The rich get richer and the poorer remain poorer?

If you have to wonder why you're not doing better, you have first to look at your choices.
Outstanding post!
Is he talking to the poorly educated blue collar workers that voted for trump because he promised them better jobs?

Sounds like you guys aren't going to do shit for them except give them this kind of advice. I knew it
Trump didn't offer them better jobs. Trump promised them A job......

You did shut for them....then shit on them.....

Just a job? Not good paying jobs?
They're already working fool! Are you saying all those trump supporters are unemployed? That explains why they had time to attend his rallies.

This is where you guys change your message. Now you will tell them they are responsible for themselves. You see owebo there are already jobs available but you either have to have skills or you won't be paid well. So trumps not going to do shit. I knew it
95,000,000 people beg to differ....
There are jobs out there. Go get them! You're waiting for trump to bring your old good paying factory job back that requires no education or skills? Forget that owebo. You got conned by lyin trump.
Those 95 million people won't be any better off with repubs in charge in fact things will get worse for workers you watch.
Time to mandate 1,000 times law on ceo, board members and upper management compared to the lowest paid. This way corporations spend more of their profits on paying better wages to the works and expansion.
there is absolutely no guarantee that lowering some people's pay will result in other people getting paid more
besides that it's none of anyone's business what a business pays its people

Then stop complaining about taxes.

The rich are not getting poorer because they pay taxes.
The Super Bowl was a classic example of inequality. One team won...the other lost. What should be done about that?

So you think life is just a game eh? Well if that's the case, the ultra wealthy done won the "Super Bowl of Life" for the past many many years.

To bad there is not more competition for them. But hell, when you own the field you play on and the umpires to, the outcome is preordained. Right?
so tell me how many rich guys stopped you from increasing your net worth in your lifetime?


Imagine that seems like the only one stopping you from being wealthier is you

Poor people back, white and brown are on the low end of the intelligence bell curve and rich people are on the high end. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.
nothing but class warfare?

all the poor really need, is a loan from daddy.
The Super Bowl was a classic example of inequality. One team won...the other lost. What should be done about that?

So you think life is just a game eh? Well if that's the case, the ultra wealthy done won the "Super Bowl of Life" for the past many many years.

To bad there is not more competition for them. But hell, when you own the field you play on and the umpires to, the outcome is preordained. Right?
so tell me how many rich guys stopped you from increasing your net worth in your lifetime?


Imagine that seems like the only one stopping you from being wealthier is you

Poor people back, white and brown are on the low end of the intelligence bell curve and rich people are on the high end. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.

This was the BS the Dems shouted about Trump voters and it sunk Clinton. I think it is a simplistic look at a more complicated problem.
The Super Bowl was a classic example of inequality. One team won...the other lost. What should be done about that?

So you think life is just a game eh? Well if that's the case, the ultra wealthy done won the "Super Bowl of Life" for the past many many years.

To bad there is not more competition for them. But hell, when you own the field you play on and the umpires to, the outcome is preordained. Right?
so tell me how many rich guys stopped you from increasing your net worth in your lifetime?


Imagine that seems like the only one stopping you from being wealthier is you

Poor people back, white and brown are on the low end of the intelligence bell curve and rich people are on the high end. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.
nothing but class warfare?

all the poor really need, is a loan from daddy.
As we know, there is no amount of money in the world that can lift the poor out of poverty. Poor people have won lotteries of millions only to be penniless in a year.
The Super Bowl was a classic example of inequality. One team won...the other lost. What should be done about that?

So you think life is just a game eh? Well if that's the case, the ultra wealthy done won the "Super Bowl of Life" for the past many many years.

To bad there is not more competition for them. But hell, when you own the field you play on and the umpires to, the outcome is preordained. Right?
so tell me how many rich guys stopped you from increasing your net worth in your lifetime?


Imagine that seems like the only one stopping you from being wealthier is you

Poor people back, white and brown are on the low end of the intelligence bell curve and rich people are on the high end. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.
nothing but class warfare?

all the poor really need, is a loan from daddy.
As we know, there is no amount of money in the world that can lift the poor out of poverty. Poor people have won lotteries of millions only to be penniless in a year.
not true at all; our over nine trillion dollars and counting, War on Poverty is enabling our poor to be relatively rich, by true Third World, capital Standards; the right wing complains about our poor not being poor enough, all the time.

