The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement

One day, the Black vote may be split right down the middle, like the White vote already is, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for it to happen.

Collectively, they're still suffering from a bad case of Herd Instinct when it comes to politics, and they're nowhere near ready to abandon that lemming behavior.
What have Republicans offered black communities other than prisons ?
Special economic zones, prison reform, lowest unemployment ever, a pardon for Jack Johnson, special funding for black colleges. Pray tell what did Obama do for his fellow blacks? Nada.
These black conservatives do not get the exposure by the RWM as the Candice Owens types and it is done on purpose.

View attachment 336540

The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement
January 1, 2020 by Jeff Charles

It is a new year, and a new decade. Changes are occurring in American politics. The Democratic Party is currently embroiled in a heated war between the establishment and far-left progressive factions. The Republican Party is also caught in a conflict between its own establishment and those who want to bring change.

But there is another evolution occurring, especially on the right, one that has gone largely unnoticed until now. This change is happening in the realm of the black conservative movement with a growing number of right-leaning black Americans pushing for a change in GOP and the overall conservative movement. In essence, they are a new breed of black conservatives, and if their efforts are successful, it could make an immense mark on the nation’s political landscape.

If you have read my work regarding the conservative movement’s relationship — or lack thereof — with the black community, you have seen some of the ideas we espouse. Our message differs from that of the traditional black conservative establishment in that it emphasizes a different view of, and approach to, the black community. We recognize that the messaging strategies used by the black conservative establishment, though well-intentioned, have been woefully impotent when it comes to reaching black American voters. It is time for a new approach.

So what does this look like?

It looks like conservatives talking about blacks as people deserving of dignity instead of treating them as mentally inferior. It means seeing them as fellow Americans instead of slaves on a fictional plantation. It means emphasizing truth over narrative and seeking a genuine understanding of those we wish to reach instead of relying on lazy stereotypes and meaningless platitudes. It means not being limited by the statistics the media selects for us and digging deeper to understand the true issues facing the black community. We do not obsess over racism as many do on the left, but we also do not discount its impact as many do on the right.

Instead of a conservative movement that relies on talking points and narratives lacking nuance, the new black conservative movement seeks to foster a holistic understanding of the black community. This means promoting a real understanding of the black community, its culture, and its history. Rather than holding events that are ostensibly tailored to reaching black voters, but are attended by mostly non-blacks, we wish to see the Republican Party, right-leaning media, and conservative organizations engage directly with black Americans in their communities.

We favor an approach that involves up-close conversation and discourse instead of the mindless repeating of banal platitudes about Chicago’s homicide rates from a distance. The non-establishment black conservative wants to sell the virtues of conservative policies that promote free enterprise rather than only bashing socialism.

Our focus isn’t just on Trump and the presidency; it is on winning black voters at the local and state levels, and in the legislative branch. We’re more likely to favor an organization like the Empower America Project, which is training minority and women candidates to run for office, over a group like Blexit, which has failed to reach black Americans because it still uses the traditional black conservative messaging strategy.

Now these are black conservatives I can work with or even become a part of.

I didn't read a word of this propaganda piece, because I already read it loud and clear.

The party of slavery, destruction of black families through welfare and excuses, thought-control, weakness, projection and victims roles have revealed their colors. Your party can't even hide it well, contradiction and failure has become their comfort zone.

Blacks are coming to light and it's awesome.

So your story is an attempt to disrupt and make excuses for your party's demise under the worst group of members in our history.
What are Republicans offering minorities?

Vote Republican because.....
I guess we are suppose to vote republican because they tell us to. They oppose everything that has allowed us to make the smallest inroads but we are supposed to vote republican because they tell us democrats owned slaves in the 1850's. They don't talk about The 1877 compromise made by a republican that ended reconstruction. They don't talk about northern democrats that opposed racism and southern republicans that supported it. One of them bought up Byrd and Thurmond, but Thurmond left the democratic party because of integration, Byrd stayed a democrat and accepted integration. They think we are stupid because that's what racists believe about black people.
When asked specifics, it comes down to....we will not do a thing to help blacks or poor people. But you should just assume those tax cuts will eventually trickle down
One day, the Black vote may be split right down the middle, like the White vote already is, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for it to happen.

