The Right to Work for less money

California's wages are affected by the overpaid actors, singers, athletes, etc in California. If someone is making $20M a year making movies....spreading that amount among other workers drives their income average higher than they really make, idiot.

Alaska also has high paying jobs in the oil and fishing business. Alaska in the first place is expensive due to shipping costs, so most people there make extra money to even live there.

You're an idiot. You need to explain why Michigan's unions have gone downhill, jobs have left and Republicans now run the state after the mess created by you scum.

Meanwhile, take highly-unionized states, such as Alaska (#1, and GOP-leaning) or California (#2, and Dem-leaning). They have high median incomes, and thus are adding jobs rapidly. CA, hardest-hit by the Bush Great Recession, is #2 in jobs added, of the 50 states. Alaska, the highest unionized, as a percentage of its workforce, and near the highest median household income, has only 7.1% unemployment.

You're so stupid your head hurts. Why are fishing and oil jobs high-paying? Or the many thousands of studio workers highly paid?

BECAUSE THEY'RE UNIONIZED, one unioin of which used to be headed up by Ronald Reagan, whom you may have heard of. If not, google it.

Someday all industry will be unionized and everyone will make a lot more money. Hmm....

How would that work out, do you think?
California's wages are affected by the overpaid actors, singers, athletes, etc in California. If someone is making $20M a year making movies....spreading that amount among other workers drives their income average higher than they really make, idiot.

Alaska also has high paying jobs in the oil and fishing business. Alaska in the first place is expensive due to shipping costs, so most people there make extra money to even live there.

You're an idiot. You need to explain why Michigan's unions have gone downhill, jobs have left and Republicans now run the state after the mess created by you scum.

Meanwhile, take highly-unionized states, such as Alaska (#1, and GOP-leaning) or California (#2, and Dem-leaning). They have high median incomes, and thus are adding jobs rapidly. CA, hardest-hit by the Bush Great Recession, is #2 in jobs added, of the 50 states. Alaska, the highest unionized, as a percentage of its workforce, and near the highest median household income, has only 7.1% unemployment.

You're so stupid your head hurts. Why are fishing and oil jobs high-paying? Or the many thousands of studio workers highly paid?

BECAUSE THEY'RE UNIONIZED, one unioin of which used to be headed up by Ronald Reagan, whom you may have heard of. If not, google it.

It amazes me how idiots trot out Ronald Reagan as if he is some sort of trump card for everything. Even if I was foolish enough to think he was the best thing since sliced bread, which I am not, I would know that he and I are both human, and that he can be just as wrong as I can.
Consider this. If unions are so desirable, why aren't all the workers in right to work states organizing to form unions and change state laws? Could it be they are content with their opportunities and standard of living?
They are high paying jobs because they are hard and they suck. Riding on a fishing boat for 1-3 months in 40 foot seas isn't a minimum wage job, you piece of shit. Also, most workers in the fhsing industry aren't unionized....they only make money based on covering their expenses of the boat first.

People get paid more money to live in bumfuck Alaska doing hard and dangerous work because most Americans would never do that work or even live in bumbfuck Alaska you stupid pile of shit.

California on the otherhand has inflated wages because of places like Hollywood employing people at crazy wages making movies and music. Some rap artisit makes $20M off a "record" as well as others involved in making the record.

California's wages are affected by the overpaid actors, singers, athletes, etc in California. If someone is making $20M a year making movies....spreading that amount among other workers drives their income average higher than they really make, idiot.

Alaska also has high paying jobs in the oil and fishing business. Alaska in the first place is expensive due to shipping costs, so most people there make extra money to even live there.

You're an idiot. You need to explain why Michigan's unions have gone downhill, jobs have left and Republicans now run the state after the mess created by you scum.

Meanwhile, take highly-unionized states, such as Alaska (#1, and GOP-leaning) or California (#2, and Dem-leaning). They have high median incomes, and thus are adding jobs rapidly. CA, hardest-hit by the Bush Great Recession, is #2 in jobs added, of the 50 states. Alaska, the highest unionized, as a percentage of its workforce, and near the highest median household income, has only 7.1% unemployment.

