The Right To Bear Arms


Two dogs fuckin Youre a savage dick
Your new Right n proper white name is Dick Savage ...( all puns intended)

1 they will never stop.jpg they will never stop trying to take your guns away .
Wake up patriots Red flag laws are more dangerous than a left wing transgender SSRI induced mass shooter ...Trump and republicans are disgusting for even suggesting them
Heller v DC made the right for an individual to own a firearm including so-called assault rifles settled law
just like you liberals claim Woe v Wade made the right for a woman to have an abortion settled law

so get over it only recourse you have is a constitutional amendment

The 2nd Amendment means whatever SCOTUS says it means at any given time! It has been limited several times in the past - and will be in the future. There are no constitutional amendments required to legislate gun control laws - such as banning assault weapons, banning high-capacity magazines, banning certain types of ammunition, and universal background checks on all gun transactions.

Republicans claim the 2nd Amendment doesn't have limits. They're wrong.

No, you are entirely wrong.
The SCOTUS opened the floodgate and can't back up now.
An assault weapons ban would mean 40 million people would become criminals and there would be a civil war the first time an innocent gun owner was murdered by a corrupt government in violation of the ex post facto article in the Constitution.
Read Article I, Section 9, Clause 3: on Ex Post Facto laws being illegal.

{... No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. ...}

Guide to the Constitution

That means that assault weapons have been legally purchased and owned, so now can not be made illegal and confiscated.

The SCOTUS can NOT at all do whatever it wants.
It has to remain true to the rules and basic premise of a democratic republic.
And if you can ban certain types of weapons, magazines, etc., from the general public, then the police, military, etc., must also be banned. The authority of public employees, like the SCOTUS, police, military, etc., comes from the inherent rights of individuals. They can not have authority above that of the general public, in a democratic republic.

If the second can be perverted by a mere court vote, so can the first. I wonder how keen the anti gun activists would be to have their internet ramblings carefully controlled so as not to offend anyone who supports Trump.
To support firearm regulatory measures consistent with Second Amendment case law is not to be ‘anti-gun’ – the notion is as ignorant as it is ridiculous.
Anti-gun is an attitude, and it is those with that attitude to whom I was referring.
Heller v DC made the right for an individual to own a firearm including so-called assault rifles settled law
just like you liberals claim Woe v Wade made the right for a woman to have an abortion settled law

so get over it only recourse you have is a constitutional amendment

The 2nd Amendment means whatever SCOTUS says it means at any given time! It has been limited several times in the past - and will be in the future. There are no constitutional amendments required to legislate gun control laws - such as banning assault weapons, banning high-capacity magazines, banning certain types of ammunition, and universal background checks on all gun transactions.

Republicans claim the 2nd Amendment doesn't have limits. They're wrong.

No, you are entirely wrong.
The SCOTUS opened the floodgate and can't back up now.
An assault weapons ban would mean 40 million people would become criminals and there would be a civil war the first time an innocent gun owner was murdered by a corrupt government in violation of the ex post facto article in the Constitution.
Read Article I, Section 9, Clause 3: on Ex Post Facto laws being illegal.

{... No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. ...}

Guide to the Constitution

That means that assault weapons have been legally purchased and owned, so now can not be made illegal and confiscated.

The SCOTUS can NOT at all do whatever it wants.
It has to remain true to the rules and basic premise of a democratic republic.
And if you can ban certain types of weapons, magazines, etc., from the general public, then the police, military, etc., must also be banned. The authority of public employees, like the SCOTUS, police, military, etc., comes from the inherent rights of individuals. They can not have authority above that of the general public, in a democratic republic.

If the second can be perverted by a mere court vote, so can the first. I wonder how keen the anti gun activists would be to have their internet ramblings carefully controlled so as not to offend anyone who supports Trump.
To support firearm regulatory measures consistent with Second Amendment case law is not to be ‘anti-gun’ – the notion is as ignorant as it is ridiculous.
Anti-gun is an attitude, and it is those with that attitude to whom I was referring.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free States.

Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and regulate them well.

Don't be a Dick. Ban assault weapons and pass universal background checks!

By blaming the gun, you absolve the shooter. THAT is being a dick and you should stop it.
Don't expect Kemosabe to make any sense. The gun killed all his worthless idiot people.

I would hate guns too if I were an injun.



Actually, it was the lack of guns and the inability to maintain a steady supply that killed his people. If anyone should know the dangers of taking guns away from people, it's the Amerind population. That's why I'm pretty sure he's not what he presents himself to be.
We have a Second Amendment and should have no security problems in our free State.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and regulate them well!

Tips about potential acts of mass killings have spiked, and law enforcement appears to be paying close attention to threats.

In the four weeks since a 21-year-old alleged white nationalist was charged in the slaughter of 22 people inside a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, law enforcement authorities have arrested more than 40 people as potential mass shooters — an average of more than one per day.

Over 40 People Have Been Arrested As Potential Mass Shooters Since El Paso

Homegrown white terrorists.

Tips about potential acts of mass killings have spiked, and law enforcement appears to be paying close attention to threats.

In the four weeks since a 21-year-old alleged white nationalist was charged in the slaughter of 22 people inside a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, law enforcement authorities have arrested more than 40 people as potential mass shooters — an average of more than one per day.

Over 40 People Have Been Arrested As Potential Mass Shooters Since El Paso

Homegrown white terrorists.

Good! That's effective. Going after the people who are the problem instead of the gun is the right way to go!

Tips about potential acts of mass killings have spiked, and law enforcement appears to be paying close attention to threats.

