The Rich in America are Stealing from the Poor

A great majority of dumb ass conservatives apparently don't know what production and fruits of labor refers to.

The rich aren't taking money from the poor the poor never get the money they are owed for their work.

You stupid Assholes
One week's work without a paycheck, I'd be gone. Maybe in court.

If poor people keep working for free, well, no wonder they're poor.

People have recourse for injuries, Einstein. They are not "owed for their work."
yes they are owed for their work so shut the fuck up you slave owning piece of shit.
You're a speshul kinda speshul, aren't you?
I'm just smarter than you are (feel free to respond to my more genuine post)
If the rich really are stealing from the poor, they are really dumb.
They'd get a lot more money stealing from other rich people.
Apparently you're too stupid to understand they steal from the poor by making the people poor.

Ok, so what you're saying is that poor people WERE rich people, until other rich people stole their money and made them poor?
The poor people COULD be RICHER if they WERE PAID the fair SHARE of their LABOR.

Get it stupid idiot?

Of course I don't get it yet - I need someone of your superior intellect to explain it.

So you originally said it was poor people getting stolen from ("The Rich in America are Stealing from the Poor"), then you said that poor people are poor because rich people steal from them. But if they are poor, what are the rich stealing from them?

So you think the rich should pay them more. Refusing to give someone else more of your money is not stealing, dude.
What you really mean to say is you can't read my OP and can't make sense of it. Don't try to escape your ignorance it was on display for everyone else to see for many posts now.

It's not the "rich's" money if the poor have worked for it and the rich have withheld it.

I really don't know how stupid you have to be to defend the idea that some ONE is 1.26million times more productive than you?

You have to be a complete moron to believe that.

Let alone believe 3 million (1%) of the US is that much more productive than you.
Bill Gates, the richest man in the US is really stealing from the poor, isn't he? At least according to the Moon Bats.

He pays millions and millions in taxes each year, employs tens of thousands of people, gives away millions to charity and produces products that most Americans use on a daily basis.

Only an envious and greedy Moon Bat would have a problem with that.

The they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.
Lol bill Gates just fired 20,000 programmers to make more money on Windows 8.1 and 10.

But he has billions of dollars!

That is efficient business. If there are no jobs for the programmers you want Gates to put them on welfare? Let them sit around every day playing video games as he pays them out of his pocket? Is that what you are suggesting? If you are suggesting that then you are more stupid than is imaginable.
A great majority of dumb ass conservatives apparently don't know what production and fruits of labor refers to.

The rich aren't taking money from the poor the poor never get the money they are owed for their work.

You stupid Assholes
One week's work without a paycheck, I'd be gone. Maybe in court.

If poor people keep working for free, well, no wonder they're poor.

People have recourse for injuries, Einstein. They are not "owed for their work."
yes they are owed for their work so shut the fuck up you slave owning piece of shit.
You're a speshul kinda speshul, aren't you?
I'm just smarter than you are (feel free to respond to my more genuine post)

You sound pissed,they cut back your EBT card or something?

Wow, newcomers IDNeon and Judicial Review sure are awfully prolific in the ol' shallow thread-starting genre, aren't they?

Perhaps the mods could provide them with their own areas.


If IDNeon isn't Dad2Three, he fell asleep in the same classroom as he did.
Bill Gates, the richest man in the US is really stealing from the poor, isn't he? At least according to the Moon Bats.

He pays millions and millions in taxes each year, employs tens of thousands of people, gives away millions to charity and produces products that most Americans use on a daily basis.

Only an envious and greedy Moon Bat would have a problem with that.

The they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.
Lol bill Gates just fired 20,000 programmers to make more money on Windows 8.1 and 10.

But he has billions of dollars!

That is efficient business. If there are no jobs for the programmers you want Gates to put them on welfare? Let them sit around every day playing video games as he pays them out of his pocket? Is that what you are suggesting? If you are suggesting that then you are more stupid than is imaginable.

There are jobs for programmers in case you haven't noticed Windows 8.1 sucks and 10 is only in testing and "unstable".

Since when was producing inferior product so you can improve a profit margin already in the $billions "efficient" business?

For someone like you who neither runs a fortune 500 company nor pays much attention to their crony-capitalism and crooked accountant sheets you sure give them a lot of credit as being 'honest and reasonable' employers.
I'm sorry about your miserable lot in life. I know it is easier to blame others for your plight than it is to get off your ass and shape yourself into a more productive member of society.

But it's not our job to fix your your screw ups for you - we will provide you with the opportunity. What you decide to do with it is your own success or failure.
Bill Gates, the richest man in the US is really stealing from the poor, isn't he? At least according to the Moon Bats.

He pays millions and millions in taxes each year, employs tens of thousands of people, gives away millions to charity and produces products that most Americans use on a daily basis.

Only an envious and greedy Moon Bat would have a problem with that.

The they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.
Lol bill Gates just fired 20,000 programmers to make more money on Windows 8.1 and 10.

But he has billions of dollars!

That is efficient business. If there are no jobs for the programmers you want Gates to put them on welfare? Let them sit around every day playing video games as he pays them out of his pocket? Is that what you are suggesting? If you are suggesting that then you are more stupid than is imaginable.

