The Republican War On Women

Boop? YOU are out of your league.

Try The Purple One named Barney...


Finally passed out? Christ, it's about damn time.

Fuck you twat bitch whore and disgrace of a human being....

Maybe should go mow some infants down with your car, cry victim and then beg the government for some "Obama money" to cover your expenses..

There is something seriously fucking wrong with you - you cold-hearted twat..
It's the combined sum total of all the bills they either tried or did get through. Not just Walker, not just abortion.

And I say that only the person who can think gets a voice.

And WHO are YOU?

Say a woman is involved with a verbally abusive drunken bastard with delusions of grandeur, and she gets pregnant. Do you really think she's going to want to stay that way, trapped with a loser like that??

A good moral individual would be able to look past that shit and realize the baby is nothing more than a true victim..... It's not the kids fault his father is a dickhead, but yet you seem to advocate aborting the child (individual) out of disgust or disdain for the father.

Only an ignorant and selfish bitch would get an abortion in that situation...

Killing children because you don't like the man who knocked you up is NOT logical nor is it moral.... It's misguided, ignorant and unconstitutional.

You don't have the right to murder another individual just because that individual temporarily resides in your body.
Using the logic of pro choice fucks, woman should be allowed to murder their adult offspring because they were once in their body...

Where the fuck do you progressive murdering clowns draw the line???

Also, lets not forget it takes two individuals to make a baby, so how the fuck is it "the womans choice?"
Boop? YOU are out of your league.

Try The Purple One named Barney...


Finally passed out? Christ, it's about damn time.

Fuck you twat bitch whore and disgrace of a human being....

Maybe should go mow some infants down with your car, cry victim and then beg the government for some "Obama money" to cover your expenses..

There is something seriously fucking wrong with you - you cold-hearted twat..

Nicky, you're going into hysterics again there, little buddy. Let's try bringing it back to politics and analyzing cause & effect.
I'm not speaking in legal or even moral terms. I'm simply referring to the political cost or benefit of an action.
When Obama first got into it with the Catholics over BC, I considered it a mistake in purely political terms. Why piss off a large group of swing voters over a non-issue? Obama obviously had the same realization because he did damage control pronto and to the degree that Catholic Health Systems issued a public statement thnaking him. Well done.
The problem for the GOP was that Santorum was so far behind, he had nothing to lose by running as far and as quickly to The Right as he could. Romney had to follow. Then the whole party followed and during that whole time, what did Obama say? Nothing. he just stayed out of it.
So it went from Obama making a mistake to the GOP making a 10x bigger mistake. The GOP already had some problems with women and these were exacerbated by the wonderful Governor Ultra-Sound, Governor Unequal Pay, The Texas Photographers, Governor Re-define Life in AZ etc...
The reason I say these actions were mistakes politically, is the nosedive the GOP has taken in polls since all this started. The fact that Obama has suddenly skyrocketed in populatirty among women under 50 is no coincidence.
So as far as the law of the United States is concerned, abortion is legal. I know you find that morally objectionable and believe it or not, I respect your opinion. But women are the largest voting bloc in America now. Whether there is an intentional war against them by the GOP is neither relevant nor what I was commenting on. The mistake the GOP has made is that, that particular voting bloc percieves the GOP as having a "war on them".
Not just because of abortion but because of the aggregate actions by the GOP during the last six months, they perceive the existence of a "GOP War on Women".
Finally passed out? Christ, it's about damn time.

Fuck you twat bitch whore and disgrace of a human being....

Maybe should go mow some infants down with your car, cry victim and then beg the government for some "Obama money" to cover your expenses..

There is something seriously fucking wrong with you - you cold-hearted twat..

