The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

...go far enough left and you'll end up on the right and as Mac noted, the R/L extremes have way more in common with each other than they with rational people.
The Horseshoe Theory Says Right And Left Wing Are More Similar Than You Think

The extremes are much closer together these days than the horseshoe. In fact, they can easily reach across the divide and shake hands.
Again, assumes the Big Lie.

Once you take off the blinders of the big lie and accept that Fascism IS socialism and sits on the far left, then you no longer have to fabricate absurd contortions to explain the glaring contradictions of the big lie.

Name ONE THING "right wing" about fascism? A dedication to individualism? Hardly? Support of market economies? :lol: Dedication to civil rights? Not exactly.

I get that you are invested in the big lie and are reluctant to let it go, so defend the big lie, tell us how Bolshevik Benito Mussolini, leader of the Italian Communist party, who went to prison in Switzerland for inciting a general strike on behalf of his boss, Lenin, was a "conservative?"
And, right on cue.

OK Mac, you need to start a new thread.


Because you need ask the people on this board, who/whom in congress they consider FAR right, or FAR Left. I think you will be surprised to find--------------->that people on the right, only consider very few Democrats far Left in congress, problem is, they are the ones in control of the party.

I betcha that unless they read this post, every person leaning Left on this board, will consider 85% of the GOP hard right. Is that what you would say if asked?

It would be a fascinating study on how both sides view each other, and here is the kicker, and YOU will figure it out quickly----------------->the further right/left you are, the further the moderates from both party's in congress, appear waaaaaaaay out there, if they are the opposition, lol.

And remember, it isn't that someone doesn't LIKE them, or think they are sleezy, but rather-------------->who/whom in the opposing party in congress politics are to far, Left or Right!

Fascinating, absolutely fascinating!
I would imagine that, in such a thread, each end of the spectrum would consider themselves mainstream.

The reason is that each end is intellectually encased in their own ideology, and have over time developed a distorted view of anything outside their ideology.

I think a more interesting thread would be to challenge each end of the spectrum to present an honest, sincere, accurate argument for the positions of the other side.

Let's see how close each end comes to truly understanding the positions of the other.

What do you think that thread would look like? I think it would be an absolute farce from the first response on.
What they all look like except the extremists would posts the other's most extreme POVs and then denying that what is said about them by to be true.
Yeah. Please see post 598.

The challenge when linking to MSNBC is finding anything TRUE in their stories.

But seriously, you think the corporate DNC controlled media is "independent?"

I didn't suggest that the corporate media was independent. That's you trying to draw conclusions.

Bullshit, unless a different Tehon posted "He is trying to silence the watchdog independent media "

You called the little Goebbels of the DNC Corporate media "watchdog independent media "

If you want actual independence try Breitbart, which is perhaps the ONLY honest media left.

Even Fox lied about Obama's cages when the Goebbels decided to blame them on Trump. Breitbart had reported on them in 2014 - indeed the photos were taken by Breitbart, but the DNC Media spiked the story to protect Obama.
Trump is trying to silence the independent media. Wikileaks is independent media. Trump has indicted Assange for disseminating truthful information...
And with that silliness you once again careen offs the rails. Trump has done nothing "to silence the independent media" - unless one is loony enough to consider self- defense an attempt to silence others - and he has indicted NO ONE.

It's clear your seething hatred for the POTUS trumps your rationality.
Julian Assange is under indictment right now. For disseminating factual information.

As I understand it, he's under indictment for his efforts to OBTAIN the information, not disseminating it.

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Charged in 18-Count Superseding Indictment
Mac, the left concocted this whole russia collusion lie/hoax. They weren't right and there were no repercussions.

Mac thinks all conservative media is partisan hate. Many like him think Levin and Judicial watch are the same as Maddow. I think it would be fair to point out that even the most partisan, like Hannity, don't have to give many retractions for faulty information. If they do screw up, they actually admit it, something the left is incapable of. It is also telling that conservative media is considered untrue because of the lack of convictions against democrats, despite the fact that democrats are immune to prosecution. It doen't look like the dems, and some republicans, are going to skate on this one. My biggest question is how the media will explain ignoring and participating in the biggest political scandal in our nation's history.
There is a clear and significant distinction between false reporting and biased reporting.

Do you understand that?
I didn't suggest that the corporate media was independent. That's you trying to draw conclusions.

Bullshit, unless a different Tehon posted "He is trying to silence the watchdog independent media "

You called the little Goebbels of the DNC Corporate media "watchdog independent media "

If you want actual independence try Breitbart, which is perhaps the ONLY honest media left.