In the four weeks since a 21-year-old alleged white nationalist was charged in the slaughter of 22 people inside a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, law enforcement authorities have arrested more than 40 people as potential mass shooters — an average of more than one per day.

Over 40 People Have Been Arrested As Potential Mass Shooters Since El Paso

Homegrown white terrorists.

So Many People Were Shot In Chicago This Weekend, A Hospital Had To Briefly Stop Taking Patients

Chicago had two mass shootings within hours of each other on Sunday. In total, 46 people were injured by gun violence in the city over the weekend.

Kadia GobaBuzzFeed News Reporter

Reporting From
Washington, DC
Posted on August 5, 2019, at 6:27 p.m. ET
any competent adult should be able to acquire and posses Arms if they love them sufficiently.

Any gun lovers who love guns enough to purchase them can be enrolled in the militia to be organized and well regulated.
any competent adult should be able to acquire and posses Arms if they love them sufficiently.

Any gun lovers who love guns enough to purchase them can be enrolled in the militia to be organized and well regulated.
We already are
10 USC § 311 - Militia: composition and classes
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.
any competent adult should be able to acquire and posses Arms if they love them sufficiently.

Any gun lovers who love guns enough to purchase them can be enrolled in the militia to be organized and well regulated.

Kind of odd because no one "loves" guns.
They have a history, interesting varieties of operations and mechanisms, they have intricate details like a watch, collectible aspects like old cars, etc. But since guns are not alive, it is impossible to consider that interest "love".

The fact guns represent democracy, equality, individuality, freedom, defense, etc., simply makes them essential.
And while some think that just having police that are armed is sufficient, that is extremely foolish.
The Savik, KGB, Kapos, Gestapo, Stazi, etc., are what all police turn into, if they are not corrupt from the beginning, and even when they are not corrupt, they still can never get anywhere in time to protect anyone.

But you also are looking at it backwards.
Since everyone is supposed to be responsibly acting for the safety of the family, community, state, and country, everyone is supposed to be the militia, and it is deliberately supposed to be unorganized so that it is NOT centrally controlled. It is supposed to be the spontaneous will of the people as a whole and NOT dictated by any corrupt central, large, or wealthy entity. Once something is organized and controlled, it is no longer trustworthy.
You want to be able to draw on the unorganized militia in order to form organized posses or state troops for defense, but one must NEVER allow any central power to control the force of arms in a democratic republic, or else it ceases to be a democratic republic, very quickly. This is obvious even in the US, where the Spanish American War, the Philippine Rebellion, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc., were all totally illegal and corrupt murders by a US military that is already totally out of control.

The end of monarchies and the success of democratic republics are the direct result of armed populations allowing for power to actually be in the hands of the people.
Gun control of any form is in direct conflict with the principles and foundation of any democratic republic.
Gun control is not just foolish, but incredibly evil.

Tips about potential acts of mass killings have spiked, and law enforcement appears to be paying close attention to threats.

In the four weeks since a 21-year-old alleged white nationalist was charged in the slaughter of 22 people inside a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, law enforcement authorities have arrested more than 40 people as potential mass shooters — an average of more than one per day.

Over 40 People Have Been Arrested As Potential Mass Shooters Since El Paso

Homegrown white terrorists.

Good! That's effective. Going after the people who are the problem instead of the gun is the right way to go!

It is happening so much that there likely is something systemic wrong, like job instability, over hyped media, pesticides in the water, etc. We need to prevent what is causing people to have violent episodes, not just lock up the ones who already are violent.

Tips about potential acts of mass killings have spiked, and law enforcement appears to be paying close attention to threats.

In the four weeks since a 21-year-old alleged white nationalist was charged in the slaughter of 22 people inside a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, law enforcement authorities have arrested more than 40 people as potential mass shooters — an average of more than one per day.

Over 40 People Have Been Arrested As Potential Mass Shooters Since El Paso

Homegrown white terrorists.

So Many People Were Shot In Chicago This Weekend, A Hospital Had To Briefly Stop Taking Patients

Chicago had two mass shootings within hours of each other on Sunday. In total, 46 people were injured by gun violence in the city over the weekend.

Kadia GobaBuzzFeed News Reporter

Reporting From
Washington, DC
Posted on August 5, 2019, at 6:27 p.m. ET

That one is easy.
About 90% of shootings come from the War on Drugs.
So all we have to do is end the war on drugs be decriminalization.
When you make something illegal, like we did with alcohol in Prohibition, then profits go up, you get turf wars, and thefts from the large amount of cash that can't be put in banks or defended by police.

Tips about potential acts of mass killings have spiked, and law enforcement appears to be paying close attention to threats.

In the four weeks since a 21-year-old alleged white nationalist was charged in the slaughter of 22 people inside a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, law enforcement authorities have arrested more than 40 people as potential mass shooters — an average of more than one per day.

Over 40 People Have Been Arrested As Potential Mass Shooters Since El Paso

Homegrown white terrorists.

So Many People Were Shot In Chicago This Weekend, A Hospital Had To Briefly Stop Taking Patients

Chicago had two mass shootings within hours of each other on Sunday. In total, 46 people were injured by gun violence in the city over the weekend.

Kadia GobaBuzzFeed News Reporter

Reporting From
Washington, DC
Posted on August 5, 2019, at 6:27 p.m. ET

That one is easy.
About 90% of shootings come from the War on Drugs.
So all we have to do is end the war on drugs be decriminalization.
When you make something illegal, like we did with alcohol in Prohibition, then profits go up, you get turf wars, and thefts from the large amount of cash that can't be put in banks or defended by police.

So Colorado didn't have mass shootings and pot is not legal?
Once again why do you libtards set yourself up to be embarrassed by a simple maintenance guy like me?

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