The Right Wing had better be right about this "Deep State" stuff.

So here we go, I guess.

This is no longer going to be some fevered conspiracy story born of one of Mark Levin's fevered hyper-partisan conspiracy books. It's no longer going to be the foundation of President Hannity's hyper-partisan radio and teevee shows, buttressed by the manic "reporting" of his small band of like-minded "investigative reporters" (Out-of-Control Sean Hannity Thumbs His Nose at Fox News Bosses).

It's no longer going to be this alternate-universe "blockbuster" narrative that a relatively small group of people know like the back of their hand, as if they're convinced that "Breaking Bad" or "Game of Thrones" are documentaries.

You're accusing the American government, all the way to the top, of conspiring to spy on and bring down a presidential candidate and an American President. Key players in this accusation include a Special Counsel, a former Director of National Intelligence, a former FBI Director, former Secretary of State and a former President. Not to mention any number of lower-level government conspirators. The Deep State.

Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything.

They're not. A court ordered investigation is not spying.

Neither is Constitutionally mandated Congressional oversight.

Putting the national security of the United States in jeopardy by exposing operatives and methods IS treason.

Barr and Trump better tread lightly. There is no statute of limitations on treason.

Courts don't order investigations. They approve certain means of gathering evidence. Prosecutors and law enforcement initiate investigations.


A warrant is a court order, dope.

Oh boy, another commie wanting to play the semantics game. A Judge simply approves a warrant issued by a prosecutor, after reviewing the probable cause presented in the sworn statements supporting it. The Judges signature gives the warrant legitimacy and the force of law. Call that signature anything you want, but the judge is not ordering the investigation, the warrant is a tool used in an existing investigation, initiated by the police or prosecutor, to gather information and evidence. Read the 4th Amendment idiot.

It's reactionary. It's nationalist.

How is "reactionary" a feature of the right? Few regimes in history are as reactionary as the Kim dynasty or indeed Stalin's empire.

While Fascism indeed makes claim to Nationalism, neither Hitler nor Mussolini could manage to stay within their own borders, so hard to take their claims seriously. But good response.
Bottom line: If you folks are right about this whole thing, it's a huge, historic story and must be addressed with historic attention, seriousness and care. If it's just a product of your fevered alternate universe, you deserve whatever you get.

Hopefully we'll soon know, once and for all, what actually happened. If anything...
If it's as serious as you say, it MUST be investigated. Let's see what, if anything, Barr uncovers.
I read Mac's recalcitrance to be investigatory weariness brought on by endless media "bombshells" that often were just shiny baubles meant to keep our hystericals hysterical but it won't take 2 years or $35 million to sort this out. Without incriminating testimony by fringe players or even some directly involved, the FISA Fraud - like the Blasey-Ford Fraud of last year - will slip quietly into Wikipedia.
It's reactionary. It's nationalist.

How is "reactionary" a feature of the right? Few regimes in history are as reactionary as the Kim dynasty or indeed Stalin's empire.

While Fascism indeed makes claim to Nationalism, neither Hitler nor Mussolini could manage to stay within their own borders, so hard to take their claims seriously. But good response.
It's right wing reactionary because it rises up to squash social change. European fascism rose up to stop socialism.
The ONLY thing the corrupt shadow government wants is to get rid of Trump.

And where is this independent media? You mean Breitbart? The corporate DNC propaganda corps you cited are part of the deep state, a VITAL part.
Breitbart :laugh2: Give me a break.

If you can find anything false in the story I linked to, then point it out. Otherwise we will assume it to be factual.

The challenge when linking to MSNBC is finding anything TRUE in their stories.

But seriously, you think the corporate DNC controlled media is "independent?"

I didn't suggest that the corporate media was independent. That's you trying to draw conclusions.

Bullshit, unless a different Tehon posted "He is trying to silence the watchdog independent media "

You called the little Goebbels of the DNC Corporate media "watchdog independent media "

If you want actual independence try Breitbart, which is perhaps the ONLY honest media left.

Even Fox lied about Obama's cages when the Goebbels decided to blame them on Trump. Breitbart had reported on them in 2014 - indeed the photos were taken by Breitbart, but the DNC Media spiked the story to protect Obama.
Trump is trying to silence the independent media. Wikileaks is independent media. Trump has indicted Assange for disseminating truthful information.

