The Republican War On Women

There is no Republican War on Women. There is, however, a Prog War against Truth, History and Reality.
Still denying the war you are waging on women as you take their rights away?

Doesn't surprise me. For 4 decades you have been claiming there is no war on the middle class. But look at what has happened since then.

1. You sent our high paying manufacturing jobs overseas. This made the American middle class poorer and the rich richer.
2. You give the rich tax cuts and raise our taxes to make up for it. Widening the gap between us and them, making them richer and us poorer.
3. You hired illegals you said to do "jobs Americans won't do", but you hired them to do jobs blue collar Americans will do if they are paid fairly. This has put billions into rich people's pockets and cost the middle class bigly.
4. You sent jobs overseas. This has made rich people investors and CEO's richer but has made the middle class poorer

There are many ways Republicans have waged war on women and the middle class. And yet you are still denying it? Even when faced with the news that Rich Republican White Dudes in Alabama all decided to take womens right to choose away?

Don't even lie. Just admit it. We are on to you now.
Really then what's this?

Every Vote For Alabama’s Abortion Ban Was From A White Man
The Alabama state Senate just passed the country’s strictest abortion ban, which criminalizes nearly all abortions including in cases of rape and incest.
Liberals only have themselves to blame. They took abortion to a new level.
This kind of drastic law would never have passed if democrats had not moved up to infanticide.

And when did they do that? Are you talking about Trump's claim that a woman can give birth, wrap the baby in a blanket while she and the doctor discuss whether to murder it or not?
This is Trump???? It doesn't look a thing like Trump. This guy is a dead ringer for the governor of Virginia. Now you tell me it's Trump.

Trump repeated what the governor said.

Either way, it is completely false. If you want to call it "Fake News", that is up to you. I simply call it a lie.

The only way a baby is aborted at the end of the pregnancy is if the fetus is not viable or the mother's life is in danger. That is it. No state allows the mother to "change her mind" that late in the pregnancy. Not even New York.

Which is exactly the entire point of changing the law to allow a change of mind.
It just stuns me that people that are against healthcare for children and daycare for children and education for children one more unwanted children. Why? Target practice for school shootings? I just don’t get it.
No one is against healthcare for children. How absurd. You're very dishonest. This is a great example of why Democrats are losing ground. Y'all make outrageous accusations.

Yea as long as the parents can afford it. If they are poor you are against giving them free/affordable healthcare. Don't lie. Because you know to give poor people free healthcare your rates are going to go up. Don't lie and say you are ok with that. If you are then you aren't a Republican.
It just stuns me that people that are against healthcare for children and daycare for children and education for children one more unwanted children. Why? Target practice for school shootings? I just don’t get it.
No one is against healthcare for children. How absurd. You're very dishonest. This is a great example of why Democrats are losing ground. Y'all make outrageous accusations.

Yea as long as the parents can afford it. If they are poor you are against giving them free/affordable healthcare. Don't lie. Because you know to give poor people free healthcare your rates are going to go up. Don't lie and say you are ok with that. If you are then you aren't a Republican.
I'm against giving anyone free anything.
Liberals only have themselves to blame. They took abortion to a new level.
This kind of drastic law would never have passed if democrats had not moved up to infanticide.

And when did they do that? Are you talking about Trump's claim that a woman can give birth, wrap the baby in a blanket while she and the doctor discuss whether to murder it or not?
This is Trump???? It doesn't look a thing like Trump. This guy is a dead ringer for the governor of Virginia. Now you tell me it's Trump.

Trump repeated what the governor said.

Either way, it is completely false. If you want to call it "Fake News", that is up to you. I simply call it a lie.

The only way a baby is aborted at the end of the pregnancy is if the fetus is not viable or the mother's life is in danger. That is it. No state allows the mother to "change her mind" that late in the pregnancy. Not even New York.

Which is exactly the entire point of changing the law to allow a change of mind.

And the bill never made it out of committee.
There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.
No one is trying to legislate men’s bodies.
I bet Trump gets more women votes than the Democrat candidate gets.
He didn’t last time. He certainly didn’t during the midterms. Why would they vote for him now?
Because the economy is boiling over, people have more spending money, and women love to buy shoes.

The only reason shoes were so cheap was because we use fetus skin to line the insides. And the best fetus' came from Alabama. Shoes are going to go up in price.

I doubt most lower middle class women are feeling the positives of Trump's economy. If they had a job when Obama was president and they still have that same job there lives haven't changed much other than now they can't get an abortion because white men said so.

Hey, if women are ok with it I'm ok too. Lets see how 2020 shapes up. I think Republicans are going to cost themselves the election but they know that us liberals are dumb. The women who show up in 2020 won't show up in 2022. But the anti abortion nuts will show up every 2 years. That's why they win all these battles even though their policies are very unpopular. Their supporters vote. Our supporters have been convinced voting doesn't matter.

Now they know it does.

I can't believe how far right Republicans have pulled America since Bush 2. Amazing.
It just stuns me that people that are against healthcare for children and daycare for children and education for children one more unwanted children. Why? Target practice for school shootings? I just don’t get it.
No one is against healthcare for children. How absurd. You're very dishonest. This is a great example of why Democrats are losing ground. Y'all make outrageous accusations.

Yea as long as the parents can afford it. If they are poor you are against giving them free/affordable healthcare. Don't lie. Because you know to give poor people free healthcare your rates are going to go up. Don't lie and say you are ok with that. If you are then you aren't a Republican.
I'm against giving anyone free anything.