Collectively, they're still suffering from a bad case of Herd Instinct when it comes to politics, and they're nowhere near ready to abandon that lemming behavior.
What have Republicans offered black communities other than prisons ?
Special economic zones, prison reform, lowest unemployment ever, a pardon for Jack Johnson, special funding for black colleges. Pray tell what did Obama do for his fellow blacks? Nada.
Urban enterprise zones have been ended by Republicans, American conservatives pushed for our extreme drug laws, Conservatives have also ended set asides for historically black colleges
Until now, Black Conservatives were expected to act like Uncle Toms, spouting Conservative blame the victim rhetoric.

If the Republican Party really wants to attract blacks, they have to abandon their “plantation” rhetoric and stop their support of the Deplorables
Exactly. That's what blacks keep telling them and it is certainly what these black republicans are doing.

Wouldn't it make more sense to burn the Republican Party down and start over with a party which wasn't cobbled together on a foundation of racism? The Ronald Reagan coalition welcomed Dixiecrats and racists of all stripes because Reagan was smart enough that he couldn't win without them. He pitted rural whites against urban black, declaring ketchup a vegetable for school lunches and railed against inner city "welfare queens" popping out babies to increase their income.

Republicans have betrayed everything that conservatives stand for: expanding the size of government, not shrinking it; running huge, fiscally irresponsible deficits. Their fiscal policies have now crashed the economy during three of the last four times they've held the White House, and the Reagan tax code created the biggest transfer of wealth in world history - all of it upward.

The whole party is toxic to minorities, women, religious minorities and gays. Even mainstream Christians are poorly served by Republicans. If you're not a straight white male, Repubicans have nothing for you. Even worse, they'll see your membership as a validation of their toxic white male agenda.
You make sense and I think that the black conservatives could be the ones that burn down the current republican party.

Yes them being less racist is a good thing.


They still have the most irresponsible, destructive and down right deadbeat political, social and economic policies in our nation.

It's not the Democrats who have crashed the economy 3 times in the past 40 years. It's not the Democrats which have continually expanded government, while cutting revenues.

Exactly. Except you left out one. I'm sure you did because he crashed our economy soon after he was first elected then went on a spending spree never seen before in our nation in non war times. reagan. He put us in the worst economic recession since the last republican Great Depression. reagan, bush the first, the bush boy and trump have collapsed our economy.

Conservatives not being racist is a good thing but they still come with the most irresponsible, destructive and most deadbeat economic, political and social polices I've ever encountered in my life.

Ever since reagan changed our economic, social and political policies to conservative America has been in decline. We have bubbles and bursts with our economy. We have ultra rich being able to buy politicians and legislation. We have states that don't have proper health care for women. Rural areas that don't have a doctor much less a clinic for anyone not just women. Conservative states that look to me more like 3rd world nations than the United States of America.

America will never return to our once greatness while conservative policy is allowed to control or even influence our nation.
Exactly., They push the same dumb economic philosophy and think that one day if they continue trying it somehow the results will be different.

Yes they do.

It's the definition of insanity.
These black conservatives do not get the exposure by the RWM as the Candice Owens types and it is done on purpose.

View attachment 336540

The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement
January 1, 2020 by Jeff Charles

It is a new year, and a new decade. Changes are occurring in American politics. The Democratic Party is currently embroiled in a heated war between the establishment and far-left progressive factions. The Republican Party is also caught in a conflict between its own establishment and those who want to bring change.

But there is another evolution occurring, especially on the right, one that has gone largely unnoticed until now. This change is happening in the realm of the black conservative movement with a growing number of right-leaning black Americans pushing for a change in GOP and the overall conservative movement. In essence, they are a new breed of black conservatives, and if their efforts are successful, it could make an immense mark on the nation’s political landscape.