That statement is completely independent of the second part of my post where I linked to an article by NBC. They are two separate ideas.

Wikileaks is not media.

But good recovery anyway.
Breitbart :laugh2: Give me a break.

If you can find anything false in the story I linked to, then point it out. Otherwise we will assume it to be factual.

The challenge when linking to MSNBC is finding anything TRUE in their stories.

But seriously, you think the corporate DNC controlled media is "independent?"

I didn't suggest that the corporate media was independent. That's you trying to draw conclusions.

Bullshit, unless a different Tehon posted "He is trying to silence the watchdog independent media "

You called the little Goebbels of the DNC Corporate media "watchdog independent media "

If you want actual independence try Breitbart, which is perhaps the ONLY honest media left.

Even Fox lied about Obama's cages when the Goebbels decided to blame them on Trump. Breitbart had reported on them in 2014 - indeed the photos were taken by Breitbart, but the DNC Media spiked the story to protect Obama.
Trump is trying to silence the independent media. Wikileaks is independent media. Trump has indicted Assange for disseminating truthful information.

That statement is completely independent of the second part of my post where I linked to an article by NBC. They are two separate ideas.

Wikileaks is not media.

But good recovery anyway.
Of course it is. It's just atypical.

Media are the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information or data.[1][2]
Media (communication) - Wikipedia
Want to know an even BETTER question Correll?

Will the moderate Democrats (those that self identify on this board, and I think there may be 4) INSIST that people like Adam Shiff, Nancy Pelosi, and that dummy from California,(who's name escapes me at the moment) all MUST resign from congress after PROMISING that they had the goods to prove the HOAX was true!

Not to be picky, but both Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schitt are from California, and both are dummies.

I'm just saying. (The other one might be Kamala Harris.)
Don’t forget Mad Maxine Waters!
You mean old "Impeach 45, Impeach 45, Impeach 45, Impeach 45, Impeach 45" Maxipad?

How could anyone forget?

I don't think the old crackhead is running for President, though.
The Democrat Socialist Clown Car is like Jello … there's always room for 1 more.
absolutely.....go far right enough, and you'll end up on the left
...go far enough left and you'll end up on the right and as Mac noted, the R/L extremes have way more in common with each other than they with rational people.
The Horseshoe Theory Says Right And Left Wing Are More Similar Than You Think


A "moderate" is like the muslim who hold the victim to get the head cut off. Then says, "I am moderate, I never chopped any head off".
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The ONLY thing the corrupt shadow government wants is to get rid of Trump.

And where is this independent media? You mean Breitbart? The corporate DNC propaganda corps you cited are part of the deep state, a VITAL part.
Breitbart :laugh2: Give me a break.

If you can find anything false in the story I linked to, then point it out. Otherwise we will assume it to be factual.

The challenge when linking to MSNBC is finding anything TRUE in their stories.

But seriously, you think the corporate DNC controlled media is "independent?"

I didn't suggest that the corporate media was independent. That's you trying to draw conclusions.

Bullshit, unless a different Tehon posted "He is trying to silence the watchdog independent media "

You called the little Goebbels of the DNC Corporate media "watchdog independent media "

If you want actual independence try Breitbart, which is perhaps the ONLY honest media left.

Even Fox lied about Obama's cages when the Goebbels decided to blame them on Trump. Breitbart had reported on them in 2014 - indeed the photos were taken by Breitbart, but the DNC Media spiked the story to protect Obama.
Trump is trying to silence the independent media. Wikileaks is independent media. Trump has indicted Assange for disseminating truthful information...
And with that silliness you once again careen offs the rails. Trump has done nothing "to silence the independent media" - unless one is loony enough to consider self- defense an attempt to silence others - and he has indicted NO ONE.

It's clear your seething hatred for the POTUS trumps your rationality.
Want to know an even BETTER question Correll?

Will the moderate Democrats (those that self identify on this board, and I think there may be 4) INSIST that people like Adam Shiff, Nancy Pelosi, and that dummy from California,(who's name escapes me at the moment) all MUST resign from congress after PROMISING that they had the goods to prove the HOAX was true!

Not to be picky, but both Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schitt are from California, and both are dummies.

I'm just saying. (The other one might be Kamala Harris.)

