The Republican Tax Cut Myth

Why the GOP believes in a decades-old tax myth

I've seen this movie before.

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Reagan did this in the early 1980s and the economy immediately tanked while the deficit exploded. He was forced to agree to tax increases which his administration called "revenue enhancements."

Bush jr. did this in the early 2000s. The economy immediately went into a slight recession, then entered a near depression a few years later, while the deficit exploded.

Kansas tried this just a few years ago. Now, they can't afford to keep their schools open and the state's economy grew at a slower pace than all of their neighboring states where taxes were not cut so severely.

Republicans try this over and over and over and it never works. Tax cuts never pay for themselves.

Yet, they are going to try it again.

What do they say about doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results? Isn't it the definition of insanity?
If paying taxes is such a good thing then every damn American should pay them. Flat Fair Tax no exceptions no exemptions, no excuses. Game. Set. Match!

A flat tax is extremely unfair. A waitress pulling in nickels and dimes should pay the same rate as a plutocrat making hundreds of millions per year? No way.
Of course she should. Decide on a rate then charge every single solitary American the same rate. Equal treatment under the law! Paying taxes is a wonderful thing and EVERY AMERICAN should experience it!

That's rich, coming from the woman who gets government insurance and pays no income tax.

Hypocrite much?
You are quite simply a liar aka a Democrat!
Why the GOP believes in a decades-old tax myth

I've seen this movie before.

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Reagan did this in the early 1980s and the economy immediately tanked while the deficit exploded. He was forced to agree to tax increases which his administration called "revenue enhancements."

Bush jr. did this in the early 2000s. The economy immediately went into a slight recession, then entered a near depression a few years later, while the deficit exploded.

Kansas tried this just a few years ago. Now, they can't afford to keep their schools open and the state's economy grew at a slower pace than all of their neighboring states where taxes were not cut so severely.

Republicans try this over and over and over and it never works. Tax cuts never pay for themselves.

Yet, they are going to try it again.

What do they say about doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results? Isn't it the definition of insanity?

The Left Wingers are unable to connect the dots on economic issues.
They can't show cause and effect.
They attempt to use lame time-line logic to explain economic issues.
They hate rich people, but everyone want to be rich.
Even the dumb liberal crackpots want to be rich.
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Why the GOP believes in a decades-old tax myth

I've seen this movie before.

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Reagan did this in the early 1980s and the economy immediately tanked while the deficit exploded. He was forced to agree to tax increases which his administration called "revenue enhancements."

Bush jr. did this in the early 2000s. The economy immediately went into a slight recession, then entered a near depression a few years later, while the deficit exploded.

Kansas tried this just a few years ago. Now, they can't afford to keep their schools open and the state's economy grew at a slower pace than all of their neighboring states where taxes were not cut so severely.

Republicans try this over and over and over and it never works. Tax cuts never pay for themselves.

Yet, they are going to try it again.

What do they say about doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results? Isn't it the definition of insanity?

The Left Wingers are unable to connect the dots on economic issues.
They can't show cause and effect.
They attempt to use lame time-line logic to explain economic issues.
They hate rich people, but everyone wants to be rich.
Even the dumb liberal crackpots want to be rich.
They think taxes are great as long as they do not have to pay them.
Every one seems very quiet about the 1.5 trillion add to the deficit
new tax plan 79+ % go to the richest 1% If that's what you want ok,
my self don't think its a good deal for America.
Every one seems very quiet about the 1.5 trillion add to the deficit
new tax plan 79+ % go to the richest 1% If that's what you want ok,
my self don't think its a good deal for America.
How? Break it down for us!
heres the bottom line -

But while there is division in the GOP on details, there is almost unanimous support for getting tax bill passed this year because members do not want to go into the 2018 midterm elections without a significant legislative achievement.

something - ANYTHING - just pass the bill, we could give a shit if it adds 1.5 trillion to the debt, and who it hurts ....
Why the GOP believes in a decades-old tax myth

I've seen this movie before.

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Reagan did this in the early 1980s and the economy immediately tanked while the deficit exploded. He was forced to agree to tax increases which his administration called "revenue enhancements."

Bush jr. did this in the early 2000s. The economy immediately went into a slight recession, then entered a near depression a few years later, while the deficit exploded.

Kansas tried this just a few years ago. Now, they can't afford to keep their schools open and the state's economy grew at a slower pace than all of their neighboring states where taxes were not cut so severely.

Republicans try this over and over and over and it never works. Tax cuts never pay for themselves.

Yet, they are going to try it again.

What do they say about doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results? Isn't it the definition of insanity?

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

They stimulate the economy.
They don't pay for themselves.

Cut taxes now.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Lower taxes and deficits cause recession? Are you sure?