We have the best form of socialism in the Entire World; our rich can keep their multimillion dollar bonuses while on means tested corporate welfare, and our poor can still have steak and lobster on their EBT cards.

If we cannot rely on a bailout from daddy; we should be able to rely on a bailout from Uncle Sam.
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

Can you explain why these are the 5 worst places for upward mobility?

5 Worst Cities in America for Class Mobility

Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi.

Republicans like to say they do things better than us liberals but these are 3 very conservative/red/republican states.
And life in these small towns proves what?
BTW, Memphis, Atlanta and Charlotte are liberal controlled cities.
Just curious:

Are you now going to claim that state government has no impact on cities?
No. You said that.
IN states where Dillon's Rule is the law, legally, yes.
Politically, no. Cities are autonomous.
Examples. Many states have GOP controlled legislatures. Yet there are urban centers controlled by democrats.....In fact this is the case in over 30 states.
Your point?
I don't believe you have supported the notion that cities aren't affected by the states in which they exist.

Nor do I think that is possible.

Issues of infrastructure, health care, recreational drugs, marriage, etc., can't be fully addressed by cities independently. Other issues simply aren't allowed to be addressed independently - as you point out.
The Super Bowl was a classic example of inequality. One team won...the other lost. What should be done about that?

So you think life is just a game eh? Well if that's the case, the ultra wealthy done won the "Super Bowl of Life" for the past many many years.

To bad there is not more competition for them. But hell, when you own the field you play on and the umpires to, the outcome is preordained. Right?
so tell me how many rich guys stopped you from increasing your net worth in your lifetime?


Imagine that seems like the only one stopping you from being wealthier is you

Poor people back, white and brown are on the low end of the intelligence bell curve and rich people are on the high end. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.

This was the BS the Dems shouted about Trump voters and it sunk Clinton. I think it is a simplistic look at a more complicated problem.
I've never heard a Dem say that.
So you think life is just a game eh? Well if that's the case, the ultra wealthy done won the "Super Bowl of Life" for the past many many years.

To bad there is not more competition for them. But hell, when you own the field you play on and the umpires to, the outcome is preordained. Right?
so tell me how many rich guys stopped you from increasing your net worth in your lifetime?


Imagine that seems like the only one stopping you from being wealthier is you

Poor people back, white and brown are on the low end of the intelligence bell curve and rich people are on the high end. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.
nothing but class warfare?

all the poor really need, is a loan from daddy.
As we know, there is no amount of money in the world that can lift the poor out of poverty. Poor people have won lotteries of millions only to be penniless in a year.
not true at all; our over nine trillion dollars and counting, War on Poverty is enabling our poor to be relatively rich, by true Third World, capital Standards; the right wing complains about our poor not being poor enough, all the time.

We have the best form of socialism in the Entire World; our rich can keep their multimillion dollar bonuses while on means tested corporate welfare, and our poor can still have steak and lobster on their EBT cards.

If we cannot rely on a bailout from daddy; we should be able to rely on a bailout from Uncle Sam.
Nothing we do should be comparable to third world standards.

We're not the third world, and we do not aspire to be.

If what we're doing is comparable to third world standards, it should be viewed as a problem and an embarrassment.
Can you explain why these are the 5 worst places for upward mobility?

5 Worst Cities in America for Class Mobility

Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi.

Republicans like to say they do things better than us liberals but these are 3 very conservative/red/republican states.
Leave. Go where the jobs are. Don't sit on your ass and whine. Join the military. Get on with life!

Again, this is another perfect example of what Republicans are going to tell the poorly educated blue collar folk who voted for Trump when in a year or two they wonder how come they aren't doing better like Trump promised.

We could have elected Hillary and given out your advice. LOL
If you have to wonder why you're not doing better, you have first to look at your choices.
Outstanding post!
Is he talking to the poorly educated blue collar workers that voted for trump because he promised them better jobs?

