The Rittenhouse Verdict

Of course they had a right to be there. But so did Rittenhouse.

They were not there as vigilantes and Rittenhouse’s actions were not those of a vigilante, they were the actions of a person defending himself.
Now your Gun wacko world has been supported but it is then acceptable for everyone to carry guns to force their justice on everyone else. Make this clear the heroes are the people who tried to stop this killer , not this little turd,
I think everyone should bring guns to any Right wing protest like at the capital , the right will try to bring down our democracy again to force in a piece of shit for a dictator. and that makes them traitors and traitors are killed in this country. That to me would be the most patriotic thing that great American can do. The police should have shot every one of these right wing heroes that swung a weapon at these cops.
Sure but the people that got killed by This little turd should have been carrying also. That would have stopped the killing spree real quick. Doe that work for you. The gun Bubbas world has been celebrated,

Sure but the people that got killed by This little turd should have been carrying also.

Grosskreutz was carrying illegally.
Rosenbaum was a convicted child rapist, striaght out of a mental hospital. Pretty sure
he couldn't legally carry. Pretty sure Huber couldn't legally carry either.

That would have stopped the killing spree real quick.

Spree? You're awfully emotional. Your time of the month?
It's amazing what the right wants for this country , just amazing. Now is anyone willing to argue against this simple fact , two of the people shot were trying to stop this pimple from killing more people.
It's amazing what the right wants for this country , just amazing. Now is anyone willing to argue against this simple fact , two of the people shot were trying to stop this pimple from killing more people.

Yeah, the last two people he shot were real heroes. DURR
Sure but the people that got killed by This little turd should have been carrying also.

Grosskreutz was carrying illegally.
Rosenbaum was a convicted child rapist, striaght out of a mental hospital. Pretty sure
he couldn't legally carry. Pretty sure Huber couldn't legally carry either.

That would have stopped the killing spree real quick.

Spree? You're awfully emotional. Your time of the month?
You want to see stupid "Grosskreutz was carrying illegally." so was the pimple boy."Rosenbaum was a convicted child rapist" Ya 20 years ago. Was Rosenbaum trying to rape pimple boy. Is that your point. He was a hero at this action, tried to stop pimple boy from killing others. That makes him a hero. "Pretty sure Huber couldn't legally carry either." what a hoot. Neither could pimple boy.
I accepted Biden and I can accept this
What’s the next big hub bub fake?
New toxic virus?
Property confiscation if not vaxxed?
Mandates rich must give to poor?
Sure but the people that got murdered by This little turd should have been carrying also.

One of them was carrying: Grosskreutz. You can plainly see he actually has the gun in his hand from the video stills where Rittenhouse is on the ground and Grosskreutz is hovering over him.
They could have stopped his murder spree real quick.

They should have stopped chasing and assaulting him.

In case you missed it, in the case of all three of the guys Rittenhouse shot, he was running away from them and they were pursuing him.
Your Vigilante world can be covered by a well arm militia at the capital shooting any person who tries to kill cops and bring down our democracy to force in a piece of shit for a dictator. Killing Traitors is totally acceptable in this country. Especially now that this type of gun carrying wackos is now OK.

1.) This has nothing to do with the January 6 incident.

2.) None of those involved in the Jan. 6 incident were armed anyway so this is a false comparison.

3.) It has nothing to do with Trump.

4.) Rittenhouse’s actions were self defense, not vigilantism.
That would be correct, tell me any other charge or point that was brought up that would take away their heroic act of trying to stop pimple boy from killing others.
This would have all been resolved if Grosskreutz would have just shot pimple face instead of trying to disarm him . It is a shame because he could have stopped two of the shootings.
You want to see stupid "Grosskreutz was carrying illegally." so was the pimple boy."Rosenbaum was a convicted child rapist" Ya 20 years ago. Was Rosenbaum trying to rape pimple boy. Is that your point. He was a hero at this action, tried to stop pimple boy from killing others. That makes him a hero. "Pretty sure Huber couldn't legally carry either." what a hoot. Neither could pimple boy.

"Rosenbaum was a convicted child rapist" Ya 20 years ago.

Oh, so that means he's allowed to assault Rittenhouse? Because it was so long ago?

Was Rosenbaum trying to rape pimple boy.

Trying to kill him.

Is that your point. He was a hero at this action,

My point is only stupid twats are sad the child rapist was killed.

"Pretty sure Huber couldn't legally carry either." what a hoot. Neither could pimple boy.

Apparently Rittenhouse could legally open carry a long rifle.
One of them was carrying: Grosskreutz. You can plainly see he actually has the gun in his hand from the video stills where Rittenhouse is on the ground and Grosskreutz is hovering over him.

They should have stopped chasing and assaulting him.

In case you missed it, in the case of all three of the guys Rittenhouse shot, he was running away from them and they were pursuing him.

1.) This has nothing to do with the January 6 incident.

2.) None of those involved in the Jan. 6 incident were armed anyway so this is a false comparison.

3.) It has nothing to do with Trump.

4.) Rittenhouse’s actions were self defense, not vigilantism.
He had just killed someone , the two that went after him tried to stop pimple boy from killing more people. You can't argue that. Won't wash in my world. They should have stopped going after this killer why?
"Rosenbaum was a convicted child rapist" Ya 20 years ago.

Oh, so that means he's allowed to assault Rittenhouse? Because it was so long ago?

Was Rosenbaum trying to rape pimple boy.

Trying to kill him.

Is that your point. He was a hero at this action,

My point is only stupid twats are sad the child rapist was killed.

"Pretty sure Huber couldn't legally carry either." what a hoot. Neither could pimple boy.

Apparently Rittenhouse could legally open carry a long rifle.
You have the convenience to believe that now because of the verdict. Congratulations. You're just as big a political hack as any of the low IQ magaturds on this board. We see the bias a mile away, Magamod.
Obviously you haven’t been paying attention. Most of us have ALWAYS believed Rittenhouse was innocent of the now officially bullshit charges. Video evidence as well as the prosecution’s star witness ADMITTING he pulled a gun on Rittenhouse. Seems the low IQ one here is YOU for still pushing the bullshit. Cry harder.
Fine then all the people pimple face killed should have been carrying long rifles. By the way no he couldn't carry a long rifle. Making shit up aren't you? Two of them were heroes , no getting around it ,they tried to stop pimple face from killing more people.

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