The Right To Bear Arms



‘My AR Is Ready For You’: Texas State Rep Posted On Twitter

Gun nutters are dangerous!
I came into this world covered in somebody else's blood kicking and screaming I will have no problem leaving it the same way
Barry and Democrats sold / armed Mexican Drug Cartels, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hezbollah, etc... But want to take law-abiding US citizens' weapons away....go figure...
Your Guns are Useless to Defeat the US Government. Over 2 million US citizens who have a constitutional right to bear arms vowed "Storm" to the governments "Area 51" today, have FAILED!!!

That's because only scared pussies cling to guns in their moms basements.
Your Guns are Useless to Defeat the US Government. Over 2 million US citizens who have a constitutional right to bear arms vowed "Storm" to the governments "Area 51" today, have FAILED!!!

That's because only scared pussies cling to guns in their moms basements.
Put up a big sign outside your home that says you have no guns in your house. Post a picture of it here.

Your Guns are Useless to Defeat the US Government. Over 2 million US citizens who have a constitutional right to bear arms vowed "Storm" to the governments "Area 51" today, have FAILED!!!

That's because only scared pussies cling to guns in their moms basements.
Put up a big sign outside your home that says you have no guns in your house. Post a picture of it here.

According to the Robin Hood story, someone good with a quarterstaff can defeat someone good with a ranged weapon, at close range.
Your Guns are Useless to Defeat the US Government. Over 2 million US citizens who have a constitutional right to bear arms vowed "Storm" to the governments "Area 51" today, have FAILED!!!

That's because only scared pussies cling to guns in their moms basements.
Put up a big sign outside your home that says you have no guns in your house. Post a picture of it here.

Your Guns are Useless to Defeat the US Government. Over 2 million US citizens who have a constitutional right to bear arms vowed "Storm" to the governments "Area 51" today, have FAILED!!!

That's because only scared pussies cling to guns in their moms basements.
Put up a big sign outside your home that says you have no guns in your house. Post a picture of it here.

That's not yours.

Prove it's yours. And post your address.

Your Guns are Useless to Defeat the US Government. Over 2 million US citizens who have a constitutional right to bear arms vowed "Storm" to the governments "Area 51" today, have FAILED!!!

That's because only scared pussies cling to guns in their moms basements.

As we have seen around the world, outright defeat of the government is not necessary when the populace can make the price high enough.
Your Guns are Useless to Defeat the US Government. Over 2 million US citizens who have a constitutional right to bear arms vowed "Storm" to the governments "Area 51" today, have FAILED!!!

That's because only scared pussies cling to guns in their moms basements.
Ho Chihuahua says hi.


That is all the proof I need that Warren Burger was not fit to sit on the court. No reasonable mind could make that interpretation, given the history and the statements of the founders.

Some people simply are not fit to sit on a court because they cannot put their own political issues and political views aside. They cannot except law regardless of the outcome.

Here are some examples of what a court should do when confronted with the question:

Bliss v. Commonwealth (1822, Ky.)[ -

"But it should not be forgotten, that it is not only a part of the right that is secured by the constitution; it is the right entire and complete, as it existed at the adoption of the constitution; and if any portion of that right be impaired, immaterial how small the part may be, and immaterial the order of time at which it be done, it is equally forbidden by the constitution."

Nunn v. Georgia (1 Ga. (1 Kel.) 243 (1846)) -

"The right of the whole people, old and young, men, women and boys, and not militia only, to keep and bear arms of every description, and not such merely as are used by the militia, shall not be infringed, curtailed, or broken in upon, in the smallest degree; and all this for the important end to be attained: the rearing up and qualifying a well-regulated militia, so vitally necessary to the security of a free State. Our opinion is, that any law, State or Federal, is repugnant to the Constitution, and void, which contravenes this right, originally belonging to our forefathers, trampled under foot by Charles I. and his two wicked sons and successors, re-established by the revolution of 1688, conveyed to this land of liberty by the colonists, and finally incorporated conspicuously in our own Magna Carta!"

Your Guns are Useless to Defeat the US Government. Over 2 million US citizens who have a constitutional right to bear arms vowed "Storm" to the governments "Area 51" today, have FAILED!!!

That's because only scared pussies cling to guns in their moms basements.

As we have seen around the world, outright defeat of the government is not necessary when the populace can make the price high enough.
Without a huge number of citizens owning arsenals of 81mm mortars, the price to jackboot government military will not be high enough.

Taiwan citizens have guns and they are getting their ass kicked.
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Your Guns are Useless to Defeat the US Government. Over 2 million US citizens who have a constitutional right to bear arms vowed "Storm" to the governments "Area 51" today, have FAILED!!!

That's because only scared pussies cling to guns in their moms basements.

As we have seen around the world, outright defeat of the government is not necessary when the populace can make the price high enough.
Without a huge number of citizens owning arsenals of 80mm mortars, the price to jackboot government military will not be high enough.

Taiwan citizens have guns and they are getting their ass kicked.
Did you miss the part of history where the United States Military got it's fucking ass kicked by a bunch of rice farmers in southeast Asia?

you have no idea what you were talking about.


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