The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement

Racists are from both parties and racists comes in all colors. IM2 is proof of that.
IM2 is not proof of that. And the democratic party is not controlled by racists. Now when you find me instances where blacks implemented laws and policies to purposefully exclude whites from opportunity, we can talk about black racism.
BS on both counts, are not the one to judge yourself, your peers are, and they say quite different what you think of yourself.
The republican party does have racists in it, but they are not controlling the party. Only a racist would think that.
The democrat party does have racists in it, but they are not controlling the party.
My peers are not here and my peers say differently. You call me a racist for opposing white racism. You are practicing racial gaslighting. You do that because of white fragility and that gaslighting is the defensive mechanism you use. Racists do control the republican party and it is not racist to make that comment. If racists did not control your party, trump would never have been nominated. He would have been discarded right after he started. Instead he was the nominee and even as he continues exhibiting racism you guys have increased your support for him and are hoping to give him a second term. Meanwhile serious and real conservatives have left the party.

I think he would know.
You are so full of bullshit, IM2. You always broad brush everyone into compartments to fit your mantra.
You're a paranoid small individual with issues. I imagine there has always been boogeymen in your life.
You are a racist...make no mistake about that.
But, whatever get you to sleep at night, run with it, dude.

Other than name calling and lies, have you managed to refute a single thing IM2 has posted? Instead of debating the points, you lie, attack and deny the issues he raised. The Republican Party has installed a white nationalist racist as the President of the United States, and you say that racism in the Republican Party isn't a real problem.

And then, like the trained monkey you are, you fling shit at the people outside your zoo cage. Deny, deflect and attack is all the cult of Trump knows. Make every problem worse and then blame the people you're attacking for problems you're creating.

By this time next week, more than 100,000 Americans will have died because of the corona virus, and many more of the dead will be "essential workers" who drive the buses, work in the grocery stores and other "essential retail", as well as the health care workers who were exposed, without adequate protections.

The moment that it was revealed that this virus was disproportionately affecting urban blacks, I knew that Trump would begin pushing for the country to re-open. I remember a racist asshole I knew in the 1980's when AIDS was raging that he really didn't have a problem with it because "Any disease that only kills queers and Haitians can't be all bad".

Trump is pushing to re-open the economy because it's not his people who are dying.
A new black conservative movement will be useless if mainstream conservatives are unwilling to accept them.

Mainstream Conservatives are not known for their open mindedness
These black conservatives do not get the exposure by the RWM as the Candice Owens types and it is done on purpose.

View attachment 336540

The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement
January 1, 2020 by Jeff Charles

It is a new year, and a new decade. Changes are occurring in American politics. The Democratic Party is currently embroiled in a heated war between the establishment and far-left progressive factions. The Republican Party is also caught in a conflict between its own establishment and those who want to bring change.

But there is another evolution occurring, especially on the right, one that has gone largely unnoticed until now. This change is happening in the realm of the black conservative movement with a growing number of right-leaning black Americans pushing for a change in GOP and the overall conservative movement. In essence, they are a new breed of black conservatives, and if their efforts are successful, it could make an immense mark on the nation’s political landscape.

If you have read my work regarding the conservative movement’s relationship — or lack thereof — with the black community, you have seen some of the ideas we espouse. Our message differs from that of the traditional black conservative establishment in that it emphasizes a different view of, and approach to, the black community. We recognize that the messaging strategies used by the black conservative establishment, though well-intentioned, have been woefully impotent when it comes to reaching black American voters. It is time for a new approach.

So what does this look like?

It looks like conservatives talking about blacks as people deserving of dignity instead of treating them as mentally inferior. It means seeing them as fellow Americans instead of slaves on a fictional plantation. It means emphasizing truth over narrative and seeking a genuine understanding of those we wish to reach instead of relying on lazy stereotypes and meaningless platitudes. It means not being limited by the statistics the media selects for us and digging deeper to understand the true issues facing the black community. We do not obsess over racism as many do on the left, but we also do not discount its impact as many do on the right.

Instead of a conservative movement that relies on talking points and narratives lacking nuance, the new black conservative movement seeks to foster a holistic understanding of the black community. This means promoting a real understanding of the black community, its culture, and its history. Rather than holding events that are ostensibly tailored to reaching black voters, but are attended by mostly non-blacks, we wish to see the Republican Party, right-leaning media, and conservative organizations engage directly with black Americans in their communities.

