigners to do the jobs they use to do? African Americans should be the largest minority in the country, they helped build it. Why do you support the leftist genocide? When i worked in construction, all the brick layers were black guys. Now they're all Mexicans. Black unemployment as been slow to improved under your half white president, who has sold out to rich, liberal, white people... Must make you proud....

Since the government started tracking unemployment data by race, the unemployment rate for black Americans has never been lower than that of white Americans. In fact, it has never been less than 66 percent higher -- i.e. it's never been close. In the newest jobs report, blacks are the only demographic group besides teenagers with an unemployment rate over 10 percent

The group that’s seen the slowest unemployment recovery under Obama? Black Americans.

The larger question is why do you keep saying things about me that are not true? First of all I am neither Democrat or Republican... I am neither Liberal or Conservative across the board. Abortion is not something that takes place very often in my part of the country, especially among Blacks. There just are not that many around here. But I have traveled.
I have been to both coasts and have seen firsthand how Blacks live in those areas and in between. I have also seen how poor White people live. I have seen whole White families living under bridges... just around the corner from bustling business districts.

Your focus on the alleged high rate of Back abortion is not lost on me.
I don't condone it. It is not something my religion of my conscience would permit for anyone in my family. Yet, I don't think I have the right to
force my personal anti-abortion stance on others. Prevention is better than choice but should prevention fail... CHOICE is a personal realm that outsiders should not venture into. That , IMHO should be left up to the pregnant woman, her family and her god.

What I do find hypocritical is your insistence that a fetus should live regardless of the dire circumstances into which it would be born. Yet, the moment the mother applies for welfare, your outrage surfaces to condemn her for doing so. Perhaps your protests would be recieved more sincerely if conservatives would venture to financially support the children born because of their anti-abortion efforts.I don't mean welfare support..I am taking about substantial support that would insure that every child is given all the necessary nurturing, nutrition and education needed to grow and be all it can be. Until then STFU!
That was clearly covered in his previous post.
You mean this:

Which is to say: The Republican rise in the South was contemporaneous with the decline of race as the most important political question and tracked the rise of middle-class voters moved mainly by economic considerations and anti-Communism.

The South had been in effect a Third World country within the United States, and that changed with the post-war economic boom. As Clay Risen put it in the New York Times: “The South transformed itself from a backward region to an engine of the national economy, giving rise to a sizable new wealthy suburban class. This class, not surprisingly, began to vote for the party that best represented its economic interests: the GOP. Working-class whites, however — and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats.

Considering the South is still known for endemic poverty rather than prosperity, I remain unconvinced that the article contains more than a modicum of credibility. Further, the father of the Civil Rights era, MLK was a Black Republican. It would be incredulous to imagine that most Southern Blacks would not follow his political lead. Yet, the preponderancy of evidence on the Internet indicates that was the case and has been since 1936, well before L. B. Johnson became president and "promised them free stuff". One factor that cannot be overlooked is the intense voter suppression and intimidation levied against Blacks by the KKK. Another is the use of tests and poll taxes to thwart any blacks with republican ambitions. Voting for Southern Blacks was severely restricted until 1965 when the Voting RIghts Act of 1965 was passed.
So how can that fact be reconciled with: "
and here’s the surprise — even those in areas with large black populations, stayed loyal to the Democrats"

Something stinks here.

THe process of the Rise of the South has NOT been an "overnight" event, but it has been ongoing for quite some time and if the public perception has lagged, that is not a surprise.

The linked study went as far as to track voter identification according to socioeconomic status, and the sterotype of the poor backwoods, backwards southern racist switching to the GOP has been proven false.

What stinks is the rotting Myth of the Southern Strategy.

Let it go.

I guess reading comprehension is just another of your obvious shortcomings. The Voting Right's Act is the axis upon which my premise turns. Black voter suppression was a harsh reality before that and a while after it was passed. Don't deflect by brining the Southern Strategy into this at this point. My point is that the claim that Blacks remained loyal to the democratic party or left the republican party after 1936 herby challenged. How can that be if they were not even allowed to participate in the voting process at all? Northern Blacks being the exception who may have voted democratic because of job opportunities , safety, or social issues afforded by living in the north?

I'm not sure of your point. Voter suppression in the South did not change the fact that blacks were identifying as one or the other party, it just minimized the impact such support had by reducing the numbers of blacks able to vote.

By jove, I think you've got it. That is what I 've been saying all along. The few Backs who were voting during the Jim Crow era ( all 12 of them) are now PROOF of solid Black support for the Democratic Party in those days,
BTW what good is it to identify with a political entity you can't vote for?
I am not sure of YOUR point!

So far neither of us have uncovered the dynamics of the alleged general Black transition from Reconstruction era republicans to FDR era democrats.

Considering the OP and all of my comments were on the myth of the Republicans being the party of the Racist, I don't see how anything going on with the blacks are relevant to anything I have said.

