The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement

...If whites had unfairness legislated on them...
Here we go again, with the Victim Mindset... that 'legislated unfairness' is long-since dead... enough complaining. would not be talking crazy like this...
It's not crazy-talk... it's Honest Talk... a rarity in the age of Liberal-sponsored Political Correctness... it's the way vast numbers of White Folk feel, when they think of you at all.

Please understand... even though you may hold a majority in a number of large cities... you are only twelve (12%) of the overall US population.

Heck, you're not even the Dominant Minority any longer... Hispanics now represent sixteen (16%) of the population... you're now the Number Two Minority... a lower priority.

Resign yourself to the idea that whatever you could squeeze out of White Society to help realign and retool yourselves has already been squeezed-out... your time is over.

And, as traditionally conservative Hispanics slowly come to the realization that they have little in common with the Black Collective, they'll drift away from the Democrats, too.

Hopefully, it won't be right away - Rump needs to be tossed out on his ear in November - but it's coming, and sooner rather than later.

...Instead the government has given you everything...

My mother and father gave me life. Their tax-money floated my early education. My military service floated my higher education (in part). I did much of the rest myself.

And, when it comes to government monies coming to me, I have yet to encounter a 'distribution' from an agency where I took more out that I had contributed over time.

Government social-services programming is meant to tide people over during finite periods of difficulty - not to be abused as a full-blown lifestyle, ad infinitum.

...and you sit on your ass talking stupid...
1. I am, indeed, sitting on my a$$ - ya got me there - kinda hard to operate a keyboard standing up, unless you've got one of those specialized lifting-desktops

2. I am not 'talking stupid' - I am 'talking honest', without the bull$hit Political Correctness filters. I give you a very common White perspective. It is what it is.

...When you talk of collectivism study your history white boy.
Given my decades of work in the inner-city, I have a better understanding of such things than most White folk, black boy my dear delusional colleague.


Black Folk who drift towards Conservatism are, in all likelihood, members of that subset who have found the courage to strike out on their own and stake their own claim.

They are to be encouraged and congratulated and valued like any other largely self-sufficient American citizen, regardless of skin color... true color-blindness.
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Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.

Democrats didn't get on board for "political capital". They got on board because Kennedy told them to. Keeping black people down and denying them economic opportunities was increasing poverty for the whole nation. Holding people back from achieving their full potential is economically destructive and just plain stupid, that once there were no legal impediments to hold black people back, they immediately started rising out of poverty.

Just look at the drop in poverty that ensued from the economic opportunities which the Democrats under Kennedy and Johnson opened up for blacks and other minorities. If just those things gave the entire country a huge economic boost and helped created today's black middle class, imagine the economic boost across all classes if the economic potential of all Americans were suddenly to be unleashed.
That is true. The republicans in their race pimping strategy fail to note that American poverty was cut in half by the Johnson War on poverty, meaning that it worked. Black poverty has remained double that of whites even with more high school and college graduates and an the development of a black middle class. So then when I continue saying that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, these are some of the reasons that support my conclusion.
Oh STFU. Johnson instituted cradle to grave welfare. That's what Johnson did. Never work and be poor but have every need met and suck off of taxpayers for generations. That's what LBJ did. Dork.

That's no way for men to live. Men (yes, the black ones, too) know this. It's kind of intuitive if you're a real man.

No he did not. Stupid ignorant uneducated Republicans ignore the poverty statistics of the fifties and early sixties. Of course you Confederate types have no problem with blacks being poor, since you think they're all lazy. If black people are so lazy, how did plantation owners get so wealthy off their labour?

Ignorant racist and Repubican is no way to go through life.
How many blacks would have already starved to death if not for LBJ welfare? All the lazy ones.

Idk if Canada welcomed runaway slaves, but I do know Florida did, you Canuck goober.

The Johnson 200 Year Plan is what ultimately sold Democrats to at least stop lynching Blacks.
Republicans lynched us too. And today republicans still are. Ask Amaud Arbery.

Historically, what, when and where did Republicans lynch Blacks? Amaud Arbery was caught coming out of a house not his in his kakis and boots supposedly jogging before he went for guns of folks trying to make a citizens arrest. If you don’t believe in the power of the citizen to protect himself and his community.

Blacks were lynched by whites. Bi partisan. What you said about Arbery is not true. Again, you republicans need to stop lying about your party's history. Todays republican party is not the same party as it was in the 1860's and todays republican party does not represent the same principles. The claims you make pertaining to race are dishonest. Anyone who has studied history knows this.

Your retort failed to provide where Republicans lynched Blacks. You said it was done by whites? Show us empirical evidence that they were Republicans?
Lynching was done by whites. It was bi partisan. What you don't want to believe is of no importance to me. You cannot show that every klansman was a democrat or that every lynching was dine by democrats.

The KKK was started by Democrats in the South. Republicans were not welcome in the South. The KKK did the lynchings. Fast forward, in the Northern city of Boston bu, heavily Democrats, whites protested busing in Boston. That’s your party.
KKK was started by disgruntled Confederates upset about no longer being able to own other people.

That slavery was in place 200 years before the formation of the Democratic Party. When Democrats turned on the racist policies of Jim Crow, the racist south turned to Republicans for solace

The legacy of fighting for Slavery, Jim Crow, and against Civil Rights belongs to Democrats. The Democrats did not “turn” overnight due to shift in the moral compass. They saw a block of votes just like they do with everyone.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.

Democrats didn't get on board for "political capital". They got on board because Kennedy told them to. Keeping black people down and denying them economic opportunities was increasing poverty for the whole nation. Holding people back from achieving their full potential is economically destructive and just plain stupid, that once there were no legal impediments to hold black people back, they immediately started rising out of poverty.

Just look at the drop in poverty that ensued from the economic opportunities which the Democrats under Kennedy and Johnson opened up for blacks and other minorities. If just those things gave the entire country a huge economic boost and helped created today's black middle class, imagine the economic boost across all classes if the economic potential of all Americans were suddenly to be unleashed.
That is true. The republicans in their race pimping strategy fail to note that American poverty was cut in half by the Johnson War on poverty, meaning that it worked. Black poverty has remained double that of whites even with more high school and college graduates and an the development of a black middle class. So then when I continue saying that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, these are some of the reasons that support my conclusion.
Oh STFU. Johnson instituted cradle to grave welfare. That's what Johnson did. Never work and be poor but have every need met and suck off of taxpayers for generations. That's what LBJ did. Dork.

That's no way for men to live. Men (yes, the black ones, too) know this. It's kind of intuitive if you're a real man.

No he did not. Stupid ignorant uneducated Republicans ignore the poverty statistics of the fifties and early sixties. Of course you Confederate types have no problem with blacks being poor, since you think they're all lazy. If black people are so lazy, how did plantation owners get so wealthy off their labour?

Ignorant racist and Repubican is no way to go through life.
How many blacks would have already starved to death if not for LBJ welfare? All the lazy ones.

Idk if Canada welcomed runaway slaves, but I do know Florida did, you Canuck goober.

The Johnson 200 Year Plan is what ultimately sold Democrats to at least stop lynching Blacks.
Republicans lynched us too. And today republicans still are. Ask Amaud Arbery.

Historically, what, when and where did Republicans lynch Blacks? Amaud Arbery was caught coming out of a house not his in his kakis and boots supposedly jogging before he went for guns of folks trying to make a citizens arrest. If you don’t believe in the power of the citizen to protect himself and his community.

Blacks were lynched by whites. Bi partisan. What you said about Arbery is not true. Again, you republicans need to stop lying about your party's history. Todays republican party is not the same party as it was in the 1860's and todays republican party does not represent the same principles. The claims you make pertaining to race are dishonest. Anyone who has studied history knows this.