Well explain to us how you are FOR healthcare for children.

Sure you are all for Baron Trump having healthcare but what about Tyron Johnson? If he is born to poor parents do you want him to get free healthcare? Then you are against healthcare for children. But I suppose you knew that when you said what you said. You were being obtuse?
Really then what's this?

Every Vote For Alabama’s Abortion Ban Was From A White Man
The Alabama state Senate just passed the country’s strictest abortion ban, which criminalizes nearly all abortions including in cases of rape and incest.
Liberals only have themselves to blame. They took abortion to a new level.
This kind of drastic law would never have passed if democrats had not moved up to infanticide.

And when did they do that? Are you talking about Trump's claim that a woman can give birth, wrap the baby in a blanket while she and the doctor discuss whether to murder it or not?
This is Trump???? It doesn't look a thing like Trump. This guy is a dead ringer for the governor of Virginia. Now you tell me it's Trump.

Trump repeated what the governor said.

Either way, it is completely false. If you want to call it "Fake News", that is up to you. I simply call it a lie.

The only way a baby is aborted at the end of the pregnancy is if the fetus is not viable or the mother's life is in danger. That is it. No state allows the mother to "change her mind" that late in the pregnancy. Not even New York.

Even my girlfriend repeated that lie about New York last night.

I said "look it up and show me online". She tried but then gave up, because it's a lie.

Now if the baby is severely retarded at birth I would tell the doctor to put it out of it's misery and don't condemn me to a lifetime of pushing around a wheelchair. God bless the parents who do it but not me.

It just stuns me that people that are against healthcare for children and daycare for children and education for children one more unwanted children. Why? Target practice for school shootings? I just don’t get it.
No one is against healthcare for children. How absurd. You're very dishonest. This is a great example of why Democrats are losing ground. Y'all make outrageous accusations.

Yea as long as the parents can afford it. If they are poor you are against giving them free/affordable healthcare. Don't lie. Because you know to give poor people free healthcare your rates are going to go up. Don't lie and say you are ok with that. If you are then you aren't a Republican.
I'm against giving anyone free anything.

Well explain to us how you are FOR healthcare for children.

Sure you are all for Baron Trump having healthcare but what about Tyron Johnson? If he is born to poor parents do you want him to get free healthcare? Then you are against healthcare for children. But I suppose you knew that when you said what you said. You were being obtuse?
Who is Tyron Johnson?
Must have been a slow / bad news day for democrats / snowflakes for them to ressurect this mummy from the usmb crypts to throw out as an attempted distraction...


slow newsday for the snowflakes indeed. how many times have we heard them stomp around throw tantrums about this. yaaaaaawn.
There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.
You support Trump. He is a groper & woman assaulter & you don't care.

Trump has taken away work place protections & Republicans were against equal work for equal pay.

Now they try to control what women do with their bodies.

Republicans demand a woman who gets pregnant during rape or incest, carries that fetus full term.
There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.

This is what makes it so much the worse, many of them CLEARLY don't realize they've waged war on women. Including many of the deranged lunatic fringe RW women in the camp.

Sad, very sad.

:( *SMH*

And yet you still can't give a single example.

You think Hillary Clinton, blaming married women, saying they were told to vote for Trump by their husbands, isn't an attack on women?
If I sucked at my job as bad as Obama sucks at his, I would divide and conquer. That's all he is doing. United we stand divided we fall. I'm sure some of you have read that someplace.
You could not do as good a job as Obama in your wildest dreams. You are just the run of the mill uneducate white Trump supporter.
So we are waging a war without knowing about it? How exactly does that work?
It's easy for stupid people who lack empathy and have their heads in that smelly place where the sun don't shine. They are also delusional and think that they are doing gods work or some shit like that, and they have convinced themselves that ending legal abortion will actually end abortion.
If I sucked at my job as bad as Obama sucks at his, I would divide and conquer. That's all he is doing. United we stand divided we fall. I'm sure some of you have read that someplace.
You could not do as good a job as Obama in your wildest dreams. You are just the run of the mill uneducate white Trump supporter.
If I sucked at my job as bad as Obama sucks at his, I would divide and conquer. That's all he is doing. United we stand divided we fall. I'm sure some of you have read that someplace.
You could not do as good a job as Obama in your wildest dreams. You are just the run of the mill uneducate white Trump supporter.

Almost anyone could have done as good or better of a job as Obama. He was absolutely horrible on many fronts including rampant corruption(IRS, FBI, Fast and Furious, etc.), immigration, foreign and domestic policy. Those who think he did a good job are ignorant, brainwashed folks.
Actually this thread is very relevant given what happened in Alabama. A bunch of Christian Nazis just turned women in Alabama into second class citizens. Even Pat Robertson says this bill is too extreme. Republicans have likely signed their death warrant. Suburban women will have even more reasons to vote against the GOP as they did in 2018.
There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.
There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.

Really then what's this?

Every Vote For Alabama’s Abortion Ban Was From A White Man
The Alabama state Senate just passed the country’s strictest abortion ban, which criminalizes nearly all abortions including in cases of rape and incest.
Well this should help inspire women to come out and vote; and to vote Democrat.
Maybe they can knit little dead bloody babies to attach to their pussy hats.
There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.
There is no war on women. Though I know you wish there was.

Really then what's this?

Every Vote For Alabama’s Abortion Ban Was From A White Man
The Alabama state Senate just passed the country’s strictest abortion ban, which criminalizes nearly all abortions including in cases of rape and incest.

Men protecting their families

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