Even Fox lied about Obama's cages when the Goebbels decided to blame them on Trump. Breitbart had reported on them in 2014 - indeed the photos were taken by Breitbart, but the DNC Media spiked the story to protect Obama.
Trump is trying to silence the independent media. Wikileaks is independent media. Trump has indicted Assange for disseminating truthful information...
And with that silliness you once again careen offs the rails. Trump has done nothing "to silence the independent media" - unless one is loony enough to consider self- defense an attempt to silence others - and he has indicted NO ONE.

It's clear your seething hatred for the POTUS trumps your rationality.
Julian Assange is under indictment right now. For disseminating factual information.

As I understand it, he's under indictment for his efforts to OBTAIN the information, not disseminating it.

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Charged in 18-Count Superseding Indictment
from your link;

"the superseding indictment charges that Assange then published on WikiLeaks classified documents that contained the unredacted names of human sources who provided information to United States forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to U.S. State Department diplomats around the world."
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.
So, how is that inexcusable while the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" is just a big "never mind!"?
Bullshit, unless a different Tehon posted "He is trying to silence the watchdog independent media "

You called the little Goebbels of the DNC Corporate media "watchdog independent media "

If you want actual independence try Breitbart, which is perhaps the ONLY honest media left.

Even Fox lied about Obama's cages when the Goebbels decided to blame them on Trump. Breitbart had reported on them in 2014 - indeed the photos were taken by Breitbart, but the DNC Media spiked the story to protect Obama.
Trump is trying to silence the independent media. Wikileaks is independent media. Trump has indicted Assange for disseminating truthful information...
And with that silliness you once again careen offs the rails. Trump has done nothing "to silence the independent media" - unless one is loony enough to consider self- defense an attempt to silence others - and he has indicted NO ONE.

It's clear your seething hatred for the POTUS trumps your rationality.
Julian Assange is under indictment right now. For disseminating factual information.

As I understand it, he's under indictment for his efforts to OBTAIN the information, not disseminating it.

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Charged in 18-Count Superseding Indictment
from your link;

"the superseding indictment charges that Assange then published on WikiLeaks classified documents that contained the unredacted names of human sources who provided information to United States forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to U.S. State Department diplomats around the world."
If he didn't steal them, then he didn't break the law, shit for brains.
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.
So, how is that inexcusable while the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" is just a big "never mind!"?
You'd have to ask the lefties that. As I said many times, that was primarily political.
or what???!! there will be ANOTHER investigation???!!!!
Personally, I think we should establish a new agency: The Federal Agency of Partisan Investigations (FAPI).

Obviously both parties will access it regularly.

It looks like this stuff won't be going away any time soon.
We already have an agency like that for Democrats. It's called the FBI.
Trump is trying to silence the independent media. Wikileaks is independent media. Trump has indicted Assange for disseminating truthful information...
And with that silliness you once again careen offs the rails. Trump has done nothing "to silence the independent media" - unless one is loony enough to consider self- defense an attempt to silence others - and he has indicted NO ONE.

It's clear your seething hatred for the POTUS trumps your rationality.
Julian Assange is under indictment right now. For disseminating factual information.

As I understand it, he's under indictment for his efforts to OBTAIN the information, not disseminating it.

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Charged in 18-Count Superseding Indictment
from your link;

"the superseding indictment charges that Assange then published on WikiLeaks classified documents that contained the unredacted names of human sources who provided information to United States forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to U.S. State Department diplomats around the world."
If he didn't steal them, then he didn't break the law, shit for brains.
Why does an anarchist care about the state's secrets?
And with that silliness you once again careen offs the rails. Trump has done nothing "to silence the independent media" - unless one is loony enough to consider self- defense an attempt to silence others - and he has indicted NO ONE.

It's clear your seething hatred for the POTUS trumps your rationality.
Julian Assange is under indictment right now. For disseminating factual information.

As I understand it, he's under indictment for his efforts to OBTAIN the information, not disseminating it.

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Charged in 18-Count Superseding Indictment
from your link;

"the superseding indictment charges that Assange then published on WikiLeaks classified documents that contained the unredacted names of human sources who provided information to United States forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to U.S. State Department diplomats around the world."
If he didn't steal them, then he didn't break the law, shit for brains.
Why does an anarchist care about the state's secrets?
Hmmmm, I support Assange, not the U.S. government.
Julian Assange is under indictment right now. For disseminating factual information.

As I understand it, he's under indictment for his efforts to OBTAIN the information, not disseminating it.