The blacks did go from being bloc republicans to bloc democrats. Why is it important to you and/or to the topic to discuss how that occurred?
No….the problem is the collusion between teachers unions and politicians…the politicians raise the salaries for teachers who give dues to the unions who funnel the money to the politicians who give excessive contracts to the unions….and around and around it goes….the only ones getting screwed, the students and the tax payers.

Ahh, but poor education is the topic.. the political shenanigans that go on behind the scenes affect both good and poor schools. Capitalism corrupts everything. Republicans are usually at the center of any profiteering whether it be government or private profiteering. But poor education in urban ghettos is, IMHO, an orchestrated effort by White people in both parties to keep the status quo alive.

White people, generally, don't really want Blacks to be educated and compete with their children for jobs. They fear the educated "Negro" unless he aligns himself with them against the masses in the black communities. Most of you dread the thought that blacks will overcome all the obstacles democrats and republicans alike have placed before them and rise to demand and take the equality they deserve.
For now the Democratic Party has taken steps toward that realization by electing Barack Obama twice. The republican's obstructionist strategy against Obama has been duly noted and still resonates deep in the hearts of not only home boys, but Blacks, Hispanics, Jews and Asians around the world.

The consequences could be felt by the GOp for decades to come.
Yet, the embers of racist fires stoked by the Democrats in Ferguson have not been fully extinguished. Observances there have given rise to knowledge that blacks have enemies in both parties!


If this was the Jim Crow SOuth, MAYBE you would have half a leg to stand on.

As it is you are way out there in la la land.

Trust me. NOthing would make whites happier than to have you blacks magically rise to White education/intelligence/socioeconomic levels and stop being such a dead weight on this country.

Well, I don't trust you. With 46 million poor Whites being a "dead weight" on the country, your spurious appeal fades rapidly. Are you speaking for ALL Whites? Even those 46 million poor ones?

You don't seem interested in the "big" picture. You judge all Blacks by the evening news and those who you see as meeting that stereotype.
Those blacks who toe the line, work for a living and go the church every Sunday are virtually invisible to you. Well, God sees them and as evidenced by their deliverance and 1.1 Trillion dollar spending budget, BLACK PRAYERS MATTER!

Those blacks who "toe the line, work for a living and go the church every Sunday" are NOT invisible to me.

But if that magic wand was waved, they would not be affected.

And yes, in this, I can speak confidently for ALL whites.

(the ones or twos you might find who match your view are so rare as to be insignificant)

And just where does that 1.1 trillion annual spending by Blacks in white owned businesses come from? Welfare? :lol: If that were true, the millions of poor whites on welfare ought to be spending a lot more, eh?
It is hard to find that information...White people just hate to air their own dirty laundry... It makes the Blacks look too good!

The positive impact of that population is not judged in a vacuum. A similar population of whites would have more to spend and "contribute" less to all kind of negative numbers such as crime and poor education and various social ills.

AND my point stands. NOthing would make Whites happier than if you guys stopped doing that.

We are not trying to hold you back.

We have been busting our asses for generations trying to help you move ahead.

It is kind of disheartening to realize that you have not even noticed.

And by disheartening, I mean, I have lost all interest in doing any more.

And more and more whites are agreeing with me on this.

If this was the Jim Crow SOuth, MAYBE you would have half a leg to stand on.

As it is you are way out there in la la land.

Trust me. NOthing would make whites happier than to have you blacks magically rise to White education/intelligence/socioeconomic levels and stop being such a dead weight on this country.

Well, I don't trust you. With 46 million poor Whites being a "dead weight" on the country, your spurious appeal fades rapidly. Are you speaking for ALL Whites? Even those 46 million poor ones?

You don't seem interested in the "big" picture. You judge all Blacks by the evening news and those who you see as meeting that stereotype.
Those blacks who toe the line, work for a living and go the church every Sunday are virtually invisible to you. Well, God sees them and as evidenced by their deliverance and 1.1 Trillion dollar spending budget, BLACK PRAYERS MATTER!

Those blacks who "toe the line, work for a living and go the church every Sunday" are NOT invisible to me.

But if that magic wand was waved, they would not be affected.

And yes, in this, I can speak confidently for ALL whites.

(the ones or twos you might find who match your view are so rare as to be insignificant)

And just where does that 1.1 trillion annual spending by Blacks in white owned businesses come from? Welfare? :lol: If that were true, the millions of poor whites on welfare ought to be spending a lot more, eh?
It is hard to find that information...White people just hate to air their own dirty laundry... It makes the Blacks look too good!

Why do you support dead black babies? Why do you support killing Black American babies, then bringing in foreigners to do the jobs they use to do? African Americans should be the largest minority in the country, they helped build it. Why do you support the leftist genocide? When i worked in construction, all the brick layers were black guys. Now they're all Mexicans. Black unemployment as been slow to improved under your half white president, who has sold out to rich, liberal, white people... Must make you proud....

Since the government started tracking unemployment data by race, the unemployment rate for black Americans has never been lower than that of white Americans. In fact, it has never been less than 66 percent higher -- i.e. it's never been close. In the newest jobs report, blacks are the only demographic group besides teenagers with an unemployment rate over 10 percent

The group that’s seen the slowest unemployment recovery under Obama? Black Americans.

