The Russian/Trump collusion story is a hoax and the libs all left


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Where did you all go?.....oh well it was fun while it lasted.
Quick google to see if your right:
Sally Yates says the US needs more than a special counsel to fully probe the Trump-Russia affair
Trump Rethinks ‘Attack the Lead Investigator’ Approach to Russia Probe
Can Congress access evidence uncovered by the special counsel?
lots more, I'm sure they are not your favorite news sources, but if you read through everything you might find some information. I read through the republican boards, tnd, neo librals, etc. :) without calling people flaming balls of destructive vibes.
Where did you all go?.....oh well it was fun while it lasted.
So let me get this straight. This Op is celebrating that nothing new broke for 15 days and now tries to make it that people have given up. It's an ongoing.. as in still continuing investigation. Nobody has cleared Trump or his staff on anything. The news cycles just haven't been dominated by it. The fact that the president of the united states has a couple of days where nothing earth shattering breaks on a case that if true constitutes high treason can hardly be called a success. Btw just a few days ago. Manafort finally got around to retroactively list himself as a foreign agent, as in working for a pro-Russian Ukrainian party. The fact that something like that isn't worthy anymore of decent coverage says everything we need to know on what we call shocking anymore.Manafort registers as foreign agent
Where did you all go?.....oh well it was fun while it lasted.
So let me get this straight. This Op is celebrating that nothing new broke for 15 days and now tries to make it that people have given up. It's an ongoing.. as in still continuing investigation. Nobody has cleared Trump or his staff on anything. The news cycles just haven't been dominated by it. The fact that the president of the united states has a couple of days where nothing earth shattering breaks on a case that if true constitutes high treason can hardly be called a success. Btw just a few days ago. Manafort finally got around to retroactively list himself as a foreign agent, as in working for a pro-Russian Ukrainian party. The fact that something like that isn't worthy anymore of decent coverage says everything we need to know on what we call shocking anymore.Manafort registers as foreign agent
It's all a hoax, it's all a swamp get Trump hoax and it's falling apart. Manafort? he was a member of the Trump team for 3 weeks! Give it a rest already. How many liberal news agencies do you want to see destroyed by this hoax? CNN is only the first to die.
Where did you all go?.....oh well it was fun while it lasted.
So let me get this straight. This Op is celebrating that nothing new broke for 15 days and now tries to make it that people have given up. It's an ongoing.. as in still continuing investigation. Nobody has cleared Trump or his staff on anything. The news cycles just haven't been dominated by it. The fact that the president of the united states has a couple of days where nothing earth shattering breaks on a case that if true constitutes high treason can hardly be called a success. Btw just a few days ago. Manafort finally got around to retroactively list himself as a foreign agent, as in working for a pro-Russian Ukrainian party. The fact that something like that isn't worthy anymore of decent coverage says everything we need to know on what we call shocking anymore.Manafort registers as foreign agent
It's all a hoax, it's all a swamp get Trump hoax and it's falling apart. Manafort? he was a member of the Trump team for 3 weeks! Give it a rest already. How many liberal news agencies do you want to see destroyed by this hoax? CNN is only the first to die.
He was not a campaign MEMBER, he was the campaign MANAGER. Neither is he the only one implicated. The fact of the matter is that Trump is personally under investigation. People already have to resign over Russian connection. Russian interference is not denied during the elections. Trump has given the Russians intel already. Pissing of the most effective intelligence agency in the Middle East in the process. And so on and so forth. The fact that you call it a hoax while at the same time trying to minimise the roll of Manafort says to me you don't really believe what you say yourself.
Seriously though, the Russian thing was crap from day one, and they took that football-shaped turd, ran the wrong way 100 yards on the field, exited the stadium, ran through uptown, ran through downtown, ran through the ghetto, ran through suburbia, and now they're at the coast heading for the shark-infested water!

The story is dead FORKUP! you will soon hear democrats call for an end to the investigation because it is pulling them into it. I don't know how many people has to say Trump is not under investigation before it will sink into your brain.
He was not a campaign MEMBER, he was the campaign MANAGER. Neither is he the only one implicated
A manager For 3 weeks, just who else is implicated?
Flynn, Carter Page. Roger Stone, Kushner, Sessions had to recuse himself because he didn't disclose contacts when he was vetted. Does this prove anything? Maybe not, but there's more than enough to investigate. Especially because like I said the act of the Russians meddling with the elections is not seriously disputed and Trump either doesn't care enough to distance himself from them. In which case I find a president not caring when a foreign power meddles in the election pretty puzzling. Or he really is in bed with them for other reasons, in which case, a case for high treason can be made. Either way a hoax it is not.
What the whole fake news Russia thing seems to have been was an unconstitional means by which Butthurt Obama, Crooked Hillary, and the Swamp could wire tap The Donald and leak fake news to the fake news MSM.
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Where did you all go?.....oh well it was fun while it lasted.
So let me get this straight. This Op is celebrating that nothing new broke for 15 days and now tries to make it that people have given up. It's an ongoing.. as in still continuing investigation. Nobody has cleared Trump or his staff on anything. The news cycles just haven't been dominated by it. The fact that the president of the united states has a couple of days where nothing earth shattering breaks on a case that if true constitutes high treason can hardly be called a success. Btw just a few days ago. Manafort finally got around to retroactively list himself as a foreign agent, as in working for a pro-Russian Ukrainian party. The fact that something like that isn't worthy anymore of decent coverage says everything we need to know on what we call shocking anymore.Manafort registers as foreign agent
It's all a hoax, it's all a swamp get Trump hoax and it's falling apart. Manafort? he was a member of the Trump team for 3 weeks! Give it a rest already. How many liberal news agencies do you want to see destroyed by this hoax? CNN is only the first to die.
He was not a campaign MEMBER, he was the campaign MANAGER. Neither is he the only one implicated. The fact of the matter is that Trump is personally under investigation. People already have to resign over Russian connection. Russian interference is not denied during the elections. Trump has given the Russians intel already. Pissing of the most effective intelligence agency in the Middle East in the process. And so on and so forth. The fact that you call it a hoax while at the same time trying to minimise the roll of Manafort says to me you don't really believe what you say yourself.


