The rich get richer and the poorer remain poorer?

This argument has been settled.
The so called 'wealthy' already pay the lion's share of taxes.
Taxation solves nothing. We see that in the gigantic federal and state spending deficits.
You libs hang on to this notion that all problems can be solved by throwing money at them.
Ok, so explain why for example in the states of New Jersey, California, Illinois and New York extract some of the nation's highest tax revenue streams yet, each of these states has massive debt and deficit.
If you are going to respond with "the rich don't pay enough', you are wasting keystrokes.
BTW, your Keynesian theory regarding tax them more so the others can be taxed less is false.
A) government will always find things on which to spend the so called 'savings' B) if taxes are increased to the point where individuals have significantly less to spend, they move away from the taxes.
And example of "B" is the billions of dollars in wealth that have left the above states for other more business and income friendly locales. Since the mid 2000's, over $70 billion has left the state of New Jersey. Another $100 billion has disappeared from NY. That along with over 3 million in population since the beginning of the last decade.
The States of Texas, Arizona and New Mexico are depopulating California.
The kind of taxation you seek IS punishment. Your 'interest' irrelevant.

They will continue to pay a higher percentage of income taxes as income inequality gets worse. Saying they pay the "lion's share" isn't all that meaningful when the reason they pay so much more is because they have so much more.

I was not stating theory when I said the point was about the nature of tax rates. I was establishing the context in which the discussion was taking place. I was not arguing for increased tax revenue.

The idea that all economic activity can be attributed to tax rates is a fairy tail told to the ignorant so that the rich can get out of paying taxes.

What business is it of your how much any one has?

The reason the rich pay a less effective tax rate are the same people that made you their Bitch.

Repeating a dumb statement does not make it any more relevant.

If you think my statement is dumb, then you must be their Bitch.

You're not gaining any traction with these inane posts.
I'm STILL awaiting an answer to my query. At this juncture, I must conclude said answer is not forthcoming. The reason is simple. You do not know the answer.
I will help the handicapped here.
The answer to the question is "Labor"....Yes, in most businesses where employees do the work, labor is the largest single component of the cost of doing business.
Labor costs are also the easiest to control.
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

Can you explain why these are the 5 worst places for upward mobility?

5 Worst Cities in America for Class Mobility

Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi.

Republicans like to say they do things better than us liberals but these are 3 very conservative/red/republican states.
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation
That is not the point in our First World economy.

It is about equal protection of the law as a First World, moral and public Standard for our Republic.

We would not have the chronic poverty we do, with equal protection of the law regarding the legal concept of employment at will in our at-will employment States. There is no reason to deny unemployment compensation if EDD cannot find a breach of for-cause employment.
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

Can you explain why these are the 5 worst places for upward mobility?

5 Worst Cities in America for Class Mobility

Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi.

Republicans like to say they do things better than us liberals but these are 3 very conservative/red/republican states.
Leave. Go where the jobs are. Don't sit on your ass and whine. Join the military. Get on with life!
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

Can you explain why these are the 5 worst places for upward mobility?

5 Worst Cities in America for Class Mobility

Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi.

Republicans like to say they do things better than us liberals but these are 3 very conservative/red/republican states.
And life in these small towns proves what?
BTW, Memphis, Atlanta and Charlotte are liberal controlled cities.
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

Can you explain why these are the 5 worst places for upward mobility?

5 Worst Cities in America for Class Mobility

Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi.

Republicans like to say they do things better than us liberals but these are 3 very conservative/red/republican states.
Try as you may to impugn the entire conservative movement, you cannot
In fact, you violate one of your own tenets of liberalism by painting all conservatives with a broad brush.
BY your very nature of liberalism ( well not every one of them is like that) you cannot generalize.
Or do you wish remain a hypocrite?
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

Can you explain why these are the 5 worst places for upward mobility?

5 Worst Cities in America for Class Mobility

Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi.

Republicans like to say they do things better than us liberals but these are 3 very conservative/red/republican states.
And life in these small towns proves what?
BTW, Memphis, Atlanta and Charlotte are liberal controlled cities.
Just curious:

Are you now going to claim that state government has no impact on cities?
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

Can you explain why these are the 5 worst places for upward mobility?

5 Worst Cities in America for Class Mobility

Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi.

Republicans like to say they do things better than us liberals but these are 3 very conservative/red/republican states.
Leave. Go where the jobs are. Don't sit on your ass and whine. Join the military. Get on with life!

Again, this is another perfect example of what Republicans are going to tell the poorly educated blue collar folk who voted for Trump when in a year or two they wonder how come they aren't doing better like Trump promised.

We could have elected Hillary and given out your advice. LOL
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

Can you explain why these are the 5 worst places for upward mobility?

5 Worst Cities in America for Class Mobility

Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi.

Republicans like to say they do things better than us liberals but these are 3 very conservative/red/republican states.
And life in these small towns proves what?
BTW, Memphis, Atlanta and Charlotte are liberal controlled cities.