There are jobs for programmers in case you haven't noticed Windows 8.1 sucks and 10 is only in testing and "unstable".

Since when was producing inferior product so you can improve a profit margin already in the $billions "efficient" business?

For someone like you who neither runs a fortune 500 company nor pays much attention to their crony-capitalism and crooked accountant sheets you sure give them a lot of credit as being 'honest and reasonable' employers.

Here's an idea. Open your own business and pay your employees what you feel is fair.
Get back with us on the results.
Bill Gates, the richest man in the US is really stealing from the poor, isn't he? At least according to the Moon Bats.

He pays millions and millions in taxes each year, employs tens of thousands of people, gives away millions to charity and produces products that most Americans use on a daily basis.

Only an envious and greedy Moon Bat would have a problem with that.

The they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.
Lol bill Gates just fired 20,000 programmers to make more money on Windows 8.1 and 10.

But he has billions of dollars!

That is efficient business. If there are no jobs for the programmers you want Gates to put them on welfare? Let them sit around every day playing video games as he pays them out of his pocket? Is that what you are suggesting? If you are suggesting that then you are more stupid than is imaginable.

There are jobs for programmers in case you haven't noticed Windows 8.1 sucks and 10 is only in testing and "unstable".

Since when was producing inferior product so you can improve a profit margin already in the $billions "efficient" business?

For someone like you who neither runs a fortune 500 company nor pays much attention to their crony-capitalism and crooked accountant sheets you sure give them a lot of credit as being 'honest and reasonable' employers.

Here's an idea. Open your own business and pay your employees what you feel is fair.
Get back with us on the results.
What does your attempts at waxing annecdotals have to do with principles and facts?

Are people 1.26million times more productive than you or not?

Put yourself on record and answer the fucking question.
I'm sorry about your miserable lot in life. I know it is easier to blame others for your plight than it is to get off your ass and shape yourself into a more productive member of society.

But it's not our job to fix your your screw ups for you - we will provide you with the opportunity. What you decide to do with it is your own success or failure.
154 million jobs for 315 million people.

There's at least 90 million people in America who "can't get off their ass".
I'm sorry about your miserable lot in life. I know it is easier to blame others for your plight than it is to get off your ass and shape yourself into a more productive member of society.

But it's not our job to fix your your screw ups for you - we will provide you with the opportunity. What you decide to do with it is your own success or failure.
154 million jobs for 315 million people.

There's at least 90 million people in America who "can't get off their ass".

So how are the rich stealing from the poor again? If they aren't working, then you can't even argue that the rich are stealing from them by paying them wages that are too low??????
It just isnt fair that some folks who are intellectually gifted arent being paid what they feel their true worth is....
Surely these Renaissance men would have no difficulty earning vast sums.

It just isnt fair that some folks who are intellectually gifted arent being paid what they feel their true worth is....
Surely these Renaissance men would have no difficulty earning vast sums.


154 million jobs for a population of 315 million.

1% of Americans earn 1.26million more than every other American combined.

Apparently you are unable to do basic math and critical thinking.
I'm sorry about your miserable lot in life. I know it is easier to blame others for your plight than it is to get off your ass and shape yourself into a more productive member of society.

But it's not our job to fix your your screw ups for you - we will provide you with the opportunity. What you decide to do with it is your own success or failure.
154 million jobs for 315 million people.

There's at least 90 million people in America who "can't get off their ass".

So how are the rich stealing from the poor again? If they aren't working, then you can't even argue that the rich are stealing from them by paying them wages that are too low??????

They aren't working because the Rich out-sourced so many jobs over seas to take advantage of actual SLAVE LABOR.

Wow where have you been these past 40 years up your mom's asshole?
A great majority of dumb ass conservatives apparently don't know what production and fruits of labor refers to.

The rich aren't taking money from the poor the poor never get the money they are owed for their work.

You stupid Assholes

Uhm, if they never had it, how was it stolen from them? Poor people work for free, is that what you are saying? Are you drunk or something?
I'm sorry about your miserable lot in life. I know it is easier to blame others for your plight than it is to get off your ass and shape yourself into a more productive member of society.

But it's not our job to fix your your screw ups for you - we will provide you with the opportunity. What you decide to do with it is your own success or failure.
154 million jobs for 315 million people.

There's at least 90 million people in America who "can't get off their ass".

So how are the rich stealing from the poor again? If they aren't working, then you can't even argue that the rich are stealing from them by paying them wages that are too low??????

They aren't working because the Rich out-sourced so many jobs over seas to take advantage of actual SLAVE LABOR.

Wow where have you been these past 40 years up your mom's asshole?

Have you ever been able to pull together a cogent thought? Your assertions are models of simplistic nonsense.
154 million jobs for a population of 315 million.

1% of Americans earn 1.26million more than every other American combined.

Apparently you are unable to do basic math and critical thinking.


How many of those remaining Citizens are children? How many are stay-at-home Moms?

How many are Retired?

How many are in College?

How many are in Prison.

How many are too stupid to walk and breathe at the same time?

And while we're at it, how do you define 'wealth'?

Got a link? I've shot this same shit down before, I'll do it again, I guess.

dimocraps are just stupid
If all else fails,one can always become a community organizing beggar for "justice".
At least that would be morally superior.


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