We favor an approach that involves up-close conversation and discourse instead of the mindless repeating of banal platitudes about Chicago’s homicide rates from a distance. The non-establishment black conservative wants to sell the virtues of conservative policies that promote free enterprise rather than only bashing socialism.

Our focus isn’t just on Trump and the presidency; it is on winning black voters at the local and state levels, and in the legislative branch. We’re more likely to favor an organization like the Empower America Project, which is training minority and women candidates to run for office, over a group like Blexit, which has failed to reach black Americans because it still uses the traditional black conservative messaging strategy.

Now these are black conservatives I can work with or even become a part of.
Is this YOU preparing yourself for the fact that BLEXIT is real?

Speaking of trained monkeys...have you eaten your banana yet, darling?
You and your ilk create yarns, then run with them as if they are facts.
I'm not going to argue yarns.
Then you bring up the pandemic in your post? Priceless.
You don't even understand the issue with this pandemic in the US.
Take Georgia....they opened and the deaths are still declining.
Where I live there has been no deaths and 1 in 2,500 test positive. Most of those were never sick.
Should businesses remain closed? Run along and hide under your bed.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.

Republicans have not just opposed policies which help level the playing field, they are openly promoting white nationalist policies which will ensure the status quo. Stuff like reducing non-white immigration to prevent "white replacement".

I'm interested in your take on the "1619 Project", which is focusing on slavery as the "original sin" of the Republic. The pieces I've read show how systemic racism has keep black Americans from fully participating in the wealth of the nation. From the earliest time, rich plantation owners used racism to divide poor blacks and poor whites because they feared that they would be powerless if poor people banded together and joined forces. The would be able to overcome the handful of wealthy plantation owners and steal their wealth.

The wealthy elites are still using those self-same racist memes today. "Illegals from Mexico stole your jobs", was originally "Slaves from Africa stole your jobs", or something similar, was told to white indentured servants who worked off their passage to America, but expected wages once their debt was paid off. When slaves first arrived, this is the lie told to poor white sharecroppers. Today it's being told to mid-Western factory workers whose former employers decided to move manufactuing offshore. "The Chinese stole your jobs". The illegal Hispanics stole your jobs.

Three hundred years later, the same lie is being used to good effect with dumb crackers.

Show US how Legal Immigration is being manipulated to prevent or limit non-white immigration? Blacks are not participating in the wealth of this nation??? I look around and among at wealthy people and see plenty of diversity. The fact is that more people want to come to the US shows there is more opportunity to participate and EARN wealth when compared to other nations.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Here's the reality: Republicans are acting on their racism. Voter ID laws, gerrymandering, voter suppression tactics (like no polling stations in poor neighbourhoods, restricting polling hours in poor neighbourhoods), and the hundreds of myriad voter suppression techniques being used by Republicans to supress poor and minority voters. All in an effort to prevent non-whites from achieving power.

Democrats are not only not doing any of this, and they are actively working for voters' rights. They don't have to cheat to win. The numbers have been in their favour for more than 20 years, and that's why Republicans will remain the party of old white men.
Gawd Canadians are dumb.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Here's the reality: Republicans are acting on their racism. Voter ID laws, gerrymandering, voter suppression tactics (like no polling stations in poor neighbourhoods, restricting polling hours in poor neighbourhoods), and the hundreds of myriad voter suppression techniques being used by Republicans to supress poor and minority voters. All in an effort to prevent non-whites from achieving power.

Democrats are not only not doing any of this, and they are actively working for voters' rights. They don't have to cheat to win. The numbers have been in their favour for more than 20 years, and that's why Republicans will remain the party of old white men.

Gerrymandering is exclusive to Republicans? Look, I hate gerrymandering more than anyone but having watched Democrats gerrymander my vote here in Maryland and then watch Democrats cry like bitches when Republicans did it to them in Texas shows me that Democrats only hate it when it impacts them.

BTW, is this what you mean by racist, voter suppression and cheating to win?

Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.

Republicans have not just opposed policies which help level the playing field, they are openly promoting white nationalist policies which will ensure the status quo. Stuff like reducing non-white immigration to prevent "white replacement".

I'm interested in your take on the "1619 Project", which is focusing on slavery as the "original sin" of the Republic. The pieces I've read show how systemic racism has keep black Americans from fully participating in the wealth of the nation. From the earliest time, rich plantation owners used racism to divide poor blacks and poor whites because they feared that they would be powerless if poor people banded together and joined forces. The would be able to overcome the handful of wealthy plantation owners and steal their wealth.