Sounds like you guys aren't going to do shit for them except give them this kind of advice. I knew it
Spilled your milk again?
While America certainly has its share of people in chronic poverty and those with vast wealth, we are an economically mobile society. There are no class or cast systems that might prevent anyone with initiative from bettering their station in life. IRS data tracking the same group of taxpayers between 1999 and 2007 showed that Americans can move from one economic group to another fairly quickly.For example, nearly 60% of taxpayers who began in the lowest income group in 1999, moved to a higher income group by 2007. Conversely, roughly 40% of taxpayers who started out in the highest income group moved to lower income groups within eight years.
Official Statistics on Inequality, the Top 1%, and Redistribution | Tax Foundation

Can you explain why these are the 5 worst places for upward mobility?

5 Worst Cities in America for Class Mobility

Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi.

Republicans like to say they do things better than us liberals but these are 3 very conservative/red/republican states.
And life in these small towns proves what?
BTW, Memphis, Atlanta and Charlotte are liberal controlled cities.
Just curious:

Are you now going to claim that state government has no impact on cities?
No. You said that.
IN states where Dillon's Rule is the law, legally, yes.
Politically, no. Cities are autonomous.
Examples. Many states have GOP controlled legislatures. Yet there are urban centers controlled by democrats.....In fact this is the case in over 30 states.
Your point?
I don't believe you have supported the notion that cities aren't affected by the states in which they exist.

Nor do I think that is possible.

Issues of infrastructure, health care, recreational drugs, marriage, etc., can't be fully addressed by cities independently. Other issues simply aren't allowed to be addressed independently - as you point out.
Ask if I am concerned whether or not you believe my words.
As for the rest of your post. You're reaching.
Stop it.
The Super Bowl was a classic example of inequality. One team won...the other lost. What should be done about that?

So you think life is just a game eh? Well if that's the case, the ultra wealthy done won the "Super Bowl of Life" for the past many many years.

To bad there is not more competition for them. But hell, when you own the field you play on and the umpires to, the outcome is preordained. Right?
so tell me how many rich guys stopped you from increasing your net worth in your lifetime?


Imagine that seems like the only one stopping you from being wealthier is you

Poor people back, white and brown are on the low end of the intelligence bell curve and rich people are on the high end. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.

This was the BS the Dems shouted about Trump voters and it sunk Clinton. I think it is a simplistic look at a more complicated problem.
I've never heard a Dem say that.
so tell me how many rich guys stopped you from increasing your net worth in your lifetime?


Imagine that seems like the only one stopping you from being wealthier is you

Poor people back, white and brown are on the low end of the intelligence bell curve and rich people are on the high end. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.
nothing but class warfare?

all the poor really need, is a loan from daddy.
As we know, there is no amount of money in the world that can lift the poor out of poverty. Poor people have won lotteries of millions only to be penniless in a year.
not true at all; our over nine trillion dollars and counting, War on Poverty is enabling our poor to be relatively rich, by true Third World, capital Standards; the right wing complains about our poor not being poor enough, all the time.

We have the best form of socialism in the Entire World; our rich can keep their multimillion dollar bonuses while on means tested corporate welfare, and our poor can still have steak and lobster on their EBT cards.

If we cannot rely on a bailout from daddy; we should be able to rely on a bailout from Uncle Sam.
Nothing we do should be comparable to third world standards.

We're not the third world, and we do not aspire to be.

If what we're doing is comparable to third world standards, it should be viewed as a problem and an embarrassment.
So......How much in the arena of social benefit checks or loaded cards is enough?
You libs....Why is it your notion of compassion always begins in someone else's bank account?
The psychology of the poor means they will never be out of poverty.
I use this scenario..
Lets just sat instead of giving the less fortunate only enough each month to keep out of misery, present them with a check equal to the sum of the money given to them over a lifetime on public assistance. Could be a bunch of money. Lets say it's $250k.....I guarantee with a high degree of certainty most of the recipients would be broke or close to broke within 12 months.
Poverty manifests itself in certain people in one or more of many forms.
One, poor job skills
Two, poor impulse control.
Three substance abuse
Four,. financial irresponsibility.
Five self destructive habits.
Six, poor choice of friends/acquaintances.
We're not talking about people on public assistance. Trump promised to help the working poor. They are the ones who haven't recovered from Bush's great recession. Now that you guys won sounds like you are back to not doing shit for those people.
Trump never used those words. "Working poor"....He stated very clearly that he would enact policies that would make the country more business friendly so that business can create new jobs. Good paying jobs. He also stated there would be consequences to business that moved jobs out of the US.
Of course you heard what you wanted to hear. "Help the working poor"....That is NOT the job of government. Our new POTUS has stated many times the problems facing business and by extension those willing to work and looking to work.
Help? No. Opportunity? Absolutely.
Your idea of help is a handout. A permanent vacation at taxpayer expense.
Trump's team is offering policy that will encourage business to expand and new business to be created. And guess what those businesses wil;l need? Workers!!!! Yes. New employees.
Here's the trade off. Those willing to participate must do their part to become trained or educated. If not, they must show that they are willing to work their way up the ladder by leaning new skills on the job. There is no room for pikers.
Everyone is encouraged to participate.
Outstanding post!
Is he talking to the poorly educated blue collar workers that voted for trump because he promised them better jobs?