Nicky, you're going into hysterics again there, little buddy. Let's try bringing it back to politics and analyzing cause & effect.
I'm not speaking in legal or even moral terms. I'm simply referring to the political cost or benefit of an action.
When Obama first got into it with the Catholics over BC, I considered it a mistake in purely political terms. Why piss off a large group of swing voters over a non-issue? Obama obviously had the same realization because he did damage control pronto and to the degree that Catholic Health Systems issued a public statement thnaking him. Well done.
The problem for the GOP was that Santorum was so far behind, he had nothing to lose by running as far and as quickly to The Right as he could. Romney had to follow. Then the whole party followed and during that whole time, what did Obama say? Nothing. he just stayed out of it.
So it went from Obama making a mistake to the GOP making a 10x bigger mistake. The GOP already had some problems with women and these were exacerbated by the wonderful Governor Ultra-Sound, Governor Unequal Pay, The Texas Photographers, Governor Re-define Life in AZ etc...
The reason I say these actions were mistakes politically, is the nosedive the GOP has taken in polls since all this started. The fact that Obama has suddenly skyrocketed in populatirty among women under 50 is no coincidence.
So as far as the law of the United States is concerned, abortion is legal. I know you find that morally objectionable and believe it or not, I respect your opinion. But women are the largest voting bloc in America now. Whether there is an intentional war against them by the GOP is neither relevant nor what I was commenting on. The mistake the GOP has made is that, that particular voting bloc percieves the GOP as having a "war on them".
Not just because of abortion but because of the aggregate actions by the GOP during the last six months, they perceive the existence of a "GOP War on Women".

You clearly don't "get it."

If you believe woman should be afforded free abortions and contraceptives, then you're an idiot...

If you perceive my intent as somehow a war on woman then think whatever you like...

IMO, you're absolutely 100% wrong in your intent.
Boop? YOU are out of your league.

Try The Purple One named Barney...


Finally passed out? Christ, it's about damn time.

Fuck you twat bitch whore and disgrace of a human being....

Maybe should go mow some infants down with your car, cry victim and then beg the government for some "Obama money" to cover your expenses..

There is something seriously fucking wrong with you - you cold-hearted twat..

Good morning, kind sir. I can't help but noticing you could use some electro shock therapy.

Have you noticed yet? Half the "lives you are fighting to save" are going to grow up to be ... let me check ... ah yes. "Twat bitch whores" who may very well not think like you do.

Then what. Sir.
And WHO are YOU?

Say a woman is involved with a verbally abusive drunken bastard with delusions of grandeur, and she gets pregnant. Do you really think she's going to want to stay that way, trapped with a loser like that??

A good moral individual would be able to look past that shit and realize the baby is nothing more than a true victim..... It's not the kids fault his father is a dickhead, but yet you seem to advocate aborting the child (individual) out of disgust or disdain for the father.

Only an ignorant and selfish bitch would get an abortion in that situation...

Killing children because you don't like the man who knocked you up is NOT logical nor is it moral.... It's misguided, ignorant and unconstitutional.

You don't have the right to murder another individual just because that individual temporarily resides in your body.

Trust you to bring it down to "baby outranks mother, even if drunken asshole has been known to attempt to kill her in a fit of rage."

Which, given your rage level, I can see you siding with the drunken abusive bastard.
Using the logic of pro choice fucks, woman should be allowed to murder their adult offspring because they were once in their body...

Where the fuck do you progressive murdering clowns draw the line???

Also, lets not forget it takes two individuals to make a baby, so how the fuck is it "the womans choice?"

Because the female has the storage equipment. By the way, visit the Flame Zone, are am I the only one with balls in this relationship?
The impregnated by drunken abusive bastard is one abortion, but so is the "I don't want to look fat in my wedding dress" abortion.

Is one better than the other? More defensible?
Well mothers are women. You can't get around that with any kind of politically correct concept.

But the issue really isn't abortion. For the pro choicers, abortion hinges on the ethical right of a woman to kill the child she carries. For the pro lifers, abortion hinges on the right of the child to live. It is a debate that will continue on.

But in the issue of the so-callled war on women, the real issue is whether women are victims and/or otherwise incapable of making choices about their sexual activity and their responsibility to manage the risks that go along with sexual activity. . .

. ..vs . . .

whether women are fully intelligent and capable human beings with full ability to make their own choices about who they have sex with and what risks they are willing to take. . . .

. . . .coupled with. . . .

whose responsibility is it for the consequences of the choices?

Republicans/conservatives tend to take the view that if women and men are truly equal and not to discriminated against, then women and men of all demographic groups are equally responsible for the choices they make and for accepting the consequences of those choices.

Democrats/liberals/leftists/progressives tend to the the view that only some areas demand full equality while other areas require the nanny state.