You're so stupid your head hurts. Why are fishing and oil jobs high-paying? Or the many thousands of studio workers highly paid?

BECAUSE THEY'RE UNIONIZED, one unioin of which used to be headed up by Ronald Reagan, whom you may have heard of. If not, google it.
As is the right to collectively bargain crucial to our society.

What these laws end up doing, in all reality, is forbid people to get together and bargain as a group.

Not at all. Form a union all you want. Just don't force membership.

Again, if we are talking about Michigan, they already are forbidden from forcing membership. If you don't join a union, you won't benefit from any bargaining they do.

Also, no one is FORCED to accept a job that is unionized.

No, they aren't forbidden from forcing membership in Michigan. The factory part of the company i work for has had a union since i started 20 years ago. When i first came here i worked in the factory. At that time i had a choice to join the union, or not. BUT, what was completely stupid was that if I decided not to join, they would still take out union dues, I would still get representation if i needed it, the ONLY thing i was not allowed to do was vote in the elections! That's it!

And no, nobody is forced to accept a job in a union. But when there aren't many good jobs out there and you have to support yourself or family, you'll take it because you HAVE TO. I no longer work in the factory, and i'm not a union member anymore (thank God)....and i have just as good benefits as they do and i make more money than they do (and no, i don't have a degree!).
The non union workers get the benefits that the union workers end up paying for.

Sort of like when 1/2 the country pays income taxes and the rest get the benefits.
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That'd be cool if all government interference between labor and management were cut out.

You'd support that, right?

Free Markets!

Why would one not be for that?

I can see where management would be DEAD SET against it.

Imagine workers going on strike and ringing a factory preventing trucks from going in or out.

I would imagine in that would want government interference.

That's not very realistic. We're talking about government interference, not lawlessness. As in the business owner still has is private property rights which he can enforce.
California's wages are affected by the overpaid actors, singers, athletes, etc in California. If someone is making $20M a year making movies....spreading that amount among other workers drives their income average higher than they really make, idiot.

Alaska also has high paying jobs in the oil and fishing business. Alaska in the first place is expensive due to shipping costs, so most people there make extra money to even live there.

You're an idiot. You need to explain why Michigan's unions have gone downhill, jobs have left and Republicans now run the state after the mess created by you scum.

You're so stupid your head hurts. Why are fishing and oil jobs high-paying? Or the many thousands of studio workers highly paid?

BECAUSE THEY'RE UNIONIZED, one unioin of which used to be headed up by Ronald Reagan, whom you may have heard of. If not, google it.

Someday all industry will be unionized and everyone will make a lot more money. Hmm....

How would that work out, do you think?

It's a pipe dream; not all will. But what's the effect of higher wages? A larger market, which existing companies and entrepreneurs will invest money in hopes of getting a piece of. Thus more is borrowed, scaling up the money-supply in parallel to the larger market, and many get rich or richer, even when their products and services are less expensive due to economies of scale and competition, since they make it up in spades with increased volume.
I'm not sure what to think about 'Right to Work' laws in general. As far as I see it, if a union can persuade an employer to run a 'closed shop' (ie require that all employees are union members) then the employer should be able to agree to such terms. But the Right to Work laws, most of which ban this kind of exclusive labor contract - or neuter it to a degree, have broad appeal because of the general perception that unions negotiate with unfair advantage, essentially forcing employers into such agreements via collective bargaining rules.

Yesterday, on the radio, I heard Obama claim that the Right to Work laws are really about "the right to work for less money". This comment has been ringing in my ears and its finally dawned on my how utterly profound and true it really is. So, what do you all say? Is it important to protect the right to work for less money? Or should such a vile act be deemed a crime?

The law being passed in Michigan does not take away collective bargaining rights it gives employees the choice to join a union or not to.
They are high paying jobs because they are hard and they suck. Riding on a fishing boat for 1-3 months in 40 foot seas isn't a minimum wage job, you piece of shit. Also, most workers in the fhsing industry aren't unionized....they only make money based on covering their expenses of the boat first.