If you have read my work regarding the conservative movement’s relationship — or lack thereof — with the black community, you have seen some of the ideas we espouse. Our message differs from that of the traditional black conservative establishment in that it emphasizes a different view of, and approach to, the black community. We recognize that the messaging strategies used by the black conservative establishment, though well-intentioned, have been woefully impotent when it comes to reaching black American voters. It is time for a new approach.

So what does this look like?

It looks like conservatives talking about blacks as people deserving of dignity instead of treating them as mentally inferior. It means seeing them as fellow Americans instead of slaves on a fictional plantation. It means emphasizing truth over narrative and seeking a genuine understanding of those we wish to reach instead of relying on lazy stereotypes and meaningless platitudes. It means not being limited by the statistics the media selects for us and digging deeper to understand the true issues facing the black community. We do not obsess over racism as many do on the left, but we also do not discount its impact as many do on the right.

Instead of a conservative movement that relies on talking points and narratives lacking nuance, the new black conservative movement seeks to foster a holistic understanding of the black community. This means promoting a real understanding of the black community, its culture, and its history. Rather than holding events that are ostensibly tailored to reaching black voters, but are attended by mostly non-blacks, we wish to see the Republican Party, right-leaning media, and conservative organizations engage directly with black Americans in their communities.

We favor an approach that involves up-close conversation and discourse instead of the mindless repeating of banal platitudes about Chicago’s homicide rates from a distance. The non-establishment black conservative wants to sell the virtues of conservative policies that promote free enterprise rather than only bashing socialism.

Our focus isn’t just on Trump and the presidency; it is on winning black voters at the local and state levels, and in the legislative branch. We’re more likely to favor an organization like the Empower America Project, which is training minority and women candidates to run for office, over a group like Blexit, which has failed to reach black Americans because it still uses the traditional black conservative messaging strategy.

Now these are black conservatives I can work with or even become a part of.

I didn't read a word of this propaganda piece, because I already read it loud and clear.

The party of slavery, destruction of black families through welfare and excuses, thought-control, weakness, projection and victims roles have revealed their colors. Your party can't even hide it well, contradiction and failure has become their comfort zone.

Blacks are coming to light and it's awesome.

So your story is an attempt to disrupt and make excuses for your party's demise under the worst group of members in our history.
What are Republicans offering minorities?

Vote Republican because.....
I guess we are suppose to vote republican because they tell us to. They oppose everything that has allowed us to make the smallest inroads but we are supposed to vote republican because they tell us democrats owned slaves in the 1850's. They don't talk about The 1877 compromise made by a republican that ended reconstruction. They don't talk about northern democrats that opposed racism and southern republicans that supported it. One of them bought up Byrd and Thurmond, but Thurmond left the democratic party because of integration, Byrd stayed a democrat and accepted integration. They think we are stupid because that's what racists believe about black people.

Robert Byrd and Strom Thurmond aren't the only people who were in the democratic party.

To use the example of 2 men to say the whole democratic party is racist and to excuse the racists in the Republican Party is just childish and dishonest.

Thurmond changed to the Republican Party in 1963. When the Democratic Party started to work for civil rights for everyone. Not just white men.

So they say that because one man who was a democrat all his life, was in the KKK for a time, then denounced it proves ALL of the Democratic Party is racists. Or uses it as an excuse for republicans to be racists.

That's absurd and something I would expect from a very immature person.
plantation owners used racism to divide poor blacks and poor whites because they feared that they would be powerless if poor people banded together and joined forces.
I've read some interesting takes on the problem lately. In many ways, it is a social class issue. Poor white communities face many of the identical problems as poor blacks. The poor have always been looked down on and probably always will. And most likely there will always be poor among us unless we go communist, and then we'll ALL be poor.

There will always be poor among us because some of us are smarter and harder worker than other. But people should rise and fall on the basis of their own efforts. Not because they're being blocked from education and opportunities to outshine the ruling race.