Your retort failed to provide where Republicans lynched Blacks. You said it was done by whites? Show us empirical evidence that they were Republicans?
Lynching was done by whites. It was bi partisan. What you don't want to believe is of no importance to me. You cannot show that every klansman was a democrat or that every lynching was dine by democrats.

The KKK was started by Democrats in the South. Republicans were not welcome in the South. The KKK did the lynchings. Fast forward, in the Northern city of Boston bu, heavily Democrats, whites protested busing in Boston. That’s your party.
KKK was started by disgruntled Confederates upset about no longer being able to own other people.

That slavery was in place 200 years before the formation of the Democratic Party. When Democrats turned on the racist policies of Jim Crow, the racist south turned to Republicans for solace
KKK was started by disgruntled Confederates Democrats upset about no longer being able to own other people.

Fixed that fer ya. The KKK killed more white people than black. True story.

They were the ANTIFA of yesteryear, and they were more violent.

My grandmother stopped 3 KKK from hanging her father with a butcher knife. I know what they were.

Count on clapping seal Marion, a guy who has more than 54,000 posts since 2017, all of them cultishly supporting every lie Republicans have ever fed him, and every bullshit divisive policy that Putin and Trump favours, and whose racism and hatred towards his any of his fellow Americans who aren't male and white, is well established in this post. I love how all of the members of the 1000 post a month club have people who have died or have been physically threatened by Democrats!!! Oh the humanity!!!

I don't what American history they feed you at the troll farm, Duke, but those lies you just told about the KKK have been debunked numerous times.

The KKK was started by disgruntled Confederate soldiers who were fed up with the Yankee carpetbaggers who flooded the South after the war, to pick the bones of the Confederacy, and who looted the plantations of their art, their silver wear, jewellry and other valuables. They put on hoods and attacked the carpetbaggers.

But gradually the Klan changed. They started attacking anything that challenged the old ways of life. Catholics, Jews, non-whites. Anyone who did business with black people - who sold them property, or supplies or in any way helped black people rise, became the "enemy".

The KKK was all about maintaining the racist pecking order, and ANYONE who tried to change it was fair game. The KKK is a white nationalist terrorist organization not affiliated with one party or the other, but rather with keeping people in the rightful places, and messing with anyone who tries to change it.

Kind of like the entire Republican Party today. Except today, the racists aren't wearing hoods.
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Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.

Democrats didn't get on board for "political capital". They got on board because Kennedy told them to. Keeping black people down and denying them economic opportunities was increasing poverty for the whole nation. Holding people back from achieving their full potential is economically destructive and just plain stupid, that once there were no legal impediments to hold black people back, they immediately started rising out of poverty.

Just look at the drop in poverty that ensued from the economic opportunities which the Democrats under Kennedy and Johnson opened up for blacks and other minorities. If just those things gave the entire country a huge economic boost and helped created today's black middle class, imagine the economic boost across all classes if the economic potential of all Americans were suddenly to be unleashed.
That is true. The republicans in their race pimping strategy fail to note that American poverty was cut in half by the Johnson War on poverty, meaning that it worked. Black poverty has remained double that of whites even with more high school and college graduates and an the development of a black middle class. So then when I continue saying that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, these are some of the reasons that support my conclusion.
Oh STFU. Johnson instituted cradle to grave welfare. That's what Johnson did. Never work and be poor but have every need met and suck off of taxpayers for generations. That's what LBJ did. Dork.

That's no way for men to live. Men (yes, the black ones, too) know this. It's kind of intuitive if you're a real man.

No he did not. Stupid ignorant uneducated Republicans ignore the poverty statistics of the fifties and early sixties. Of course you Confederate types have no problem with blacks being poor, since you think they're all lazy. If black people are so lazy, how did plantation owners get so wealthy off their labour?

Ignorant racist and Repubican is no way to go through life.
How many blacks would have already starved to death if not for LBJ welfare? All the lazy ones.

Idk if Canada welcomed runaway slaves, but I do know Florida did, you Canuck goober.

The Johnson 200 Year Plan is what ultimately sold Democrats to at least stop lynching Blacks.
Republicans lynched us too. And today republicans still are. Ask Amaud Arbery.

Historically, what, when and where did Republicans lynch Blacks? Amaud Arbery was caught coming out of a house not his in his kakis and boots supposedly jogging before he went for guns of folks trying to make a citizens arrest. If you don’t believe in the power of the citizen to protect himself and his community.

Blacks were lynched by whites. Bi partisan. What you said about Arbery is not true. Again, you republicans need to stop lying about your party's history. Todays republican party is not the same party as it was in the 1860's and todays republican party does not represent the same principles. The claims you make pertaining to race are dishonest. Anyone who has studied history knows this.

Your retort failed to provide where Republicans lynched Blacks. You said it was done by whites? Show us empirical evidence that they were Republicans?
Lynching was done by whites. It was bi partisan. What you don't want to believe is of no importance to me. You cannot show that every klansman was a democrat or that every lynching was dine by democrats.

The KKK was started by Democrats in the South. Republicans were not welcome in the South. The KKK did the lynchings. Fast forward, in the Northern city of Boston bu, heavily Democrats, whites protested busing in Boston. That’s your party.
KKK was started by disgruntled Confederates upset about no longer being able to own other people.

That slavery was in place 200 years before the formation of the Democratic Party. When Democrats turned on the racist policies of Jim Crow, the racist south turned to Republicans for solace
KKK was started by disgruntled Confederates Democrats upset about no longer being able to own other people.

Fixed that fer ya. The KKK killed more white people than black. True story.

They were the ANTIFA of yesteryear, and they were more violent.

My grandmother stopped 3 KKK from hanging her father with a butcher knife. I know what they were.

Count on clapping seal Marion, a guy who has more than 54,000 posts since 2017, all of them cultishly supporting every lie Republicans have ever fed him, and every bullshit divisive policy that Putin and Trump favours, and whose racism and hatred towards his any of his fellow Americans who aren't male and white, is well established in this post. I love how all of the members of the 1000 post a month club have people who have died or have been physically threatened by Democrats!!! Oh the humanity!!!

I don't what American history they feed you at the troll farm, Duke, but those lies you just told about the KKK have been debunked numerous times.

The KKK was started by disgruntled Confederate soldiers who were fed up with the Yankee carpetbaggers who flooded the South after the war, to pick the bones of the Confederacy, and who looted the plantations of their art, their silver wear, jewellry and other valuables. They put on hoods and attacked the carpetbaggers.

But gradually the Klan changed. They started attacking anything that challenged the old ways of life. Catholics, Jews, non-whites. Anyone who did business with black people - who sold them property, or supplies or in any way helped black people rise, became the "enemy".

The KKK was all about maintaining the racist pecking order, and ANYONE who tried to change it was fair game. The KKK is a white nationalist terrorist organization not affiliated with one party or the other, but rather with keeping people in the rightful places, and messing with anyone who tries to change it.

Kind of like the entire Republican Party today. Except today, the racists aren't wearing hoods.

“Racism” is such a broadly used term and interpreted many different ways today.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.

Democrats didn't get on board for "political capital". They got on board because Kennedy told them to. Keeping black people down and denying them economic opportunities was increasing poverty for the whole nation. Holding people back from achieving their full potential is economically destructive and just plain stupid, that once there were no legal impediments to hold black people back, they immediately started rising out of poverty.

Just look at the drop in poverty that ensued from the economic opportunities which the Democrats under Kennedy and Johnson opened up for blacks and other minorities. If just those things gave the entire country a huge economic boost and helped created today's black middle class, imagine the economic boost across all classes if the economic potential of all Americans were suddenly to be unleashed.
That is true. The republicans in their race pimping strategy fail to note that American poverty was cut in half by the Johnson War on poverty, meaning that it worked. Black poverty has remained double that of whites even with more high school and college graduates and an the development of a black middle class. So then when I continue saying that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, these are some of the reasons that support my conclusion.
Oh STFU. Johnson instituted cradle to grave welfare. That's what Johnson did. Never work and be poor but have every need met and suck off of taxpayers for generations. That's what LBJ did. Dork.