The wealthy elites are still using those self-same racist memes today. "Illegals from Mexico stole your jobs", was originally "Slaves from Africa stole your jobs", or something similar, was told to white indentured servants who worked off their passage to America, but expected wages once their debt was paid off. When slaves first arrived, this is the lie told to poor white sharecroppers. Today it's being told to mid-Western factory workers whose former employers decided to move manufactuing offshore. "The Chinese stole your jobs". The illegal Hispanics stole your jobs.

Three hundred years later, the same lie is being used to good effect with dumb crackers.
You are right! Oprah Winfrey, is poor as shit. We whites have oppressed the shit out of her.she’s not allowed to vote. Republicans have seen to that. Dumbass.
These black conservatives do not get the exposure by the RWM as the Candice Owens types and it is done on purpose.

View attachment 336540

The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement
January 1, 2020 by Jeff Charles

It is a new year, and a new decade. Changes are occurring in American politics. The Democratic Party is currently embroiled in a heated war between the establishment and far-left progressive factions. The Republican Party is also caught in a conflict between its own establishment and those who want to bring change.

But there is another evolution occurring, especially on the right, one that has gone largely unnoticed until now. This change is happening in the realm of the black conservative movement with a growing number of right-leaning black Americans pushing for a change in GOP and the overall conservative movement. In essence, they are a new breed of black conservatives, and if their efforts are successful, it could make an immense mark on the nation’s political landscape.

If you have read my work regarding the conservative movement’s relationship — or lack thereof — with the black community, you have seen some of the ideas we espouse. Our message differs from that of the traditional black conservative establishment in that it emphasizes a different view of, and approach to, the black community. We recognize that the messaging strategies used by the black conservative establishment, though well-intentioned, have been woefully impotent when it comes to reaching black American voters. It is time for a new approach.

So what does this look like?

It looks like conservatives talking about blacks as people deserving of dignity instead of treating them as mentally inferior. It means seeing them as fellow Americans instead of slaves on a fictional plantation. It means emphasizing truth over narrative and seeking a genuine understanding of those we wish to reach instead of relying on lazy stereotypes and meaningless platitudes. It means not being limited by the statistics the media selects for us and digging deeper to understand the true issues facing the black community. We do not obsess over racism as many do on the left, but we also do not discount its impact as many do on the right.

Instead of a conservative movement that relies on talking points and narratives lacking nuance, the new black conservative movement seeks to foster a holistic understanding of the black community. This means promoting a real understanding of the black community, its culture, and its history. Rather than holding events that are ostensibly tailored to reaching black voters, but are attended by mostly non-blacks, we wish to see the Republican Party, right-leaning media, and conservative organizations engage directly with black Americans in their communities.

We favor an approach that involves up-close conversation and discourse instead of the mindless repeating of banal platitudes about Chicago’s homicide rates from a distance. The non-establishment black conservative wants to sell the virtues of conservative policies that promote free enterprise rather than only bashing socialism.

Our focus isn’t just on Trump and the presidency; it is on winning black voters at the local and state levels, and in the legislative branch. We’re more likely to favor an organization like the Empower America Project, which is training minority and women candidates to run for office, over a group like Blexit, which has failed to reach black Americans because it still uses the traditional black conservative messaging strategy.

Now these are black conservatives I can work with or even become a part of.

I didn't read a word of this propaganda piece, because I already read it loud and clear.

The party of slavery, destruction of black families through welfare and excuses, thought-control, weakness, projection and victims roles have revealed their colors. Your party can't even hide it well, contradiction and failure has become their comfort zone.

Blacks are coming to light and it's awesome.

So your story is an attempt to disrupt and make excuses for your party's demise under the worst group of members in our history.
Do ewe idiots remember Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, Allen West, and on and on and on and on? Dew ewe remember what the left called them?
I know people who are related to Alan West and they call him a sellout. Rice and Powell were sellouts and only in recent years have stood up against the racism in the republican party. You can go on and on, but the black conservatives in this article do not represent the philosophy of the black conservatives republicans have pushed out in from of the American people. Most of you in here will not like black conservatives like the ones who are part of this movement.

‘Racism in the Republican Party’. Do you think it is unique to the Republican Party and does not exist in the Democrat Party?

Look, the republican party is opposed to all policies that have allowed blacks to inch closer to equality and have done so since Goldwater opposed the civil rights act. That is the difference between the p[arties today.