My biggest issue with racism isn't that it's unfair. From a capitalistic point of view, it's wasting talent and ingenuity. I want to hire the best PERSON for the job. Not the best white person, or the best man or woman, but the best person.

Imagine a world where, instead of holding people back from achieving their full potential, by denying them opportunities for education, or good paying jobs they're well suited for, everyone loses. Where the best and the brightest can succeed without first having to overcome prejudice, and suspicion.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.
There would be no Civil Rights without the insistence of the Federal Government
Until now, Black Conservatives were expected to act like Uncle Toms, spouting Conservative blame the victim rhetoric.

If the Republican Party really wants to attract blacks, they have to abandon their “plantation” rhetoric and stop their support of the Deplorables
Exactly. That's what blacks keep telling them and it is certainly what these black republicans are doing.

Wouldn't it make more sense to burn the Republican Party down and start over with a party which wasn't cobbled together on a foundation of racism? The Ronald Reagan coalition welcomed Dixiecrats and racists of all stripes because Reagan was smart enough that he couldn't win without them. He pitted rural whites against urban black, declaring ketchup a vegetable for school lunches and railed against inner city "welfare queens" popping out babies to increase their income.

Republicans have betrayed everything that conservatives stand for: expanding the size of government, not shrinking it; running huge, fiscally irresponsible deficits. Their fiscal policies have now crashed the economy during three of the last four times they've held the White House, and the Reagan tax code created the biggest transfer of wealth in world history - all of it upward.

The whole party is toxic to minorities, women, religious minorities and gays. Even mainstream Christians are poorly served by Republicans. If you're not a straight white male, Repubicans have nothing for you. Even worse, they'll see your membership as a validation of their toxic white male agenda.
You make sense and I think that the black conservatives could be the ones that burn down the current republican party.

Yes them being less racist is a good thing.


They still have the most irresponsible, destructive and down right deadbeat political, social and economic policies in our nation.

It's not the Democrats who have crashed the economy 3 times in the past 40 years. It's not the Democrats which have continually expanded government, while cutting revenues.
Its the Progs who increase program after program as the people become less educated and more primal. If we kep the same Federal Income Tax practices from before the Reagan Tax Cuts with inflation indexing, A person or family would be in the 45%/55% tax bracket earning 50 thousand dollars a year. And that is just Federal Taxes without the current 15% social security/medicare tax. And then there are the state, local and city taxes in every way possible with fines and fees that can bring the real taxes to near 60%. Maybe more.

Clap, clap little seal. Bark out your cheers for the Republican lies.

This is a chart on poverty in the USA from 1959, to 2017. Notice how poverty in the USA increases markedly under every Republican in power, and goes down under Democrat. Look how much the rate of poverty declined under Kennedy and Johnson. And how much it went up under Reagan and Shrub, and down again under Clinton and Obama.

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Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.

Democrats didn't get on board for "political capital". They got on board because Kennedy told them to. Keeping black people down and denying them economic opportunities was increasing poverty for the whole nation. Holding people back from achieving their full potential is economically destructive and just plain stupid, that once there were no legal impediments to hold black people back, they immediately started rising out of poverty.

Just look at the drop in poverty that ensued from the economic opportunities which the Democrats under Kennedy and Johnson opened up for blacks and other minorities. If just those things gave the entire country a huge economic boost and helped created today's black middle class, imagine the economic boost across all classes if the economic potential of all Americans were suddenly to be unleashed.
  • Thanks
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Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.
There would be no Civil Rights without the insistence of the Federal Government

Agreed. I don’t think the Republicans opposed the Federal Government within limits.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.

Democrats didn't get on board for "political capital". They got on board because Kennedy told them to. Keeping black people down and denying them economic opportunities was increasing poverty for the whole nation. Holding people back from achieving their full potential is economically destructive and just plain stupid, that once there were no legal impediments to hold black people back, they immediately started rising out of poverty.