Sounds like you guys aren't going to do shit for them except give them this kind of advice. I knew it
Trump didn't offer them better jobs. Trump promised them A job......

You did shut for them....then shit on them.....

Just a job? Not good paying jobs?
They're already working fool! Are you saying all those trump supporters are unemployed? That explains why they had time to attend his rallies.

This is where you guys change your message. Now you will tell them they are responsible for themselves. You see owebo there are already jobs available but you either have to have skills or you won't be paid well. So trumps not going to do shit. I knew it
95,000,000 people beg to differ....
There are jobs out there. Go get them! You're waiting for trump to bring your old good paying factory job back that requires no education or skills? Forget that owebo. You got conned by lyin trump.
Those 95 million people won't be any better off with repubs in charge in fact things will get worse for workers you watch.
Congratulations. You just contradicted yourself.
The psychology of the poor means they will never be out of poverty.
I use this scenario..
Lets just sat instead of giving the less fortunate only enough each month to keep out of misery, present them with a check equal to the sum of the money given to them over a lifetime on public assistance. Could be a bunch of money. Lets say it's $250k.....I guarantee with a high degree of certainty most of the recipients would be broke or close to broke within 12 months.
Poverty manifests itself in certain people in one or more of many forms.
One, poor job skills
Two, poor impulse control.
Three substance abuse
Four,. financial irresponsibility.
Five self destructive habits.
Six, poor choice of friends/acquaintances.
We're not talking about people on public assistance. Trump promised to help the working poor. They are the ones who haven't recovered from Bush's great recession. Now that you guys won sounds like you are back to not doing shit for those people.
Trump never used those words. "Working poor"....He stated very clearly that he would enact policies that would make the country more business friendly so that business can create new jobs. Good paying jobs. He also stated there would be consequences to business that moved jobs out of the US.
Of course you heard what you wanted to hear. "Help the working poor"....That is NOT the job of government. Our new POTUS has stated many times the problems facing business and by extension those willing to work and looking to work.
Help? No. Opportunity? Absolutely.
Your idea of help is a handout. A permanent vacation at taxpayer expense.
Trump's team is offering policy that will encourage business to expand and new business to be created. And guess what those businesses wil;l need? Workers!!!! Yes. New employees.
Here's the trade off. Those willing to participate must do their part to become trained or educated. If not, they must show that they are willing to work their way up the ladder by leaning new skills on the job. There is no room for pikers.
Everyone is encouraged to participate.

So the Tweeting crappy clown's answer is a net loss of jobs and a tax break to do it?

I have an answer:

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2016 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 700 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce small business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 15%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.
Time to mandate 1,000 times law on ceo, board members and upper management compared to the lowest paid. This way corporations spend more of their profits on paying better wages to the works and expansion.
there is absolutely no guarantee that lowering some people's pay will result in other people getting paid more
besides that it's none of anyone's business what a business pays its people

Then stop complaining about taxes.

