The Sad Misguided Life of George Carlin. He was NOT a genius, and NOT a hero.

You want bullshit? Go to Fox noise or simply ask Trump. They'll take care of all of your bullshit needs and then some.
You want bullshit? Go to CNN. MSNBC, ABC, NBC, any politician on the face of the earth.
Your insistence that Trump is evil incarnate is a sure sign of the mental illness that you admit you suffer from.

^Groucho goofing around with George and waving "Hi" to Mashmont and Indeependent.
You want bullshit? Go to CNN. MSNBC, ABC, NBC, any politician on the face of the earth.
Your insistence that Trump is evil incarnate is a sure sign of the mental illness that you admit you suffer from.
And your denial of Trump's madness makes you the farthest thing from someone who is qualified to judge mental fitness. Person, Man, Woman, Camera, TV! Pure genius! LOL
And your denial of Trump's madness makes you the farthest thing from someone who is qualified to judge mental fitness. Person, Man, Woman, Camera, TV! Pure genius! LOL
What madness?
He was pissed off at 30+ years of US citizens being replaced in the workplace by non-US citizens.
Perhaps your trespasser girlfriend needs to go back home.
What madness?
He was pissed off at 30+ years of US citizens being replaced in the workplace by non-US citizens.
Perhaps your trespasser girlfriend needs to go back home.
What madness? See now, this is just another example of voluntary blindness. That's why these kinds of arguments won't be settled until all is known and until your indoctrination lifts enough for you to see things as they are and not just after they've been spun, explained away or mis-interpreted by Fox and other purely propaganda based oulets. But I'm confident that history will tell the whole story in the end. And I don't think you Trump cult members are going to like what history reveals. But you can always revert back to what you've been taught by your Orange God. Black is white, lies are truth, don't believe your lying eyes and ears when we can give you an alternate truth that you can try to live with. That's what Trumpism has shown us all, no matter how obvious or how egregious the conduct, Trumpism can provide you a measure of plausible deniability that you can convince yourself is truth. You've shown us all that you are weak enough of character and cowardly enough to settle for those fairy tale justifications.
What madness? See now, this is just another example of voluntary blindness. That's why these kinds of arguments won't be settled until all is known and until your indoctrination lifts enough for you to see things as they are and not just after they've been spun, explained away or mis-interpreted by Fox and other purely propaganda based oulets. But I'm confident that history will tell the whole story in the end. And I don't think you Trump cult members are going to like what history reveals. But you can always revert back to what you've been taught by your Orange God. Black is white, lies are truth, don't believe your lying eyes and ears when we can give you an alternate truth that you can try to live with. That's what Trumpism has shown us all, no matter how obvious or how egregious the conduct, Trumpism can provide you a measure of plausible deniability that you can convince yourself is truth. You've shown us all that you are weak enough of character and cowardly enough to settle for those fairy tale justifications.
Supply the names of any politicians that want US citizens to be employed...I'll wait.
Thanks for letting us know you don’t know Trump’s Platform.
He never had a platform. He's not capable of formulating one. I'd be surprised if he knows how to wipe his ass. "Nobody knew that healthcare could be this complicated!" LOL Fuckin' imbecile.
He never had a platform. He's not capable of formulating one. I'd be surprised if he knows how to wipe his ass. "Nobody knew that healthcare could be this complicated!" LOL Fuckin' imbecile.
Trump’s platform resulted in the lowest Black unemployment numbers in history proving you’re a mentally ill liar.
He never had a platform. He's not capable of formulating one. I'd be surprised if he knows how to wipe his ass. "Nobody knew that healthcare could be this complicated!" LOL Fuckin' imbecile.
These atheist guys sure are angry all the time. Might there be a cause and effect?
These atheist guys sure are angry all the time. Might there be a cause and effect?
We aim our hate where it belongs, at the traitorous monster trying to destroy democracy while all of you Ghost whisperers are too busy trashing a stand-up comedian to notice. There's your cause and effect for ya. The cause is because you are all to dim to recognize real existential threats and the effect is a divided country, with all the racist tensions of the sixties alive and well again and the IQ of America dropping to single digits.

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