Just look at the drop in poverty that ensued from the economic opportunities which the Democrats under Kennedy and Johnson opened up for blacks and other minorities. If just those things gave the entire country a huge economic boost and helped created today's black middle class, imagine the economic boost across all classes if the economic potential of all Americans were suddenly to be unleashed.
That is true. The republicans in their race pimping strategy fail to note that American poverty was cut in half by the Johnson War on poverty, meaning that it worked. Black poverty has remained double that of whites even with more high school and college graduates and an the development of a black middle class. So then when I continue saying that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, these are some of the reasons that support my conclusion.
plantation owners used racism to divide poor blacks and poor whites because they feared that they would be powerless if poor people banded together and joined forces.
I've read some interesting takes on the problem lately. In many ways, it is a social class issue. Poor white communities face many of the identical problems as poor blacks. The poor have always been looked down on and probably always will. And most likely there will always be poor among us unless we go communist, and then we'll ALL be poor.

There will always be poor among us because some of us are smarter and harder worker than other. But people should rise and fall on the basis of their own efforts. Not because they're being blocked from education and opportunities to outshine the ruling race.

My biggest issue with racism isn't that it's unfair. From a capitalistic point of view, it's wasting talent and ingenuity. I want to hire the best PERSON for the job. Not the best white person, or the best man or woman, but the best person.

Imagine a world where, instead of holding people back from achieving their full potential, by denying them opportunities for education, or good paying jobs they're well suited for, everyone loses. Where the best and the brightest can succeed without first having to overcome prejudice, and suspicion.
So you are against Affirmative Action, correct?
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.
There would be no Civil Rights without the insistence of the Federal Government

Agreed. I don’t think the Republicans opposed the Federal Government within limits.
Northern republicans did. Not the entire party. This is the problem with your false narrative. Republicans did nothing to stop segregation. Democrats starting with Roosevelt and Truman desegregated some government agencies. Eisenhower implemented Operation Wetback for christs sake. Northern politicians from both parties were in favor of civil rights and southern politicians from both parties opposed it. It was a southern democrat that signed it into law. When you look at the vote, you see majorities in both parties voting for it. So please stop lying about the republican party.

White republicans were fine with the increased government after WW2 that built suburbs and devastated black communities by building freeways down the middle of them. I suggest you read "The Color of Crime" so you understand just how false this rhetoric from republicans today is about power to the federal government.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.

Democrats didn't get on board for "political capital". They got on board because Kennedy told them to. Keeping black people down and denying them economic opportunities was increasing poverty for the whole nation. Holding people back from achieving their full potential is economically destructive and just plain stupid, that once there were no legal impediments to hold black people back, they immediately started rising out of poverty.

Just look at the drop in poverty that ensued from the economic opportunities which the Democrats under Kennedy and Johnson opened up for blacks and other minorities. If just those things gave the entire country a huge economic boost and helped created today's black middle class, imagine the economic boost across all classes if the economic potential of all Americans were suddenly to be unleashed.
That is true. The republicans in their race pimping strategy fail to note that American poverty was cut in half by the Johnson War on poverty, meaning that it worked. Black poverty has remained double that of whites even with more high school and college graduates and an the development of a black middle class. So then when I continue saying that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, these are some of the reasons that support my conclusion.
Oh STFU. Johnson instituted cradle to grave welfare. That's what Johnson did. Never work and be poor but have every need met and suck off of taxpayers for generations. That's what LBJ did. Dork.

That's no way for men to live. Men (yes, the black ones, too) know this. It's kind of intuitive if you're a real man.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.

Democrats didn't get on board for "political capital". They got on board because Kennedy told them to. Keeping black people down and denying them economic opportunities was increasing poverty for the whole nation. Holding people back from achieving their full potential is economically destructive and just plain stupid, that once there were no legal impediments to hold black people back, they immediately started rising out of poverty.