The rich are not getting poorer because they pay taxes.
Taxes are not the baseline issue.
The issue here is wasteful spending. Fiscal irresponsibility.
I am sick and tired of the retort from the left that says. "you don't pay enough".....Bullshit.
We don't have a revenue problem. The government has a spending problem.
For example. POTUS elect states the cost of a new AF-1 at $4 billion is too much. And that he will cancel the project. Those on the left immediately went into full meltdown.
Their responses ranged from "who the hell doe this guy think he is, to "no one has ever had the nerve to challenge a defense contract" to "Trump is jeopardizing all those jobs in Washington State. And of course the union leaders chimed in with their gripes.
I am starting a new business. I intend on taking advantage of the tax code to the extent of taking every deduction legally at my disposal. I earned it. I want to keep as much as I can. it is MY money.
The psychology of the poor means they will never be out of poverty.
I use this scenario..
Lets just sat instead of giving the less fortunate only enough each month to keep out of misery, present them with a check equal to the sum of the money given to them over a lifetime on public assistance. Could be a bunch of money. Lets say it's $250k.....I guarantee with a high degree of certainty most of the recipients would be broke or close to broke within 12 months.
Poverty manifests itself in certain people in one or more of many forms.
One, poor job skills
Two, poor impulse control.
Three substance abuse
Four,. financial irresponsibility.
Five self destructive habits.
Six, poor choice of friends/acquaintances.
We're not talking about people on public assistance. Trump promised to help the working poor. They are the ones who haven't recovered from Bush's great recession. Now that you guys won sounds like you are back to not doing shit for those people.
Trump never used those words. "Working poor"....He stated very clearly that he would enact policies that would make the country more business friendly so that business can create new jobs. Good paying jobs. He also stated there would be consequences to business that moved jobs out of the US.
Of course you heard what you wanted to hear. "Help the working poor"....That is NOT the job of government. Our new POTUS has stated many times the problems facing business and by extension those willing to work and looking to work.
Help? No. Opportunity? Absolutely.
Your idea of help is a handout. A permanent vacation at taxpayer expense.
Trump's team is offering policy that will encourage business to expand and new business to be created. And guess what those businesses wil;l need? Workers!!!! Yes. New employees.
Here's the trade off. Those willing to participate must do their part to become trained or educated. If not, they must show that they are willing to work their way up the ladder by leaning new skills on the job. There is no room for pikers.
Everyone is encouraged to participate.

So the Tweeting crappy clown's answer is a net loss of jobs and a tax break to do it?

I have an answer:

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2016 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 700 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2015 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce small business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 15%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.
Last item. Government price controls have been tried before. The result was disastrous. When the ebb and flow of the marketplace is interfered with, invariably there is a negative reaction. O(n the supply side , the result is rationing. If business cannot realize a profit on its products, they stop making the product. Because government can issue mandates that control the price of goods and services, but it cannot control the costs of making those goods or providing those services. The end result would be "stagflation"....Where we have a slow economy because there are fewer jobs( remember the companies have slowed production) and rising prices.
Price controls do not work.
Revenue? Gross or net?....If a company reports $1 million in gross revenue and took 50% of that and bought new equipment and a new roof on their 50,000 SF facility, should the business be taxed on the $1 million? Or the $500,000?
Social Security payments. Adjust for inflation. Yep.....Gotta find the money to pay for it. The original money has been spent.
What is you objection to off shore investments? You mean no one can for instance buy a mutual fund that has international firms in the portfolio?.....
And what about the reverse? Would you ban all foreign investment in the US? .....
The Super Bowl was a classic example of inequality. One team won...the other lost. What should be done about that?

So you think life is just a game eh? Well if that's the case, the ultra wealthy done won the "Super Bowl of Life" for the past many many years.

To bad there is not more competition for them. But hell, when you own the field you play on and the umpires to, the outcome is preordained. Right?
so tell me how many rich guys stopped you from increasing your net worth in your lifetime?


Imagine that seems like the only one stopping you from being wealthier is you

Poor people back, white and brown are on the low end of the intelligence bell curve and rich people are on the high end. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.

This was the BS the Dems shouted about Trump voters and it sunk Clinton. I think it is a simplistic look at a more complicated problem.
I've never heard a Dem say that.

Then you haven't been paying attention, according to Dems, Trump voters were uneducated, which are the poor. Try google sometimes.
So you think life is just a game eh? Well if that's the case, the ultra wealthy done won the "Super Bowl of Life" for the past many many years.

To bad there is not more competition for them. But hell, when you own the field you play on and the umpires to, the outcome is preordained. Right?
so tell me how many rich guys stopped you from increasing your net worth in your lifetime?