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Charged in 18-Count Superseding Indictment
from your link;

"the superseding indictment charges that Assange then published on WikiLeaks classified documents that contained the unredacted names of human sources who provided information to United States forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to U.S. State Department diplomats around the world."
If he didn't steal them, then he didn't break the law, shit for brains.
Why does an anarchist care about the state's secrets?
Hmmmm, I support Assange, not the U.S. government.
As do I.
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.

The illumination of the existence of the deep state and its rule over the American people (and its globalist reach) should be considered the defining event of the last three years. It can no longer be denied by anyone with any integrity.
The term "deep state" is not a very good one. It is borrowed from the Turkish shadow rulers as exposed in events such as the Suserluck Incident LINK The version under discussion, here, is related enough to share the term but dissimilar in many ways. Three influential and anonymous bloggers in the early part of this decade wrote an expose and used the term "administrative state" which both Foreign Affairs editors and UCLA law professor John Michaels use as well. The New York times anonymous source and op-ed writer called itself the "steady state" and claimed to be a member of a cabal embedded within the Trump administration dedicated to preserving a more liberal form of government in secret. Tufts University Professor Glennon uses the term "double government" in his studies. Some anthropologists, as reported by the Australian Broadcasting Corp, call it the "shallows state" which views itself as a sort of tugboat pushing state policy through dangerous waters despite elected officials ignorance.
Regardless of the term exists and it can be defined as that ruling class which sets or molds policy irregardless of public opinion, acts independently and without being accountable to the citizens. The ruling class is a combination of all these elements. The power and money of corporations, the influence of the media, co-opted politicians who need to curry favor with the previous two for donations and good press, and the career bureaucrats and universities who staff the most powerful organizations of the country such as the intelligence agencies and law enforcement and government agencies.
They hide in plain sight and work to undo policies they dont approve of and push other policies the citizens resist. They dont have to be a sinister looking bunch meeting in secret rooms. They operate mostly in the open with plausible deniability.
"I sure wish I could help you folks with that wall you want..but its too expensive/not legal/wont work/racist/bad for business/or whatever".
Trump exposed that. And Farage exposed it in Britain. I just yesterday read a column by a Guardian reporter bemoaning the fact that no amount of smears and attacks stick to Farage and the people of England keep voting for him despite press efforts to destroy his movement.
Why is Nigel Farage immune to scandals that would destroy his rivals? | Jonathan Freedland
In the last lines he compares Farage to Trump. Both were elected on promises to defend their nations and restore sovereignty. Both are under heavy attack by the press, media and celebrity elites. Both face billions of dollars thrown to anyone who will oppose them and both have tried to enact their campaign promises only to see them stopped by politicians, courts and bureaucrats. And both face a treasonous cabal which uses foreign interests to defeat their own citizens.
Even AFTER Brexit Party's huge win yesterday and the Conservatives pitiful showing of 10% Conservative Chancellor Phillip Hammond warned he would bring down the government and turn it over to labor if a Prime Minister who supports Brexit is elected to replace May.
These people have been flushed into the open all over the anglosphere. As you watch the Universities, the press, celebrities, corporate boards, FBI agents, billionaires and politicians of all parties joining together to undo elections how could you possibly deny it with a straight face is the real question for you Mac.

"...foreign-policy elites in the United States do most of their work in full view: giving speeches; holding conferences; writing task force reports, open letters, policy briefs, and op-eds; and testifying on Capitol Hill. Inside the bureaucracy, they are drawing up budgets, writing standard operating procedures, drafting official speeches, and laying out policy options for the president that leave something out and other things in. And most of what they do becomes public surprisingly quickly. There’s no secret conspiracy or deep state running U.S. foreign policy; to the extent that there is a bipartisan foreign-policy elite, it is hiding in plain sight."
The Battle for Crazytown

While I support journalismtic freedom and think we are treading dangerous ground with the extradition of assange, his exposure of afghan informants was truly vile. So, while i dont think he should go to jail (unless he helped hack government servers), I do hope he drops dead.
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.

I would also remind you of the self confessed "deep staters" the New York Times trumpets.

"I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration
I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations."