Just look at the drop in poverty that ensued from the economic opportunities which the Democrats under Kennedy and Johnson opened up for blacks and other minorities. If just those things gave the entire country a huge economic boost and helped created today's black middle class, imagine the economic boost across all classes if the economic potential of all Americans were suddenly to be unleashed.
That is true. The republicans in their race pimping strategy fail to note that American poverty was cut in half by the Johnson War on poverty, meaning that it worked. Black poverty has remained double that of whites even with more high school and college graduates and an the development of a black middle class. So then when I continue saying that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, these are some of the reasons that support my conclusion.

The 1617 Project really opened my eyes to the effects of economic racism. How the systemic refusal to enforce the "40 acres and a mule" promised to every freed slave never happened, and when it did, how the KKK and other white supremacist groups drove blacks off the, burning their homes and prevented them from getting an economic footfold. Blacks weren't allowed to buy land since only property owners could vote, in some states, and if they could find a piece of property to buy, they couldn't get a mortgage. Since land ownership is the foundation of generational wealth that black Americans have never been allowed to participate in.

Then there's the domino effect. If you don't live in good neighbourhoods, the schools aren't good, reducing your chances at a good education. Also schools in more expensive neighbourhoods have more extra-curricular activies under which you can get a scholarship to college, giving white kids more chances at getting scholarships to college. Inner city schools have on average 9 athletic programs under which students can apply for scholarships, suburban schools have, on average 14 such programs. Colleges have golf teams, fencing teams, rowing teams, swimming and diving teams, as well as football, basketball, hockey and baseball, and a host of major and minor sporting teams, all of which offer athletic scholarships. Inner city kids have fewer options and therefore fewer scholarship opportunities.

Then there's "legacy" admissions. 30% of college admissions go to the sons and daughters of alumni. Affirmative action for lazy white kids. But it guarantees that the sons and daughters of the elite will continue to have a favoured status come admissions applications. Every time someone says "What talented white kid was denied admission to Harvard so Obama could get in" I am reminded that C student George W. Bush, was admitted to Yale because his Daddy went to Yale and I wonder what talented poor white kid was denied admission of Yale so the Shrub could get in.

In today's day and age, legacy admissions are being questioned as unjust and unfair. Just as significant numbers of black almumni are getting ready to sent their kids to college. Nobody thought they were "unfair" until black kids could qualify for them.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.

Democrats didn't get on board for "political capital". They got on board because Kennedy told them to. Keeping black people down and denying them economic opportunities was increasing poverty for the whole nation. Holding people back from achieving their full potential is economically destructive and just plain stupid, that once there were no legal impediments to hold black people back, they immediately started rising out of poverty.

Just look at the drop in poverty that ensued from the economic opportunities which the Democrats under Kennedy and Johnson opened up for blacks and other minorities. If just those things gave the entire country a huge economic boost and helped created today's black middle class, imagine the economic boost across all classes if the economic potential of all Americans were suddenly to be unleashed.
That is true. The republicans in their race pimping strategy fail to note that American poverty was cut in half by the Johnson War on poverty, meaning that it worked. Black poverty has remained double that of whites even with more high school and college graduates and an the development of a black middle class. So then when I continue saying that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, these are some of the reasons that support my conclusion.

The 1617 Project really opened my eyes to the effects of economic racism. How the systemic refusal to enforce the "40 acres and a mule" promised to every freed slave never happened, and when it did, how the KKK and other white supremacist groups drove blacks off the, burning their homes and prevented them from getting an economic footfold. Blacks weren't allowed to buy land since only property owners could vote, in some states, and if they could find a piece of property to buy, they couldn't get a mortgage. Since land ownership is the foundation of generational wealth that black Americans have never been allowed to participate in.

Then there's the domino effect. If you don't live in good neighbourhoods, the schools aren't good, reducing your chances at a good education. Also schools in more expensive neighbourhoods have more extra-curricular activies under which you can get a scholarship to college, giving white kids more chances at getting scholarships to college. Inner city schools have on average 9 athletic programs under which students can apply for scholarships, suburban schools have, on average 14 such programs. Colleges have golf teams, fencing teams, rowing teams, swimming and diving teams, as well as football, basketball, hockey and baseball, and a host of major and minor sporting teams, all of which offer athletic scholarships. Inner city kids have fewer options and therefore fewer scholarship opportunities.