Imagine that seems like the only one stopping you from being wealthier is you

Poor people back, white and brown are on the low end of the intelligence bell curve and rich people are on the high end. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.

This was the BS the Dems shouted about Trump voters and it sunk Clinton. I think it is a simplistic look at a more complicated problem.
I've never heard a Dem say that.

Then you haven't been paying attention, according to Dems, Trump voters were uneducated, which are the poor. Try google sometimes.
According liberal elites, anyone who does not have a college degree is "uneducated" and therefore worthy of treatment as though they were a stray dog with three legs.
Fucking arrogant pricks.
The Super Bowl was a classic example of inequality. One team won...the other lost. What should be done about that?

So you think life is just a game eh? Well if that's the case, the ultra wealthy done won the "Super Bowl of Life" for the past many many years.

To bad there is not more competition for them. But hell, when you own the field you play on and the umpires to, the outcome is preordained. Right?
so tell me how many rich guys stopped you from increasing your net worth in your lifetime?


Imagine that seems like the only one stopping you from being wealthier is you

Poor people back, white and brown are on the low end of the intelligence bell curve and rich people are on the high end. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.

This was the BS the Dems shouted about Trump voters and it sunk Clinton. I think it is a simplistic look at a more complicated problem.
I've never heard a Dem say that.
so tell me how many rich guys stopped you from increasing your net worth in your lifetime?


Imagine that seems like the only one stopping you from being wealthier is you

Poor people back, white and brown are on the low end of the intelligence bell curve and rich people are on the high end. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.
nothing but class warfare?

all the poor really need, is a loan from daddy.
As we know, there is no amount of money in the world that can lift the poor out of poverty. Poor people have won lotteries of millions only to be penniless in a year.
not true at all; our over nine trillion dollars and counting, War on Poverty is enabling our poor to be relatively rich, by true Third World, capital Standards; the right wing complains about our poor not being poor enough, all the time.

We have the best form of socialism in the Entire World; our rich can keep their multimillion dollar bonuses while on means tested corporate welfare, and our poor can still have steak and lobster on their EBT cards.

If we cannot rely on a bailout from daddy; we should be able to rely on a bailout from Uncle Sam.
Nothing we do should be comparable to third world standards.

We're not the third world, and we do not aspire to be.

If what we're doing is comparable to third world standards, it should be viewed as a problem and an embarrassment.
is it time to "blame the right" for scrooging us out of the finest Republic money can buy?
So you think life is just a game eh? Well if that's the case, the ultra wealthy done won the "Super Bowl of Life" for the past many many years.

To bad there is not more competition for them. But hell, when you own the field you play on and the umpires to, the outcome is preordained. Right?
so tell me how many rich guys stopped you from increasing your net worth in your lifetime?


Imagine that seems like the only one stopping you from being wealthier is you

Poor people back, white and brown are on the low end of the intelligence bell curve and rich people are on the high end. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.

This was the BS the Dems shouted about Trump voters and it sunk Clinton. I think it is a simplistic look at a more complicated problem.
I've never heard a Dem say that.
Poor people back, white and brown are on the low end of the intelligence bell curve and rich people are on the high end. You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink.
nothing but class warfare?

all the poor really need, is a loan from daddy.
As we know, there is no amount of money in the world that can lift the poor out of poverty. Poor people have won lotteries of millions only to be penniless in a year.
not true at all; our over nine trillion dollars and counting, War on Poverty is enabling our poor to be relatively rich, by true Third World, capital Standards; the right wing complains about our poor not being poor enough, all the time.

We have the best form of socialism in the Entire World; our rich can keep their multimillion dollar bonuses while on means tested corporate welfare, and our poor can still have steak and lobster on their EBT cards.

If we cannot rely on a bailout from daddy; we should be able to rely on a bailout from Uncle Sam.
Nothing we do should be comparable to third world standards.

We're not the third world, and we do not aspire to be.

If what we're doing is comparable to third world standards, it should be viewed as a problem and an embarrassment.
is it time to "blame the right" for scrooging us out of the finest Republic money can buy?
Just what do you think Hillary Clinton's campaign was funded with? Play money?
Oh the hypocrisy

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