They don't cause recessions. But lower taxes do not stimulate the economy and they never have. Whenever Republicans cut taxes we end up in a recession. That proves cutting taxes doesn't stimulate the economy.

You need a history lesson on the 1980s. Come back when you have learned that everything you just posted are lies.
A flat tax is extremely unfair. A waitress pulling in nickels and dimes should pay the same rate as a plutocrat making hundreds of millions per year? No way.

Actually the waitress should pay more as she requires more public services.
I will presume you don't actually know any waitresses.

None that I know of.

Why is that relevant?
I'm not the one who made the deprecating statement about them.

Deprecating? Not.

I know people who are on that end of the social scale and they don't suck society dry.
And I'm in no way a Bleeding Heart Liberal.
It is made to drive wealth into the hands of the 1 or 2%. It is robbery from our middle class! It is trickle up!!!

This will hurt this country even more.
Are ewe even aware that the 39.6% tax on the wealthy will stay the same or are you with stupid?
Why the GOP believes in a decades-old tax myth

I've seen this movie before.

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Reagan did this in the early 1980s and the economy immediately tanked while the deficit exploded. He was forced to agree to tax increases which his administration called "revenue enhancements."

Bush jr. did this in the early 2000s. The economy immediately went into a slight recession, then entered a near depression a few years later, while the deficit exploded.

Kansas tried this just a few years ago. Now, they can't afford to keep their schools open and the state's economy grew at a slower pace than all of their neighboring states where taxes were not cut so severely.

Republicans try this over and over and over and it never works. Tax cuts never pay for themselves.

Yet, they are going to try it again.

What do they say about doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results? Isn't it the definition of insanity?
If paying taxes is such a good thing then every damn American should pay them. Flat Fair Tax no exceptions no exemptions, no excuses. Game. Set. Match!

Totally agree, same with business's. Only expenditure they get is payroll!
Why the GOP believes in a decades-old tax myth

I've seen this movie before.

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Reagan did this in the early 1980s and the economy immediately tanked while the deficit exploded. He was forced to agree to tax increases which his administration called "revenue enhancements."

Bush jr. did this in the early 2000s. The economy immediately went into a slight recession, then entered a near depression a few years later, while the deficit exploded.

Kansas tried this just a few years ago. Now, they can't afford to keep their schools open and the state's economy grew at a slower pace than all of their neighboring states where taxes were not cut so severely.

Republicans try this over and over and over and it never works. Tax cuts never pay for themselves.

Yet, they are going to try it again.

What do they say about doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results? Isn't it the definition of insanity?

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

They stimulate the economy.
They don't pay for themselves.

Cut taxes now.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Lower taxes and deficits cause recession? Are you sure?
Lower deficits?

We are talking Republicans here.
Why the GOP believes in a decades-old tax myth

I've seen this movie before.

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Reagan did this in the early 1980s and the economy immediately tanked while the deficit exploded. He was forced to agree to tax increases which his administration called "revenue enhancements."

Bush jr. did this in the early 2000s. The economy immediately went into a slight recession, then entered a near depression a few years later, while the deficit exploded.

Kansas tried this just a few years ago. Now, they can't afford to keep their schools open and the state's economy grew at a slower pace than all of their neighboring states where taxes were not cut so severely.

Republicans try this over and over and over and it never works. Tax cuts never pay for themselves.

Yet, they are going to try it again.

What do they say about doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results? Isn't it the definition of insanity?

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

They stimulate the economy.
They don't pay for themselves.

Cut taxes now.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Lower taxes and deficits cause recession? Are you sure?
Lower deficits?

We are talking Republicans here.
When you're right, you're right.
Why the GOP believes in a decades-old tax myth

I've seen this movie before.

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Reagan did this in the early 1980s and the economy immediately tanked while the deficit exploded. He was forced to agree to tax increases which his administration called "revenue enhancements."

Bush jr. did this in the early 2000s. The economy immediately went into a slight recession, then entered a near depression a few years later, while the deficit exploded.

Kansas tried this just a few years ago. Now, they can't afford to keep their schools open and the state's economy grew at a slower pace than all of their neighboring states where taxes were not cut so severely.

Republicans try this over and over and over and it never works. Tax cuts never pay for themselves.

Yet, they are going to try it again.

What do they say about doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results? Isn't it the definition of insanity?

Republicans claim tax cuts for the rich will stimulate the economy and pay for themselves.

They stimulate the economy.
They don't pay for themselves.

Cut taxes now.

Then they enact this crank policy and it blows a big hole in the deficit and the economy spirals into a recession.

Lower taxes and deficits cause recession? Are you sure?
Lower deficits?

We are talking Republicans here.

Lower deficits?

We should. Start with a 30% cut in spending.

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