People get paid more money to live in bumfuck Alaska doing hard and dangerous work because most Americans would never do that work or even live in bumbfuck Alaska you stupid pile of shit.

California on the otherhand has inflated wages because of places like Hollywood employing people at crazy wages making movies and music. Some rap artisit makes $20M off a "record" as well as others involved in making the record.

California's wages are affected by the overpaid actors, singers, athletes, etc in California. If someone is making $20M a year making movies....spreading that amount among other workers drives their income average higher than they really make, idiot.

Alaska also has high paying jobs in the oil and fishing business. Alaska in the first place is expensive due to shipping costs, so most people there make extra money to even live there.

You're an idiot. You need to explain why Michigan's unions have gone downhill, jobs have left and Republicans now run the state after the mess created by you scum.

You're so stupid your head hurts. Why are fishing and oil jobs high-paying? Or the many thousands of studio workers highly paid?

BECAUSE THEY'RE UNIONIZED, one unioin of which used to be headed up by Ronald Reagan, whom you may have heard of. If not, google it.

Picking strawberries if vastly harder work. And it pays shit.

Grow a fucking braincell; one that functions. Then look around. Maybe you'll learn something, dipshit.
Consider this. If unions are so desirable, why aren't all the workers in right to work states organizing to form unions and change state laws? Could it be they are content with their opportunities and standard of living?

I'm actually a little frustrated that this thread has turned into a referendum on the value of unions. I think they are worthwhile in balance - labor law is the problem. I was most interested in the implications of Obama mocking the 'right to work for less money'. I'll argue, instead, that it's one of the most important rights underlying a free economy.
You think picking strawberries in the year round great weather of California is tougher than working on a fishing boat or oil rig in subzero weather in Alaska.....thanks for proving you're fucking insane.

Oh, as someone that worked cornfields in IL during high school and tobacco fields in NC during college.....I laugh at any farm worker in cushy California. Try 90-100 degrees with humidity, asswipe.

They are high paying jobs because they are hard and they suck. Riding on a fishing boat for 1-3 months in 40 foot seas isn't a minimum wage job, you piece of shit. Also, most workers in the fhsing industry aren't unionized....they only make money based on covering their expenses of the boat first.

People get paid more money to live in bumfuck Alaska doing hard and dangerous work because most Americans would never do that work or even live in bumbfuck Alaska you stupid pile of shit.

California on the otherhand has inflated wages because of places like Hollywood employing people at crazy wages making movies and music. Some rap artisit makes $20M off a "record" as well as others involved in making the record.

You're so stupid your head hurts. Why are fishing and oil jobs high-paying? Or the many thousands of studio workers highly paid?

BECAUSE THEY'RE UNIONIZED, one unioin of which used to be headed up by Ronald Reagan, whom you may have heard of. If not, google it.

Picking strawberries if vastly harder work. And it pays shit.

Grow a fucking braincell; one that functions. Then look around. Maybe you'll learn something, dipshit.
You think picking strawberries in the year round great weather of California is tougher than working on a fishing boat or oil rig in subzero weather in Alaska.....thanks for proving you're fucking insane.

Oh, as someone that worked in Illinois cornfields in IL during high school and tobacco fields in NC during college.....I laugh at any farm worker in cushy California. Try 90-100 degrees with humidity, asswipe.

They are high paying jobs because they are hard and they suck. Riding on a fishing boat for 1-3 months in 40 foot seas isn't a minimum wage job, you piece of shit. Also, most workers in the fhsing industry aren't unionized....they only make money based on covering their expenses of the boat first.

People get paid more money to live in bumfuck Alaska doing hard and dangerous work because most Americans would never do that work or even live in bumbfuck Alaska you stupid pile of shit.

California on the otherhand has inflated wages because of places like Hollywood employing people at crazy wages making movies and music. Some rap artisit makes $20M off a "record" as well as others involved in making the record.

Picking strawberries if vastly harder work. And it pays shit.

Grow a fucking braincell; one that functions. Then look around. Maybe you'll learn something, dipshit.