Republicans have not just opposed policies which help level the playing field, they are openly promoting white nationalist policies which will ensure the status quo. Stuff like reducing non-white immigration to prevent "white replacement".

I'm interested in your take on the "1619 Project", which is focusing on slavery as the "original sin" of the Republic. The pieces I've read show how systemic racism has keep black Americans from fully participating in the wealth of the nation. From the earliest time, rich plantation owners used racism to divide poor blacks and poor whites because they feared that they would be powerless if poor people banded together and joined forces. The would be able to overcome the handful of wealthy plantation owners and steal their wealth.

The wealthy elites are still using those self-same racist memes today. "Illegals from Mexico stole your jobs", was originally "Slaves from Africa stole your jobs", or something similar, was told to white indentured servants who worked off their passage to America, but expected wages once their debt was paid off. When slaves first arrived, this is the lie told to poor white sharecroppers. Today it's being told to mid-Western factory workers whose former employers decided to move manufactuing offshore. "The Chinese stole your jobs". The illegal Hispanics stole your jobs.

Three hundred years later, the same lie is being used to good effect with dumb crackers.
You are right! Oprah Winfrey, is poor as shit. We whites have oppressed the shit out of her.she’s not allowed to vote. Republicans have seen to that. Dumbass.
So if we point to a poor black woman that will negate your sample of one?
These black conservatives do not get the exposure by the RWM as the Candice Owens types and it is done on purpose.

View attachment 336540

The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement
January 1, 2020 by Jeff Charles

It is a new year, and a new decade. Changes are occurring in American politics. The Democratic Party is currently embroiled in a heated war between the establishment and far-left progressive factions. The Republican Party is also caught in a conflict between its own establishment and those who want to bring change.

But there is another evolution occurring, especially on the right, one that has gone largely unnoticed until now. This change is happening in the realm of the black conservative movement with a growing number of right-leaning black Americans pushing for a change in GOP and the overall conservative movement. In essence, they are a new breed of black conservatives, and if their efforts are successful, it could make an immense mark on the nation’s political landscape.

If you have read my work regarding the conservative movement’s relationship — or lack thereof — with the black community, you have seen some of the ideas we espouse. Our message differs from that of the traditional black conservative establishment in that it emphasizes a different view of, and approach to, the black community. We recognize that the messaging strategies used by the black conservative establishment, though well-intentioned, have been woefully impotent when it comes to reaching black American voters. It is time for a new approach.

So what does this look like?

It looks like conservatives talking about blacks as people deserving of dignity instead of treating them as mentally inferior. It means seeing them as fellow Americans instead of slaves on a fictional plantation. It means emphasizing truth over narrative and seeking a genuine understanding of those we wish to reach instead of relying on lazy stereotypes and meaningless platitudes. It means not being limited by the statistics the media selects for us and digging deeper to understand the true issues facing the black community. We do not obsess over racism as many do on the left, but we also do not discount its impact as many do on the right.

Instead of a conservative movement that relies on talking points and narratives lacking nuance, the new black conservative movement seeks to foster a holistic understanding of the black community. This means promoting a real understanding of the black community, its culture, and its history. Rather than holding events that are ostensibly tailored to reaching black voters, but are attended by mostly non-blacks, we wish to see the Republican Party, right-leaning media, and conservative organizations engage directly with black Americans in their communities.

We favor an approach that involves up-close conversation and discourse instead of the mindless repeating of banal platitudes about Chicago’s homicide rates from a distance. The non-establishment black conservative wants to sell the virtues of conservative policies that promote free enterprise rather than only bashing socialism.

Our focus isn’t just on Trump and the presidency; it is on winning black voters at the local and state levels, and in the legislative branch. We’re more likely to favor an organization like the Empower America Project, which is training minority and women candidates to run for office, over a group like Blexit, which has failed to reach black Americans because it still uses the traditional black conservative messaging strategy.

Now these are black conservatives I can work with or even become a part of.

I didn't read a word of this propaganda piece, because I already read it loud and clear.

The party of slavery, destruction of black families through welfare and excuses, thought-control, weakness, projection and victims roles have revealed their colors. Your party can't even hide it well, contradiction and failure has become their comfort zone.

Blacks are coming to light and it's awesome.

So your story is an attempt to disrupt and make excuses for your party's demise under the worst group of members in our history.
What are Republicans offering minorities?