The larger question is why do you keep saying things about me that are not true? First of all I am neither Democrat or Republican... I am neither Liberal or Conservative across the board. Abortion is not something that takes place very often in my part of the country, especially among Blacks. There just are not that many around here. But I have traveled.
I have been to both coasts and have seen firsthand how Blacks live in those areas and in between. I have also seen how poor White people live. I have seen whole White families living under bridges... just around the corner from bustling business districts.

Your focus on the alleged high rate of Back abortion is not lost on me.
I don't condone it. It is not something my religion of my conscience would permit for anyone in my family. Yet, I don't think I have the right to
force my personal anti-abortion stance on others. Prevention is better than choice but should prevention fail... CHOICE is a personal realm that outsiders should not venture into. That , IMHO should be left up to the pregnant woman, her family and her god.

What I do find hypocritical is your insistence that a fetus should live regardless of the dire circumstances into which it would be born. Yet, the moment the mother applies for welfare, your outrage surfaces to condemn her for doing so. Perhaps your protests would be recieved more sincerely if conservatives would venture to financially support the children born because of their anti-abortion efforts.I don't mean welfare support..I am taking about substantial support that would insure that every child is given all the necessary nurturing, nutrition and education needed to grow and be all it can be. Until then STFU!

That's a difference between you and me, I lived it, I've been there, you say you visited these neighborhoods?....That's nice You assumed that since I was conservative, that i was a racist, and didn't like black people, because that's is your preconceived notion, although you really had no idea. That's your problem. I grew up those neighborhoods, poor. My "father was a drunk who abandoned his kids. Yes we were on welfare for some years. Outside of my grandparents, i had no contact with any Jews, only other poor people, black and white. until recently i felt more comfortable around black people than other Jews. So don't ever assume anything understand?...That's part of your problem. I've seen my neighborhood, the neighborhood I grew up in decimated, because of the breakdown of the family, breakdown of any kind of moral decency, brought about partly by leftist, big government intervention and corrupt politicians. Yeah, children need support, that support certainly doesn't include poor people, stuck in failing, leftist run, public schools. Ran by the corrupt teachers unions, who really could give a shit about those kids. Obama isn't any friend to Black or poor people for that matter. You're not liberal or conservative? really? then why do you defend one and slander the other?..People like you are part of the problem. Before you assume anything, about anybody, maybe you should think twice or STFU! :slap:
"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

Yeah….read what he said in private and what his inner circle said….hitler was an atheist who hated christianity…...

In case after case Kirk goes against the left wing beliefs of Spock and McCoy and makes decisions based on "classical liberal"/Modern American conservative principals…not socialist collectivism.

There's no such thing as a "Classical Liberal". And all governments involve collectivism and socialism. The Constitution of the United States, which was written with almost no conservative input, is peppered with Socialism.

Good grief, you must being TRYING to be wrong. Here is a video that might help you understand your mistakes.

Naw. And your propaganda isn't helping much. Conservative "founders" included Aaron Burr and Benedict Arnold.

Aaron Burr was a Continental Army officer in the Revolutionary War, became a successful lawyer and politician. He was elected twice to the New York State Assembly and served as the New York State Attorney, represented the state of New York as a United States Senator, and reached the apex of his career as Vice President of the United States. He was indeed a founder until his ambition discredited him.

Benedict Arnold was NOT a founder. He served as a Continental Army officer until changing sides during the war and did nothing to found this nation after the war. I don't know what you thought your post would prove, but it was inaccurate as well as immaterial.
I find this funny, that someone would post the accusation that a party is 'racist' due to the fat that they do not fo along with a failed President's policies and agendas and that they do not treat him like Socialist Royalty the way Liberals do.

I find it funny that the party that founded the KKK and whose ranks included 2 Ex-Grand Wizards of the KKK would point fingers at anyone else and claim THEY are racists.

I find it funny that the party that started the policy of 'Economic Slavery' to con blacks out of their newly-acquired power won once Civil Rights was passed and that still keeps blacks poor and dependent on government hand-outs in exchange for votes would call anyone else a 'racist'
--- After Civil Rights passed the Democrats were so scared they did not know what to do. LBJ, the architect of 'Economic Slavery' is recorded as having said, "These uppity negroes now have something they have never had before - power behind their movement. We must give them something but NOTHING THAT WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. I WILL HAVE THESE NI@@ERS VOTING 'DEMOCRAT' FOR THE NEXT 200 YEARS." It hasn't been 200 years yet, but the blacks forfeiter their newly-acquired power, started taking handouts, became addicted to the freebies and the rhetoric of how they are all victims, have been voting Democrat ever since, and are worse off now more than ever.

I find it pathetic that the 1st black President would praise such a man as LBJ, tell blacks that they never had as great a friend as LBJ, make B$ promises of how is was going to buy them gas and new kitchens if they voted for him, and then abandoned them once in office. He has not created one program to help blacks, and today black unemployment is TWICE what it is for whites.

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