LOL, you are correct, but I was referring to that phony baloney congress critter running for President. For some reason, his name escapes me, but I know his face, and his arrogant attitude-)

You're probably thinking about Eric Swalwell.

Breitbart :laugh2: Give me a break.

If you can find anything false in the story I linked to, then point it out. Otherwise we will assume it to be factual.

The challenge when linking to MSNBC is finding anything TRUE in their stories.

But seriously, you think the corporate DNC controlled media is "independent?"

I didn't suggest that the corporate media was independent. That's you trying to draw conclusions.

Bullshit, unless a different Tehon posted "He is trying to silence the watchdog independent media "

You called the little Goebbels of the DNC Corporate media "watchdog independent media "

If you want actual independence try Breitbart, which is perhaps the ONLY honest media left.

Even Fox lied about Obama's cages when the Goebbels decided to blame them on Trump. Breitbart had reported on them in 2014 - indeed the photos were taken by Breitbart, but the DNC Media spiked the story to protect Obama.
Trump is trying to silence the independent media. Wikileaks is independent media. Trump has indicted Assange for disseminating truthful information...
And with that silliness you once again careen offs the rails. Trump has done nothing "to silence the independent media" - unless one is loony enough to consider self- defense an attempt to silence others - and he has indicted NO ONE.

It's clear your seething hatred for the POTUS trumps your rationality.
Julian Assange is under indictment right now. For disseminating factual information.
While Fascism indeed makes claim to Nationalism, neither Hitler nor Mussolini could manage to stay within their own borders, so hard to take their claims seriously...
It's right wing reactionary because it rises up to squash social change. European fascism rose up to stop socialism.
So using your definition would you consider ANTIFA to be fascist? America elected Trump in large part to change the course on which Obama put us. Social change.
It's reactionary. It's nationalist.

How is "reactionary" a feature of the right? Few regimes in history are as reactionary as the Kim dynasty or indeed Stalin's empire.

While Fascism indeed makes claim to Nationalism, neither Hitler nor Mussolini could manage to stay within their own borders, so hard to take their claims seriously. But good response.
It's right wing reactionary because it rises up to squash social change. European fascism rose up to stop socialism.

You haven't read Mussolini. Fascism rose to FIX socialism. Remember Benito was the head of the Italian Communist party. He wrote in "Il Fascisti" of the failures of the Bolshevik model of Socialism. Fascism was meant to fix the most serious flaw, that of reward for effort which maintaining absolute control by the state. There was no desire to stop anything, but rather to make it actually work.

Fascism, like all socialism is the enslavement of some for the benefit of others. But Mussolini did have a working system that his former Boss never could come up with, until Stalin adopted the Mussolini model and employed it.
The challenge when linking to MSNBC is finding anything TRUE in their stories.

But seriously, you think the corporate DNC controlled media is "independent?"

I didn't suggest that the corporate media was independent. That's you trying to draw conclusions.

Bullshit, unless a different Tehon posted "He is trying to silence the watchdog independent media "

You called the little Goebbels of the DNC Corporate media "watchdog independent media "

If you want actual independence try Breitbart, which is perhaps the ONLY honest media left.

Even Fox lied about Obama's cages when the Goebbels decided to blame them on Trump. Breitbart had reported on them in 2014 - indeed the photos were taken by Breitbart, but the DNC Media spiked the story to protect Obama.
Trump is trying to silence the independent media. Wikileaks is independent media. Trump has indicted Assange for disseminating truthful information.

That statement is completely independent of the second part of my post where I linked to an article by NBC. They are two separate ideas.

Wikileaks is not media.

But good recovery anyway.
Of course it is. It's just atypical.

Media are the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information or data.[1][2]
Media (communication) - Wikipedia

From a technical standpoint. From that standpoint, this board is media.

BUT THE media is the news outlets such as the old print media and the electronic formal media.
While Fascism indeed makes claim to Nationalism, neither Hitler nor Mussolini could manage to stay within their own borders, so hard to take their claims seriously...
It's right wing reactionary because it rises up to squash social change. European fascism rose up to stop socialism.
So using your definition would you consider ANTIFA to be fascist? America elected Trump in large part to change the course on which Obama put us. Social change.
They might use quasi brown shirt tactics but I wouldn't call it fascism. No. It's just thuggery.

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