The results of women voting

Okay, nice story if not a huge endorsement... I bet the warrior princess could take on you in arm wrestling.

But generally though, yes men beat women in almost anything competitive.

men beat women in things that require raw strength or power.

The range record at Parris Island for the rifle range is held by a female Marine. Most PMIs tell you that women are better natural marksmen.

Intelligence or wisdom required things there is no competitive edge for either side.

Golfing Gator lies again. Men beat women also in intellectual things like chess and.... voting?

When I was a sophomore in college I beat my boyfriend, Vietnam vet and law student, at chess, despite his bragging to his visiting brother that he was going to beat me. Of course I was gentle with him and gave him a special participation award;) At voting, we women seem to be much better at it than you guys.

Everyone here knows you shouldn't have voted once. Thankfully not all women are as IQ limited.

Carlsen is ranked much higher than Hou Yifan. In fact the whole list of top males are all ranked much higher. FIDE world rankings - Wikipedia
Okay, nice story if not a huge endorsement... I bet the warrior princess could take on you in arm wrestling.

But generally though, yes men beat women in almost anything competitive.

men beat women in things that require raw strength or power.

The range record at Parris Island for the rifle range is held by a female Marine. Most PMIs tell you that women are better natural marksmen.

Intelligence or wisdom required things there is no competitive edge for either side.

Golfing Gator lies again. Men beat women also in intellectual things like chess and.... voting?

When I was a sophomore in college I beat my boyfriend, Vietnam vet and law student, at chess, despite his bragging to his visiting brother that he was going to beat me. Of course I was gentle with him and gave him a special participation award;) At voting, we women seem to be much better at it than you guys.

Wrong dead wrong

Women votes democratic who brings in women’s very worst nightmare. The Muslims

That is proof they do not have the logic ability to vote

A logic test for voting is the only thing that can save all western democracies

Islam is right about women? Discuss.
I would wager that along with a spike in revenues and expenditures, we saw a dramatic drop in infant mortality and a rise in longevity.
Okay, nice story if not a huge endorsement... I bet the warrior princess could take on you in arm wrestling.

But generally though, yes men beat women in almost anything competitive.

men beat women in things that require raw strength or power.

The range record at Parris Island for the rifle range is held by a female Marine. Most PMIs tell you that women are better natural marksmen.

Intelligence or wisdom required things there is no competitive edge for either side.

Golfing Gator lies again. Men beat women also in intellectual things like chess and.... voting?

When I was a sophomore in college I beat my boyfriend, Vietnam vet and law student, at chess, despite his bragging to his visiting brother that he was going to beat me. Of course I was gentle with him and gave him a special participation award;) At voting, we women seem to be much better at it than you guys.

Women do have a higher memory intellect

But are weaker in the logic ability

The design was giving the man the logic to figure things out and giving the memory to the woman to remember what the male logic figures out

Logic is also the predictor of success or failure in all things

Logic is also the inventor

China started finally to advance when they controlled their unwise and women

It seems they make logic tests for some males in private and let’s them vote for their leader

They have copied America’s founders blue print

If we don’t change our voting back. Soon we will be losing to China
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There should be a source provided for the OP's graph of state government spending. Otherwise one could assume this is the result of Norman's own study. If that is the case I'd be curious to know if there was any significant difference in the comparison between red and blue states?
The picture in the OP comes from a 1999 study. No, they don't differentiate between red and blue states.
The fake news are in a panic to hide the gender difference so that it’s harder to learn what is the harm and who causes the harm

The harm is liberalism

The cause is unwise voters voting in crooks and liberalism

The higher logic men understands better and votes more for trump

The media and the whole deep state are trying to hide all of this
I would like to see the correlation between state revenues/expenditures and when they enacted state income taxes.

Quite a lot of states enacted the state income tax at the same time, or soon after, the adoption of the federal income tax (by way of the 16th Amendment in 1913).

Which also coincides with women's suffrage.
I love my American loving woman, but I agree with Ann coulter woman shouldn’t be allowed to vote! Boston lost American culture because they moved their family out of Boston, it’s not voting but it’s understanding your role.
Interesting what kind of mental masturbation Golfing Gator participates in to explain this.



Seems that women need to make some better decisions, the ones who have not been... This is abysmal performance.

Islam is right about women? Discuss.
Women have always held positions of power science the ancient times; the "average" female voter today isn't particularly intelligent, educated, or wealthy. Much as much of the "propaganda" or mass media is dumb and anti-intellectual, regardless of whether the target audience is male or female, or not, or even whether it's marketed as "feminist" or so forth - an actual successful woman, such as a married female lawyer with children who has published her own books would have no need of what's known as the "trailer trash feminism" peddled to the uneducated and ill-bred men and women in the media, mainly produced for and by people with a 90-100 IQ, though to quote Ogilvy, the founder of most modern propaganda and advertising, the "stupidity" or at least potential stupidity is, to some extent, in all of us, or at least potentially in all of us.

