The Republicans have a plan to pay for their tax cuts.

Hold on to every penny you are in the bottom 80%, particularly if you have or are planning to retire in the future.
But if you are in the top 20%, relax, life is good.
Mitch McConnell Calls for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid Cuts After Passing Tax Cuts, Massive Defense Spending
After instituting a $1.5 trillion tax cut and signing off on a $675 billion budget for the Department of Defense, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that the only way to lower the record-high federal deficit would be to cut entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

"It’s disappointing, but it’s not a Republican problem," McConnell said of the deficit, which grew 17 percent to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018. McConnell explained to Bloomberg that "it’s a bipartisan problem: Unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future." The deficit has increased 77 percent since McConnell became majority leader in 2015.

New Treasury Department analysis on Monday revealed that corporate tax cuts had a significant impact on the deficit this year. Federal revenue rose by 0.04 percent in 2018, a nearly 100 percent decrease last year’s 1.5 percent. In fiscal year 2018, tax receipts on corporate income fell to $205 billion from $297 billion in 2017.
Mitch McConnell says deficit ballooned because of Social Security, Medicare, not Republican Tax Cuts

And look at the distribution of the tax cuts, through 2015.
View attachment 223006
So, if you are in the 80% and in the retirement mode now or down the road, more than likely cuts to Social Security and Medicare are really going to hurt you.
Now consider this, how many Trumpsters and supporters of his fascist party are going to get in the butt?
But have no fear, they don't care if they are getting fucked, Trump and the Fascist Party are like Gods of the World. After all, they are top ending the uber-wealthy, to "make America great again".

Yet when DumBama cut Medicare to help fund Commie Care, nobody on the left cared about those old people.

Show me the cuts. Just prove it.

Betsy McCaughey: President Obama's Medicare Cuts Are Killing Seniors | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Romney’s right: Obamacare cuts Medicare by $716 billion. Here’s how.

Most of both articles was plain bullshit. I think you better do some more digging on what was actually cut vs what was proposed.

I don't know why I do this for you leftists. You challenge the right on what they claim, and when they provide proof, you just say it's BS. I'm not wasting anymore time on this. Believe what you want; rather what the Democrats tell you what to believe.
Are you using that article as justification for trump and McConnell to make further cuts to social security and Medicare and get rid of pre existing conditions.

Are you never going to get old ray?
Hold on to every penny you are in the bottom 80%, particularly if you have or are planning to retire in the future.
But if you are in the top 20%, relax, life is good.
Mitch McConnell Calls for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid Cuts After Passing Tax Cuts, Massive Defense Spending
After instituting a $1.5 trillion tax cut and signing off on a $675 billion budget for the Department of Defense, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that the only way to lower the record-high federal deficit would be to cut entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

"It’s disappointing, but it’s not a Republican problem," McConnell said of the deficit, which grew 17 percent to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018. McConnell explained to Bloomberg that "it’s a bipartisan problem: Unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future." The deficit has increased 77 percent since McConnell became majority leader in 2015.

New Treasury Department analysis on Monday revealed that corporate tax cuts had a significant impact on the deficit this year. Federal revenue rose by 0.04 percent in 2018, a nearly 100 percent decrease last year’s 1.5 percent. In fiscal year 2018, tax receipts on corporate income fell to $205 billion from $297 billion in 2017.
Mitch McConnell says deficit ballooned because of Social Security, Medicare, not Republican Tax Cuts

And look at the distribution of the tax cuts, through 2015.
View attachment 223006
So, if you are in the 80% and in the retirement mode now or down the road, more than likely cuts to Social Security and Medicare are really going to hurt you.
Now consider this, how many Trumpsters and supporters of his fascist party are going to get in the butt?
But have no fear, they don't care if they are getting fucked, Trump and the Fascist Party are like Gods of the World. After all, they are top ending the uber-wealthy, to "make America great again".

Yet when DumBama cut Medicare to help fund Commie Care, nobody on the left cared about those old people.

Show me the cuts. Just prove it.