Bro, if there was anything to use on Trump before the election, they would have used it to tank his campaign.

They have nothing!

Donald Trump not personally under investigation, top senators say

As for obstruction for firing Comey? Pfft, that's a joke, too.

“The president is not and has not been under investigation for obstruction,” attorney Jay Sekulow said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” He made similar comments in three other TV appearances on Sunday.

Trump Not Under Investigation for Obstruction, Lawyer Says

What's happening is these people are making themselves look silly. The

investigation has already landed a leaker

in jail.

I hope it keeps going and nabs all the corruption, I don't care. :)

I have a feeling it may lead to some impeachment proceedings in the end.

Obama's impeachment.
Flynn, Carter Page. Roger Stone, Kushner, Sessions
All 100% innocent of colluding with the Russians and none of them are being investigated for colluding.
You nor I have any idea who or what exactly Mueller is investigating. What we hear is tidbits. And you didn't bother trying to argue the second part of my post. I'll try again.
Especially because like I said the act of the Russians meddling with the elections is not seriously disputed and Trump either doesn't care enough to distance himself from them. In which case I find a president not caring when a foreign power meddles in the election pretty puzzling. Or he really is in bed with them for other reasons, in which case, a case for high treason can be made. Either way a hoax it is not.
So tell me why someone who is being suspected of being in bed with the Russians doesn't distance himself. If there really isn't anything going on why not condemn them?
You nor I have any idea who what exactly Mueller is investigating. What we hear is tidbits. And you didn't bother trying to argue the second part of my post. I'll try again.
Wrong I do know exactly what Mueller is doing and if he is not careful he could unintentionally expose the whole deep state top to bottom and exonerate Trump completely.
You nor I have any idea who what exactly Mueller is investigating. What we hear is tidbits. And you didn't bother trying to argue the second part of my post. I'll try again.
Wrong I do know exactly what Mueller is doing and if he is not careful he could unintentionally expose the whole deep state top to bottom and exonerate Trump completely.
Really. How did you come by this information? Lol lets try this. I asked you a very straightforward question, so answer it please.

So tell me why someone who is being suspected of being in bed with the Russians doesn't distance himself. If there really isn't anything going on why not condemn them? Third time's a charm.
Really. How did you come by this information? Lol lets try this. I asked you a very straightforward question, so answer it please.

So tell me why someone who is being suspected of being in bed with the Russians doesn't distance himself. If there really isn't anything going on why not condemn them? Third time's a charm.
FORKUP! condemn them for what? Having foreign connections is not a crime in America. Even if and it's a huge if, Trump himself told Putin to dig for dirt on Hillary it would not be a crime. It would look bad politically but there is no law forbidding it. So what is being investigated? Answer; Trump winning is being investigated. I call that a witch hunt; and FORKUP?, I'm sorry to tell you it's over. Mueller knows it and will find a way out of it that doesn't piss everyone off too badly.
russia, russia never happened, it's a hoax. say it with me now It was a hoax.
He was not a campaign MEMBER, he was the campaign MANAGER. Neither is he the only one implicated
A manager For 3 weeks, just who else is implicated?
Flynn, Carter Page. Roger Stone, Kushner, Sessions had to recuse himself because he didn't disclose contacts when he was vetted. Does this prove anything? Maybe not, but there's more than enough to investigate. Especially because like I said the act of the Russians meddling with the elections is not seriously disputed and Trump either doesn't care enough to distance himself from them. In which case I find a president not caring when a foreign power meddles in the election pretty puzzling. Or he really is in bed with them for other reasons, in which case, a case for high treason can be made. Either way a hoax it is not.
like what exactly? how about investigate the DNC server. no one has yet. let's really see what's in it.
Really. How did you come by this information? Lol lets try this. I asked you a very straightforward question, so answer it please.

So tell me why someone who is being suspected of being in bed with the Russians doesn't distance himself. If there really isn't anything going on why not condemn them? Third time's a charm.
FORKUP! condemn them for what? Having foreign connections is not a crime in America. Even if and it's a huge if, Trump himself told Putin to dig for dirt on Hillary it would not be a crime. It would look bad politically but there is no law forbidding it. So what is being investigated? Answer; Trump winning is being investigated. I call that a witch hunt; and FORKUP?, I'm sorry to tell you it's over. Mueller knows it and will find a way out of it that doesn't piss everyone off too badly.
Skillful evasion but not the answer to my question. I didn't ask if what Russia did was legal, although hacking email accounts certainly isn't. They call it cyber CRIME. I asked why not distance himself? It would at least make the link between Trump and Russia less immediate. He isn't. In fact he was willing to screw Israel in favour of the Russians.

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