That's no way for men to live. Men (yes, the black ones, too) know this. It's kind of intuitive if you're a real man.

No he did not. Stupid ignorant uneducated Republicans ignore the poverty statistics of the fifties and early sixties. Of course you Confederate types have no problem with blacks being poor, since you think they're all lazy. If black people are so lazy, how did plantation owners get so wealthy off their labour?

Ignorant racist and Repubican is no way to go through life.
How many blacks would have already starved to death if not for LBJ welfare? All the lazy ones.

Idk if Canada welcomed runaway slaves, but I do know Florida did, you Canuck goober.

The Johnson 200 Year Plan is what ultimately sold Democrats to at least stop lynching Blacks.
Republicans lynched us too. And today republicans still are. Ask Amaud Arbery.

Historically, what, when and where did Republicans lynch Blacks? Amaud Arbery was caught coming out of a house not his in his kakis and boots supposedly jogging before he went for guns of folks trying to make a citizens arrest. If you don’t believe in the power of the citizen to protect himself and his community.

Blacks were lynched by whites. Bi partisan. What you said about Arbery is not true. Again, you republicans need to stop lying about your party's history. Todays republican party is not the same party as it was in the 1860's and todays republican party does not represent the same principles. The claims you make pertaining to race are dishonest. Anyone who has studied history knows this.

Your retort failed to provide where Republicans lynched Blacks. You said it was done by whites? Show us empirical evidence that they were Republicans?
Lynching was done by whites. It was bi partisan. What you don't want to believe is of no importance to me. You cannot show that every klansman was a democrat or that every lynching was dine by democrats.

The KKK was started by Democrats in the South. Republicans were not welcome in the South. The KKK did the lynchings. Fast forward, in the Northern city of Boston bu, heavily Democrats, whites protested busing in Boston. That’s your party.
KKK was started by disgruntled Confederates upset about no longer being able to own other people.

That slavery was in place 200 years before the formation of the Democratic Party. When Democrats turned on the racist policies of Jim Crow, the racist south turned to Republicans for solace

The legacy of fighting for Slavery, Jim Crow, and against Civil Rights belongs to Democrats. The Democrats did not “turn” overnight due to shift in the moral compass. They saw a block of votes just like they do with everyone.
You just need to understand that both parties have been complicit. And republicans saw a block of votes too, so they accepted the racists who left the democratic party. The only reason you guys are begging blacks to join your party using this dishonest crap is that you hope for 20 percent of the black vote. Not that you are concerned with issues in our communities.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.

Democrats didn't get on board for "political capital". They got on board because Kennedy told them to. Keeping black people down and denying them economic opportunities was increasing poverty for the whole nation. Holding people back from achieving their full potential is economically destructive and just plain stupid, that once there were no legal impediments to hold black people back, they immediately started rising out of poverty.

Just look at the drop in poverty that ensued from the economic opportunities which the Democrats under Kennedy and Johnson opened up for blacks and other minorities. If just those things gave the entire country a huge economic boost and helped created today's black middle class, imagine the economic boost across all classes if the economic potential of all Americans were suddenly to be unleashed.
That is true. The republicans in their race pimping strategy fail to note that American poverty was cut in half by the Johnson War on poverty, meaning that it worked. Black poverty has remained double that of whites even with more high school and college graduates and an the development of a black middle class. So then when I continue saying that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, these are some of the reasons that support my conclusion.
Oh STFU. Johnson instituted cradle to grave welfare. That's what Johnson did. Never work and be poor but have every need met and suck off of taxpayers for generations. That's what LBJ did. Dork.

That's no way for men to live. Men (yes, the black ones, too) know this. It's kind of intuitive if you're a real man.

No he did not. Stupid ignorant uneducated Republicans ignore the poverty statistics of the fifties and early sixties. Of course you Confederate types have no problem with blacks being poor, since you think they're all lazy. If black people are so lazy, how did plantation owners get so wealthy off their labour?

Ignorant racist and Repubican is no way to go through life.
How many blacks would have already starved to death if not for LBJ welfare? All the lazy ones.

Idk if Canada welcomed runaway slaves, but I do know Florida did, you Canuck goober.

The Johnson 200 Year Plan is what ultimately sold Democrats to at least stop lynching Blacks.
Republicans lynched us too. And today republicans still are. Ask Amaud Arbery.

Historically, what, when and where did Republicans lynch Blacks? Amaud Arbery was caught coming out of a house not his in his kakis and boots supposedly jogging before he went for guns of folks trying to make a citizens arrest. If you don’t believe in the power of the citizen to protect himself and his community.

Blacks were lynched by whites. Bi partisan. What you said about Arbery is not true. Again, you republicans need to stop lying about your party's history. Todays republican party is not the same party as it was in the 1860's and todays republican party does not represent the same principles. The claims you make pertaining to race are dishonest. Anyone who has studied history knows this.

Your retort failed to provide where Republicans lynched Blacks. You said it was done by whites? Show us empirical evidence that they were Republicans?
Lynching was done by whites. It was bi partisan. What you don't want to believe is of no importance to me. You cannot show that every klansman was a democrat or that every lynching was dine by democrats.

The KKK was started by Democrats in the South. Republicans were not welcome in the South. The KKK did the lynchings. Fast forward, in the Northern city of Boston bu, heavily Democrats, whites protested busing in Boston. That’s your party.
KKK was started by disgruntled Confederates upset about no longer being able to own other people.

That slavery was in place 200 years before the formation of the Democratic Party. When Democrats turned on the racist policies of Jim Crow, the racist south turned to Republicans for solace
KKK was started by disgruntled Confederates Democrats upset about no longer being able to own other people.

Fixed that fer ya. The KKK killed more white people than black. True story.

They were the ANTIFA of yesteryear, and they were more violent.

My grandmother stopped 3 KKK from hanging her father with a butcher knife. I know what they were.

Count on clapping seal Marion, a guy who has more than 54,000 posts since 2017, all of them cultishly supporting every lie Republicans have ever fed him, and every bullshit divisive policy that Putin and Trump favours, and whose racism and hatred towards his any of his fellow Americans who aren't male and white, is well established in this post. I love how all of the members of the 1000 post a month club have people who have died or have been physically threatened by Democrats!!! Oh the humanity!!!

I don't what American history they feed you at the troll farm, Duke, but those lies you just told about the KKK have been debunked numerous times.

The KKK was started by disgruntled Confederate soldiers who were fed up with the Yankee carpetbaggers who flooded the South after the war, to pick the bones of the Confederacy, and who looted the plantations of their art, their silver wear, jewellry and other valuables. They put on hoods and attacked the carpetbaggers.

But gradually the Klan changed. They started attacking anything that challenged the old ways of life. Catholics, Jews, non-whites. Anyone who did business with black people - who sold them property, or supplies or in any way helped black people rise, became the "enemy".

The KKK was all about maintaining the racist pecking order, and ANYONE who tried to change it was fair game. The KKK is a white nationalist terrorist organization not affiliated with one party or the other, but rather with keeping people in the rightful places, and messing with anyone who tries to change it.

Kind of like the entire Republican Party today. Except today, the racists aren't wearing hoods.

“Racism” is such a broadly used term and interpreted many different ways today.
No it's not. It has the same meaning it always had.
These black conservatives do not get the exposure by the RWM as the Candice Owens types and it is done on purpose.

View attachment 336540

The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement
January 1, 2020 by Jeff Charles

It is a new year, and a new decade. Changes are occurring in American politics. The Democratic Party is currently embroiled in a heated war between the establishment and far-left progressive factions. The Republican Party is also caught in a conflict between its own establishment and those who want to bring change.

