The Sad Misguided Life of George Carlin. He was NOT a genius, and NOT a hero.

You have no idea, but I'll leave it at that old man. And now I'm going to withdraw from this conversation before I revert to my old ways of handling disagreements.
No! Don't do that! I'd love to see the way you used to run and cry.
OMG, what have you done? This simply doesn't happen. It's unethical!

How dare you frighten that young buck away from his own thread like that. You just had to go ahead and disagree with him, right? Kids are sensitive these days. Don't you know they have to be treated with kid gloves? C'mon, tell him you're sorry. It's all been a giant misunderstanding. You didn't mean it. Ask him to forgive you. You actually love Trump. You hate Carlin. You pray daily and attend Catholic church biweekly. No, weekly.. Quick,.. do something!:omg:
OMG, what have you done? This simply doesn't happen. It's unethical! Said Grumblenuts, my guardian.

How dare you frighten that young buck away from his own thread like that. You just had to go ahead and disagree with him, right? Kids are sensitive these days. Don't you know they have to be treated with kid gloves? C'mon, tell him you're sorry. It's all been a giant misunderstanding. You didn't mean it. Ask him to forgive you. You actually love Trump. You hate Carlin. You pray daily and attend Catholic church biweekly. No, weekly.. Quick,.. do something!:omg:

Alright Mashmouth. I beg your forgiveness and you being so godlike, pure and righteous, I'm confident that you will accept my apology in the spirit it is given. How can I even begin to hope that you will show me the way, the light and the life? I'm obviously not worthy of you but maybe I can make it up to you in the following ways. First, I promise to trash the names of any dead comedians who ever told the truth or used poopy language. Sorry, I meant stinky language and will smooch the hind end of pastor Donny until my lips are as orange as the face that we so love. Second, I will attend church services every hour on the hour and take the sacrament each time even if I have to bake the bread myself. Third, I will promise that I will never watch any movie with girls and boys behaving badly by showing their private parts or underwear. Fourth, I will bathe every hour on the half hour between church visits and I will anoint myself with holy water and cut off my dingaling so as to not have dirty thoughts about Pamela Anderson. And finally, I will save all of my coins in a giant jar until I can buy you a private jet so that you can spread the good word across the entire globe and find new funny guys to make fun of while you exorcise their evil demons that make them so blasphemous and silly at the same time and drive a wooden stake into their filthy diseased hearts. I'm confident that these concessions will please you and will fill your soul with the ecstasy you so deserve. Try not to cum though because that's just plain icky! I do these things in honor of you at the behest of Grumblenuts who shall become my mentor for all of the remaining days of my miserable life and lead me on the path to redemption. How's that for sucking up G-man?
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His daughter knows less than you about the real persona? Arrogance, much?
Oh, pardon me for intruding my sentiments, Miss Carlin. I am still very sorry at hearing of your dad's passing. He is remembered many different ways by many different people.
OMG, what have you done? This simply doesn't happen. It's unethical!

How dare you frighten that young buck away from his own thread like that. You just had to go ahead and disagree with him, right? Kids are sensitive these days. Don't you know they have to be treated with kid gloves? C'mon, tell him you're sorry. It's all been a giant misunderstanding. You didn't mean it. Ask him to forgive you. You actually love Trump. You hate Carlin. You pray daily and attend Catholic church biweekly. No, weekly.. Quick,.. do something!:omg:
This dead druggie failure of a person Carlin apparently has lots of acolytes. Mashie hit a nerve.
WTF does that mean? Let me ask you something. Do you just hate for hating's sake? The man is dead. Stop pissing on his memory and get a life of your own.
Yeah, except one of the chatters in here have this drugged-up failure as their avatar. That shows it's an ongoing problem that needs to be addressed.
Yeah, except one of the chatters in here have this drugged-up failure as their avatar. That shows it's an ongoing problem that needs to be addressed.
And you don't like that why?? Does it bother you that he has an opinion that conflicts with yours? What have you done in your life that gives you the moral superiority to judge others?
Yeah, he made a whole lot of lives just a little bit better. Whatever personal demons he may or may not have had doesn't wipe out his genius as a performer. I think Mashie's problem is all about George's views on religion. Must be great to be perfect.
He made a lot of people's lives worse by influencing them accept his view of evil. Look at all the people in this very forum who are still corrupted by this guy.
And you don't like that why?? Does it bother you that he has an opinion that conflicts with yours? What have you done in your life that gives you the moral superiority to judge others?
I can judge bad actions. Anyone can and should. It's how we make society better.

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