Then there's "legacy" admissions. 30% of college admissions go to the sons and daughters of alumni. Affirmative action for lazy white kids. But it guarantees that the sons and daughters of the elite will continue to have a favoured status come admissions applications. Every time someone says "What talented white kid was denied admission to Harvard so Obama could get in" I am reminded that C student George W. Bush, was admitted to Yale because his Daddy went to Yale and I wonder what talented poor white kid was denied admission of Yale so the Shrub could get in.

In today's day and age, legacy admissions are being questioned as unjust and unfair. Just as significant numbers of black almumni are getting ready to sent their kids to college. Nobody thought they were "unfair" until black kids could qualify for them.
Exactly. This forum is full of disingenuous people who only want to maintain advantages for whites. Their arguments show it.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.

Democrats didn't get on board for "political capital". They got on board because Kennedy told them to. Keeping black people down and denying them economic opportunities was increasing poverty for the whole nation. Holding people back from achieving their full potential is economically destructive and just plain stupid, that once there were no legal impediments to hold black people back, they immediately started rising out of poverty.

Just look at the drop in poverty that ensued from the economic opportunities which the Democrats under Kennedy and Johnson opened up for blacks and other minorities. If just those things gave the entire country a huge economic boost and helped created today's black middle class, imagine the economic boost across all classes if the economic potential of all Americans were suddenly to be unleashed.
That is true. The republicans in their race pimping strategy fail to note that American poverty was cut in half by the Johnson War on poverty, meaning that it worked. Black poverty has remained double that of whites even with more high school and college graduates and an the development of a black middle class. So then when I continue saying that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, these are some of the reasons that support my conclusion.
Oh STFU. Johnson instituted cradle to grave welfare. That's what Johnson did. Never work and be poor but have every need met and suck off of taxpayers for generations. That's what LBJ did. Dork.

That's no way for men to live. Men (yes, the black ones, too) know this. It's kind of intuitive if you're a real man.

No he did not. Stupid ignorant uneducated Republicans ignore the poverty statistics of the fifties and early sixties. Of course you Confederate types have no problem with blacks being poor, since you think they're all lazy. If black people are so lazy, how did plantation owners get so wealthy off their labour?

Ignorant racist and Repubican is no way to go through life.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

View attachment 336701

Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.

Democrats didn't get on board for "political capital". They got on board because Kennedy told them to. Keeping black people down and denying them economic opportunities was increasing poverty for the whole nation. Holding people back from achieving their full potential is economically destructive and just plain stupid, that once there were no legal impediments to hold black people back, they immediately started rising out of poverty.

Just look at the drop in poverty that ensued from the economic opportunities which the Democrats under Kennedy and Johnson opened up for blacks and other minorities. If just those things gave the entire country a huge economic boost and helped created today's black middle class, imagine the economic boost across all classes if the economic potential of all Americans were suddenly to be unleashed.
That is true. The republicans in their race pimping strategy fail to note that American poverty was cut in half by the Johnson War on poverty, meaning that it worked. Black poverty has remained double that of whites even with more high school and college graduates and an the development of a black middle class. So then when I continue saying that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, these are some of the reasons that support my conclusion.
Oh STFU. Johnson instituted cradle to grave welfare. That's what Johnson did. Never work and be poor but have every need met and suck off of taxpayers for generations. That's what LBJ did. Dork.

That's no way for men to live. Men (yes, the black ones, too) know this. It's kind of intuitive if you're a real man.

No he did not. Stupid ignorant uneducated Republicans ignore the poverty statistics of the fifties and early sixties. Of course you Confederate types have no problem with blacks being poor, since you think they're all lazy. If black people are so lazy, how did plantation owners get so wealthy off their labour?

Ignorant racist and Repubican is no way to go through life.
How many blacks would have already starved to death if not for LBJ welfare? All the lazy ones.