But there is another evolution occurring, especially on the right, one that has gone largely unnoticed until now. This change is happening in the realm of the black conservative movement with a growing number of right-leaning black Americans pushing for a change in GOP and the overall conservative movement. In essence, they are a new breed of black conservatives, and if their efforts are successful, it could make an immense mark on the nation’s political landscape.

If you have read my work regarding the conservative movement’s relationship — or lack thereof — with the black community, you have seen some of the ideas we espouse. Our message differs from that of the traditional black conservative establishment in that it emphasizes a different view of, and approach to, the black community. We recognize that the messaging strategies used by the black conservative establishment, though well-intentioned, have been woefully impotent when it comes to reaching black American voters. It is time for a new approach.

So what does this look like?

It looks like conservatives talking about blacks as people deserving of dignity instead of treating them as mentally inferior. It means seeing them as fellow Americans instead of slaves on a fictional plantation. It means emphasizing truth over narrative and seeking a genuine understanding of those we wish to reach instead of relying on lazy stereotypes and meaningless platitudes. It means not being limited by the statistics the media selects for us and digging deeper to understand the true issues facing the black community. We do not obsess over racism as many do on the left, but we also do not discount its impact as many do on the right.

Instead of a conservative movement that relies on talking points and narratives lacking nuance, the new black conservative movement seeks to foster a holistic understanding of the black community. This means promoting a real understanding of the black community, its culture, and its history. Rather than holding events that are ostensibly tailored to reaching black voters, but are attended by mostly non-blacks, we wish to see the Republican Party, right-leaning media, and conservative organizations engage directly with black Americans in their communities.

We favor an approach that involves up-close conversation and discourse instead of the mindless repeating of banal platitudes about Chicago’s homicide rates from a distance. The non-establishment black conservative wants to sell the virtues of conservative policies that promote free enterprise rather than only bashing socialism.

Our focus isn’t just on Trump and the presidency; it is on winning black voters at the local and state levels, and in the legislative branch. We’re more likely to favor an organization like the Empower America Project, which is training minority and women candidates to run for office, over a group like Blexit, which has failed to reach black Americans because it still uses the traditional black conservative messaging strategy.

Now these are black conservatives I can work with or even become a part of.

I didn't read a word of this propaganda piece, because I already read it loud and clear.

The party of slavery, destruction of black families through welfare and excuses, thought-control, weakness, projection and victims roles have revealed their colors. Your party can't even hide it well, contradiction and failure has become their comfort zone.

Blacks are coming to light and it's awesome.

So your story is an attempt to disrupt and make excuses for your party's demise under the worst group of members in our history.
What are Republicans offering minorities?

Vote Republican because.....

Because although we're more charitable than Demonicrats we expect people to take responsibility regardless of race. The left prefers they feel victimized, throw them a bone on occasion, keep them in their place.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.

Democrats didn't get on board for "political capital". They got on board because Kennedy told them to. Keeping black people down and denying them economic opportunities was increasing poverty for the whole nation. Holding people back from achieving their full potential is economically destructive and just plain stupid, that once there were no legal impediments to hold black people back, they immediately started rising out of poverty.

Just look at the drop in poverty that ensued from the economic opportunities which the Democrats under Kennedy and Johnson opened up for blacks and other minorities. If just those things gave the entire country a huge economic boost and helped created today's black middle class, imagine the economic boost across all classes if the economic potential of all Americans were suddenly to be unleashed.
That is true. The republicans in their race pimping strategy fail to note that American poverty was cut in half by the Johnson War on poverty, meaning that it worked. Black poverty has remained double that of whites even with more high school and college graduates and an the development of a black middle class. So then when I continue saying that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, these are some of the reasons that support my conclusion.
Oh STFU. Johnson instituted cradle to grave welfare. That's what Johnson did. Never work and be poor but have every need met and suck off of taxpayers for generations. That's what LBJ did. Dork.

That's no way for men to live. Men (yes, the black ones, too) know this. It's kind of intuitive if you're a real man.

No he did not. Stupid ignorant uneducated Republicans ignore the poverty statistics of the fifties and early sixties. Of course you Confederate types have no problem with blacks being poor, since you think they're all lazy. If black people are so lazy, how did plantation owners get so wealthy off their labour?

Ignorant racist and Repubican is no way to go through life.
How many blacks would have already starved to death if not for LBJ welfare? All the lazy ones.

Idk if Canada welcomed runaway slaves, but I do know Florida did, you Canuck goober.

The Johnson 200 Year Plan is what ultimately sold Democrats to at least stop lynching Blacks.
Republicans lynched us too. And today republicans still are. Ask Amaud Arbery.

Historically, what, when and where did Republicans lynch Blacks? Amaud Arbery was caught coming out of a house not his in his kakis and boots supposedly jogging before he went for guns of folks trying to make a citizens arrest. If you don’t believe in the power of the citizen to protect himself and his community.

Blacks were lynched by whites. Bi partisan. What you said about Arbery is not true. Again, you republicans need to stop lying about your party's history. Todays republican party is not the same party as it was in the 1860's and todays republican party does not represent the same principles. The claims you make pertaining to race are dishonest. Anyone who has studied history knows this.

Your retort failed to provide where Republicans lynched Blacks. You said it was done by whites? Show us empirical evidence that they were Republicans?
Lynching was done by whites. It was bi partisan. What you don't want to believe is of no importance to me. You cannot show that every klansman was a democrat or that every lynching was dine by democrats.

The KKK was started by Democrats in the South. Republicans were not welcome in the South. The KKK did the lynchings. Fast forward, in the Northern city of Boston bu, heavily Democrats, whites protested busing in Boston. That’s your party.
KKK was started by disgruntled Confederates upset about no longer being able to own other people.

That slavery was in place 200 years before the formation of the Democratic Party. When Democrats turned on the racist policies of Jim Crow, the racist south turned to Republicans for solace

The legacy of fighting for Slavery, Jim Crow, and against Civil Rights belongs to Democrats. The Democrats did not “turn” overnight due to shift in the moral compass. They saw a block of votes just like they do with everyone.

Bullshit. Just look at the drop in the poverty rates under the Democrats - all of which came to a screeching halt in the 1980's when Reagan declared an end to the "war on poverty", and declared a War on Working Americans. He didn't call it that, but that has been the effect of the Reagan economic policies of the past 40 years.

Every time Democrats are in power, black unemployment and poverty decline, and all of that comes to a screeching halt when Republicans cut taxes for the wealthy and then decry "free shit" for the working poor. Republicans have engineered this current fiscal mess with giving low wage workers increases "earned income credits" for the past 40 years, in place of raises in the minimum wage. The effect has been to transfer the wealth of the working class to the wealthy.

Working class Americans owned 5% of the wealth of the nation when Reagan took office. His changes to the tax code and Republican flatlining of the minimum wage for 40 years:

Combined with Reagan's destruction of the union movement in America, all hourly rated workers in American have suffered under 40 years of Republican economics. "Trickle down", has in fact, been "trickle up", as the wealth of the nation has consistently flowed to the top under 40 years of Reaganomics. That trend has accelerated with every tax cut approved by Republicans in the past 40 years.

With Trump's tax cut, the flow of wealth to the top has accelerated. As Donnie tells you how much better you're doing, the numbers say otherwise. But facts be damned. You just feel better having Donnie in the White House, even as your economy craters around you.
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Here we go again, with the Victim Mindset... that 'legislated unfairness' is long-since dead... enough complaining.

Facts, not a victim mindset. Not only is the legislated unfairness not dead, the damage created by past deeds has not been fixed. There is no such thing as a victim mindset in the black community. The use of that term is common among whites like you who try racial gaslighting.

It's not crazy-talk... it's Honest Talk... a rarity in the age of Liberal-sponsored Political Correctness... it's the way vast numbers of White Folk feel, when they think of you at all.