Opinion | I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.
So, how is that inexcusable while the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" is just a big "never mind!"?
You'd have to ask the lefties that. As I said many times, that was primarily political.
And I'm certain we agree that high-ranking US officials who abuse their authority - using gov't agencies to destroy political opponents - should face not just the disdain of the American people but the full power and fury of the system they used to try to destroy others?
Last edited:
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.
So, how is that inexcusable while the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" is just a big "never mind!"?
You'd have to ask the lefties that. As I said many times, that was primarily political.
And I'm certain we agree that high-ranking US officials who abuse their authority - using their agencies to destroy political opponents - should face not just the disdain of the American people but the full power and fury of the system they used to try to destroy others?
Of course. And holy shit, that wouldn't exactly be a shock if it turned out to be the case.
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.
So, how is that inexcusable while the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" is just a big "never mind!"?
You'd have to ask the lefties that. As I said many times, that was primarily political.
And I'm certain we agree that high-ranking US officials who abuse their authority - using their agencies to destroy political opponents - should face not just the disdain of the American people but the full power and fury of the system they used to try to destroy others?
Of course. And holy shit, that wouldn't exactly be a shock if it turned out to be the case.

Not really a shock at this point but certainly a boon to media outlets choking on the LIES they have promoted and even fabricated, and who now find themselves on the financial ropes as viewers and subscribers abandon their ships of fools.

The fall of
So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.
So, how is that inexcusable while the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" is just a big "never mind!"?
You'd have to ask the lefties that. As I said many times, that was primarily political.
And I'm certain we agree that high-ranking US officials who abuse their authority - using their agencies to destroy political opponents - should face not just the disdain of the American people but the full power and fury of the system they used to try to destroy others?
Of course. And holy shit, that wouldn't exactly be a shock if it turned out to be the case.

Not really a shock at this point but certainly a boon to media outlets choking on the LIES they have promoted and even fabricated, and who now find themselves on the financial ropes as viewers and subscribers abandon their ships of fools.

The fall of
I'm not quite sure how a country is supposed to survive for long when no one can really believe anything they hear, read or even see.

Mac, the left concocted this whole russia collusion lie/hoax. They weren't right and there were no repercussions.

Mac thinks all conservative media is partisan hate. Many like him think Levin and Judicial watch are the same as Maddow. I think it would be fair to point out that even the most partisan, like Hannity, don't have to give many retractions for faulty information. If they do screw up, they actually admit it, something the left is incapable of. It is also telling that conservative media is considered untrue because of the lack of convictions against democrats, despite the fact that democrats are immune to prosecution. It doen't look like the dems, and some republicans, are going to skate on this one. My biggest question is how the media will explain ignoring and participating in the biggest political scandal in our nation's history.
There is a clear and significant distinction between false reporting and biased reporting.

Do you understand that?

I understand spin. The right says the economy is incredible, the left says the economy is about to crash. I get it. The same with tariffs and most other issues, one side believes in them and the other side doesn't. Something I don't get is pushing the narrative that the president is a traitor while even people on the left knew it was bs from the beginning. You don't have to be partisan to realize the Mueller fiasco was a scandal. When a democrat senator says I've seen proof the president is a traitor, and then the special council says hold on a second, it makes me wonder why absolutely nobody on the left questioned that senator. You don't have to like the spin on the right, but that doesn't make it hate, nor are the people on the right taking pictures before an event and saying nobody showed up.
Mac, the left concocted this whole russia collusion lie/hoax. They weren't right and there were no repercussions.

Mac thinks all conservative media is partisan hate. Many like him think Levin and Judicial watch are the same as Maddow. I think it would be fair to point out that even the most partisan, like Hannity, don't have to give many retractions for faulty information. If they do screw up, they actually admit it, something the left is incapable of. It is also telling that conservative media is considered untrue because of the lack of convictions against democrats, despite the fact that democrats are immune to prosecution. It doen't look like the dems, and some republicans, are going to skate on this one. My biggest question is how the media will explain ignoring and participating in the biggest political scandal in our nation's history.
There is a clear and significant distinction between false reporting and biased reporting.

Do you understand that?

I understand spin. The right says the economy is incredible, the left says the economy is about to crash. I get it. The same with tariffs and most other issues, one side believes in them and the other side doesn't. Something I don't get is pushing the narrative that the president is a traitor while even people on the left knew it was bs from the beginning. You don't have to be partisan to realize the Mueller fiasco was a scandal. When a democrat senator says I've seen proof the president is a traitor, and then the special council says hold on a second, it makes me wonder why absolutely nobody on the left questioned that senator. You don't have to like the spin on the right, but that doesn't make it hate, nor are the people on the right taking pictures before an event and saying nobody showed up.
There's no reason to wonder. It's quite clear that partisans are refusing to hold their side accountable for just about anything.

As long as that situation remains, standards and expectations will continue to decline and we'll continue to decay.

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