Betsy McCaughey: President Obama's Medicare Cuts Are Killing Seniors | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Romney’s right: Obamacare cuts Medicare by $716 billion. Here’s how.

Most of both articles was plain bullshit. I think you better do some more digging on what was actually cut vs what was proposed.

I don't know why I do this for you leftists. You challenge the right on what they claim, and when they provide proof, you just say it's BS. I'm not wasting anymore time on this. Believe what you want; rather what the Democrats tell you what to believe.

I'm not a leftist, but you don't and those articles don't tell 100% of the story. I am a centrist and have worked in this business many years for almost 30 years, yes there were some cuts but not anywhere near the article. l don't know why I have to school the far right.

So tell me this you republican's bitch that obamacare shut down rural hospitals, lack of Medicaid expansions shut down rural hospitals and any that are left will be shut down if pubs cut medicaid any farther.

Most of both articles was plain bullshit. I think you better do some more digging on what was actually cut vs what was proposed.

I don't know why I do this for you leftists. You challenge the right on what they claim, and when they provide proof, you just say it's BS. I'm not wasting anymore time on this. Believe what you want; rather what the Democrats tell you what to believe.
Are you using that article as justification for trump and McConnell to make further cuts to social security and Medicare and get rid of pre existing conditions.

Are you never going to get old ray?

Ray don't know what he's doing he's just following the far right down the tubes.
Getting rid of tax cuts for filthy rich people that don't deserve them isn't raising taxes. There was no debt or deficit problems before massive tax cuts.

Republicans created debt and deficits with tax cuts to the filthy rich and corporations.

They will get rid of the debt and deficits with tax hikes on the filthy rich and corporations.

So you want to make claim there was no deficits or debt before the tax cut?

Sure there was but your side is just digging it deeper if you cannot see this you're just brainwashed.
I can't help but laugh when you disingenuous fucks cry about the debt after supporting Obama. You are so damn shallow

How do you know I supported Obama you dumb fuck.
I don't I was painting in generalities. My apologies

BTW I never voted for Obama.
You only "pay for tax cuts" if you presume that all earnings first belong to The State.

And the other way around, that all money is yours, even when the government has basically helped you to get it by giving you an advantage isn't as bad?

Most of both articles was plain bullshit. I think you better do some more digging on what was actually cut vs what was proposed.

I don't know why I do this for you leftists. You challenge the right on what they claim, and when they provide proof, you just say it's BS. I'm not wasting anymore time on this. Believe what you want; rather what the Democrats tell you what to believe.

I'm not a leftist, but you don't and those articles don't tell 100% of the story. I am a centrist and have worked in this business many years for almost 30 years, yes there were some cuts but not anywhere near the article. l don't know why I have to school the far right.

So tell me this you republican's bitch that obamacare shut down rural hospitals, lack of Medicaid expansions shut down rural hospitals and any that are left will be shut down if pubs cut medicaid any farther.

Taxes were applied to all medical equipment, hospitals use quite a bit of medical equipment in case you didn't know. Next time you visit your dentist or Vet, ask them about Commie Care taxes. I did when my dentist gave me his bill. It's the first thing that came out of his mouth, and he pretty much leans to the left.

So the cost of all medical care increased dramatically, and some didn't have the ability to handle those new taxes, so they shut down.
You only "pay for tax cuts" if you presume that all earnings first belong to The State.

And the other way around, that all money is yours, even when the government has basically helped you to get it by giving you an advantage isn't as bad?
Pffft...Like the the mafia "gives me an advantage" by not kneecapping me for the protection loot, eh? :lmao:
Hold on to every penny you are in the bottom 80%, particularly if you have or are planning to retire in the future.
But if you are in the top 20%, relax, life is good.
Mitch McConnell Calls for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid Cuts After Passing Tax Cuts, Massive Defense Spending
After instituting a $1.5 trillion tax cut and signing off on a $675 billion budget for the Department of Defense, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that the only way to lower the record-high federal deficit would be to cut entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

"It’s disappointing, but it’s not a Republican problem," McConnell said of the deficit, which grew 17 percent to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018. McConnell explained to Bloomberg that "it’s a bipartisan problem: Unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future." The deficit has increased 77 percent since McConnell became majority leader in 2015.