Please understand... even though you may hold a majority in a number of large cities... you are only twelve (12%) of the overall US population.

Heck, you're not even the Dominant Minority any longer... Hispanics now represent sixteen (16%) of the population... you're now the Number Two Minority... a lower priority.

Resign yourself to the idea that whatever you could squeeze out of White Society to help realign and retool yourselves has already been squeezed-out... your time is over.

And, as traditionally conservative Hispanics slowly come to the realization that they have little in common with the Black Collective, they'll drift away from the Democrats, too.

Hopefully, it won't be right away - Rump needs to be tossed out on his ear in November - but it's coming, and sooner rather than later.

It's crazy talk because there is no such thing as political correctness. We don't hold a majority in many major cities,. Hispanics face the same racism, and when you talk about collective, it shows that you have released yourself from the reality of the 243 years of the white collective you have been part of your entire life.


My mother and father gave me life. Their tax-money floated my early education. My military service floated my higher education (in part). I did much of the rest myself.

And, when it comes to government monies coming to me, I have yet to encounter a 'distribution' from an agency where I took more out that I had contributed over time.

Government social-services programming is meant to tide people over during finite periods of difficulty - not to be abused as a full-blown lifestyle, ad infinitum.

Everything whites have the givernment gave it to you. It's provable son. You talk about government social services and whites are the ones that have made a lifestyle out of it. It's been an American tradition.

1. I am, indeed, sitting on my a$$ - ya got me there - kinda hard to operate a keyboard standing up, unless you've got one of those specialized lifting-desktops

2. I am not 'talking stupid' - I am 'talking honest', without the bull$hit Political Correctness filters. I give you a very common White perspective. It is what it is.

Like I said, you're talking crazy. And your perspective isn't really all that common, but it is enough of a problem that it needs to end.

Black Folk who drift towards Conservatism are, in all likelihood, members of that subset who have found the courage to strike out on their own and stake their own claim.

They are to be encouraged and congratulated and valued like any other largely self-sufficient American citizen, regardless of skin color... true color-blindness.

Nope, they are the types who seek approval from whites so badly that they will allow themselves to be degraded and used by whites to their disadvantage. I am not a black conservative, built 3 organizations and retired young enough to where today I get paid to do personal projects on my own time. There ain't no such thing as color blind, and there won't be until the damage whites created by 243 years of color conscious society building is fixed.
These black conservatives do not get the exposure by the RWM as the Candice Owens types and it is done on purpose.

View attachment 336540

The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement
January 1, 2020 by Jeff Charles

It is a new year, and a new decade. Changes are occurring in American politics. The Democratic Party is currently embroiled in a heated war between the establishment and far-left progressive factions. The Republican Party is also caught in a conflict between its own establishment and those who want to bring change.

But there is another evolution occurring, especially on the right, one that has gone largely unnoticed until now. This change is happening in the realm of the black conservative movement with a growing number of right-leaning black Americans pushing for a change in GOP and the overall conservative movement. In essence, they are a new breed of black conservatives, and if their efforts are successful, it could make an immense mark on the nation’s political landscape.

If you have read my work regarding the conservative movement’s relationship — or lack thereof — with the black community, you have seen some of the ideas we espouse. Our message differs from that of the traditional black conservative establishment in that it emphasizes a different view of, and approach to, the black community. We recognize that the messaging strategies used by the black conservative establishment, though well-intentioned, have been woefully impotent when it comes to reaching black American voters. It is time for a new approach.

So what does this look like?

It looks like conservatives talking about blacks as people deserving of dignity instead of treating them as mentally inferior. It means seeing them as fellow Americans instead of slaves on a fictional plantation. It means emphasizing truth over narrative and seeking a genuine understanding of those we wish to reach instead of relying on lazy stereotypes and meaningless platitudes. It means not being limited by the statistics the media selects for us and digging deeper to understand the true issues facing the black community. We do not obsess over racism as many do on the left, but we also do not discount its impact as many do on the right.

Instead of a conservative movement that relies on talking points and narratives lacking nuance, the new black conservative movement seeks to foster a holistic understanding of the black community. This means promoting a real understanding of the black community, its culture, and its history. Rather than holding events that are ostensibly tailored to reaching black voters, but are attended by mostly non-blacks, we wish to see the Republican Party, right-leaning media, and conservative organizations engage directly with black Americans in their communities.

We favor an approach that involves up-close conversation and discourse instead of the mindless repeating of banal platitudes about Chicago’s homicide rates from a distance. The non-establishment black conservative wants to sell the virtues of conservative policies that promote free enterprise rather than only bashing socialism.

Our focus isn’t just on Trump and the presidency; it is on winning black voters at the local and state levels, and in the legislative branch. We’re more likely to favor an organization like the Empower America Project, which is training minority and women candidates to run for office, over a group like Blexit, which has failed to reach black Americans because it still uses the traditional black conservative messaging strategy.

Now these are black conservatives I can work with or even become a part of.

I didn't read a word of this propaganda piece, because I already read it loud and clear.

The party of slavery, destruction of black families through welfare and excuses, thought-control, weakness, projection and victims roles have revealed their colors. Your party can't even hide it well, contradiction and failure has become their comfort zone.

Blacks are coming to light and it's awesome.

So your story is an attempt to disrupt and make excuses for your party's demise under the worst group of members in our history.
What are Republicans offering minorities?

Vote Republican because.....

Because although we're more charitable than Demonicrats we expect people to take responsibility regardless of race. The left prefers they feel victimized, throw them a bone on occasion, keep them in their place.
Republicans don't take personal responsibility for anything. Just using one example to support my statement, If you understood the concept of personal responsibility, you don't argue against reparations especially since you are paying native Americans for wrongs committed against them before any of them were born. One more, If you understood the concept of personal responsibility, you don't whine about affirmative action because you know that whites had a 2 century head start by denying others.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.

Democrats didn't get on board for "political capital". They got on board because Kennedy told them to. Keeping black people down and denying them economic opportunities was increasing poverty for the whole nation. Holding people back from achieving their full potential is economically destructive and just plain stupid, that once there were no legal impediments to hold black people back, they immediately started rising out of poverty.

Just look at the drop in poverty that ensued from the economic opportunities which the Democrats under Kennedy and Johnson opened up for blacks and other minorities. If just those things gave the entire country a huge economic boost and helped created today's black middle class, imagine the economic boost across all classes if the economic potential of all Americans were suddenly to be unleashed.
That is true. The republicans in their race pimping strategy fail to note that American poverty was cut in half by the Johnson War on poverty, meaning that it worked. Black poverty has remained double that of whites even with more high school and college graduates and an the development of a black middle class. So then when I continue saying that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, these are some of the reasons that support my conclusion.
Oh STFU. Johnson instituted cradle to grave welfare. That's what Johnson did. Never work and be poor but have every need met and suck off of taxpayers for generations. That's what LBJ did. Dork.

That's no way for men to live. Men (yes, the black ones, too) know this. It's kind of intuitive if you're a real man.

No he did not. Stupid ignorant uneducated Republicans ignore the poverty statistics of the fifties and early sixties. Of course you Confederate types have no problem with blacks being poor, since you think they're all lazy. If black people are so lazy, how did plantation owners get so wealthy off their labour?

Ignorant racist and Repubican is no way to go through life.
How many blacks would have already starved to death if not for LBJ welfare? All the lazy ones.

Idk if Canada welcomed runaway slaves, but I do know Florida did, you Canuck goober.

The Johnson 200 Year Plan is what ultimately sold Democrats to at least stop lynching Blacks.
Republicans lynched us too. And today republicans still are. Ask Amaud Arbery.

