The Sad Misguided Life of George Carlin. He was NOT a genius, and NOT a hero.

He made a lot of people's lives worse by influencing them accept his view of evil. Look at all the people in this very forum who are still corrupted by this guy.
What evil? Why can you never answer specific questions, but you can always be the chief of the Inquisition!
What evil? Why can you never answer specific questions, but you can always be the chief of the Inquisition!
Carlin's evil was in pushing abortion and atheism, and influencing weak gullible people to buy it. Let's face it. Most atheists weren't brought up all that great. They were in a weakened state to begin with.
Judging their bad actions. And now you're on iggy. It works a lot better than way.
So that's three on iggy now. And remember. If you take one last shot, it will show how weak you are. Let's watch you prove my point.
Hypocrite hurts too much? That's what you are. A few minutes before they died, they both could have asked Jesus Christ for forgiveness and salvation of their souls. That's what is great about Christianity. They could both be in heaven right now laughing their ass off at you for sinning and condemning yourself to hell!
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I can judge bad actions. Anyone can and should. It's how we make society better.
Answer the question. What have you done in your life to make you feel like the arbiter of morality? I think your whole argument of why Carlin is evil is because he's an atheist. I'm also an atheist. So am I automatically evil? I could argue that all of you god people are hypocrites and are indoctrinated to believe in the nonsense in the bible. Is the Catholic church evil for what pedophile priests did to kids? Or is that okay because god forgives and absolves them of any punishment for their atrocities? What has Carlin done that even begins to measure up to the actions of the Church? Or are you gonna ignore the me and my questions because you have no explanations to offer? Just curious.
Answer the question. What have you done in your life to make you feel like the arbiter of morality? I think your whole argument of why Carlin is evil is because he's an atheist. I'm also an atheist. So am I automatically evil? I could argue that all of you god people are hypocrites and are indoctrinated to believe in the nonsense in the bible. Is the Catholic church evil for what pedophile priests did to kids? Or is that okay because god forgives and absolves them of any punishment for their atrocities? What has Carlin done that even begins to measure up to the actions of the Church? Or are you gonna ignore the me and my questions because you have no explanations to offer? Just curious.
It's not a matter of me saying I'm the arbiter of morality; it is the well-defined teachings of Christianity that says pushing of atheism and abortion and drug use which Carlin has done, are evil. Atheism is intrinsically evil, but I withhold judgment on people committing evil, because I don't know what is in their hearts, or if they're even sane. The Catholic Church i.e. Jesus Christ never advocated or taught that pedophilia was OK, so your complaint is with those who acted decidedly AGAINST Catholic teaching. It should also be noted teachers in atheist public schools have sexually abused far more children than Catholic priests ever have. So if you are consistent, you would abandon irreligion because the vast majority of sex abusers are irreligious as defined by not attending church. Catholic teaching is perfect. What Carlin teaches is vile. So there you are. All your questions answered. Yet, I somehow know it won't be enough, because I doubt you're interested in answers.
It's not a matter of me saying I'm the arbiter of morality; it is the well-defined teachings of Christianity that says pushing of atheism and abortion and drug use which Carlin has done, are evil. Atheism is intrinsically evil, but I withhold judgment on people committing evil, because I don't know what is in their hearts, or if they're even sane. The Catholic Church i.e. Jesus Christ never advocated or taught that pedophilia was OK, so your complaint is with those who acted decidedly AGAINST Catholic teaching. It should also be noted teachers in atheist public schools have sexually abused far more children than Catholic priests ever have. So if you are consistent, you would abandon irreligion because the vast majority of sex abusers are irreligious as defined by not attending church. Catholic teaching is perfect. What Carlin teaches is vile. So there you are. All your questions answered. Yet, I somehow know it won't be enough, because I doubt you're interested in answers.
You are a hypocrite!
Would you hire a drunk living over a grate downtown to be your life coach? Absurd notion, isn’t it?

Well, if you read the comments of thousands of his fans on George Carlin’s online videos, people appear willing to do just that. His most popular appearance videos; the one against religion and the one pushing abortion drew heaping praise from hundreds of troubled commenters

Carlin is a big hit with the atheists due to his smug profane stand up routine against religion. They praise his life “wisdom” and “intelligence”. It's reminiscent of the bad kids in elementary school who seemed popular, the ones with the ugly sophistication who knew more about sex than they should have.

His other big routine was the one pushing abortion from his album “Back in Town”. It was pure evil venom. That routine was where the left got most of its now-trite talking points on abortion:

  • pro-life women are too ugly to have sex with
  • anti-abortion people are not pro-life; they’re pro-birth because they won’t make kids wards of the state.
  • Pro-life people kill abortion doctors
  • Pro-life people are hate women.
All these talking points came from Carlin in 1996. Prior to that, you never heard them. So much for leftwingers’ originality.

Early in his career, Carlin went for clean comedy. But then he made a pact with Satan, and started on the dark but lucrative road of going after filth and the seamy side of humanity. He made millions from the emotionally troubled people who reveled in his snark against everything decent. Sort of the way Hugh Hefner made millions from leading men to hell through porn. Or the way heavy-metal bands led unstable youth to drug use. Carlin found victims and exploited them for fame and fortune. The easiest money you can make.

The fact is, Carlin’s life was a trainwreck, starting from an early age. He abandoned the Catholic religion he was brought up in, and his life spun out of control. He was a troublemaker in school, having been expelled at age 15, and then court-martialed three times in his time in the Air Force.

He spent most of his adult life addicted to drugs and alcohol. At age 67, a time when most people have things figured out, Carlin had to go to a rehab center for the umpteenth time. His substance abuse exacerbated his health. He’d had three heart attacks before the one that killed him at the age of 71.

Ironically, the atheist left celebrates the worst people, and tries to destroy the great people. Carlin is treated as a folk hero by the left. He wasn't a hero. He was a sad sick misguided man who damaged his own child’s upbringing. He was a leading force in the degradation of society from the 1970s on, pushing indecency and filth. He wasn’t brilliant. He didn’t give sound advice. His schtick just appealed to weak people. Hopefully Carlin repented on his deathbed and saved his soul. Though we cannot really know the state of his mind nor the effects of events on his sanity, one might imagine he had much to answer for upon his death. But let it be a cautionary tale for the living. Care what happens to other people.

Why are you on a mission to trash Carlin?
Why are you on a mission to trash Carlin?
Because Carlin is pushing vile atheism and is a horrible example for weak gullible impressionable people. Even to this day. He needs to be discredited. He was a junkie and alkie. People need to know that about him.

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