The Republicans have a plan to pay for their tax cuts.

You only "pay for tax cuts" if you presume that all earnings first belong to The State.

And the other way around, that all money is yours, even when the government has basically helped you to get it by giving you an advantage isn't as bad?
Pffft...Like the the mafia "gives me an advantage" by not kneecapping me for the protection loot, eh? :lmao:

Yes, more comments which turn debate into nonsense.

If one company pays little tax and another pays lots of tax, is this fair?
Spending cuts MUST happen if we are ever going to get a grip on our debt imbalance.
Raising taxes is not the answer


Tax-cut INCREASE deficits.

Do you know what is opposte of tax-cuts? Tax-raises.

So we can safely conclude that tax raises DECREASE deficits.

Raising taxes is no less of a solution than cutting spending and there is only one REALISTIC path here - a compromise that does both.

And what do you do about corporate inversions?

What did we do about corporate inversions before this year?

Proposition that taxes could never ever be raised is about as proposterous as a proposition that spenidng could never ever get cut.

We don't have to go back to 35% corporate tax-rate, it could be ~27%, but we can cut out the loopholes that allow some companies to pay much lower effective rates.
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Yes, more comments which turn debate into nonsense.

If one company pays little tax and another pays lots of tax, is this fair?
It's only nonsensical to worshipers of the almighty State.

What's fair is that nobody pays any protection racket loot.
You only "pay for tax cuts" if you presume that all earnings first belong to The State.

What a dumb ass comment. This stupid right wing notion that taxes are somehow a confiscation of "your" money which you earned is so shamefully selfish and ignorant, that you you are basically admitting to being an economic simpleton just by making this comment.

Taxes are your share of the costs of infrastructure, public services and defence. The pay for public services such as libraries, post offices, legislative offices, land registry offices and public hospitals. They pay for the courts, the police, fire department and other public services. They are your share of the operating costs for living in a first world nation.

You "pay for tax cuts" by either cutting expenditures or increasing other revenues. For in example, corporate tax cuts could be funded by increasing the costs of services provided to corporations, such as patent applications, incorporation fees, or registration systems. The government could institute "user fees" to raise revenues.
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Here it comes...

......I can feel it coming.....

....wait for it.....

MUH ROOOOOOOOOADS! :laughing0301:
No need to address any programs now as the economy doing well will take care of it.
That is exactly when spending should be slashed, taxes raised & debts paid back!!! Otherwise we won't be able to save the economy from the next downturn!!!
there is only one REALISTIC path here - a compromise that does both.

Which is what I just said and yet you posted a retarded meme as a response.....

You said raising taxes is not the answer. But it is an answer.
Again, for the reading impaired and dumbass leftists....

I said raising taxes without substantial cut to spending was not the answer.

Again, it is an answer at least as good as cutting spending is an answer.
Spending cuts MUST happen if we are ever going to get a grip on our debt imbalance.
Raising taxes is not the answer


Tax-cut INCREASE deficits.

Do you know what is opposte of tax-cuts? Tax-raises.

So we can safely conclude that tax raises DECREASE deficits.

Raising taxes is no less of a solution than cutting spending and there is only one REALISTIC path here - a compromise that does both.

And what do you do about corporate inversions?

What did we do about corporate inversions before this year?

Proposition that taxes could never ever be raised is about as proposterous as a proposition that spenidng could never ever get cut.

We don't have to go back to 35% corporate tax-rate, it could be ~27%, but we can cut out the loopholes that allow some companies to pay much lower effective rates.

We allowed them to happen. Which was terrible. Do you know what a corporate inversions is and why it is bad? In Ireland companies were paying 12% and only had to move 20% of ops there. The tax cuts was geared at corporations less so on individuals. This creates more jobs as you can gauge by historic lows in unemployment. Here in Boston we are about to hit 3%.
there is only one REALISTIC path here - a compromise that does both.

Which is what I just said and yet you posted a retarded meme as a response.....

You said raising taxes is not the answer. But it is an answer.
Again, for the reading impaired and dumbass leftists....

I said raising taxes without substantial cut to spending was not the answer.

Again, it is an answer at least as good as cutting spending is an answer.

Can you asshats not even admit simple mistakes? You misread my post and can't even own that....

there is only one REALISTIC path here - a compromise that does both.

Which is what I just said and yet you posted a retarded meme as a response.....

You said raising taxes is not the answer. But it is an answer.
Again, for the reading impaired and dumbass leftists....

I said raising taxes without substantial cut to spending was not the answer.

Again, it is an answer at least as good as cutting spending is an answer.

Can you asshats not even admit simple mistakes? You misread my post and can't even own that....


Why don't we just to agree to Great Bargian and leave it at that.

I don't know why I do this for you leftists. You challenge the right on what they claim, and when they provide proof, you just say it's BS. I'm not wasting anymore time on this. Believe what you want; rather what the Democrats tell you what to believe.
Are you using that article as justification for trump and McConnell to make further cuts to social security and Medicare and get rid of pre existing conditions.

Are you never going to get old ray?

So who said anything about preexisting conditions?

Point I was making is that the left didn't say boo when Obama did it, but McConnell just talking about it puts you on the left all up in arms.
he made cuts in one area to pay for things like pre existing conditions. Details matter. Who wrote the aca? The healthcare giants did. It was supposed to be a beginning not a final solution.

You people don’t deserve to retire in your 60s. Make America great again. Ha!

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