That's the new Republican fall back every time we point out that poor people in their states are doing worse than anywhere else in the country. They'll always say its because those poor cities are run by Democrats. Couldn't possibly have something to do with the Republican state senators or state house members or governors or the GOP run federal government.

It will never be Republicans fault. And I suppose if these Democratic cities would turn themselves over to the GOP their lives would improve?

You sir are impossible.
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

Can you explain why these are the 5 worst places for upward mobility?

5 Worst Cities in America for Class Mobility

Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi.

Republicans like to say they do things better than us liberals but these are 3 very conservative/red/republican states.

Can you explain why the midwest states, like Utah, North Dakota, Nebraska and Wyoming have a higher chance for class upward class mobility than blue states?
If you are poor in america you will remain poor. If you are rich, you will get richer. It has always been this way. It matters not the work ethic, etc. That's the big lie NO politician will ever come out and say......america you ain't so great.
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

Can you explain why these are the 5 worst places for upward mobility?

5 Worst Cities in America for Class Mobility

Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi.

Republicans like to say they do things better than us liberals but these are 3 very conservative/red/republican states.

Isn't it obvious? they are under taxed
If you are poor in america you will remain poor. If you are rich, you will get richer. It has always been this way. It matters not the work ethic, etc. That's the big lie NO politician will ever come out and say......america you ain't so great.
I don't agree with this at all.

We have had far more equality in the past. We KNOW that is possible, because we've done it.

What we're seeing is the result of decades of work directed at advantaging those with money. That doesn't have to be the direction.
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

Can you explain why these are the 5 worst places for upward mobility?

5 Worst Cities in America for Class Mobility

Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi.

Republicans like to say they do things better than us liberals but these are 3 very conservative/red/republican states.
And life in these small towns proves what?
BTW, Memphis, Atlanta and Charlotte are liberal controlled cities.
Just curious:

Are you now going to claim that state government has no impact on cities?
No. You said that.
IN states where Dillon's Rule is the law, legally, yes.
Politically, no. Cities are autonomous.
Examples. Many states have GOP controlled legislatures. Yet there are urban centers controlled by democrats.....In fact this is the case in over 30 states.
Your point?
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

Can you explain why these are the 5 worst places for upward mobility?

5 Worst Cities in America for Class Mobility

Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi.

Republicans like to say they do things better than us liberals but these are 3 very conservative/red/republican states.
Leave. Go where the jobs are. Don't sit on your ass and whine. Join the military. Get on with life!

Again, this is another perfect example of what Republicans are going to tell the poorly educated blue collar folk who voted for Trump when in a year or two they wonder how come they aren't doing better like Trump promised.

We could have elected Hillary and given out your advice. LOL
You don't know that. You're simply parroting a liberal doom and gloom narrative.
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

Can you explain why these are the 5 worst places for upward mobility?

5 Worst Cities in America for Class Mobility

Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi.

Republicans like to say they do things better than us liberals but these are 3 very conservative/red/republican states.

Isn't it obvious? they are under taxed
Undertaxed.....HA! Proof that liberals believe the pathway to prosperity is through overbearing government and confiscatory taxation.
Looking at the success stories in California, Illinois and New Jersey with their budget surplus rich coffers, one need only to agree to have their respective states legislatures apply more and higher taxes. Problem solved, correct?
Spending less, reducing the size and scope of government and practicing fiscal responsibility? NAH....Can't have THAT
If you are poor in america you will remain poor. If you are rich, you will get richer. It has always been this way. It matters not the work ethic, etc. That's the big lie NO politician will ever come out and say......america you ain't so great.
I don't agree with this at all.

We have had far more equality in the past. We KNOW that is possible, because we've done it.

What we're seeing is the result of decades of work directed at advantaging those with money. That doesn't have to be the direction.
Not equality. Opportunity.
In the last 40 years, there has been more upward mobility from lower incomes to middle income than at any time in the history of the nation.
In fact, we are seeing more six figure earners, seven fisgure earners than ever before.
The problem we see now is that upward mobility stifled by the current administration's fiscal policy which is anti business.
Obama once said "instead of trickle down, we are going to have trickle up economics"....Meanwhile as many middle to high paying jobs either were lost or shipped overseas, Obama's only reaction was "we will set up training programs for displaced workers because those jobs are not coming back"...
In other words, he was saying not to worry, the government will take care of you. Hogwash.
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

Can you explain why these are the 5 worst places for upward mobility?

5 Worst Cities in America for Class Mobility

Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi.

Republicans like to say they do things better than us liberals but these are 3 very conservative/red/republican states.
Leave. Go where the jobs are. Don't sit on your ass and whine. Join the military. Get on with life!

Again, this is another perfect example of what Republicans are going to tell the poorly educated blue collar folk who voted for Trump when in a year or two they wonder how come they aren't doing better like Trump promised.

We could have elected Hillary and given out your advice. LOL
If you have to wonder why you're not doing better, you have first to look at your choices.
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