Vote Republican because.....
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In reading about the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, the reason that King was assassinated was because he achieved the greatest fear of Southern Whites: He united the poor people of all races in their efforts to achieve equality. He turned the discussions from "that black man is trying to take your job" to "poor people are being held down".

That's what Republicans fear most about the Democratic Party. Not that it's "communist", but that this party wants to share power among all of the people. Republicans oppose that because then the "inferiors" will take their jobs, and destroy their cities.

We see all of these posts about "Democrat controlled cities", especially those with black mayors. "Shitholes", "infested", "slums". Republicans have been multi-culturalism, and have utterly denied that both blacks and Hispanics have been around since the founding of the nation and that the USA is not and has never been a "white nation", but rather a "white controlled nation". Southern wealth was built on the backs of slaves. And whites of have controlled the country to the detriment of all racial minorities who both helped found the nation and continue to build it to this day.
These black conservatives do not get the exposure by the RWM as the Candice Owens types and it is done on purpose.

View attachment 336540

The Rise of a New Black Conservative Movement
January 1, 2020 by Jeff Charles

It is a new year, and a new decade. Changes are occurring in American politics. The Democratic Party is currently embroiled in a heated war between the establishment and far-left progressive factions. The Republican Party is also caught in a conflict between its own establishment and those who want to bring change.

But there is another evolution occurring, especially on the right, one that has gone largely unnoticed until now. This change is happening in the realm of the black conservative movement with a growing number of right-leaning black Americans pushing for a change in GOP and the overall conservative movement. In essence, they are a new breed of black conservatives, and if their efforts are successful, it could make an immense mark on the nation’s political landscape.

If you have read my work regarding the conservative movement’s relationship — or lack thereof — with the black community, you have seen some of the ideas we espouse. Our message differs from that of the traditional black conservative establishment in that it emphasizes a different view of, and approach to, the black community. We recognize that the messaging strategies used by the black conservative establishment, though well-intentioned, have been woefully impotent when it comes to reaching black American voters. It is time for a new approach.

So what does this look like?

It looks like conservatives talking about blacks as people deserving of dignity instead of treating them as mentally inferior. It means seeing them as fellow Americans instead of slaves on a fictional plantation. It means emphasizing truth over narrative and seeking a genuine understanding of those we wish to reach instead of relying on lazy stereotypes and meaningless platitudes. It means not being limited by the statistics the media selects for us and digging deeper to understand the true issues facing the black community. We do not obsess over racism as many do on the left, but we also do not discount its impact as many do on the right.

Instead of a conservative movement that relies on talking points and narratives lacking nuance, the new black conservative movement seeks to foster a holistic understanding of the black community. This means promoting a real understanding of the black community, its culture, and its history. Rather than holding events that are ostensibly tailored to reaching black voters, but are attended by mostly non-blacks, we wish to see the Republican Party, right-leaning media, and conservative organizations engage directly with black Americans in their communities.

We favor an approach that involves up-close conversation and discourse instead of the mindless repeating of banal platitudes about Chicago’s homicide rates from a distance. The non-establishment black conservative wants to sell the virtues of conservative policies that promote free enterprise rather than only bashing socialism.

Our focus isn’t just on Trump and the presidency; it is on winning black voters at the local and state levels, and in the legislative branch. We’re more likely to favor an organization like the Empower America Project, which is training minority and women candidates to run for office, over a group like Blexit, which has failed to reach black Americans because it still uses the traditional black conservative messaging strategy.

Now these are black conservatives I can work with or even become a part of.

You might be able to but the crazy far right radical extremists who are the majority of the Republican Party now since they've driven all the sane people out, will never, ever accept any compromise or any moderation.

Sure they will be nice to black conservatives to their faces but behind their backs they are the same far right radical extremists who walk around with swastikas and stupid red baseball hats made in China.
Screen Shot 2020-04-19 at 5.44.15 PM.png
Senator Tim Scott from S Carolina is one of the new black conservatives.

He calls Republicans on the hate rhetoric and pushes new conservatism

What's new conservatism?

Bankrupting and collapsing our economy in record time?

Giving huge tax breaks so that more rich and big business can not pay anything in taxes and get refunds in the millions?

Driving our allies away so we're left isolated?

Destroying non aggression treaties so more nations lead by those who hate us can develop more nukes?

Lying every time they open their mouths?

Sorry, that's today's conservatives.

While these black people aren't racists, they still advocate the most irresponsible and desructive political, economic and social policies in our nation.
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