Historically, what, when and where did Republicans lynch Blacks? Amaud Arbery was caught coming out of a house not his in his kakis and boots supposedly jogging before he went for guns of folks trying to make a citizens arrest. If you don’t believe in the power of the citizen to protect himself and his community.

Blacks were lynched by whites. Bi partisan. What you said about Arbery is not true. Again, you republicans need to stop lying about your party's history. Todays republican party is not the same party as it was in the 1860's and todays republican party does not represent the same principles. The claims you make pertaining to race are dishonest. Anyone who has studied history knows this.

Your retort failed to provide where Republicans lynched Blacks. You said it was done by whites? Show us empirical evidence that they were Republicans?
Lynching was done by whites. It was bi partisan. What you don't want to believe is of no importance to me. You cannot show that every klansman was a democrat or that every lynching was dine by democrats.

The KKK was started by Democrats in the South. Republicans were not welcome in the South. The KKK did the lynchings. Fast forward, in the Northern city of Boston bu, heavily Democrats, whites protested busing in Boston. That’s your party.
KKK was started by disgruntled Confederates upset about no longer being able to own other people.

That slavery was in place 200 years before the formation of the Democratic Party. When Democrats turned on the racist policies of Jim Crow, the racist south turned to Republicans for solace

The legacy of fighting for Slavery, Jim Crow, and against Civil Rights belongs to Democrats. The Democrats did not “turn” overnight due to shift in the moral compass. They saw a block of votes just like they do with everyone.

Bullshit. Just look at the drop in the poverty rates under the Democrats - all of which came to a screeching halt in the 1980's when Reagan declared an end to the "war on poverty", and declared a War on Working Americans. He didn't call it that, but that has been the effect of the Reagan economic policies of the past 40 years.

Every time Democrats are in power, black unemployment and poverty decline, and all of that comes to a screeching halt when Republicans cut taxes for the wealthy and then decry "free shit" for the working poor. Republicans have engineered this current fiscal mess with giving low wage workers increases "earned income credits" for the past 40 years, in place of raises in the minimum wage. The effect has been to transfer the wealth of the working class to the wealthy.

Working class Americans owned 5% of the wealth of the nation when Reagan took office. His changes to the tax code and Republican flatlining of the minimum wage for 40 years:

Combined with Reagan's destruction of the union movement in America, all hourly rated workers in American have suffered under 40 years of Republican economics. "Trickle down", has in fact, been "trickle up", as the wealth of the nation has consistently flowed to the top under 40 years of Reaganomics. That trend has accelerated with every tax cut approved by Republicans in the past 40 years.

With Trump's tax cut, the flow of wealth to the top has accelerated. As Donnie tells you how much better you're doing, the numbers say otherwise. But facts be damned. You just feel better having Donnie in the White House, even as your economy craters around you.
They would rather this country go under than allow full equality for every race and not just whites.
But Obama reversed that remember? He saved the economy remember? So why did food stamp usage rise forty million people under his grand success?
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.

Democrats didn't get on board for "political capital". They got on board because Kennedy told them to. Keeping black people down and denying them economic opportunities was increasing poverty for the whole nation. Holding people back from achieving their full potential is economically destructive and just plain stupid, that once there were no legal impediments to hold black people back, they immediately started rising out of poverty.

Just look at the drop in poverty that ensued from the economic opportunities which the Democrats under Kennedy and Johnson opened up for blacks and other minorities. If just those things gave the entire country a huge economic boost and helped created today's black middle class, imagine the economic boost across all classes if the economic potential of all Americans were suddenly to be unleashed.
That is true. The republicans in their race pimping strategy fail to note that American poverty was cut in half by the Johnson War on poverty, meaning that it worked. Black poverty has remained double that of whites even with more high school and college graduates and an the development of a black middle class. So then when I continue saying that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, these are some of the reasons that support my conclusion.
Oh STFU. Johnson instituted cradle to grave welfare. That's what Johnson did. Never work and be poor but have every need met and suck off of taxpayers for generations. That's what LBJ did. Dork.

That's no way for men to live. Men (yes, the black ones, too) know this. It's kind of intuitive if you're a real man.

No he did not. Stupid ignorant uneducated Republicans ignore the poverty statistics of the fifties and early sixties. Of course you Confederate types have no problem with blacks being poor, since you think they're all lazy. If black people are so lazy, how did plantation owners get so wealthy off their labour?

Ignorant racist and Repubican is no way to go through life.
How many blacks would have already starved to death if not for LBJ welfare? All the lazy ones.

Idk if Canada welcomed runaway slaves, but I do know Florida did, you Canuck goober.

The Johnson 200 Year Plan is what ultimately sold Democrats to at least stop lynching Blacks.
Republicans lynched us too. And today republicans still are. Ask Amaud Arbery.

Historically, what, when and where did Republicans lynch Blacks? Amaud Arbery was caught coming out of a house not his in his kakis and boots supposedly jogging before he went for guns of folks trying to make a citizens arrest. If you don’t believe in the power of the citizen to protect himself and his community.

Blacks were lynched by whites. Bi partisan. What you said about Arbery is not true. Again, you republicans need to stop lying about your party's history. Todays republican party is not the same party as it was in the 1860's and todays republican party does not represent the same principles. The claims you make pertaining to race are dishonest. Anyone who has studied history knows this.

Your retort failed to provide where Republicans lynched Blacks. You said it was done by whites? Show us empirical evidence that they were Republicans?
Lynching was done by whites. It was bi partisan. What you don't want to believe is of no importance to me. You cannot show that every klansman was a democrat or that every lynching was dine by democrats.

The KKK was started by Democrats in the South. Republicans were not welcome in the South. The KKK did the lynchings. Fast forward, in the Northern city of Boston bu, heavily Democrats, whites protested busing in Boston. That’s your party.
KKK was started by disgruntled Confederates upset about no longer being able to own other people.

That slavery was in place 200 years before the formation of the Democratic Party. When Democrats turned on the racist policies of Jim Crow, the racist south turned to Republicans for solace

The legacy of fighting for Slavery, Jim Crow, and against Civil Rights belongs to Democrats. The Democrats did not “turn” overnight due to shift in the moral compass. They saw a block of votes just like they do with everyone.
You just need to understand that both parties have been complicit. And republicans saw a block of votes too, so they accepted the racists who left the democratic party. The only reason you guys are begging blacks to join your party using this dishonest crap is that you hope for 20 percent of the black vote. Not that you are concerned with issues in our communities.

I am very concerned about issues in all communities that make up Our Community.... Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Gay.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.

Democrats didn't get on board for "political capital". They got on board because Kennedy told them to. Keeping black people down and denying them economic opportunities was increasing poverty for the whole nation. Holding people back from achieving their full potential is economically destructive and just plain stupid, that once there were no legal impediments to hold black people back, they immediately started rising out of poverty.

Just look at the drop in poverty that ensued from the economic opportunities which the Democrats under Kennedy and Johnson opened up for blacks and other minorities. If just those things gave the entire country a huge economic boost and helped created today's black middle class, imagine the economic boost across all classes if the economic potential of all Americans were suddenly to be unleashed.
That is true. The republicans in their race pimping strategy fail to note that American poverty was cut in half by the Johnson War on poverty, meaning that it worked. Black poverty has remained double that of whites even with more high school and college graduates and an the development of a black middle class. So then when I continue saying that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, these are some of the reasons that support my conclusion.
Oh STFU. Johnson instituted cradle to grave welfare. That's what Johnson did. Never work and be poor but have every need met and suck off of taxpayers for generations. That's what LBJ did. Dork.

That's no way for men to live. Men (yes, the black ones, too) know this. It's kind of intuitive if you're a real man.

No he did not. Stupid ignorant uneducated Republicans ignore the poverty statistics of the fifties and early sixties. Of course you Confederate types have no problem with blacks being poor, since you think they're all lazy. If black people are so lazy, how did plantation owners get so wealthy off their labour?