No. I know what are among the worst jobs in America. Strawberry picking is the bottom of scale, in agro, which is no fucking picnic in and of itself. It's back-breaking, tedious, hard fucking work to make a pittance, paid in piece-meal fashion; and it is widely regarded as THE WORST JOB IN AMERICA.
You're just a fucking idiot.

Tobacco workers in NC don't shed a tear for California's strawberry pickers. In fact, my dogs used to pick strawberries in my California backyard....I should've paid them $10 an hour for their hard work getting a treat. :lol:

You think picking strawberries in the year round great weather of California is tougher than working on a fishing boat or oil rig in subzero weather in Alaska.....thanks for proving you're fucking insane.

Oh, as someone that worked in Illinois cornfields in IL during high school and tobacco fields in NC during college.....I laugh at any farm worker in cushy California. Try 90-100 degrees with humidity, asswipe.

Picking strawberries if vastly harder work. And it pays shit.

Grow a fucking braincell; one that functions. Then look around. Maybe you'll learn something, dipshit.

No. I know what are among the worst jobs in America. Strawberry picking is the bottom of scale, in agro, which is no fucking picnic in and of itself. It's back-breaking, tedious, hard fucking work to make a pittance, paid in piece-meal fashion; and it is widely regarded as THE WORST JOB IN AMERICA.
I'm not sure what to think about 'Right to Work' laws in general. As far as I see it, if a union can persuade an employer to run a 'closed shop' (ie require that all employees are union members) then the employer should be able to agree to such terms. But the Right to Work laws, most of which ban this kind of exclusive labor contract - or neuter it to a degree, have broad appeal because of the general perception that unions negotiate with unfair advantage, essentially forcing employers into such agreements via collective bargaining rules.

Yesterday, on the radio, I heard Obama claim that the Right to Work laws are really about "the right to work for less money". This comment has been ringing in my ears and its finally dawned on my how utterly profound and true it really is. So, what do you all say? Is it important to protect the right to work for less money? Or should such a vile act be deemed a crime?

What a crock of shit talking point. If you look at the nonunion toyota plants, their workers make just as much and are not union.
You're so stupid your head hurts. Why are fishing and oil jobs high-paying? Or the many thousands of studio workers highly paid?

BECAUSE THEY'RE UNIONIZED, one unioin of which used to be headed up by Ronald Reagan, whom you may have heard of. If not, google it.

Someday all industry will be unionized and everyone will make a lot more money. Hmm....

How would that work out, do you think?

It's a pipe dream; not all will. But what's the effect of higher wages? A larger market, which existing companies and entrepreneurs will invest money in hopes of getting a piece of. Thus more is borrowed, scaling up the money-supply in parallel to the larger market, and many get rich or richer, even when their products and services are less expensive due to economies of scale and competition, since they make it up in spades with increased volume.

Hmm... so, seriously, have you ever studied economics? At all?

So, by your reasoning simply printing up cash and sending it out to everyone would have the same effect, right?

Or, hey... here's an idea that achieves the same results with less work. How about we just declare that every $1 bill is now worth $10. Problem solved! Everyone has more money - markets grow and much rejoicing.
You're just a fucking idiot.

Tobacco workers in NC don't shed a tear for California's strawberry pickers. In fact, my dogs used to pick strawberries in my California backyard....I should've paid them $10 an hour for their hard work getting a treat. :lol:

You think picking strawberries in the year round great weather of California is tougher than working on a fishing boat or oil rig in subzero weather in Alaska.....thanks for proving you're fucking insane.

Oh, as someone that worked in Illinois cornfields in IL during high school and tobacco fields in NC during college.....I laugh at any farm worker in cushy California. Try 90-100 degrees with humidity, asswipe.

No. I know what are among the worst jobs in America. Strawberry picking is the bottom of scale, in agro, which is no fucking picnic in and of itself. It's back-breaking, tedious, hard fucking work to make a pittance, paid in piece-meal fashion; and it is widely regarded as THE WORST JOB IN AMERICA.

From you, I take it as a compliment.

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