New Treasury Department analysis on Monday revealed that corporate tax cuts had a significant impact on the deficit this year. Federal revenue rose by 0.04 percent in 2018, a nearly 100 percent decrease last year’s 1.5 percent. In fiscal year 2018, tax receipts on corporate income fell to $205 billion from $297 billion in 2017.
Mitch McConnell says deficit ballooned because of Social Security, Medicare, not Republican Tax Cuts

And look at the distribution of the tax cuts, through 2015.
View attachment 223006
So, if you are in the 80% and in the retirement mode now or down the road, more than likely cuts to Social Security and Medicare are really going to hurt you.
Now consider this, how many Trumpsters and supporters of his fascist party are going to get in the butt?
But have no fear, they don't care if they are getting fucked, Trump and the Fascist Party are like Gods of the World. After all, they are top ending the uber-wealthy, to "make America great again".
If we can cut taxes, we don't need alleged wars on crime, drugs, or terror.

Most of both articles was plain bullshit. I think you better do some more digging on what was actually cut vs what was proposed.

I don't know why I do this for you leftists. You challenge the right on what they claim, and when they provide proof, you just say it's BS. I'm not wasting anymore time on this. Believe what you want; rather what the Democrats tell you what to believe.
Are you using that article as justification for trump and McConnell to make further cuts to social security and Medicare and get rid of pre existing conditions.

Are you never going to get old ray?

So who said anything about preexisting conditions?

Point I was making is that the left didn't say boo when Obama did it, but McConnell just talking about it puts you on the left all up in arms.
You only "pay for tax cuts" if you presume that all earnings first belong to The State.

We are the state . And we owe the states debt.
You only "pay for tax cuts" if you presume that all earnings first belong to The State.

Do you post because you need attention? Since most of what you post lacks substance, critical thinking and is framed in some absurd ideology I wonder.

But, being a good liberal I decided to give you some attention, this post is what you deserve: critical criticism.
Nice idiot-gram, idiot.
Some don't support covering pre existing conditions....I wonder what side they are on?????
Spending cuts MUST happen if we are ever going to get a grip on our debt imbalance.
Raising taxes is not the answer


Tax-cut INCREASE deficits.

Do you know what is opposte of tax-cuts? Tax-raises.

So we can safely conclude that tax raises DECREASE deficits.

Raising taxes is no less of a solution than cutting spending and there is only one REALISTIC path here - a compromise that does both.
The people didn't want the tax scam the Republicans gave the rich.

They still don't want it.

What is it you were talking about again?

Let me give you an education in Constitution 101.

Congress has the power to tax and spend.

Congress is 100% responsible for the debt and deficit.

They don't get to take the peoples programs that helps them to give their filthy rich donors more money.

That the people do want by overwhelming margins.

But you and ol' Mitch are welcome to campaign on cutting those programs to give their filthy rich friends more money, at the peoples expense if you have the backbone to try it.

Let us know how that works out for you.
Speak for yourself, moonbat.
Spending cuts MUST happen if we are ever going to get a grip on our debt imbalance.
Raising taxes is not the answer


Tax-cut INCREASE deficits.

Do you know what is opposte of tax-cuts? Tax-raises.

So we can safely conclude that tax raises DECREASE deficits.

Raising taxes is no less of a solution than cutting spending and there is only one REALISTIC path here - a compromise that does both.

And what do you do about corporate inversions?
Well the regressives here on USMB have been begging for a balanced budget. I say we oblige them and cut all the entitlement programs for a few years.

Will they praise Republicans and President Trump if this happens?
You LIE!!! Repubtards ALWAYS EXPLODE Spending!!! Trumptards don't have the stones to slash 10% spending across the board like Obama did with sequestration!!! Clinton & Democrats Slashed Spending in 1993 creating a Surplus in Clinton's second term!!!

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