Ignorant racist and Repubican is no way to go through life.
How many blacks would have already starved to death if not for LBJ welfare? All the lazy ones.

Idk if Canada welcomed runaway slaves, but I do know Florida did, you Canuck goober.

The Johnson 200 Year Plan is what ultimately sold Democrats to at least stop lynching Blacks.
Republicans lynched us too. And today republicans still are. Ask Amaud Arbery.

Historically, what, when and where did Republicans lynch Blacks? Amaud Arbery was caught coming out of a house not his in his kakis and boots supposedly jogging before he went for guns of folks trying to make a citizens arrest. If you don’t believe in the power of the citizen to protect himself and his community.

Blacks were lynched by whites. Bi partisan. What you said about Arbery is not true. Again, you republicans need to stop lying about your party's history. Todays republican party is not the same party as it was in the 1860's and todays republican party does not represent the same principles. The claims you make pertaining to race are dishonest. Anyone who has studied history knows this.

Your retort failed to provide where Republicans lynched Blacks. You said it was done by whites? Show us empirical evidence that they were Republicans?
Lynching was done by whites. It was bi partisan. What you don't want to believe is of no importance to me. You cannot show that every klansman was a democrat or that every lynching was dine by democrats.

The KKK was started by Democrats in the South. Republicans were not welcome in the South. The KKK did the lynchings. Fast forward, in the Northern city of Boston bu, heavily Democrats, whites protested busing in Boston. That’s your party.
KKK was started by disgruntled Confederates upset about no longer being able to own other people.

That slavery was in place 200 years before the formation of the Democratic Party. When Democrats turned on the racist policies of Jim Crow, the racist south turned to Republicans for solace
KKK was started by disgruntled Confederates Democrats upset about no longer being able to own other people.

Fixed that fer ya. The KKK killed more white people than black. True story.

They were the ANTIFA of yesteryear, and they were more violent.

My grandmother stopped 3 KKK from hanging her father with a butcher knife. I know what they were.

Count on clapping seal Marion, a guy who has more than 54,000 posts since 2017, all of them cultishly supporting every lie Republicans have ever fed him, and every bullshit divisive policy that Putin and Trump favours, and whose racism and hatred towards his any of his fellow Americans who aren't male and white, is well established in this post. I love how all of the members of the 1000 post a month club have people who have died or have been physically threatened by Democrats!!! Oh the humanity!!!

I don't what American history they feed you at the troll farm, Duke, but those lies you just told about the KKK have been debunked numerous times.

The KKK was started by disgruntled Confederate soldiers who were fed up with the Yankee carpetbaggers who flooded the South after the war, to pick the bones of the Confederacy, and who looted the plantations of their art, their silver wear, jewellry and other valuables. They put on hoods and attacked the carpetbaggers.

But gradually the Klan changed. They started attacking anything that challenged the old ways of life. Catholics, Jews, non-whites. Anyone who did business with black people - who sold them property, or supplies or in any way helped black people rise, became the "enemy".

The KKK was all about maintaining the racist pecking order, and ANYONE who tried to change it was fair game. The KKK is a white nationalist terrorist organization not affiliated with one party or the other, but rather with keeping people in the rightful places, and messing with anyone who tries to change it.

Kind of like the entire Republican Party today. Except today, the racists aren't wearing hoods.

“Racism” is such a broadly used term and interpreted many different ways today.

Racism hides behind many masks these days. For example, there is the racism that says that social programs to assist low income Americans is designed to keep people "dependent" and that people should have their assistance cut off to force them to "stand on their own two feet". Or that "laziness" and "criminal behaviour" are a result of race.

The manner in which the Republican Party has pitted rural voters against urban voters is the very definition of "racism", and yet I'm sure you'll deny any such thing.

I lived in a multi-racial neighbourhood in downtown Toronto for 30 years. White people made up about 25% of my neighbourhood, and it was one of the most expensive and highly sought after neighbourhoods in Toronto, three blocks from Lake Ontario, where it's not safe to swim. Our school newsletter came home in 9 different languages. The late Jack Layton, Leader of the ultra left wing New Democratic Party, was our Member of Parliament.

I retired to another lakeside town, but this one is so small, that everything is a 10 minute walk away. I'm still 3 blocks from water I can't swim in, but the blocks are shorter. Our Riding is as Conservative as it gets. The Minister of Health for the Harper Conservative Government is our MP. And it's whiter than white. The non-whites we do see are from the local Six Nations reservation. There are lots of Native Canadians around, but very few blacks or Asians. I hear the same things about lazy "urban" welfare bums out here, that I read online.

Inner city poverty isn't related to laziness or criminality. It costs two to three times as much to live in the City, as it does in the country. My daughter's two storey detached house in a trendy West Toronto neighbourhood, with almost no yard at all, cost her 3X what her two storey detached house on 2 acres of rural farmland is costing her. My rent controlled two bedroom apartment with private, in-suite laundry, 3 blocks from shopping, hospital, and waterside park, costs me 1/4 what similar digs in Toronto cost. $14 per/hr minimum wage goes a WHOLE lot further out here than it does in the City.

There are more poor people in the city, because there are things available in the city that aren't available in the country. Like public transit, subsidized day care programs, retraining programs, and recreation facilities with pools, gyms, and social programs for free. Most large corporations offer special compensation deals to executives to allow them to afford housing in Cities. That used to include school boards as well. Teachers in large urban areas received extra compensation for the cost of housing.

Homes for the working class in cities are so expensive that it really does take two good incomes just to keep a roof over your head. There's also more low paying jobs, but there's more competition for those jobs, so it's hard to get ahead, or to rise on your merits. They can replace you in a heartbeat and they will. Keep your head down, don't make waves, and work your ass off because if you don't, someone else will, and it's not hard to find someone who can do your job.

When you look at what has happened to hourly rated workers, in terms of wages and benefits over the past 40 years, it's hard not to look at this as anything but an attack on working people. To enslave them to government benefits like "earned income credits". Anything to keep money out of the hands of working people. To force them to accept any conditions the corporations wish to inflict on them for wages that aren't even survival level wages.

People out here are enthusiastically embracing publically owned recreation facilities, geared to income housing for seniors, but decry the drug addict bums on the corner who are too lazy to work. And they think that all those people on welfare and social assistance in the city are just like those who are "using" the system here. Since it's basically an all-white town, they have no real life experience with people of colour and they just look at over-policing statistics and assume that it's race that are driving these numbers, and not a whole lot of other factors.

I mean it's a whole lot easier to say that inner city poverty is because non-white are lazy and criminal than it is to say that inner city poverty is because there aren't enough jobs for all of the people in the city, and competition drives the wages down. People who easily replaced can't negotiate raises. My (white) neighbour went to his boss and said he shows up 20 minutes early every day and gets out into the yard right at 8:00. He gets his assigned work done in half the time of his co-workers, with more accuracy, and he's never destroyed expensive equipment, or gotten the company written up for violating workplace safety rules, so he should make more money, because of his superior performance. His boss said this is what the job pays. I can't do anything for you.

Corporate America has decided what a job is worth. Walmart in particular, lowered the average retail wage across America by destroying the competition so employees had nowhere else to work, and then just cutting hours and wages. Besides, low wage workers can get MedicAid, food stamps, and earned income credits.

$7.25 per hour is $290/week before withholding. After withholding, it's $246.50/wk for a 40 hour week. Less than $1100 per month. A minimum wage worker can afford to pay $267 per month for rent. Even if you were to double this wage to $14.50, that's still gives the worker a housing budget of about $525 per month. And we have yet to discuss child care.