And no, as far as history goes, at the height of the Arabic Empire, such as during the "Arabian Nights" day and age when the Islamic world was actually advanced in relation to contemporaries, there were "powerful women", such as Scheherazade, much as there were Biblical matriachs such as Ester, and have been women of power and notoriety In any historical period, despite in the past it being more of a product of family, birth, and such (something which isn't entirely untrue today), with upward mobility being a much rarer feat, even then with some exceptions such as Joan of Arc.

So no, any worldview which denies men and women on the basis of merit, character, talents, and so forth simply isn't going to work, and has no viable future, as far as I'm concerned.
The warrior princess Care4all, have women been making good choices?
women have never been in charge of this country and are not even 50% in Congress or the Senate!

ONLY the MALE majority can take credit for messin' up this Nation!

Come back and ask me that question when us women, are actually running the joint, and can show you boys in the gov't club, how to get the job done efficiently, and effectively!


OH BOY!!! That's a GOOD ONE!!! Pelosi is running the House 'gov't club' and has totally mishandled this phony impeachment as well as put this country through almost 3 years of turmoil just because she 'doesn't like' the President We The People put in office. That ain't to 'efficient' princess.
The right to vote was extended to blacks by the 15th Amendment in 1870, genius.
They could vote back then, if they could pass the literacy test. Apparently most of them weren't smart enough to pass the literacy test.
Perhaps this is just the results of "voting".

We could consider just eliminating the popular vote altogether, and letting the electoral college decide the elections, it would keep the immoral and barely literate rabble who have we'd all be better off not having vote to begin with out of the elections, such is one of the ills of a Democratic or Republican system of government to begin with.

Every single nation on the planet that does not allow women to vote is a backward shithole. Every. Single. One.

The fastest way to launch a backward nation like that into prosperity is to remove the barriers for women to succeed. History has displayed that to an incontrovertible degree. It really has nothing to do with them being women at all - the simple fact is that any society that takes half of it resources and suppresses them is going to suffer greatly for it.

Every single nation on the planet that does not allow women to vote is a backward shithole. Every. Single. One.

The fastest way to launch a backward nation like that into prosperity is to remove the barriers for women to succeed. History has displayed that to an incontrovertible degree. It really has nothing to do with them being women at all - the simple fact is that any society that takes half of it resources and suppresses them is going to suffer greatly for it.

This is what weak men do, they attack women so they can feel better about themselves. They have to believe they are the superior sex or they would never be able to make it through the day. The very idea of equality is a threat to them.
Okay, nice story if not a huge endorsement... I bet the warrior princess could take on you in arm wrestling.

But generally though, yes men beat women in almost anything competitive.

men beat women in things that require raw strength or power.

The range record at Parris Island for the rifle range is held by a female Marine. Most PMIs tell you that women are better natural marksmen.

Intelligence or wisdom required things there is no competitive edge for either side.

Golfing Gator lies again. Men beat women also in intellectual things like chess and.... voting?

When I was a sophomore in college I beat my boyfriend, Vietnam vet and law student, at chess, despite his bragging to his visiting brother that he was going to beat me. Of course I was gentle with him and gave him a special participation award;) At voting, we women seem to be much better at it than you guys.

Everyone here knows you shouldn't have voted once. Thankfully not all women are as IQ limited.

Carlsen is ranked much higher than Hou Yifan. In fact the whole list of top males are all ranked much higher. FIDE world rankings - Wikipedia

So it is true that you don't believe in democracy, notwithstanding all the right-wing rants about freedom, American values, and patriotism. Hmmmmm

If I couldn't vote, the principle of government by consent of the governed is lost. Apparently, you prefer dictatorship.
Okay, nice story if not a huge endorsement... I bet the warrior princess could take on you in arm wrestling.

But generally though, yes men beat women in almost anything competitive.

men beat women in things that require raw strength or power.

The range record at Parris Island for the rifle range is held by a female Marine. Most PMIs tell you that women are better natural marksmen.

Intelligence or wisdom required things there is no competitive edge for either side.

Golfing Gator lies again. Men beat women also in intellectual things like chess and.... voting?

When I was a sophomore in college I beat my boyfriend, Vietnam vet and law student, at chess, despite his bragging to his visiting brother that he was going to beat me. Of course I was gentle with him and gave him a special participation award;) At voting, we women seem to be much better at it than you guys.

Everyone here knows you shouldn't have voted once. Thankfully not all women are as IQ limited.

Carlsen is ranked much higher than Hou Yifan. In fact the whole list of top males are all ranked much higher. FIDE world rankings - Wikipedia

So it is true that you don't believe in democracy, notwithstanding all the right-wing rants about freedom, American values, and patriotism. Hmmmmm

If I couldn't vote, the principle of government by consent of the governed is lost. Apparently, you prefer dictatorship.

No, he prefers a patriarchy. In a past thread he posted all about how he views women as inferior to men.

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