The Republican War On Women

Senate Dems Betray Lilly

BY: Andrew Stiles - May 24, 2012 5:00 am

Senate Democrats pay female staffers less than male staffers

A group of Democratic female senators on Wednesday declared war on the so-called “gender pay gap,” urging their colleagues to pass the aptly named Paycheck Fairness Act when Congress returns from recess next month. However, a substantial gender pay gap exists in their own offices, a Washington Free Beacon analysis of Senate salary data reveals.

Of the five senators who participated in Wednesday’s press conference—Barbara Mikulski (D., Md.), Patty Murray (D., Wash.), Debbie Stabenow (D., Mich.), Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) and Barbara Boxer (D., Calif.)—three pay their female staff members significantly less than male staffers.

Murray, who has repeatedly accused Republicans of waging a “war a women,” is one of the worst offenders. Female members of Murray’s staff made about $21,000 less per year than male staffers in 2011, a difference of 35.2 percent.

That is well above the 23 percent gap that Democrats claim exists between male and female workers nationwide. The figure is based on a 2010 U.S. Census Bureau report, and is technically accurate. However, as CNN’s Lisa Sylvester has reported, when factors such as area of employment, hours of work, and time in the workplace are taken into account, the gap shrinks to about 5 percent.

A significant “gender gap” exists in Feinstein’s office, where women also made about $21,000 less than men in 2011, but the percentage difference—41 percent—was even higher than Murray’s.

Boxer’s female staffers made about $5,000 less, a difference of 7.3 percent.

The Free Beacon used publicly available salary data from the transparency website Legistorm to calculate the figures, and considered only current full-time staff members who were employed for the entirety of fiscal year 2011.

The employee gender pay gap among Senate Democrats was not limited to Murray, Boxer, and Feinstein. Of the 50 members of the Senate Democratic caucus examined in the analysis, 37 senators paid their female staffers less than male staffers.

Senators elected in 2010—Joe Manchin, Chris Coons, and Richard Blumenthal—were not considered due to incomplete salary data.

Women working for Senate Democrats in 2011 pulled in an average salary of $60,877. Men made about $6,500 more.

While the gap is significant, it is slightly smaller than that of the White House, which pays men about $10,000, or 13 percent, more on average, according to a previous Free Beacon analysis.

The pay differential is quite striking in some cases, especially among leading Democrats. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.), who runs the Senate Democratic messaging operation, paid men $19,454 more on average, a 36 percent difference.

Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) paid men $13,063 more, a difference of 23 percent.

Other notable Senators whose “gender pay gap” was larger than 23 percent:

•Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.)—47.6 percent
•Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D., N.M.)—40 percent
•Sen. Jon Tester (D., Mont.)—34.2 percent
•Sen. Ben Cardin (D., Md.)—31.5 percent
•Sen. Tom Carper (D., Del.)—30.4 percent
•Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D., Minn.)–29.7 percent
•Sen. Kent Conrad (D., N.D.)–29.2 percent
•Sen. Bill Nelson (D., Fla.)—26.5 percent
•Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore)—26.4 percent
•Sen. Tom Harkin (D., Iowa)—23.2 percent

Senate Dems Betray Lilly | Washington Free Beacon

Sen. Bernie Sanders progressive/socialist/liberal torch bearer...:lol:
Seriously? You're attacking me because when I started a thread on this very subject, I was ridiculed into the ground? Every RWNJ on the forum lined up to tell me I was completely clueless. But now that it's your ammo, it's reality? Getthefuckouttahere.

Pull you head out of your ass.

Many of them defended the gap.

All you did was call them the names you won't call these piss poor hypocrites.

The gap exists. It always has.

Why ? You've never been able to explain why it is there.

Others try and you just call them sexist.

Maybe you need to Get........

Am I really that stupid? Who's the ass fedora who keeps engaging me in conversation? If I'm that damn dumb, then STFU.

And maybe I need to get - what?

Little, little man. Not even a big fish in a big pond; more like a minnow.

Salunski rule 5. Ridicule is man's most potent weapon...:eusa_shifty:
Am I really that stupid? Who's the ass fedora who keeps engaging me in conversation? If I'm that damn dumb, then STFU.