I have noticed that the people who are poor in the country, are the drunks, the drug addicts, and the chronically unemployed. Poor people in the city are families just trying to keep a roof over their heads. Our here, if you have a ne'er do well kid, you get him a job with the County. Too lazy to farm, can't hold a job, you get him a job with the County. The kid will have a decent income, and as one in our circle once said "As long as I don't get drunk on the job and rape a teacher, I'm set for life". These jobs don't exist in the City. They exist, but you can't just call up your local councillor and ask for a "favour". Such fixes thrive in the country. In the city, this kid would end up poor and on welfare.

In the country, friends and neighbours will pull together when someone goes through a bad patch, but in the city, everyone who's poor is going through a "bad patch". My city church did raise enough money to cover our operating expenses in a year. There was precious little left for the poor. Our big annual fundraiser raised $1000 in a good year. Our here, the big annual fundraiser raises $15,000, and that's in just one congregation. As an elder scrambling to keep our city congregation afloat, I was shocked by the numbers.

I also see the same suspicions against "others" out here that I see on this board, although not as rabidly as posters here. But Canadians have a much different attitude towards government and government programs. Our government works, and it works for the PEOPLE first. We also don't have politicians constantly trying to keep poor Canadians fighting amongst themselves, so we don't band together and throw them all out of office and elect a PEOPLE FIRST government, instead of a corporatist state.
This does not sound like a stunning success to me!

Did you look at the unemployment statistics during the same time frame, or any economic indicator at all? It is in fact a success, because it put cash assistance into the pockets of needy Americans at a time when the whole country was hurting economically. Something that the right hates with a white hot rage. Giving cash to the poor.
The right will give billions to corporations to distribute to the shareholders, but not one thin dime to the people hurt most by their economic stupidity.
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...Facts, not a victim mindset...
You declaring something a 'fact' does not render it thus. The 'victim mindset' within your 'collective' is alive and well and holding 'you' back.

Not only is the legislated unfairness not dead...
Oh, please, enlighten us, with a substantive example of such 'legislative unfairness' that is (a) still extant and (b) still operative and still being enforced, on a scale large enough to be statistically significant on a nationwide basis.

...the damage created by past deeds has not been fixed...
And never, ever will be. It's what happens when Advanced Technology Civilizations meet Stone-Age Nomadic and Hunter-Gatherer primitive cultures.

White American paid for slavery in-full when it lost 600,000+ war-dead in a four-year-long Civil War to abolish slavery, as well as to preserve the Union.

And it paid for 100 years of Jim Crow with 50-60 years of Affirmative Action in government service, the military, prep-school and college admissions, and large corporations.

Your own collective failure to take full advantage of such accommodations is not the fault of White America nor the Federal nor State governments who provided that leg-up.

...There is no such thing as a victim mindset in the black community...
Rubbish... you, yourself, are a classic example of just that.

...The use of that term is common among whites like you who try racial gaslighting...
Truth-telling and the articulation of honest and widespread opinion does not constitute 'gaslighting'... attempted deflection noted... ignored.

...It's crazy talk because there is no such thing as political correctness...
1. No such thing? You are as wrong as wrong can be.

2. the presence or absence of 'politically correct filters' does not prove nor disprove the truthfulness or rationality of an argument

...We don't hold a majority in many major cities...
Yes and No. The White Vote is honestly split between two parties. The Black Vote is nearly monolithic in favor of the Party of Freebies (D).

When you halve the White Vote, the monolithic Black Vote oftentimes dominates, politically.

...Hispanics face the same racism...
Not really. They look and act more like White Folk. They are more readily recognized as hard workers and independent thinkers. They face bias, but not like Black Folk.,

...and when you talk about collective, it shows that you have released yourself from the reality of the 243 years of the white collective you have been part of your entire life...
Wrong again. I value my membership in that broader tribe. I do not apologize for it. Why-in-the-world should I?

...Everything whites have the givernment gave it to you...
You are delusional in this matter

...You talk about government social services and whites are the ones that have made a lifestyle out of it. It's been an American tradition...
Oh, really?

There is no doubt that more White Americans are on Welfare than there are Black Americans on Welfare.

Predictable, given that Whites represent some 72-77% of the US population and that Blacks only represent 12% .

No... what's REALLY "telling" is the PERCENTAGE of each group that is on Welfare, as may be illustrated by the following government statistics in a 30-year study...


And, beyond sheer and damning percentages, we also need to look at the percentage within each demographic that REMAIN on welfare for extended periods of time, and also factor-in 'recidivism'.

Sorry... even a cursory glance beyond the simple-simon Raw Numbers you like to tout serves to expose the foolhardiness of relying solely upon such figures.

In any in-depth examination, 'you' are going to lose such an argument every time.

...Like I said, you're talking crazy...
You declaring it thus does not render it thus.

...And your perspective isn't really all that common...
Feel free to continue deluding yourself with that counterargument.

The truth is, most White Folk are far too busy living life... raising families, shaping careers, taking care of their homes, etc... to worry about you-and-yours overly much.

And that goes for many Democrats as well as Republicans. One main difference between the two is how much loose change they're willing to throw at your tribe.

But, once the debate cools down, both go back to their far safer suburbs and high-end stores and schools and go on with their own lives and do not give you a second thought.

In the case of the Democrats, not even a first thought, except to keep you on the hook for another four years until they need you again, and you fall for it, every time.

...but it is enough of a problem that it needs to end...
Of course. And one day the Lions and Lambs will lie down together and there will be Peace in the Valley.

Overall... occasional spikes in racial turmoil not withstanding... race relations have been getting better with each passing year since the 1960s. Most of us are content that it be so.

But when you pi$$ and moan over 40-acres-and-a-mule (metaphorically speaking) and tell us that we have to change our way of thinking, then you've got a hard row to hoe.

You lack the resources and muscle to force the issue, and legislation and education only takes us so far towards any such lofty goal.

It is far more realistic to strive for Peaceful Coexistence and Mutual Respect and Exploiting Commonalities than it is to continue pressing past Donor Exhaustion for more freebies.

...Nope, they are the types who seek approval from whites so badly that they will allow themselves to be degraded and used by whites to their disadvantage...
Some are.

Most aren't.

When I see a Black professional or tradesman, I (and most White Folk) see a professional or tradesman first, and skin-color second.

...I am not a black conservative, built 3 organizations and retired young enough to where today I get paid to do personal projects on my own time...
Thank you for your CV, but it is quite clear that you have built your Mindset, if not your career, on a foundation of Victim Mentality and Forty-Acres-and-a-Mule.

...There ain't no such thing as color blind...
True. But there can be Peaceful Coexistence and Mutual Respect and the Exploiting of Commonalities.

..., and there won't be until the damage whites created by 243 years of color conscious society building is fixed.
Your 20th-great-grandchildren should live so long.

Wake us up, when you get the British and Spanish and Portugese and Dutch to agree to chip-in with their fair share of any such Fantasy Reparations.

Not to mention hitting-up the Muslim descendants of the Arab Slave Traders and African Tribes who caught and wholesaled those poor unfortunates, centuries ago.

Get all of them to agree to contribute their own fair share, then strip-out the cost of 600,000 war-dead from the 1860s, and the cash value of 50-60 years of Affirmative Action, and come up with a Reparations Recipient Identifier and Payment Calculator system that those paying the freight can agree upon, and you might actually have a shot at that.

Good luck with that. :auiqs.jpg:


This is all to say that a great many White Folk in the country don't mind if our Black fellow-citizens grab their own fair share of the pie.

It's just that we're done hand-delivering that slice... it's time to get off 'your' dead a$$ and get it yourselves.

And, of course, these Inequality and Reparations themes appear to be cornerstones of your own existence; you eat, sleep and breathe it.

I hate to break it to you but, beyond your own 'collective', it's not exactly either a regularly-occurring thought nor much of a priority, and quite frankly, that's unlikely to change.

If there is any truth in that, your long-term choices seem to be (a) fight or (b) mainstream.

I have great confidence that the majority of your colleagues will chose (b).
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