Idk if Canada welcomed runaway slaves, but I do know Florida did, you Canuck goober.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.
Factually speaking, Goldwater supported the propose Civil Rights Legislation of ‘57 and ‘60. Kennedy opposed Civil Rights legislation a few short years earlier in ‘57. Neither man was opposed to Civil Rights.

I do tire of whites trying to argue with me about this. There is a reason black republicans did not support the republican platform or candidate in 1964 and called both racist.

Tire yourself all you want but that does not change the fact that Goldwater opposed the legislation in ‘64 but not Civil Rights just as Kennedy did in ‘57. What is disturbing is how almost overnight many Democrats with names like Fulbright, Gore, Byrd... who spent years pushing segregation now all of the sudden embraced the Legislation and are credited for “supporting civil rights”.

Again, there is a reason blacks condemned Goldwater and the republican platform of 1964, walked put of the convention, supported Johnson and publicly declared the platform and candidate as racist.

You republicans spend a whole lot of time lying about your history. I know all about those democrats you named and Al Gore Jr was not his father. Later on Robert Byrd apologized and publicly denounced his past position. Meanwhile:

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Strom Thurmond apologized too yet that did not stop Democrats from excoriating him over the years. Byrd oversaw a group that terrorized, assaulted and killed Blacks. Thurmond was a segregationalist. Big difference. The bullshit factor is the that Blacks and Democrats stood shoulder to shoulder with Byrd not because of his apology but simply because he had a (D) at the end of his name.
Strom Thurmond stayed racist and didn't apologize until he was on his death bed. I didn't like Robert Byrd and never voted for him. Nor did most every other black person unless they lived in West Virginia. You talk about Byrd and I'm talking about your party's opposition to civil rights, affirmative action and racial equality up to right now. Look at these republicans here in this forum, so fuck that shit about Robert Byrd, you 've got people like Steve King, Kris Kobach and other white supremacists in your party today. And spare me your whining because you support trump and all his bullshit only because he has an R by his fucking name.

Republicans led the charge for Civil Rights for decades. Democrats got on board for political capital, that’s it. The Civil Rights legislation that Democrats got behind came packaged with more power to the Federal Government which is what Republicans opposed, not Civil Rights.

Democrats didn't get on board for "political capital". They got on board because Kennedy told them to. Keeping black people down and denying them economic opportunities was increasing poverty for the whole nation. Holding people back from achieving their full potential is economically destructive and just plain stupid, that once there were no legal impediments to hold black people back, they immediately started rising out of poverty.

Just look at the drop in poverty that ensued from the economic opportunities which the Democrats under Kennedy and Johnson opened up for blacks and other minorities. If just those things gave the entire country a huge economic boost and helped created today's black middle class, imagine the economic boost across all classes if the economic potential of all Americans were suddenly to be unleashed.
That is true. The republicans in their race pimping strategy fail to note that American poverty was cut in half by the Johnson War on poverty, meaning that it worked. Black poverty has remained double that of whites even with more high school and college graduates and an the development of a black middle class. So then when I continue saying that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism, these are some of the reasons that support my conclusion.
Oh STFU. Johnson instituted cradle to grave welfare. That's what Johnson did. Never work and be poor but have every need met and suck off of taxpayers for generations. That's what LBJ did. Dork.

That's no way for men to live. Men (yes, the black ones, too) know this. It's kind of intuitive if you're a real man.

No he did not. Stupid ignorant uneducated Republicans ignore the poverty statistics of the fifties and early sixties. Of course you Confederate types have no problem with blacks being poor, since you think they're all lazy. If black people are so lazy, how did plantation owners get so wealthy off their labour?

Ignorant racist and Repubican is no way to go through life.
How many blacks would have already starved to death if not for LBJ welfare? All the lazy ones.

Idk if Canada welcomed runaway slaves, but I do know Florida did, you Canuck goober.

The Johnson 200 Year Plan is what ultimately sold Democrats to at least stop lynching Blacks.

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