And maybe I need to get - what?

Little, little man. Not even a big fish in a big pond; more like a minnow.

Hahahahahahaha....your posts are so revealing.

Once again.....

Many on the right did not say there was no gap...they said there was a reason for it. All you did was call them sexists for explaining it.

Now, you're faced with your heros doing the same stuff and you obfuscate the point.

Why don't you stop your electronic babbling and post something relevant.

Like why, in 40 years, they have not been able to defeat the gap despite the fact that they have tried and tried.

Another thing you losers never addressed is how you would deal with the fact that there can be quite a pay gap between two men or two women doing the same job.

I realize that requires don't hurt yourself.

On second thought......

There's an 'e' in heroes, by the way.

Progressive liberals always with the spell/grammar check when they're stumped...:lol:
More sinister than that. It is a war on America and all the values and principles that made American exceptionalism into the greatest nation the world had/has ever known.

To tear all that down. . .
It requires dividing and then conquering.

Pit the blacks against the whites.
Women against men, and then Republicans.
The poor against the rich.
Big labor against the business owners.
Education against the local school board.
Hispanics against the law enforcers.
The children against their parents and other authority.
The mediocre against the big corporations and Wall Street.
The have nots because they didn't want to pay their dues against the haves.

And as each is trained to look to more big government to all their problems, then all can be made more and more dependent until they are wholly captive and subject to government bidding. And then the nation is lost.

The so-called War on Women is just one cog in the works.

Unfortunately for those who want to re-enslave us to big government, women are apparently smarter than some of those other groups. And they aren't buying into that motif so easily.
Republicans state mandated rape in Texas

A woman is forced to endure a medical procedure likened to rape. No, it's not Egypt, where army doctors are accused of subjecting protesters to grotesque "virginity tests".
Instead it's Texas, where a controversial law, signed last year by failed Republican presidential candidate Governor Rick Perry, took effect in February.
Aimed at women who seek abortions, a legal right since 1973, the "Sonogram Bill" compels doctors to describe, and patients to listen to, a description of the fetus revealed by an ultrasound.
"A patient must make two visits," explains Rochelle Tafolla, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast.
"During the first visit the doctor who is going to perform the abortion must perform the ultrasound. The doctor must display the ultrasound image to the woman. She can look away but the doctor must describe the image. If there is cardiac activity that suggests a heartbeat the doctor is required to turn up the audio so the woman can hear it."
This invasive procedure involves inserting an ultrasound device, or "wand", into the vagina to get a clear image of the fetus and detect any heartbeat in the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy, when most American women seek abortions.
Under a bill in Pennsylvania women would have to undergo an invasive, vaginal ultrasound. That prospect is drawing outrage.

The bill, proposed by Rep. Kathy Rapp, a conservative Republican from Warren County, outlines what women seeking an abortion would undergo in great detail.
The bill requires that the woman not only get an ultrasound, but that the ultrasound screen be in her line of sight. The woman can choose to look away, the legislation states, but the technician performing the ultrasound would have to note if the woman viewed the results.
RICHMOND, Va. — Hundreds of women have locked arms and stood mute outside the Virginia State Capitol to protest a wave of anti-abortion legislation coursing through the 2012 General Assembly. Capitol and state police officers, there to ensure order, estimated the crowd to be more than 1,000 people — mostly women. The crowd formed a human cordon through which legislators walked before Monday’s floor sessions of the Republican-controlled legislature. The group was protesting bills that would cut off state aid to poor women seeking abortions, define embryos as humans and criminalize their destruction, and require “transvaginal” ultrasounds of women seeking abortions. In the procedure, a wand-like device is inserted and used to send out sound waves. None of the protesters carried posters. Few spoke, even when spoken to. Richmond resident Molly Vick wore a shirt that read, “Say no to state mandated rape.”

Did anyone notice that the democrats nominated a man to run in Ben Nelson's stead.

But the GOP nominated a WOMAN !

And she is going to win......BTW: she was endorsed by another high profile woman.

Who would have thunk it ?

Did anyone tell these women the GOP has declared war on them ?
Under a bill in Pennsylvania women would have to undergo an invasive, vaginal ultrasound. That prospect is drawing outrage.