And because Republicans and Democrats disagree on that, it is the Republicans who are committing a 'war against woman"?????
Fuck you twat bitch whore and disgrace of a human being....

Maybe should go mow some infants down with your car, cry victim and then beg the government for some "Obama money" to cover your expenses..

There is something seriously fucking wrong with you - you cold-hearted twat..

Nicky, you're going into hysterics again there, little buddy. Let's try bringing it back to politics and analyzing cause & effect.
I'm not speaking in legal or even moral terms. I'm simply referring to the political cost or benefit of an action.
When Obama first got into it with the Catholics over BC, I considered it a mistake in purely political terms. Why piss off a large group of swing voters over a non-issue? Obama obviously had the same realization because he did damage control pronto and to the degree that Catholic Health Systems issued a public statement thnaking him. Well done.
The problem for the GOP was that Santorum was so far behind, he had nothing to lose by running as far and as quickly to The Right as he could. Romney had to follow. Then the whole party followed and during that whole time, what did Obama say? Nothing. he just stayed out of it.
So it went from Obama making a mistake to the GOP making a 10x bigger mistake. The GOP already had some problems with women and these were exacerbated by the wonderful Governor Ultra-Sound, Governor Unequal Pay, The Texas Photographers, Governor Re-define Life in AZ etc...
The reason I say these actions were mistakes politically, is the nosedive the GOP has taken in polls since all this started. The fact that Obama has suddenly skyrocketed in populatirty among women under 50 is no coincidence.
So as far as the law of the United States is concerned, abortion is legal. I know you find that morally objectionable and believe it or not, I respect your opinion. But women are the largest voting bloc in America now. Whether there is an intentional war against them by the GOP is neither relevant nor what I was commenting on. The mistake the GOP has made is that, that particular voting bloc percieves the GOP as having a "war on them".
Not just because of abortion but because of the aggregate actions by the GOP during the last six months, they perceive the existence of a "GOP War on Women".

You clearly don't "get it."

If you believe woman should be afforded free abortions and contraceptives, then you're an idiot...

If you perceive my intent as somehow a war on woman then think whatever you like...

IMO, you're absolutely 100% wrong in your intent.

Actually it's you, who doesn't "get it".
You're talking about contraceptives and such.
I'm talking about the cause & effect of these issues on politics.
The cause is the recent actions of members of the GOP, including Romney.
The effect is a huge boost in the polls for Obama among women under 50.
The other effect is a huge drop for virtually the entire GOP among that same voting bloc.
I'm discussing Political Cause & Effect.
You're discussing whether you think abortion is moral and whether it's rgiht that BC is covered in a / any health plans.
Two different discussions.


Wow! Thanks for making the point better than any of us every could. The video was made by women, satirizing what's happening in America today. Gotta love Beckinsale, she totally rocked that video.

Then someone with a crayon decided that Ms. Fluke is a monstrous huge woman, and that's what you brought to the table.

Good job.


Wow! Thanks for making the point better than any of us every could. The video was made by women, satirizing what's happening in America today. Gotta love Beckinsale, she totally rocked that video.

Then someone with a crayon decided that Ms. Fluke is a monstrous huge woman, and that's what you brought to the table.

Good job.


That some only want the government in their pussy when the government is giving them birth control?

Wow! Thanks for making the point better than any of us every could. The video was made by women, satirizing what's happening in America today. Gotta love Beckinsale, she totally rocked that video.

Then someone with a crayon decided that Ms. Fluke is a monstrous huge woman, and that's what you brought to the table.

Good job.


That some only want the government in their pussy when the government is giving them birth control?

So is the government giving YOU Viagra when you pay your insurance premiums?

Yeah, I didn't think so.
Wow! Thanks for making the point better than any of us every could. The video was made by women, satirizing what's happening in America today. Gotta love Beckinsale, she totally rocked that video.

Then someone with a crayon decided that Ms. Fluke is a monstrous huge woman, and that's what you brought to the table.

Good job.


That some only want the government in their pussy when the government is giving them birth control?

So is the government giving YOU Viagra when you pay your insurance premiums?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

I wasn't the one who suggested that the government pay for someones Viagra. I think that was a democrat Do I need it no I need saltpeter

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