The bill, proposed by Rep. Kathy Rapp, a conservative Republican from Warren County, outlines what women seeking an abortion would undergo in great detail.
The bill requires that the woman not only get an ultrasound, but that the ultrasound screen be in her line of sight. The woman can choose to look away, the legislation states, but the technician performing the ultrasound would have to note if the woman viewed the results.

A woman proposed the bill ???

Wow....that is one strange war.
Arizona Republicans want to force women to reveal to their boss whether they are having sex or not....

PHOENIX — Women in Arizona trying to get reimbursed for birth control drugs through their employer-provided health plan could be required to prove that they are taking it for a medical reason such as acne, rather than to prevent pregnancy.A bill nearing passage in the Republican-led Legislature allows all employers, not just religious institutions, to opt out of providing contraceptive coverage when doing so would violate their religious or moral beliefs.When a female worker uses birth control pills, which can be used to treat a number of medical conditions, the bill would allow an employer who opted out to require her to reveal what she was taking it for in order to get reimbursed.

Did anyone notice that the democrats nominated a man to run in Ben Nelson's stead.

But the GOP nominated a WOMAN !

And she is going to win......BTW: she was endorsed by another high profile woman.

Who would have thunk it ?

Did anyone tell these women the GOP has declared war on them ?

Most anyone with a functioning brain. It's a very conservative district.
In New Hampshire, a Tea Party-happy House of Representatives has passed a bill that would require doctors to tell women that abortion causes breast cancer—despite the fact that it’s untrue.
The bill, sponsored by Rep. Jeanine Notter, states that “it is scientifically undisputed that full-term pregnancy reduces a woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer” and “women facing an abortion decision have a right to know that such medical data exists.” Therefore, doctors must inform pregnant women that “there is a direct link between abortion and breast cancer.”
But no link between abortion and breast cancer has been proven. The consensus in the scientific community, in fact, is that abortion does not cause breast cancer—a statement supported by the World Health Organization, the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Did anyone notice that the democrats nominated a man to run in Ben Nelson's stead.

But the GOP nominated a WOMAN !

And she is going to win......BTW: she was endorsed by another high profile woman.

Who would have thunk it ?

Did anyone tell these women the GOP has declared war on them ?

Most anyone with a functioning brain. It's a very conservative district.

Nebraska is a district ?

I missed that memo.

What was that about a functioning brain ?
Republican governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin quietly signed a bill that overturned The Equal Pay Enforcement Act of 2009, allowing for easier discrimination and continuing the War on Women.The Equal Pay Enforcement Act was designed to discourage employers from discriminating against certain groups and give individuals, who were discriminated against in the work force, more avenues to press charges against employers who discriminate.
The bill, titled SB202, which Walker signed on Thursday without informing the public, overturns all of that.
Women make 75 cents for every dollar men make in Wisconsin and 77 cents nationally for every dollar men earn.
Arizona Republicans want to force women to reveal to their boss whether they are having sex or not....

PHOENIX — Women in Arizona trying to get reimbursed for birth control drugs through their employer-provided health plan could be required to prove that they are taking it for a medical reason such as acne, rather than to prevent pregnancy.A bill nearing passage in the Republican-led Legislature allows all employers, not just religious institutions, to opt out of providing contraceptive coverage when doing so would violate their religious or moral beliefs.When a female worker uses birth control pills, which can be used to treat a number of medical conditions, the bill would allow an employer who opted out to require her to reveal what she was taking it for in order to get reimbursed.

You've posted this false equivalency before.

Time to get some spam out of the can.

BTW: Scott Walker is going to be around for a long long time.

Sorry Chris. Your crystal ball reading isn't working out.

I hope you didn't quit your day job.
I can't believe the bat sh crazy stuff the Republicans are doing....government mandated vaginal penetration ultrasounds, defunding family planning clincs that do cancer screenings, requiring women to tell their employers if they are having sex, saying contraception itself is "wrong", opposing contraception insurance coverage for women, passing bills that require doctors to lie to their patients about breast cancer, etc....

The wheels have come off the Republican Crazy Train.

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